en ETD | GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: — LARGEST OIROULATION 4 An — mney of annaeta AND NORTHERN onn., has a heart dou in THE CITY normal size. What a tremendous BRITIGH COLUMBIA i capacity such an ex-mayor would ‘ have to grieve for the citizens of [a , nt Prince Rupert. yivret ve \al) “% ——————————— er — — ~ —— ae VOL. IV., NO. 206. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1913 PRICE FIVE CENTS eS — ———_——— —_—_—_—_—_—_— ENGINEER DONNELLY TALKS OF BIG DRYDOCK WORKS GENERAL MANAGER CHAS. N. CROWELL TO TAKE CHARGE OF PONTOON BUILDING AND START —_— WLEOD VS. M’FARLANE CASE. |" azozzzwone,, | : CHIEF TOPIC OF DISCUSSION monn Report trom superin- tendent to the Council TRIES TO PROVE JUSTIFI ee SES WITH SUGGESTIVE STORIES WON Supt. Dunean has submitted his monthly report to the city PERMANENT ORGANIZATION Hit a REV. McLEOD AND HIS wiFE BOTH IN WITNESS sTAND |°OUNci! for the light and tele- ee THIS ere A TRYING SCENE, phone department. They show fe The lumber for pontoons at; the boilers, engings and electri- Hips’ Morning Session ther was {p i a good margin of profit in both i} , m~ the dry dock is now being|cal equipment. The latter is fk r 9g ay from Jabour’s she was services. Mayor Pattullo is par- ve ' } brought in and work on the being made by the Canadian a a called into the Brothe.ho. ticularly pleased with the light Any ee, rine aiisiractt éthewd Wilk’ stae General Electric Co., being the i had When the alleged slander rooms by plaintiff, who offered Paneer ee iy Ign (ASTih an, eer % Ae d ane oma ee of these will start latest pattern of the highest de- KY se opened this morning the}to chow her Agia iv tne Pere land power department which he eo * soon. This will be under the|}yelopment in steam turbines, ta f court room and passage ways|pogm he did bussed her weld ht says was in bad shape, when o management of Mr. Charles N./and alternating surrent electri- aed were blocked to the street. Both] and fin; lly Said he could lift i “| Superintendent Duncan took it ea Crowell, who will be the gener-|cal generators. ie j the plaintiff and his wife gave] which he proceeded to an us over. al manager of the plant. His The Royal City company have ie i evidence in rebuttal. In cross-|jifted hey thrisé.Atinide aad “ane For November the earnings peut" arrival marks the beginning of|the contract for the boner work. ia & examination the defendant's] instinctively felt. his lan wae from the light and power were the permanent organization. The boilers will be of high ‘fl ” counsel asked about the father-|,,,, TI inl abt ba: = Heil *, | $6267.11, and the operating 3 see es This was the statement of| pressure water tube type. . e hood of a child in Woodstock}jgwed her and said’ “Don't tell cost $4,740, showing a net rev- [oe = .: Mr. W. T. Donnelly, chief engi- Work is also let for the fire oe wid the plaintiff made’a lengthy} anypody, This ie due little sec- | eau? of $1,526.96. 4 4 ~~. ; neer of the big dry dock, to The|proof reinforced conerete ad- ahd { iddress in defence of his char-|pepr sad The monthly revenue from Daily News upon his arrival|ministration building, which # ri acter. Counsel tried to prevent Cross-examined she held to telephones was $1999.65, with , lies here today. will house the offices and draft- Beas him but the judge allowed it,} pep stor, though rather etdats operating cost of $1,443.24, ; Posanicet enon OY Mr. Donelly has just returned/ing rooms. There will also be egy 2 stating that a man had a right) questioned by counsel She had showing a profit of $556.41. tin ripranaay from Honolulu, where he had/a building for storing coal. Av Ik iy defend his character. heard that plaintiff's salatibue For eleven months the earnings v7 + ' just tested and put in operation! Specifications are now pre- Bet 3 Mrs. McLeod, who has not} with Mrs, Robinson aia vith $21,167.40, and the net dahl os f a big floating dry dock for the|pared for the machinery equip- ‘e i been well, was almost over- improper, but did not tell her( e’en"* $6,708.26. i ; Inter-Islands Navigatiow Co.