THE DAILY NEWS Friday, December 12, 1913 : — —— = — === LIN ey v. ! THE WEATHER. UC YC ay , VE WF, Ryd ZO A/ — &%y AY v Nl eorrre eae CAS CON ao Cae rato WEIS) {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. rarihe by FW. Doin eS AN XMAS ® Opportunity %& For one week only Commencing SATURDAY, DEC. 13th we will offer as a Holiday special our stock oN of MEN’S and BOY’S Suits and Overcoats 25 per cent. off = This stock consists of a large variety in Men’s Tweed and Worsted Suits; Tweed Melton and Churchill Overcoats in the very {S34 ) gs, 3 g NS. latest shades and styles. Our Boys’ suit ‘ 2 oN and Overcoat department is complete and es * the largest in the city. Beone of the first Rey Xe on Saturday and get the big selection av e S Acme Clothing House Second Avenue m. @ Do OFIY wos aArs, re IS x wane COTES ACSC RH CS eennnnnninennt tenn cnn nennrs DEMER’S DEMER’S rei , x We have an inviting collection of useful gifts gathered from the leading style centres of and Canada. Everything in ladies’ Ready-to-Wear and Novelties peed DE ik AKER AAKRRRARAEE Europe atk It is the useful gift that gives the lasting pleasure AI IIIIAIIAAIAII IAA AAAI AIA AAS SA SAAS SA AAS ASA SSSASASASA AAAI IK SOGOU OOOO OO OOO OC Ly Mts Knott’s : Bakery | We take special orders for Xmas Xmas season is on. Cakes, Pies, Puddings and all kinds of FancyBaking. BIGGEST BAKERY IN NOFITHERN B. C. ORDER EARLY f Phones 190 and 363 3rd AVenue Knott’s : Bakery + Fine Jewellry For The Holiday Season! our new stock of You are cordially invited to. inspect Jewelry and Novelties. It is the finest assortment we have ever shown and the qualily is the best obtainable. In our enlarged quarters we are in a better position than ever to cater to your wants. R. W. CAMERON 2nd Ave. and 6th Street Official Watch Inspector, G.T.P. [ —______ = —— - ABBBEUUUUUUUU BLU U LULL LLU L LLL te .. Xmas Photos.. : Don't forget your promises. Cheer friends by sending your photo for Xmas. QUICK DELIVERY phone up and make an appointment. PEERLESS STUDIO Alder Block Phone Red 69 up your Just YEISICISISISIDII KIA III III OSI OXI SO OS OO I AIS IS AIS IS Dr. Large, of Port Simpson, is in the city. ene The interior of the police headquarters is being tinted an old gold color, The train. from New Hazel- ton was several hours late last evening, delayed by mud slides. It arrived at 9:16. * . . W. J. Saunders of Victoria, who has been, up at Copper River looking after some land interests, is in the city today. Ar Wes Prince Rupert local view Xmas cards—something differ ent. Going, Going, Going fast. See ‘McRae Bros. 291-92 The Spokane took eight pas- sengers north last evening. ‘They were: A. Barnard, J..G, Grant, M. L. Brick, G. F. Johnson, 8. Bricker, Louis Adelis. Mr. Dushane, the new man- ager of the Bank of Commerce, has just purchased a lot on 4th avenue west and contemplates building on it soon. Passengers South. by the morning: The following left Prince George this J. D. Westenhaver, Mrs. Westenhaver, Chas, Fight, F. Watrin, J. Pherkle, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Bennett, Neville Parry, B. B. Eidson, A.. H. Wall- bridge, Mr. Eodus, J. Y. Roch- ester, G. H. Gower, Geo. Roy, J. E. Mahon, W. Dyke, J. GC. Hanlon, D. Gamey, J. E. Merry- field, A. BE. Elder, C. E. Elder, F.. E. Corneille, S. P. Pedrick, D. Richards, Mr. McLeod. From Furs to Dish Washing. Marion Powell and Edith Milne, the Siwash belles who were ordered to go home by the police magistrate a week ago, came up again in police cout this morning. Instead of tak- ing the cadi’s advice they be- decked themselves in near seai coats trimmed with leopard skin, and Paris model hats, the better to display their dusky charms. The P. M. glanced at them and said thirty days’ la- bor. - Five minutes later they were washing dishes in the jail kitchen. 1 Of the Met- lakatlas denies that the girls come from the village across the harbor. They are Alaska girls. Who wants a modern seven room home cheap? J will sell for the price of the lot and will throw the house in. Look at this: Lot 9, Blk. 8, Sec. 6, Hays Apply 103 291tf can arrange terms. Hays Cove Circle, Rubbers and Over-Stockings ‘All in One. to puton and take 2a Pit well— Look well—Wear well. All sizes for women and children. Buy them and protect rself and family rom winter ills. Canedian Consolidated Rubber Co. Limited, Montreal. KIRMESS TONIGHT, Young Entertainers o. the City Will Appear at Theatre This Evening. Miss Ethel Gray will give a kir- mess in the Westholme Opera House this evening somewhat on the lines of the one Prof, Douglas gave here so successfully last year. The kirmess is to be given on the stage of the opera house, with special scenery and appointments, The performers wil! be pupils selected from Miss classes, ranging in age from 4 to 12 years, and they will illustrate all the latest dances, Scotch, Irish and Egyptian. Also they will give the twenty Gray's latest songs, accompanied by the Westholme Orchestra. Elaborate preparations have been made _ for this musical evening and a treat is held to be in store for local citizens. