eT CIRCULATION yo gpassisnt Library in THE OITY \. BRITISH COLUMBIA THE DAILY NEWS — — ——— ————— ; — a — VOL. IV., NO. 298 PRINGE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1913 tes GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: I notice McBride’s paper took — a whole column in its attempt to — explain why our rich government had to go to the pawn brokers. ‘ RANCHER FOUND BUTCHERED ON KI ee — —_— EXCLUSION OF HINDUS CAUSING UPRISING IN INDIA---SUTHERLAND'S OFFE FER TURNED DOWN RANCHER FOUND MURDERED WITH 17 CUTS IN HIS BODY KisPiOX RANCHER VICTIM OF HORRIBLE SLAUGHTER— INDIANS BLAMED FOR THE DEED — THREAT- ENED cen hea SETTLERS Specia The Daily News much trampled and blood- , Hase lton, Dec. Ad ained Afterwards the body Wilh his jugular vein 3 and lw as dragged face downwards his mouth slit from ear to ear, } oft the road. Erne George Kennett, a Kis The remains were brought to anueher, was found brut | Haze lton where an inquest is urdered last Thursday on|being held. The hearing has ihe nes w Kispiox road, near the|been adjourned until Tuesday of the Glen Vowell|night. Kennett has been a rancher | ipparently the work of/living about 10 miles from If z ral Indians.. jelton. He has occupied the land Kennett’s body was found by|several years. and was a quiet Glen Vowell Indians Thursday.;man who apparently had no ported the murder tojtrouble with anyone. Two years Hazelton Indian Thejago he was” shot in’ the neci day Rev. Robt. Tom-j,while drinking from a stream, Kispiox, reported the |b if it was never discovered who Grovernme nt Agen! nda the hooting It Is presi if Hazelton, who sent/ed the Indians resent his set'le had the body brought|ment in the district There is lconsiderable unrest among (the rdet was most vii Kispiox and Glen Vowell In- horrible Kennett wasidians and they have been cre- ward Hazelton when|dited with two murders in the om the rear There pa hou! months, Thev have een cuts in his bodys evel mes threatened th, 0 e-eights of an inch in| White settlers. three inches deep, u Kennett was a young Eng The mal evidentl hman 23 vea of age. He good fight as his hands|leaves a mother and two sisters cut. and one thumbjii the old ountry. He has ed The snow was'been up here for six years. QUEBEC LIBERALS ARE ‘DAWSON AUTO ROAD READY FOR HOT FIGHT READY NEXT YEAR Meeting Held in Montreal De-| Another Year's Work will Make cides to Contest Every N Road Available at any Seat in Province Season Montreal, Dee if ‘We| Dawson; Dec. 12.—C. S. W. ake a vigorous fight in} Barwell, the engineer who was ty of the province ol lemployed this ye@ on the over pee ind trail improvememtts. js back I the statement made j vue of the Libera Dawson after an @Xtended vesterday at he Ile says that he travéved \ Hote atte! d by ev-|practically the whole the lve 0 the Montreal) way fro: Dawson to White horse return on foot, and There were present al this}ean s hat another year’s work g Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir) like i ot {918 will put the Borden, Hon. George B ‘oad into such a condition that ural Hen, Sydney Fisher, it ( be travelled at any season Robey vandike and the Mon he year by, wagon or auto- cc thetic" -ators. {a iobile. There is much yet to ' Much enthusiasm was done but the finish is in ' Comed-at the meeting and the [si cht. Presence of Sir Wilfrid Le acta “On the whale. vou may ex- ‘eveloped a fighting spirit. }pect an auto road from Dawson The chief point of the meet lio Whitehorse by the wend of lg was the decision that the| 4944. : Liberal party should contest e. SA Ua ry seat in the province of Que | Another Wedding be cane inwhile no suggestion was | \nother pretty little wedding Fie] : ay to the seat for Mr. ;Look place on Sunday last at 3 fits oo Mr. . Bickerdike de lp. m., when Miss Vera Macedon a _ he contemplated re jald and Mr. Gharles Blyth were 6 ‘0 make room for the ex-|united by the Rev. W. H. Me OME ta TUSERE, Leod. Many will remember Ou : tend to take my seat ati Miss Macdonald as an employee 7 Va When Parliament opens |e the post office. Mr. Blyth is X" month,” he added, ‘a promient young contractor, ——————_— being a member of Blyth Bros. Workman Injured & Co. Mike