}ment and yard layout, \ te. come in the box. She defended] cicter about how plaintiff had ————______—— ’ [he dock had been built from The rock fill is. progressing Rigg i ‘ her husband’s ‘character in|pehaved to her till two heii S.S. PRINCE GEORGE cone pce hhis plans. In Honolulu he en- satisfactorily aud he hopes this lrg every respect, later. TO GO ON DRY DOCK % i ST. Geoace s joyed warm summer weather will not delay the work any. \ j Fl At times the scene was most Aiéd W. 1, Robinson was than d CHANNEL and everyone there was wearing) Steel for the buildings is now © rf umatie and His Lordship fin called; her husband went south The Three Funnel Steamer will ? straw hats and linen clothes. being delivered and work on the j q y adjourned the case “to cool] about the middle of cued Take Turns in Being ‘ Concerning the work here|steel construction will start i ff. best ‘About thatthe ae Roe Laid Up J ti Mr. Donnelly said they were next week, Bre 4s Other witnesses this morning|tieed the visits of plaintiff be- , ; making good progress. Since There are npb6w more men at ‘el were N. J. McLeod, H. M. Dog-leame more irequent and enu.| Upon her arrival in Vietoria ULSTER ON THE MAP OF IRELAND his visit here in the summer work on the plant than ever be- fi ind R. M. Melntosh. ; ’ v2 on January 4 from Prince Rup- i 5 the contract had been let for!fore. is pcbaa is conversations With}. the Ppinee George, of the} At a glance this map shows the Province of Ulster and its ie as i Se nee ier rather more affectionate], mp eee anit Fn une i ; a Yootéedig: Attiancen. Suiits agutetck Where a aes WS Re ante proportion to the whole territory of Ireland Two Conservatives Elected. |SHUSHANNA CLAIMS 7 _—— ousidered the most serious in paired ead. AoBPh anied: The . DE eee a ia ea a ion t ; i BRING HALF MILLION a lhe first witness called yes-}cident was that he had told her|cioamer will go into dry dock WOULD BAR AUTOS FROM The second by-election el , rday afternoon was Miss Mar-|he had a beautiful dream about}ipnere {to have a number of Organization Meeting VANCOUVER MAIN STREETS} Macdonald gave the Conserva-|Sale Made in San Francisco of i Green. She stated that Mc-/her and offered to tell it. She plates removed, following a mis tive candidate a majority of 882. Discovery in New Fields. had aecused the Rey.|said: ‘Do you talk this way to hap in nantharn wataes 4 ahr Wednesday evening the Coroner's Jury Make Strong | At the previous election the ma- ; erat McLeod of insulting one of theJevery woman you meet?” and|yin.6 back. The Prince Rupert supporters of Mayor T. D. Representations to Attor- jority was 784. This year’s Seattle, Dec. 16.—The James i Sun lay schoo! teachers. |he answered ‘No, only to you.” at present making the Thursday Pattullo as a candidate for ney-General. vote plz. larger than last year. claims in the Shushanna, from- She said she didn’t believe it. He arrived one morning about sailings out of Victoria will be a second term will meet Bi. Ge ; At Perth in Ontario Dr. A. F.} which the first gold in that dis- Mr. J. H. Rogers gave evid-}8 o’clock with a team to take a]/poig there on her arrival, Dec. and organize a campaign The jury enquiring into the|Hanna was elected in a three-|trict was taken last summer and ong the same lines as}book case she had promised]sy ang will replace the Prince The excellent administra- death of Ida Porterfield, who cornered fight. Hanna had 13>]|brought hundreds of gold-seek- Mr. MeClelan about the meet-;him for the Brotherhood and George, leaving Victoria on tion of this year shiuld was killed by being struck by an majority UySEs the independ-lers into the country, have gs and corroborated = Mr.