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received up to 6 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 17th for the erection of a store for the Acme Clothing Company. Plans, specifications and all informa- tion at the office of the architect. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. J. W. POTTER, 296 Architect. PUBLIC NOTICE The partnership heretofore carried on by McColl & Robert- by which they carried on a grocery business on Third Ave., has been dissolved, Geo. P.. Me- Coll continuing, to whom all ac- counts are payable and who has obligations of said son assumed all firm, 294 GEO, P. McCOLL. After the theatre. Palace Cafe, Cove Circle, 83,000, all cash, or 284tf | a raked donee Loose Leaf Ledger forms at jthe Daily News office. At the Westholme tonight, the management has decided to hold over the Widow Maloney pictures until Monday and Tuesday to give everybody an opportunity to see this fine program. The full title of this story is “The Widow Maloney’s Faith.” These pictures are Irish. The Owing to kirmess being held|story in the Westholme Opera House|Irish and the music played by i) SCENE FROM “THE WIDOW MALONEY’S FAITH” on Monday Evening Its is Irish. scenery is the Westholme orchestra will be Irish, Everybody no doubt remembers ‘The Heart of Kathleen” pictures’ shown a few weeks ago in the same the- atre. The Widow Maloney films are made by the same company and are if anything better pictures, Here you have a whole store your service, Necklets from $4.50 to $100 Bracelets from $3 to $100 Diamond Rings, $10 to $600 WARK’S ———. Happy Thoughts for Christmas Don't say you don’t Come to WARK’S and see the very fhing you need: THE RELIABLE JEWELERS Christmas ideas at what to give. full of know Bracelet Watches, $2.75 to $50.00 Signet Rings from $1.60 up —==WARK’S For 24 hours ending 5 a.m.,, Barometer reduced to sea Barometer .......0.065 29.816 WEOSAONOTS 6 evs ate 4s os 35.0 MAPLE UD tao. ao hai 30.0 Baptist Afternoon Tea. A charming afternoon tea was given yesterday afternoon by the Ladies’ Aid of the Baptist church, at the residence of Mrs. MeNicholl, Fifth avenue. Mrs. Sinclair, president of the soci ely, assisted the hostess in re- ceiving, Mrs. Neal J. MeLeod and Mrs. Morgan poured, as- sisted by Mrs. Daggett, Mrs. Muse, Mrs. Wright and Miss Clark, and Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Melville served. From 3 o'clock to 6 there was a steady stream of callers at the beauti- fully decorated rooms, and the society netted about $70 by the enjoyable function. Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Ander- son played, Mrs. Hemmel, Mrs. Jarvis McLeod, Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Munro sang and Miss Mor- gan read. New Church at Smithers. The new Anglican church al Smithers was opened last Sun- day by Rev. H. G. Kingstone, the resident clergyman. There was a large attendance. Meeting of Legislature, W. Manson, M.P.P., received offi- cial intimation that Legislature would open on January 15 at Victoria. This means that in about a month's time the at Victoria will be down to business yesterday the House Owing to an error in the ad- vertisement of Pride, Nash & Co. on December 11th the price of men’s Gun Metal Shoes in Blucher make were advertised al 60 cents a pair when the price should have read $5.50 per pair. 201 NOTICE I, the undersigned, for and on behalf of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Company, Limited, have de posited with the Registrar of the Prince Rupert Land Registration District ,Prince Rupert, B.« (a) A description of wharf which this company proposes to construct in front of Lot No. 479, Granby Bay, B.C., said lot and the adjoining under-water lot upon which the wharf will be construct@d being the property of the said Company. (b) A general plan showing the position of the property relative to the proposed whart (c) A general plan showing more par ticularly the relation of this wharf to the shore line, with cross-section of the pro posed wharf showing type of construction F. M. SYLVESTER General Manager Pub. Dee, 12 to Jan, 17—d ~ WANTED A Girl at the Prince Rupert Cigar Factory Bookkeeping Taught Phone 539 By Private Lessons WENDELL R. JONES EXPERT ACCOUNTANT 3rd Ave. and Sth St., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT 7 DESK ROOM in ground floor office, Apply P.O, Drawer 1663 City, 285-tf FOR RENT—Nice 3 room cottage on Park Avenue at $15.00. Water in the house Crown Agency Co, 285-tr ROOM TO RENT—Comfortable, well fur nished room, heated, Bath and toilet in house, Phone. Apply Box 933 283-88 FOR RENT-—Three plce bright outside rooms in Smith Block, steam heated, hever occupied, excellent for offices, reasonable rent, Apply J. A. “Smith, Room 12, soir FOR SALE * FOR SALE—Gerhard-Heintzman cabinet grand plano, practically new. Cash or terms. John D, Westenhaver, 333 Fifth Avenue East, 285-u COWS fresh calved and coming in always on hand, and tuberculosis tested. John Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West corner Carleton and Westminster Road, Phone Collingwood 46 RK, Post Office, Collingwood East, Box 20. 