Ewen,who has been em will remain The youngeouple ved by Archie MeDougall, in|in the city, where they have a He Cul at the rear of the Knox|host of friends, who extend to : received a bad injury to-|/them every @ood wish. . by having a rock fall on his Hea ie is being cared for al seneval hospital. leas WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE Winter Season of 1913-14 Perrins Swede Demers. and Glac e glo- 289-tf ves, Four Weeks Engagement of the Josephine Deffry Stock Company Opens Wednesday, December 17th In the Great New York Production of “THE SPOILERS” By REX BEACH = Popular Prices oa - - 25c ‘ 35c., and 50c, Reserved Seats at Orme’s 3rd Ave. Drug Store Doors Open, 8 p.m, Curtain Rises, 8.30 p.m. *reoee, oS ee and is protected from aerial attack. MOST POWERFUL BATTLESHIP AFLOAT Britain’s new super-Dreadnought, “Iron Duke,” the world’s longest and most cestly fighting ship, leaaving Portsmouth for her trials. She is of 26,000 tonnage, cost $10,000,000, GRAHAM ISLAND OIL, J,G who is well known Queen Johnston, a pioneer of the Islands, Graham Is- as Charlotte particularly left for and London more land, has New York Johnston Toronto, Mr claims that he has located oil and coal of ex- cellent quality on the north- western portion of Graham Is- ‘ land and North Island, almost facing Prince Rupert, and it is his intention to interest financial and mining mag- nates in these Eastern centres with a to the commer- cial development of Graham Island mining properties. view GARDE vs “MINOR A Local Mining Man Obtains Judgment Against Frisco Capitalist A case of interest to local mining men was up this morn- His Lordship Judge ing before Murphy and a special jury. Mr. A. G.. Garde asked for judgment against Colonel Min On, for salary, expenses and da- mages to his professional repu- tation. “Williams & Manson appeared Yor the plaintiff and Patmore & Wulton for the de- fendant. The case is Mgre or less fa- miliar to Prince Rupert people and as the judge said was more an arithmetical problem than a question of law. Colonel! Minor engaged Mr. Garde as consulting enginéer to take charge of the development of some placer leases on Gra- ham Island, and gave him fv authority to install mach'nery and open up the properties at a salary of $250 a month with expenses at $400 a month, Mr Garde came to Prince Ru- pert and had the machinery here when suddenly the Colonel's exchequer played out . Several urgent (clegrams ‘failed to bring forth anything but promises and Mr. Garde found himself stranded in Prince Rupert witt his professional reputation ser- iously damaged as a_ result of his. conection with a defunet mining company, The machinery was advertis- ed in his name by the Grand Trunk Pacifie and sold to de- fray expenses, Unfortunately for Mr. Garde he took upon himself to adjust a difference between Mr. Pear son, who was” associated with him in this enterprise, and Col. Minor by turning over to Mr. Pearson five hundred dollars worth of the Colonel's quick- silver, This the court decided he would have to pay for and with the exception of this $500 the whole clai mwas allowed. Judgment for plaintiff $918. 63 and costs. The Daily News has the larg- est circulation in Northern B.C, “Fresh crabs. Sixth St. Palace Cafe, 284tf |Chihuahua bring stories ot the atrocities practiced by the rebel leader Villa. He has confiscated a large amount of private pro- perty and ill-treats all foreign- ers within his reach. The Ger- man consul has’ protested the confiscation of German pro- perty. London, Dec. 415.—There is Latest Despatches | (Special to the Daily News) El Paso, Dee, 145—A thousand refugees arrived at who have great rejoicing among the Un- ionists here over the result of the election in Lanark. The Graphic warns, however, not to| place too much confidence in the result of that bye-election. A general election over Home Rule might be favorable to the Unionists, but if unsuccessful, would be their entire undoing. London, Dee. 415 — Lloyd George has replied to the Duke of Sutherland’s offer to sell the government portion of his deer forest. The text of the re- ply is not published but it is understood it is in the nega- tive. It