December 16, 1013 quesd iy, THE DAILY NEWS a= pe EEUU EEO OOOO UU UB UULE EE gvery Article 18 Saveey - asiialerian Article is Guaranteed or Guaranteed or kesoat y Retunded | Money Refunded Le CUT PRICE Jewelry Sale NOW ON TO * * * * + x * x + * x o * + + * x + * * . +o * + * + * + a before in the history of sales has there hee) such . hter in prices on Diamond Gold Watches, Solid * . ) i By Ring Loveleers, Pendan Germay Silva Mesh t B Vanily Cases Bracelet ind thousand of other 7 f 0 numerous to mention will be on sale at lese than r x eeale cost, aS we have bought thi toc] i rate on 7 t ilar, and we give you the benefit of our expert buy- * t order to gain your confidence for future business, 7 ; lines below will give you a sligI idea of money + x opportuities during thi ile * : : i" COME EARLY, COME ALL + * t ) Gent solid gold sig 50 Repeat alarm clocks. 7 : f all sizes, regu regular $ 2t0 $3, now $1. T ‘ rice up to $412.00, 12 only Ladies 414k. Gold & £ now eee $5.00 Se aa bitenu om t Pillip price ranging irom * 5 ynly, Babies and Girl's *<0 up, your choice $5 + * gold rings, sizes to 6 only, Ladies Genuine It 7 * ; p x rom 6 mo, to 5 vears, lian Camio Rings, regu * * . r | , * x ranging from $14.50 ar $15.00 and $20.00, # * §) $6.00 .. your choice $14 Today $7.75 ~ * ni 41 ve oe ae ¥ German silver Mesh on ae ira hea + ‘ srooches, all kinds of se * jous, half price athe ete eee f tings, during this sale, ¥ x Ajj safety Razors, 25 to 60 from 30 to 50 ™ off regu- a } per cent. off lar prices + * . * It will pay YOU to look them over! * ¥ x -— - * x * f * * : NEW : JEWELRY : STORE : * e e * t * * t Alder Block, 227 6th Street * * * * RRR ITT I TIT III IIIA IS IISD IIIS SSIS ISS ISSISASAIASSIAA A choicest samples of Canada’s six million acre wheat crop. We grind them into flour in the little mill you see on the left of the picture. Then comes the | supreme test--bread-baking. If ; t Here's where we test the j \ the bread is perfect in every | way we pronounce the wheat Al and the flour--ROYAL | STANDARD. AT YOUR GROCER’S } % Vancouver Milling § Grain CeL td ver. New Westminster. Nanaimo. Victoria a ae eee SACO UOC. LUAU LIRA R REAR RF This is Glencarnock —~~ THE SPLENDID CANADIAN STEER THAT BEAT ALL COMPETITORS McGregor, of the United Victor IL., owned by J. D. feated all comers from the best fatms of Brandon, States, oe {AOU LIL. CALIFORNIA : $ e : J. G. McNab * * * x x * * ; * PIII IAIAIAAIAA AAAI AAAS AIA AS NIDA AAAI AAI OA OI OA I I IO A Oo A A I IO A II IK EXCURSION From British Columbia te Los Angeles, leaves Vancouver, B.C., January 5th, 1914, by S.S. “Princess Victoria’ 11 p.m., arrives Los Angeles, Jan- uary 11th Pinal Return’ limit, April 30th, 1914, Round Trip From Prince Rnpert $133.00 Special Train via the O. R. & N. a Southern Pacific neludes every berth, meals, side trips, entertainments \ train of modern, elegantly equipped, electric lighted Pullman Sleepers, observation, buffett and dining cars A trip of unrivalled scenic beauty through Oregon and California, along the “LINE OF THE SHASTA LIM- ITED” to San Francisco, San Jose, Del Monte, Santa Barbara, Los Angel- geles with side trips via the “Orange Belt Line’ to Riverside and Red- lands expefise on going trip Liberal stopovers allowed on the réturn trip. Let us give you California literature and tell you more about the trip. D. E. Brown, Hope & Macaulay Limited. PASSENGER AGENTS, 585-7-9 GRANVILLE STREET VANCOUVER, B.C, OR TO GENERAL AGENT, C. P. R. q PRIN CE RUPERT, B.C. Man., at the and which de- Chicago Stock Show. DEVELOPMENT WORK IN GENERAL MINING NEWS FR OM PORTLAND CANAL DIS- ‘rosscutting arealthe vein and good ore encoun- with the big bore on Glacier|/tered the full length. This tun- reek, at the same time one can-|nel lies about 750 feet to the west- ' ‘ ' ' lward and al 300 f not but be impressed by the bus }ward and about feet lower id elevation than the crosscut tunnel | inesslike activity of the camp in| . by which the vein was first tap- reneral, The clockwork method,| |“ ' ' . S ped at a depth of about 100 feet. ¢ } | 1 i . / - combined with the keen air of ex-| Tt has therefore been demonstrat- pectancy in every department of|ed that the ore is continuous for the works, the faith mine, daily expected, | town, | clemency of weather cx The given for the football season. | London, Dec. 15.