THE DAILY NEWS Monday, December 15 _—— eerste _ %, 1043 SATURDAY SESSION. BEEF UOC UL Ue, das aa ae LOCAL NEWS ITEMS GENERAL NEWS Pr © canner fet tte tor] ac ache haem eae Christmas Neckwear Oscar Hammerstein ; Vie tor? ia on biaeness. Sitting. ? m oss te mere rer meres re What are You going to give to “Her” Helpful Suggestions for Men! | oe ecw $350,000 in his latest attempt i o give I 1 and opera at . , ; ; » give London grand opera A. Pole, of Port Simpson, to g 4 Spon Anning The civil Gages, apart trom’. the na visitor nee vee Saeee Pie she two jury trials that are to come up peadb-Lateyenpey ecancibecatenia eee te * » » » . » » » » » » » . : » This List May Solve You Problem SS y es out that art is its own reward. tLis week, took but a little time to t FOR THE LADIES The Spokane will be in to- fies ae dispose of yesterday in the Supreme z Set of Furs Silk Petticoats morrow evening, southbound, J. W. Grant, Chief of Police,| Gourt before Mr. Justice Murphy. : Fur Stole Needle Books ptiisagnak a of Bingham, Utah, who was Sitting in chambers early in the ; * Fur Muff Work Baskets | The Venture will arrive this} shot and killed by Ralph Lopez, | morning there were several applica-|} + Gloves in fancy boxes, fur ies’ Suit je ‘vening at 11) p.m, with mail vas a former Nova Scotian, | tons made before His Lordship. * ‘ : lined, silk lined or un- Ladies’ Suits from the south. areas i sar Hope- L. W. Patmore, appearing for t 1 lined Ladies’ Coats ey ete having been born near : I {indian Mines Ltd. (non-personal $ : Handkerchiefs from 50c| Rain Coats | A, M. Tyson, inspector of In- well, Pictou Gounty, forty-nine} japiity), Copper Cliff Mines Ltd. * x a dozen up to $2.50 ea. | F ancy Stationery idian Agencies, returned from|Ye8?s 489. (non-personal liability), Hazelton| *« z Silk Umbrellas Silk Waist Lengths je the line vesterday. ee test ce Mines Ltd, (non-personal liability), x x Neckwear, all the newest | Kimona Cloths Whats we The Dublin. strikers have} silver Cup Mines Ltd, (non-personal/¥ Bring it % h i 1 s t oa ha conclusion--- , 3 ; noveities Bath Robe Materials ; W. F. Beak, of the Marine}formed an army, The suffrag-|liability), made application for an t "8 that nies hi , a nobby necktie t Silk weasanie Dressing ne depot, Digby Island, left this/ettes have an army and then|¢xtension of the time for filing al- b4 nro ave his quick O.K. : ; Fancy toc ngs Cut Glass snes : Pn 1a ‘ ‘ ; , : : . lotment and ame for stock i Hy $ * ; morning fora _ holiday trip to spa 3a ster army. Great and agreement for stock in ust received a lar h : + } Blouses, silk or wool Dinner Sets Decco dtenieietenn se acetiie. there is the Ulster ae e sad Pe gee cgaorae J ge shipment of new Velvet Ties * ; Manicure Sets Tea Sets re Cy et Britain seems to be ae oe The application was allowed Velvet and Heavy Silk, flowing end, t - Dress Lengths in silk and | Fancy China Dishes Me. RORY Lae ath. tits quite a healthy little armamen in Cuber oh oi 0a: 0 Wiatertnn Ties § + other Toane materials ea connind ta? pend Chri tmas in{'ace all by herself. an application made by R. 0, Fulton Medi ° ath and f r - $1.00 I , Scarfs, Blouse Sets Jewe oxes 4 x : ? ater 7 / aad for leave to issue a writ of summons! * tum width an owing end Ties * i Hamilton, Ontario. He will re- é : man Wess Oe BU + | Collars, Bar Pins Vases en anGut ite miata of Sine They are going to operate on] was granted by His Lordship \¢ with the new fancy borders - 75 ¥ : eae Holders gs vary the G.P.R.’s “Little Mary.” Sitting in court later, His Lord-| Knitted and Fancy Ties 50 : : ancy Beits ern Pots eae ete e They propose to slice the Mary|ship heard the application in the ; Fe es : * ae . : ¢ r : ‘ : * f Seintaeaieg re eas Miss Lillian Kuster left today |i? two, and insert a ae inte divorce action of Beatty vs. Beatty \% Special line of narrow widths, 3 for $1.00 x Silk Vests Photo Frames for several weeks’ trip to Gali-} ton Oh ee he a +6 id aad SYORCR, WARE ETARION OFS RORY ; NOW. For’ fresh killed — | ons ofcoliars are trappers minute fur tations, sent a T i . ‘ : 2 ’ 1 car. "Deal with 2 ehatle hence, We | ABSOLUTELY FREE for the whales, The boys did not know also a fresh supply of veg | SO RN ate ne ean Semen ey sled Boge t33 T0 whether to bag a mammel or etables and fruits always eor e Adare JOHN HALLAM, LIMITED ti frost SEs, TORONTO beat a retreat. Mr. Parker thou- | on hand. shy ne Wee like a soe any | “Tis Quailty that Counts” ya ’ e was seize Vv oe whale fever aaa * sadder the GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH | A CHANCE TO WIN $25.00 ots « « i ZEAL UCU UL OULU UUM UUU UK KX! rifle Overboard. He hopes San- COLUMBIA \" 4 NOTICE I will forfeit the above am- e e ta Claus will buy him another. Department of Agriculture | ane’ deat by Consolid for and gp behalf of] ount if there is any aps in am offering Showing for Xmas Gifts ——— OMice of Assistant Horticulturist |i Yaube Canaan Mind. Sat [Prince Rupert that. I cannot| portion of the Urind Truth? : : New Court House, Prince Rupert | posited with the Registrar of the Prince/cause to give perfect ofhen NCY | wifi. evelopment ( Hand-made Blouses, Silk Blouses, Irish Lace Neckwear. Bee a . E abd Y al Rupees, oo, eeteiagatsiares Uspcauiecelec ge in heating its Kat water rienes| ie | hey site of PRINCE GEORG! without any increase in fuel or prices, on the us terms Hand Embroidered Initial Hdkf., Folding Umbrellas be (a) A description of wharf which this company proposes to construct in front of Furnished by F. W. Dowling Information or advice freely for Ladies aad Gentlemen, Silk Scarfs in great variety, Obserevr : : Lot No. 479, Granby Bay, B.C,, said lot and|/in any way effecting its baking|eash balance in Hair ornaments, Gloves, Scarfs and Doilies in linen and ae given. Write or call. on whe ace I be ‘constructed being tie] qualit My device is new in| three year: ace r; oa 2°71, ; . 2 ve wharf wi ye constructed bel ej quacaikies., DM ‘ee years al 6 lace, Kimonas, Silk Hose ,Stoles and Muffs, Royal So- For 24 hours ending 5 a.m., A. H. TOMLINSON property of the said Company yet this city although I have in ie ‘h : aa aw fancy work and many other very useful gift: Mi f 5. 3 i the “property. relative 10 the proposed : i held in Va S. Monday, Dec. 15, 1913 Assistant Horticulturist of the property relative to the prog i}stalled quite a few, Don’t wail] sale } ! 5 ‘ a Assi 8 ! lati he ° e t ‘ sale held in Vane ( % off——— COATS AND SUITS ———— 20 “ off ae wet)’ A. general plan showing more par-| hour for your hot water. Get|tembertember 9 ’ Barometer reduced to sea ticularly the relation of this wharf to. the jms devise and enjoy satisfac-|peady — yx red shore line, with cross tion of the pr j Ty ie c ' ‘tion, The price is very reason-|youy now have IIIT totic FAO Ca yy ag FOI III II III IIIA I ISIS AISI ISIS ISAS SIS AS SSSI IAS AC level : ; soe 3: 200782 D Y, posed wharf showing type of construction : Maximum c.g ote 68.0 Oo ou I M. SYLVESTAS ,| able. to invest at Minimum Oe Se. aa W. Pub. Dec. 12 to Jan. 17—d terms pies). cen 2 ant . a — ee , ae H H a . cman arry anson and while the re is a g , : f X ‘ “f WANTED The Reliable Plumber pick from. . uggestions for Xmas Gifts 1836 THE Bank oF 1913 ss d L t re PHONE 480 Edward F_ Moule LADIES MEN Briti nN A use an 0 A Girl at the Prince Rupert Cigar Second Ave., near McBride St. RS gy uitth Bk. Phone 44 yaar 9 SaAahGnh “RING . 7 Factor venin s from 7 to RPM SANGRE Garou ton | HARSH AND arcu ron shNorthAmerica) $350.00 Cash : . ey eae — ; ACEI. c ‘Ss TT Years in Business _ ~ 3 : P. O. Box 203 mr if BROOCH SHIRT STUD ‘ ! K a SCARF PIN CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OvER $7,600,000 Bookkeepirg Taught Phone 688 Y BEADS 3 > ‘ . By Privste Less f FANCY. cLOcK a CE a Six blocks from this office. ‘ wig P, ROBERTSON i B E S T B U TOILET SET TOBACCO JAR Teach The Childre Will make you a profit of $500.00 ere elA SONS TOO MARTERED GEORETARY JEWEL. CASE BRUSHES PROP e Mi immediately by an expenditure icine: scat kath hedie, tusemietiions Mie POWDER yL, ~ : ations el HANDBAG OMe -Cane: The Value of Money |of $100.00 for Improvements. _/*"4 A¥* 4n4 5th Sty PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 5 5 Otten Oi erince Rupert, B. © Fifth 1. nue, ae '$ FOUNTAIN PEN | CIGARETTE CASES If your children learn, while I will possibly make $500.00 | geeeeeeroeeoooses: ' , = | Sec. 6, Double Corett : ; en OREN growing, not only how to’ |profit on this buy for you inside|% 66 The Dail Ne 5” We can deliver Lots 11 RINGS BUST : we ; i BRACELET CHILD'S. ses eae ene ip but how, of 60 days. CL y W BOATS BOATS Block 14, ! é LOCKET AND CHAIN | MESH BAGS ” y seli-denial, to save some- SE ASSIFIED ADS : BIB HOLDERS MESH BAG! : ; ; E IF I MAKE GOOD! . _—_>____——- a eae | Sara ce thing for the future, you will : 9,500 Cash WARK’S nt ‘ havestarted them on the road PRICE, $1100.00 rise If you are thinking of having @/phere is a fi Ye ARK S to financial success. Opena Terms, 6, 12 and 18 months OR T boat built of any kind Dien bi . back 26 feet, fate ; THE RELIABLE JEWELERS OPEN EVENINGS Savings Account for each in » ; sated Dine gale | A e werything must go at LESS THAN GOST to make 2 G. R. N d . | ; . th room for new tenant on 18th. MISCELLANEOUS CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY a a I whe j GOOD meals at the B, C. Cafe, 118 Bia Real Betas ~ i dickickinkd ne B, C. Cafe, a venue. JOIST IIIT III IOI TI III II AI prea, A trial will convince you. Mail orders promptly attended to Becond A