|when she met him at the top Of} yonday. January 5. prompt the business men aufomobile, recommend drastic anh PRUEAIVER TT and Arthur|changed hands for a considera- SeotUs evidence as to check|the stairs, took both her hands The. Prince x Albert, will be to encourage his candi- measures to protect human life Hawkes, the Canada First @an- tion of between $400,000 and uffair and made very effusive apolo- the first.of the smaller boats dacy. Thei me asti var E didate, got only 70 votes in the|$500,000. KE. J. Ives, Frank Mr. R. M. MeIntosh also cor-|gies for calling so early. ta clear’ tone Victoria tit tie “Win wnaid ait ee pat whele-riding. Manley formerly of Seattle, and roborated evidence of Mr. Me- Cross-examined the witness}... thursday service. She will cme EERE SR sae Sr dkctivea He Tune & ae oe MRS ee J. J. Price obtained the option Ulelan as to meetings, Defend |was very friendly with Mrs. Mc-]) . 4.6 Victoria at 10 a.m. on New] Get your Christmas supply of tt aa furtd i a titi y nae ines Just Plain Barrett on the group of thirteen of the {met him on one oceasion}|Leo d,who often visited her. She Year's Day, calling at Vancou-| holly and mistletoe at the Arctic Sais te SE AkEaa : Fu o niet — rich pay claims, and will leave on Sixth Avenue and said: “Mr. /also often had the McLeod chil- ver, and will make Prince Ru-| Studio, 205tf|"e"™ Vie veer yee The name of. Barrett Lake|the first of the year to develop as a body, suggest that the At-| . : ‘ city where he has a great many 1,000 horse power and is less than 1,500 horse power. Opening To-Night at the friends who will welcome his 40 Ber cenk, 6.6 sore BOORE op cess does 1.31 cts. .- WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE bride. 5 60 per cent......... BEES aa: acelaies s 1.22 cts, MPRES HEA F It is expected that Mr. and (4) When the maximum demand for the menth exceeds Mrs Babkiny will spend the sum-|$ 1,500 horse power and is less than 2,000 horse power. TO-NIGHT. hi D Si kCom an mer in Prince Rupert. 40 per cent,..,..,.. $26,709 Settee tenes 1.16 ots. —EEEEEEE osep ine e ry Oc Pp Yy tei rare Seat 50 per cent A ee ene * 94,66 Po ee re 1.07 ets. “DOCTOR BRIDGET” ‘ NOTICE (5) When the maximum demand for the month exceeds A splendid comedy with Mr. Bunny in the title role. Season of four weeks 2,000 horse power and is less than 2,500 horse power. From the Vitograph Studios. zs 'S PLAY Commencing Monday, Dec- 40 per contenu. wis Q25.B8 Ko. a. 1.45 ets, ps a TO-NIGHT a ember15, the retail price of 50 er CONG: Sea aay ROD ero... 1.02 cts. An excellent Oona suit ae the Lubin Studios s THE S/ ENDTHRII T NEW WELLINGTON Goal will (6) When the maximum demand for the month exceeds fi m en 4 be $10 per ton delivered to all 2,500 horse power, : VISION BEAUTIFUL : «in Caan parts of te city, west of Hay: 40 per cent......... BOD ER oP. 3 0.96 cts. Founded on Longfellow's poem “The Legend Beau- Society comedy drama in 4 acts ' eat ae eee 5 : tiful.” a y ~ Creek. ‘We are assurred of a 50 per CODE s Knee as és RO:OB ee 0.87 ets. i “ full supply of NEW WELLING-|3 NOTE ; “WINTER LANDSCAPES IN FINLAND” Popular Prices < a - 25c., 35c., and 50c. TON LUMP COAL, the best on 1 cent per kilowatt hour is equal to $23,00 per horse An interesting travelogue through Finland in the win- Reserved Seats at Orme’s 3rd Ave. Drug Store the coast, and will fill all orders power year (Hydro-Electric Commission of the Province ter time. From the studios of Pathe Freres, Paris, Doors Open, 8 p,m Curtain Rises, 8.30 p.m, promptly. Rogers & Black. of Ontario 1909 Report, page 127). “WHERE JEALOUSY LEADS” A Pathe drama. — IPR; O eS : Bet Phone 116 dec 22 ¢ 5S ; e i vie i