—Sylvia Pank- Not a bad game at all. hurst, the suffragette agitator, has * ae adopted a new and more drasti: According to an exchange the | method since her arrest on Decem- py atest treatment for insanity 1s | ber 10 by adding a “no sleep” strike/{he continuous bath. No ehance to the hunger and thirst strike to of us on the Pacific coast going force the authorities to release her. crazy. She has accomplished the task of n si ‘. eping @ ce by walking continual- . S 9 ee can P D. B. Hanna, of the G.N.R. y- > 2g 27 . . striae The conditions are already serious | denice id fe aepory ~ Sora /Ork oN aR, DS - and friends expect an early release, | 10" wor . Bea lice plan to keep. her ‘and her ing suspended for the lack of ashe police 2€ 2 ; ” toF crs y F ; s. » says Sir Wm, Mac- mother in jail until after today's funds. He say weekly Social and Political Union, fe " t * : Gift x * Xmas Gifts ¥ » ‘ HAIR BRUSHES MIRRORS y ; IMPORTED PERFUMES * x FANCY STATIONERY MANICURE SETS * x XMAS CHOCOLATES : ; * + C. H. ORME ; x . . ‘ “THE REXALL DRUG STORES” t 2nd ‘Ave.. Gor. 4th—82 Phones 200 8rd Ave, cor. 6th * FOR IRR RRR A RA TR AAA IAA AAA AISA ISIDAAAISSISSISSISSSS ISIS IAC my) am em eR Knott’s : Bakery | + Ours . Xmas season is on. We take special orders for Xmas Cakes, Pies, Puddings and all kinds of FancyBaking. BIGGEST BAKERY IN NORTHERN B. C. ORDER EARLY Phones 190 and 363 3rd Avenue Knott’s : Bakery a THE STEWART MINES. TRICT — ENCOU RAGING PROSPECTS ; : | been confined to yoint where pe ek aes ng + : about giving out for publication | ? I 5 lis organized and a council se- 2 i |the main vein is cut by Cascade cured. the exact results obtained by Cine) XAs tannel vaeinilennen W. P. Lyneh is temporary the mineralised | SMITHERS WILL FORM Wiil Elect the Officers thers last week for the purpose of chairman, officers by iwhich will be CITIZENS’ ASSOCIATION by a Ballot A meeting was held in Smi- organizing a Citizens’ Asso- PIII IIIA IIA ADA AIA AAIAAIAK .. Xmas Photos .. Don’t forget your promises. Cheer up your friends by sending your photo for Xmas. QUICK DELIVERY Just phone up and make an appointment. PEERLESS STUDIO While the management of the; Cascade Falls — Development a t : e-whteti 4 Alder Block Phone Red 69 Portland Canal Tunnels. Ltd., is|on the property of the Cascade eation, i purpose ve Ww ee . ; Falls Mi Cc Ftd haa dated to look after community affairs | Oe naturally more or less reticent BUS NET Oey by Has NAte'Y until till such time as the town — It was decided to elect the ballot at a meeting held this week. full length of the ) carries depth. bespeaks volumes for | practically the of all connected with the] property, and it als Fresh developments are| President Charles Bunting is in and very enthusiastic over Indian—It is a source of satis-| the results obtained generally for the season’s work. Point—W. the Ben Bolt and has faction to those indirectly as well Swamp Cormack, late foreman at Northern Terminus been temporarily in ing the absence of Foreman Phil- A crew of over thirty employed, as those directly interested to hear that development will be contin- ued without interruption through- mines, out the winter. Some time ago it} charge dur- was proposed to shut down for a | the worst men | during lips. the | are month or so and | permanently msiderably increas- The wharves | despite the fact for the piles was and it will now weather, and to reopen in pring. Now couraged by the present outlook, en-| this is to be c ed in the near future. the management, has determined, in spite of the in-| are completed, mnditions to} that the driving exceptions ally 1 bad be possible to dork with ease the s moving at all costs looks better keep thing rhe it did. mine