is suggested that the Duke wants to. rid himself o! his unproductive barren land in order to avoid paying large taxes. Asking About Rupert Out of town enquirers rela- tive to business opportunities in Prince Rupert and the sur- rounding district are increasing in each mail received by the Board of Trdae, the following being typical samples. From far off Moncton, \ew Brunswick, a firm desires literature relative to business openings in the in- terior; an expert machinest in Yorkton, Sask., asks for infor- mation as to the opening for a garage and repair shop for au- tomobiles and gas engines; a man in Jaekson, Michigan, and another in Saskatoon, write for reports, while yet another in Vancouver wishes to know rates at hotels and rents of houses. Bonaventura Sailed Yesterday The Maple Leaf steamer Bon aventura, which brought rails and struetura! steel for the dry dock from New York, sailed for the south at four o'clock Satur- day afternoon. She is going to Union Bay to coal up, From there she goes to Portland, where she takes on a cargo of grain for San l’rancisco, NOTICE Commencing Monday, Dec- emberd5, the retail price of NEW WELLINGTON Coal will be $10 per ton delivered to all parts of the city, west of Hay? Creek. We are assurred of a full supply of NEW WELLING- TON LUMP COAL, the best on the coast, and will fill all orders promptly. Rogers & Black, Phone 116 dec 22 Pantorium Pionser Cleaners. Phone 4, THE AUXILIARY PLANT fre- asked as to present steam plant could not be used as an auxiliary plants Supt. Duncan says it would be too expensive to main- tain. It would require constant attendance and a large consumption of coal to keep the boilers warm. If it was required in case of emergency it would take it one hour to throw it into work and even then it would only take care of part of the power which the city will soon be using. quires no attendance and A deisel oil plant re- can be thrown into opera- tion in eight minutes. The question has quently been whether the electric TWO BOATS A WEEK The Prince John Will Go Into Direct Route After First. January It is announced from Vancouver that after the taking off the Prince George the winter service the Grand Trunk Pacifie steamships provides for two sailings a week be- tween Prince Rupert and the south, of the boats leaving on Monday and Thursday nights, the Monday boat being the Prince Rupert and the Thursday sailings being taken by the Prince Albert and Prince John alternately. On Thursday night, January 1, the John will take the run _ direct from Vancouver to Prince Rupert. The Prince George will go into dry- dock to be repaired and overhauled. The Stewart and Queen Charlotte Islands will be given a fortnightly service, Riciecenetaiaiainags COAL NOW $10 TON Rogers & Black Cut the Price $1.00 a Ton on Welling- ton Coal Rogers & Black are present- ing the citizens with a very ac- ceptable Christmas present in the way of a eut in the price of coal Their Wellington coal is now $10 a ton which is one dollar less than formerly. They claim this is made possible by their improved methods of han- dling the coal. Prince Rupert has been pay- ing a big price for coal for many years and this first break in the price is indes xd welcome news. aes Date Changed When the austere of the Enipire decided on a dance for New Year’s Eve they were un- aware that a dance planned for on the same even- ing in the Roman Catholic hall; therefore their dance the Daily News office. was being will be SEDITION SEETHING IN INDIA TROUBLES IMPERIAL POLITICS HINDUS GOING RELIGIOUS FORCES IN .PROTESTING AG- AINST EXCLUSION = EMPIRE’S DOMINIONS (Special to The Daily News) *hatunétanis are uniting in the London, Dec. 15.