ileal Op ee ee NE gM ag! Snipe gow enw, Win Ce Ae ee ee ee ee Oe ee Oe Oe Oe ee eS Se ee ee ee ee ee ee ee eee ee ee eee ee eee ee eee ee LARGEST omer” preter AND NORTHERN al 1 ive t eritidy coLumBIA THE DAILY NEWS GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: if Supt. Duncan could only con= nect up the voitage from all the soap box electricians we have now we would not need any hydro QUICKSANDS MAY DELAY COMPLETION RAILWAY OVER TWO HUNDRED SIERRA LEONE NATIVES DROWNED---REBELS RAID BRITISH CONSULATE QUICKSANDS ARE MET WITH IN TUNNEL SECTION OF RAILROAD WORD COMES FROM EDMONTON THAT THIS UNFORTU- NATE CIRCUMSTANCE MAY DELAY COMPLETION OF ROAD FOR SEVERAL MONTHS. BRITISH VICE CONSULATE. AT CHIHUAHUA FORCED BY REREIS VIOLENTLY CARRIED AWAY TO JAIL SON OF WEALTHY MEXICAN TAKING REFUGE THERE—HUERTA TAK- ING CONDITIONS COOLLY. Special to The Daily News) Juarez, Dee. 12.—Americans who arrived here last night from Chihuahua report that the danger of falling into rebel hands did not appear to disturb Provisional President Huerta rebels since their occupation of yesterday, for he attended a the city have entered the British| banquet given in his honor in yice consulate foreibly, seized|a neighboring suburb to cele- Luis Terrazas, the son of a|brate the inauguration of an in- wealthy landowner, and after/terurban railway. Yet Tampico dragging him through thelis the strongest fortress in streets threw him into jail. Southern Mexico and is the only obstruction to the triumphal Mexico City, Dee. 12.—The}march of the rebels upon the knowledge that Tampico is injcapital city. CAMPP’S MEETING TO TENDER NOMINATION TOS. M. NEWTON DISCUSSED POWER QUESTION BUT DID NOT MAKE VERY MUCH HEADWAY—NO ALDERMEN NOMINATED. Giampp’s public meeting for » nomination of aldermen and of the hydro- scheme drew sixty-five persons, including members of the press to the Swedish church jast evening. The meeting divided its hon- rs between H. Gampp,. Neil McKay, Hamilton Douglas and 8. M. Newton. The first named was appointed permanent chair man, the secand secretary, Mr. had previously made better of- fers to the city. He thought the council which will be elected next year will be able to handle the power problem all right. The inflation of the ex-alder- man’s chest when he made the latter remark was impercept- able. Mr. Arthur if discussion Cuthbert bent himself into an interrogation mark and asked ex-Alderman Douglas a number of questions Douglas got the treasurership}which the latter gentleman ind S. M. Newton is to have a/found annoying because he committee call upan him and|could not make out whether he offer him the nomination for|was being ‘‘kidded”’ by a friend the mayoralty. ,or worried by a foe. The meeting was pretty slow Mr. Cuthbert then asked it the start and the Chairman|himself a number of questions resol to the subterfuge of|which he answered promptly ng to get a member of theland pleasantly. The effect was all that could be desired. H, Douglas finally got on his Later on Mr. Cuthbert put Mr to an invita-|Agnew through a catechism on d said he was against the} bonds and capital and profits in io start something. response electric agreement, al-jelectric power. though he had = no reason to Still later the same gentle- give On being questioned by}man summed up everything; some of the others he warmed bit and said the company Ip a Continued on Page 3) advt, THE Prince Rupert Hydro- Electric Co. PROPOSED RATES Comparison in Kilowalt Hours and Horse Power Years month 500 (1) When the maximum demand for the is horse power or less. Load factor Total charge per k.w. hr. Total charge per. h.p. year 40 per Cont... ode ce es BEBIM creer ew eres 1.96 cts. 50 DOO SONS aiid ese 2 0 a8 63:08 560 Fe65 coe been? Ob (2) When the maximum demand for the month exceeds 500 horse power and is less than 1,000 horse power, 40, DOP KrOeme a i id os SORE... tee eras 1.46 cts, 60: DeRORne ar es vie sieces BUBB te thee 1.37 cts (3) When the maximum demand for the month exceeds 1,000 horse power and is less than 1,500 horse power 40 per cent... $30.24 1.31 cts. 50. Den CBOs 6854405 c0 en 28.11 1,22 cts, (4) When the maximum demand for the month exceeds 1,500 horse power and is less than 2,000 horse power, 40 per GOB oss anes SE6:;79. cokes) Eee 1.16 cts. 50 pelseante ho aj saws 04.66 5 84 os 0 a 1.07 cts. (5) When the maximum demand for the month exceeds 2,000 horse power and is ‘ess than 2,500 horse power 40 per Cent, occ c cc cee BBO OE ces cine eee enne 1.15 cts. 50 per cent........62++ QB.BL cer seee ee eeey 1.02 ets. (6) When the maximum demand for the month exceeds 2,500 horse power 40 per: cent, i...04% 4-3 099230 | os ido Bake ad 0.96 cts. £0 ‘pernent. 3.454464 5 56.088). eee vaeeae 0.87 cts, NOTR 1 cent per kilowatt hour Isequal to $23.00 per horse power year (Hydro-Electric Power Commission of the Province of On- ‘ario 1909 Report, page 127). Peres, IRELAND MAY YET SEE A CIVIL WAR Bonar Law Repeats His Predic- tion Unless Evils Ulster Dreads Are Avoided. ‘ Special to The Daily News Carnarvon, Wales, Dec. 12.— Andrew Bonar Law, in speak- ing last night, his prediction that the imposi- tion of home rule Ulster would result in civil war. “If the government has any pro- posal to make which holds out even a prospect of avoiding the here repeated upon evils we dread, we shall con- sider it without any regard to party « sage or disadvantage, but with a sole regard to the welfare of the nation,” he said. BENSON NOT GUILTY Murder Case Now on Trial— Grand Jury Makes Present- ment. The sitting of the assizes court was continued yesterday afternoon with the case of Rex vs. Benson. The evidence of the crown was to the effect that the ac- cused had been employed by the plaintiff in repairing a scow and was paid 70e an hour with ma- teriais supplied. More material ordered than was required Was ind this was stored away in several plac ag. Under eross examination it came out that a good deal of personal animus had been developed be- tween the parties. ‘e of the accused that these building ma- terials were stored away in those several places for safe keeping and that the plaintiff had been .ormed thereof. The. com- plaint was laid a long time af- was ter the affair took place and then as a result of malice. The jury found the accused not guilty. At the assizes this morning the grand jury brought in their list of Ref- erence was made to the iack of playgrounds at the public schools and the need of more accommodations for outhouses, The hospital was reported to be in a first class condition, but it was urged that an X-ray in- strument be installed for gen- eral use. The city gaol had been visited recommendations, and conditions found satisfac- tory.