than ever | | largest boats on the coast. SYLVIA PANKHURST ADOPTS A | emer mere errr errr PF NEW METHOD OF FORCING AUTHORITIES. Act Accompiished by Walking— Is Expected Release Will Follow, Fourteen deaths and serious injuries are the fois, fe » No Gift Is More Universally ») See that the celebrated trademark, Acceptable Than Fine Jewellry For The Holiday Season! You are cordially invited to inspect our new stock of Jewelry and Novelties. It is the finest assortment we have ever shown and the quality is the best obtainable. In our enlarged quarters we are in a better position than ever to cater to your wants. R. W. CAMERON . 2nd Ave. and 6th Street Official Watch Inspector, G.T.P. Perrin’s Gloves as shown in illustration, ison every pair of gloves you buy. LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. First and McBride Prince Rupert PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. We have solved your Christmas present problem. Try FINNIGAN’S CIGAR STORE Dainty Packages of Cigars Pipes of Quality Smokers’ Supplies Periodicals Fancy Baskets of Chocolates Finnigan’s Cigar Store, 6th Street Messenger Service This trade mark assures perfect kenzie has just come home with Women's . — $7,000,000 of European money, meeting of the militants continue their vio- lent tactics, An arson squad in burning an empty mansion near Bristol and a lumber yard at Daven- port did damage to the extent of $400,000. A telegram sent to the King by the W. S. P. meeting requested the stoppage of the crime of doing to death noble women. The pet A recent authoritative state- ment of the value of this year’s salmon fishing in British Col- umbia puts the figures at some- thing over seven and a half mil- lion dollars, That is some mon- ey to turn out of one in- dustry. lose a The north of Ireland is under arms to resist home rule, and the south of Ireland proposes to arm in support of the proposed new government, The happy condition promises to be again presented such as was recorded tures to an agreement regard-|by an Irish poet of a former ing Sunday observance and ear- generation, when the people of ly closing hours, The paper was Ireland were “fighting like div- : ils for conciliation, and hating signed by all but Lynch Bros.,)each other for the love of God.” who refused to. observe’ any stated time for clesing their store, rs Tribune, a — Early Closing in Smithers The general merchants of the town were called upon last Wednesday to get their signa- NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS To insure insertion changes of advertisment must be re- eeived at the Daily News of- fiee not later than 10 a.m, The Daily News has the largest circulation in the city and dis- trict. To be had at all the news- Ss use J | panrtes Fit and Finish. Do You Will make you a profit of $500.00 immediately by an expenditure of $100.00 for Improvements. $900.00 House and Lot $350.00 Cash Six blocks from this office. Want ..v"" I will possibly make $500.00 profit on this buy for you inside of 60 days. SEE IF I MAKE GOOD! PRICE, $1100.00 Terms, 6, 12 and 18 months WM. 6. YOUNG INVESTMENT CO, on the day of publication, dealers, 221 6th St, Phone 19 Pipes that are Dreams Ornamental Pipe Cases MEN ARE HUMAN Remember this in buying Your Xmas Present, A Man likes Cigarette Cases Smokers Supplies SEE OUR WINDOW CRITERION Westholme Theatre Second Ave. \ Fancy Boxes of Cigars Next JURE a ARI III IOI IO OI III IAT IIIA II Showing for Xmas Gifts Hand-made Blouses, Silk Blouses, Irish Lace Neckwear, Hand Embroidered Initial Hdkf., Folding Umbrellas for Ladies and Gentlemen, Silk Searfs in great variety, Hair ornaments, Gloves, Searfs and Doilies in linen and lace, Kimonas, Silk Hose ,Stoles and Muffs, Royal So- ciety fancy work and many other’ very aire ote. 20 “% off————- COATS AND sUITS ———— % off DEMER’S DEMER’ S KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No, 8 Builders’ Supplies _ Sheet and Plate Glass ee Supplies ane Glass Mirrors aints t . ba HARDWARE = ers,,##«= Varnishes Graniteware