‘bin ba - ABs LanGesT CIROULATION GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: in THE OITY AND NORTHERN ag BRITISH COLUMBIA ae aise” ogntate. i department council. —_—_—— —__-—--- . an : . —_—— — ——— —— VOL. iV., NO. 204 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUBSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913 PRICE FIVE CENTS —_—_— 2 ° Se silica comes — monecnemens NY WITNESSES CALLED i Ores CHEAPER ELEC HANGED PRISONERS IN MA eaten Organization Meeting CHEAPER ELECTRICITY Furnished by F. W. Dowling TO PROVE SLANDER CHARGE Obserevr Wednesday evening the {]Private Corporations Will Sub- VIEW ON U.S. WAR SHIPS e ersee supporters of Mayor T. D. mit " preiie mane the For 24 hours ending 5 a.m., ) as sandidate , rairie y ek apie papTiST MINISTER DEFENDS HIS CHARACTER AGAINST December 4674018 Feet a abt MEXICAN WAR DRIVES ALL FOREIGNERS AT TAMPICO eee én) CAS a campaign The city of Edmonton own ABOARD THE AMERICAN BATTLESHIPS go rf Barometer reduced to sea The excellent administra- their own electrical plant. This s eesere es ; . The new cour 10use was} the gir! was annoyed and ran lau ft ee 29.489 tion of 4his year should fact has frequently been quoted Washington, Dec. 14.—Rear-|Three of these men were hang- led yesterday cei and told her father, As|Maximum ........... 48.0 srompt Gia *business wee in the arguments in Prince Ru-|Admiral Fletcher cabled fromjed in the forenoon from within ; when the case Of MeLeod ys. ja result of this Mr. McFarlane!Minimum ........... 40.0 . encourage his candi- pert over the Hydro-Electric!|Tampico under date of 1 a.m.|the federal lines in full view of yeFarlane came before Judge alleged that Elkins family gud NRE 5. ie 4s 5 Sa 68 Aue Power Co. proposed agreement| today, that at 4 a.m. yesterday|the shipping and city. ; ae maeelit tury ‘con: lh site a coeate aii is a ae Pt with this city. he had ordered all Americans -_-____----——— Murphy and a : ; ‘ abe | aving the church, “If that is ‘Bowling Now private corporations be-|Out of the city and that before Deck Hand Stabbed g of Messrs. Jo in Currie | the case Mr. McLeod should not et ie ae lieve they can furnish Bdmoa-|midnight he had transferred On the way down the coast eman), W. J. Kennaugh, A.|/be here 24 hours,” said N. J. In the second match of the ALD. MAITLAND SUGGESTS ton electric power cheaper than |@bout five hundred who were|on the last trip of the Princess R. Gordon, C. A. ae ane C. R. | McLeod. “Won't Mr. Elkins|series of games between the TO APPOINT SCAVANGERS the city can produce it them-/aboard the Wheeling and Taco- May a row occurred between Cole, F. B. Hunt, and G, 8 + Fite-| come before the Board and|teams of the Empress and Hub|gggaien Department Criticized in selves and they are making of-|™a to the battleships Virginia,jdecks and one of the deck rice. : ‘i alleys, the Empress . team won fers to the city. Rhode Island and New Jersey,;}hands was stabbed in the thigh “Thi plaintiff, Rev. W. H. Me} state the. matter? by 53 pins, after three close anc Council Because Engineer Three of the companies pro-| Outside. and the hands. He had a quar- | was represented by Wil-| The witness stated that it was| o, s é , : Hired a Man aA vite ‘ The admiral reported that all|rel with a Chinaman and the Leod was re ‘ws “ee 4 i , = exciling games. Jack Keefe | pose placing power plants at é I me and Mason, Mr. Manson|arranged to call a meeting anc ‘> a high score with 171, and Capt. the mouths of coal mines. foreigners, women and children | Chink went at him with a knife. sting the ease and the de-|ask Mr. Elkins to bring the girl waite , ntresWnereh’ ¥6 Just before the council rose ; : Re . were out of the cit at nine|The wounds are not