270-f LOST LOST pair of slippers and rubbers, Please return to Flat 4, Clapp Bldg. 287-289 WANTED BOY wants work during eveninsg, Dally News, BOY WANTED—Good smart boy or young man for clothing store, Apply Martin O'Reilly, 230 WANTED—A cook for Smith Island camp, married woman preferred; other work Box 91 289 for husband, Box 100, Dally News. 200tf WANTED Young woman for kitehen work, Wages $830 per month with room, Apply Supt, Prince Rupert Gen- eral Hospital, 288-tf GOOD general servant wanted; $35 per month, Also nurse girl wanted. Four help employed, Mrs, L, . Pat re, aoe, ploy W. Patmore MISCELLANEOUS GOOD meals at the B. C, Cafe, 118 8ta Street, A trial will convince you, NN Lay * Christmas : Gifts Gift one 3rd A When your thoug something for a hts run to shristmas we suggest a nice Tailor Made ...uit... He will be pleased with one of our new ones, cut on the latest models from the best materials. Shonld the size needed not be in stock we will get him made to order. MARTIN O’REILLY venue FARSI IOI IO III III II III I IOI IOI OOS SI A bh MANSON WILL NOT RUN Tom Maitland is Delegated to Make the Announcement at Gampp’s Meeting Ald. Maitland anneunced at the Gampp meeting last even- ing that William Manson would not be a candidate for Mayor. The announcement seemed to surprise some of those present but evidently it had been gen erally understood that if he did not run S. M. Newton would try to make the grade again. | When the Daily News made} the statement Wednesday that} Wm. Manson would be a candi- | date unless something unfor- seen turned up, it brought forth | the unforseen in the shape of Mr. | PRINCE RUPERT FEED ( Dealers in FEED SEC:DS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC CHICKEN FEED A’ SPECIALT Mail orders promptly attended | BOAT BOATS ex-Alderman Montgomery. Montgomery does net like Man-[(C°"""" son and is after his scalp day] yf you are thinking of having and night. He promised to make boat built of a a third candidate if Manson took the field. Trials of the Men Charged with Rioting at Ladysmith. Special to The Daily News. New Westminster, Dec. 12.- Eleven of the fourteen men on trial charged with rioting at Ladysinith during the strike there last August, were yester- day found guilty of unlawful as- sembly and will be sentenced on Monday. On that day ten more men charged with the destrue tion of property at South Well ington will be placed on trial VOTE ON LOCAL OPTION Six Saskatchewan Towns Car- ried the Measure. (Special to the Daily News) Regina, Dee. 12.—T'wenty- six towns in Saskatchewarfvoted for local option on the eighth inst., and according to the re- turns just completed — six them carried it. The temper- ance forces, however, took very litile interest in the voting. MILITARY TRAINING Site at Point Grey Purchased for Officers’ School. (Special to The Daily News. Ottawa, Dec, £2.—It is re- ported that the Dominion gov- ernment bas purchased a_ ten acre site near the new British Columbia University at Point Grey for a military training school for officers. Grand Kirmess Grand Kirmess, Westholme Opera House, Friday, Dec, 12th, 1913, Tickets for sale at Orme's drug store, e 289.201 of Quality Aged in Wood 8 Years before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA Wllidlidbdéa Yl ELEVEN FOUND GUILTY MOTOR, SAILING or ROWIN see or apy T. M. ORWIG BOAT BUILDER Port Essington, British Columbi REFERENCES \ Fisherman on & P. O. Box 203 Phone ¢ P. ROBERTSON INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT (Eng) CHARTERED SECRETARY Audits, Investigations, Adjustments, Liqv dations and Assignments Smith Block, 3rd Ave., Frince Rupert, B. | ———— THE UP-TO-DATE HAIRDRESSING PARLORS 211 Third 8t. Work Strictly First Class ; Switches of All Kinds and Halr Good Specialty Peter Nelson is open to take ¢ — for clearing land in and 4 nd me also cordwood for fuel, et Terms, @ Nn application. on app fe CHEAP BUY! EIGHTH AVENUE t $1,100 CAS Harrison, Gamble & Compaty FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupert 7 ——as 8-roomed hous - a Creek 8-roomed houst iota BACB 4 is 0's. 2, $20.00 8-roomed house, Iras 86,00 Cabin, Fraser Sirec! ¢6,00 Gabin, 4th Avenue, ©°' G. R. Naden Co., Lid Real Estate and Insurance Milde Andy sen) mv t Second Avenue.