—The Brit-|issue, a thing they hardly ever ish government is seriously|do, as they belong to distinct concerned w'th the Indian trou-| castes. bles In South Africa. South Africa not only restricts immi- gration of Indians but refuses those now in the country to have any share in. the government. For a time the press succeeding in suppressing these reports in India but now they have gained circulation and the Indians are furious. Great excitement pre- vails and they are starting a movement to secure equal rights for the people in all British do- minions. They even go so far as to hint that unless this is ob- tained they will withdraw from the Empire. The authorities realize that 't would take little to fan the fire into rebellion. The most serious part is the fact that the Hindus and Mo- “ONLY CIVIL CASES LEFT The recent action of the Ca- nadian government in taking such a drastic measure to pre- vent Indian immigration has added to the movement. The whole subject is making a very nasty preblem for the British government. Should the British Govern- ment oppose this action of Can- ada if might entail other ser- ious difficulties, including a re- fusal of the assistance promis- ed for the*navy. The Anglo-Japanese alliance is also causing the Empire a lot of trouble. All the domin- ions are seeking population to build up their countries and at the same time insist on keeping out all Orientals. VILLA CUTTING DOWN THE PRICE OF LIVING Mexican General Threatens to Confiscate Goods of Mer- chants Charging War - Prices Assize Court Has Two Jury Cases to Dispose of—-Garde vs. Minor In the Assize court this morn ing the case of Garde vs. Minor is being considered. The fol- lowing. jury was-selected: David Juarez, Mexico, Dec. 12.— H. Hays, M. MeLeod, D. C. Me-|As a means of placing the rebel Rae, R. J. Abbott, J. H. Thomp-|territory on normal basis, Gen- son, CG. L. Munro and Geo. R.jeral Francisco Villa today is- Naden. sued an order that all food- The case is a claim for dam- aages by Mr. Garde on account of a contract entered into by Mr. Minor, in the year 1910 and which he later repudiated. stuffs shall be sold at prices us- ually obtained at times of peace. Stores in Chihuahua and other rebel cities are required to sell goods at prices named by Villa. The rebel leader said that if merchants attempted to ask Organization Meeting emer higher prices on account of the A meeting of the supporters|war he would confiscate their of the candidature of Mayor} property. Pattullo for re-election will be| Trainloads of provisions are held in the committee rooms|to be shipped from Juarez to adjoining Orme’s drug store, on Second Avenue and Fourth St., Wednesday evening, December the almost famished citizens of Chihuahua. The foodstuffs are to be sold at cost price until {7th, at 8 o’clock. the merchants are able to re- The meeting is called for or-|plenish their stocks after the ganization purposes. re-opening of the railway. 3 advt. Prince Rupert Hydro- Electric Co. PROPOSED RATES Comparison in Kilowatt Hours and Horse Power Years 500 horse power and is less than 1,000 horse power, BO ‘pee .eemte cose ive BERD: 6 ci iitreeos 1.46 cts. OD. pap mente ccucae es RB: ais nis eta aie 1.37 cts. (3) When the maximum demand for the month exceeds 1,000 horse power and is less than 1,500 horse power. 40 mer -eent..<. o) kee k tke OI 525 inka tots wets 1.31 cts. BO Der COD inigc di adouwe OO iis o5iihs dace aas 1.22 cota (4) When the maximum demand for the month exceeds 1,500 horse power and is less than 2,000 horse power, BO mer CONE. 0s 0i4.s ede ae BOR: 6.2 0d hada 1.16 cts. MAP GORD « es'o gielehiene DAD a inv ance cease 1.07 cts. (5) When the maximum demand for the month exceeds 2,000 horse power and is ‘ess than 2,500 horse power MOON. oa ss ns dad PRE BE Co Oi san Bose 1.15 ots, I OOS 5 5 greasasess BEBE eis» encase 1.02 cts. (6) When the maximum demand for the month exceeds PRICE FIVE CENTS OX TRAIL (1) When the maximum demand for the month is 500 horse power or less, Load factor Total charge Total charge per, h.p. year per k.w. hr, ; 06 per: -ennts.. kcuawaus O6R,20 Ue ee eS 1.96 cts. GD -per ebm... O2i06 Sk el aes 1.87 cts. (2) When the maximum demand for the month exceeds held on Friday, Dec, 25th, in St. 2,500 horse power. Andrew’s Society Hall OO BOP Bante. iiss cee ns $9939: 05 eawees 0.96 cts. Satecashcinewennihibiaieaeiiaiiiy Saaain WOO OOOE. i. sos ce 80 20:86 «40 See 0.87 cts. After the theatre, Palace Cafe. NOTE 284tf 1 cent per kilowatt hour isequal to $23.00 per horse power year (Hydro-Hlectric Power Commission of the Province of On- Loose Leaf Ledger forms at|3 ‘rio 1909 Report, page 127). PPPPLP DOD = = a ree SR pe Fetes