dangerous. sae ne Sakinare « Fulton. land have the matter age hs. ae prio Cig nto ok 162.) from its sitting last evening Ald Scag nse emcees as o'clock, but that oan men : Mr Patmore conducting. Next day he alleges McFarlane Em ie. Teots : Kerr asked if another officer company is composed of Spo-| preferred to stay. The furniture store of Geo. “Mr. Manson opened the case |came to him and said Mr. Elk-| 4 sou otal 491, had been hired in the health de-|) one men Pe Admiral Fletcher has receiv-|D. Tite will be open evenings - the prosecution with alins did not wish to bring the|4. Hempill ee ee eS 394 ee ce ied es aa Te ed information that both feder-|from now until after Xmas. weful address to the jury,|girl before the board on account|] Keefe 2 re =6mayor sai vere ha: als and constitutionalists have}This will give everybody a Bie Me ee citing era: lof the pub licity. > oe ae a er RN eT eT 2 “iD been. Since the city had t:ke1 oe ca ae js|Shot or hanged all prisoners|chance to secie se ekticliils tclander and how it is second | N. i: McLeod did notsee de-itt Rogn: oe), as a 4821|0ve" the scawenging there had bei built. in. Pri a Bi t by|taken, numbering about 65. bargains that are offered. 2Y4tf to murder in criminal sig-|fendant again until the end of| = °° 70°07 - °*|been ‘many complaints that the}0@m& dul cm chow aakany alt at ’ He made a particular!) May at his contract on Cow Bay 9407) Public health officer was unable mans ser mrae. wae soca Ss : ae sag} a 2412511, attend to all his duties. The]is om the lot adjoining his pre- ‘int of the numerous pleas— On this occasion, according Hub Team as fs a ‘ct of psent buildin corner 3rd Ave. ial, justification and privi-|to the witness, McFarlane want-| Joe Scott .............. 404 ed eee a mare ary aia Seventh Heres. oge—put in by the defence, re-| ed to know why he had received T Mitt eee ee 363 ed to hire an assistant, who is Mi ] ok 3 sda -tnmaens ' ‘ pata This building is to be occa- T king that defendant had sub/a letter from the church noti-|H, Lavenhagen ......... 407 nen a er pied for Jabour Bros., who have OVER LANDS ALIENA ED ed ery defence in the le-| fying him of the removal of his H. Parke 1 . ey Vere p Geiss wie ee 4413 Ald. Kerr svanted to know his secured a lease for a term eo: mary, th the excep-|name from the list of members. ~wik ARD iene > sive wi 7 . IF ee nT Oe <<" AGpineed diab ( cenaive thesel oon ike |. ee ‘851 duties and salary. years. | The size will be 31 x 00.) INSPECTOR OF INDIAN AGENCIES TELLS THE NATIVES tit iat phil WGaid bs sh leontidehoes With any enthts- 207a| The city -engineer said the|ne storey | Migh, qua, will be SIDE OF THE STORY—TROUBLE OVER LANDS Me ae ; aU'*) salar as $100 ¢ th. DI concrete. mi he plea of privilege by|iasm and remarked that he Next game between these ie sadn saneestal that The firm of Jabour Bros. in- A. M. Tyson, Inspector of In-|and had it crown granted. Na- aad endant le sd as a}would think more of a maniteams ; 7 "ESS - : : fendant claimed as a ! f i teams at the Empress on Mon dian Agencies, has just return- turally that Indian is wrathy. of the chureh and a ser-|who killed another in a tem- day naps { Christ the right of pro-| per than of one who siandered tend enlarging their business and putting in every conven- : : : ience for handling their in-|e4 from a business trip up the these positions should be made by appointment and that appli- cations should be received. g the congregation from | another behind his back, * Wine gla: sses and table glas-| he mavor could see no vea-|creased trade. This firm beganjriver. He was unable to get in- Christmae Trade Good rations of a false ser Subsequently the witness |cses of ¢ Ss ist- : ini : Bier ant af dtince ort in ¢ : ‘Cie Se a. oe eee ats sts ‘ ns ; ft i ; : Hac ge Vale . ae es of all wend for your Cc eee son for applications for this job with I rince Rupee in 9 small to Kitwancool village, but he is “Christmas trade is opening He maintained that ma mas dinner. ‘Wallace's. 9411) any more than for applications|‘V@Y and now they carry one Of) Witness thought he was|eher cheap at $500, ganization where temperments, waves iis but he thought the sufficiently signed but the board Mr. Tyson said he was sur- lar reports, so that Rupert is g man forti® job and said} The Rey. Mr. Scott cautioned|jand characteristics must be health department was run in a]of works reported recommend- prised to find that the provin-|!ooking to a merry Christmas. Mr. MeFarlane then toldjthe defendant about making|dealt with, where ruffled dis- peculiar way. ing the work be proceeded with|cial government had _ actually eee rere nee het plaintiff had comejrash charges and then a meet-|posivions and fancied and real The Mayor—lIt is a pity the} under the initiative plan. crown granted lands which took _ Granite Quarry Woodstock, Ont., with a/ing was arranged for the whole | difficulties must be met and|peaith committee did not have| The report was adopted. in a part of the meadows and : s character and said |party to interview Mr. Burgess.|dealt with, where when the star|(,. penefit of vour advice dur- wo even some of the houses. N. J. McLeod came in on he is in” trouble Several of the deacons wh0] cays black is white, he must ag- ing the vear. _ Salesgirls wanted. H. 5S. Wal- He said it is a question be |Sunday from Smith Island, idded that several| were satisfied that the plaintiff/ree, an dyet manage to make “Ald eaten: That is only one|!ace Co., Ltd.; 204tf|tween the parties purchasi’g|where he is making prepara- e leaving the church|was being wronged arranged to/this same star convey to the| man on the committee. ; es bis the land and the Surveyor-Gen-|tions for the installation of the of this and that the|meet at Mr. Scott's, with the| public that black is black, while \ld. MeCaffery believed the} Local Citizen Dies Suddenly eral, as every purchaser must|}machinery which he has order- 1 not prosper under|Rev. Mr. McLeod. $ she thinks she is saying it is} avenging department was run Mr. J. A. Funk, of the 5 and|make an affidavit that there ed for the Granite quarry. The Mr. Neil McLeod Before McFarlane arrived|white. Such aman is Mr. in bettar “shape since the city}10 cent store died suddenly ai|no Indian settlement on the|machinery will be here shortly McFarlane to bring the |they secreted themselves in an|Hawkins,—affectionately call- took it over than ever before. |2.30 o’clock today. At the time |lands applied far. and Mr. McLeod expects to be re the church board |inner room At this mterview,/ed “Ernie” by his company. The mavor admitted there is{he was in the house of Wm. Mr. Tyson cites another case!crushing rock very eerly in the ‘ | , : : steps to verify |says N. J MeLeod, who was|When a member frowns, he probably cause for complaints|Manson, He has apparently | UP the river where ‘an Indian | year. Nothing more jone of the deacons, MeFarlane|smiles, when they ask why, he | vet, but as the city had been|been in good health all along. |has a house and four acres of hes til about two mon-/repeated his former assertions |tells them why—maybe it is and compelled to take over this|Mr. Funk came here about two|cleared land which has been oc- You can please “her’’ with a 1 MeFarlane again \and at the end ,the deacons and) maybe it isn’t, but they believe|. ork jt will take time for the|years ago. He was a brother of |cupied for several years. It was|present of fine china or cut Neil MeLeod at the/the plaintiff stepped out and/him just the same. Such a man}jittje things to all be adjusted. |the late Mr. Funk, of Funk &|fenced in. Yet he was turned/glass from Wallace’s. 204tf ice and said to him: |confronted him. is Mr. Hawkins, a hale fellow ea Wagnall’s, New York. off this season by a rancher —_—____—_—_—_— We st do something about} After some heated discussion] wel] met, with a glad hand for]! ee eo oh Te who had purchased this land Fresh eastern oysters. Palace his McLeod business.”? He then |the whole party went down t0]eyeryone, and who meets every- . . Herring Run Over from a party who had staked it|Cafe. 284tf old MeLeod that the plaintiff |the Royal to see Mr. Burgess, one andmakes a life long friend ; . According to Messrs. Kelly oe : had been annoying Mrs. W. T.|From him they learned that in| of everyone he meets. Along aoa Griffiths ce ave ie eid aaa 4 Robins ind after speaking to | conversation with the defend-|with his numerous managerial oie Nindentont Mae today : Ne what she considered anjant (McF arlane), under pro-|duties, Mr. Hawkins also finds ne ast of herring on ales advt. ig manner had __ seized |voeation, he had repeated /time to play various long and canal has dropped off to almost hands and when she/{wo year old rumor concerning|jmportant parts and play them nothia eee it looks aa ough ke away “followed her up-|the $500 bribe. well. The company opens at Y 3 . : Witness stated that during/{he Westholime Opera House on M Patmore put in an ob- |his attendance there had been|Wednesday, December 417th in ection to'the evidence and wag/only one stand taken by Rev./the great play “Thg Spoilers.” empo ily sustained by Court |Me ‘Leod on the liqué or question ———- it would not resume. From seventeen hundred to two thou- rince ll ee 0- sand tons of herring have been secured thus far this season.— hut the whole story as above jand that was unqualified oppo- In our toy section — every- xetchikan Miner. e Was allowed later. i sition. thing for the kiddies. Wallace's. ’ Mr. Neil McLeod repeated The second witness Mr H. M. 294-tf St. Andrew’s Soe jiety ‘ his previous advice to the de-| Daggett corroborated Mr. Mc- ics ast cathe, noe ae he Lp ee echoes pepeding : s | 3s ad oa f the St. Andrew’s Society wi to bring the matter up|Leod’s evidence. New Scavenging Bylaw 2 Bas eee tae ae a “i rat, blag ia a nid Sonantond a it eight he held i the Society fooms on PROPOSED RATES The witness stated that Me-| Morning Session meeting of the city council in- sag lhe ryt ae ik Th eae Farlane « pain__| — . “ed a by-law to amend the ec. 19th, at 8 o'clock. A ge a alled on him again | troduced a by-law to amen¢ cae ‘ ; ange ey Comparison Hours Horse Power ears this time at his house with still] At this morning’s session the |Scavenging Bylaw. It was read attendance of members is re- in Kilowatt and Y quested, as a number of im- ; -amined zs ; ; 7 ; other story, * while| plaintiff's counsel examined), first time and laid over until y ory, viz.: That while |p : portant changes will come up (1) When the maximum demand for the month is 500 ‘ev. MeLeod was fixing up| several witnesses to prove thatlihe next meeting of the coun- horse power or less. the store at corner of 3rd Ave. jthe « lefendant had repe vated the ceil. =e consideration, ne the elec- Load factor Total charge Total charge ‘ud 7th Street, which was being | scandals ia oA rs than churel te pos et officers for the ensuing “per. h.p. year per k.w. hr, ed as a Baptis » had| members 1e ¥ Anat were. Printing Voters’ List. : 4D ner pont. 2 hie BAe OG. eee 1.96 cts. led in one ie Eelkiae rte! A. R. McClelan, J. C. MeLennar , : ee ee ” orerren ee rr ce 50 oe MER. < eats tie $8.66. oc cwcsscaeu: .1,87 cts. id after some teasing about|Mr. and te Kiasee and Rev. Tenders for printing tne voters’'|Second son of the King of Swe- Freight to End of Steel (2) When the*mexinsem Gemand tec thi meet aaeeeel ler weight had lifted her up) Mr. Scott. Mr .Burgess, of the lhist for the city were opened last] en, whose wife is said to be The G, T. P. freight trains 500 horse power and is ‘ess than 1,000 horse power. ‘Wo or three times, and treated}Royal Hotel, was 4 witness evening, The tenders were for 250, contemplating divorce. will again be in full commission 40 per cent........ s* ABBR OO AGC ae cee 1.46 cts. her geng rally so familiar that! ‘about the old $500 liquor story.|400 and 500 coples. The prices sub- ae ' 7 === /on Wednesday. There will be Ob per tention 4 an 8 WG he ees 1.37 ets. pea See = ————— | mitted were A. O. Franks, $75, $85] Santa Claus’ headquarters.—/a train leaving that day for the (3) When the maximum demand for the month exceeds peancbenigigigly and $90, respectively; Prince Ru-| Wallace's, 294tf/end of steel. 1,000 horse power and is less than 1,500 horse power. vert Publishing Company, $90, $100 °F ee ne ——— . a WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE 3 $105. The contract was awarded NOTICE The Loyal Order of Moose = ot oo 3 ee ieee ph Myon e ciamaees oe & to the lowest tender for 400 copies. ae will give a grand Smoker in the Soe ee ante ee ae den ame : ; 1913-14... as sess er , Commencing Monday, Dec-|K. of P. Hall, on Thursday, the [4) When tie @euae Seman. tor the: month Saame . . Winter Season of : : 2 ; 1,500 horse power and is less than 2,000 horse power, — Christmas Trees ember15, the retail price Of|48th inst, at 8 o'clock for as aa $26.79 1.16 cts F E ement of the Orders received for Christ-| NEW WELLINGTON Coal will]members and their friends. A oe ad oe VER Ye + tAe Vins Mer ag foe one ape ye our Weeks Engag mas Trees from 50c to $1.00,|be $10 per ton delivered to all]good programme is being ar- Ber me OCR + ont 04 90.4 4.642 er sate * SOA ae See ‘ , J hi S kC mpan according to size. Order early, |Parts of the city, west of Hay:|ranged and refreshments will te tee ee en Oe ee osep ine Deffry toc O Pp Yy Fitz’ Cigar Store, Phone Blue Creek. We are assurred of albe served. Members’ will at- 2,000 horse power and a than’ 2,500 horse power ber 17th 418, 293-208 | full supply of NEW WELLING-|tend for business at 7.30, 296 PEE COME, 2 ok os 6s 5d FOE .G6 ss 4s eee ae Opens Wednesday, Decem TON LUMP GOAL, the best on x mew CD tee. Mahe i kas 4 ae $0.02 °c ee 1.02 cts. In the Great New York Production of After the theatre. Palace Cafe,|the coast, and will fill all orders| Gome in and “look around.” . (4) When the maximum cemand for the. ment exceeds _ ERS . 2aitf |promptly. Rogers & Black.|Glad to see you whether you 2,009. Rat. power. THE SPOIL am Phone 116 dec 22 buy or not. Wallace’s. 204tf 40 DOP CODE. is: 6640s et oe 923.19 o\e a 0 2ale o eleaa 0.96 cts. By REX BEACH He said it was arumor some —— 50 per cent.......+.+++ 30,06 ..eesecare .. 0,87 ets, years ago, In cross examination; Perrins Swede and Glace glo-| Fresh crabs. Palace Cafe, NOTE Popular Prices - ‘ - 25c, 35c., and 50c, he admitted having said: “It|ves. Demers, 289-tf| Sixth St. 284tf 1 cent per kilowatt hour isequal to $33.90 per. Ramee. eae Reserved Seats at Orme’s 8rd Ave. Drug Store has been noticed since that time —— SRN sR i Sn, year (Hydro-Electric Power Commission of the Province of On» Doors Open, 8 p.m Curtain Rises, 8.30 p.m, that McLeod has said nothing} Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.| Perrins Swede and Glace glo- tarlo 1909 Report, page 127). pei , against the liquor interests,” Phone 4, ves. Demers. 289-tf woe