ae December 18, 1913 THE DAILY NEWS ts _ ——— ar SE -Ts a = ea _ — ————— GEISHA GI Do Y " > 1 $500. 00 a ee | Vj ‘ant . In Bamboo Cabaret or Palace . New Steps Hold Sway in Tokyo S | ‘ ' Dec,’ 18, House and Lot [riic) oe be 350.00 Cash «© atone $ ‘ as sinuous exe ling their native g locks from this office. ! ned them in \\ you a profit of $500.00 In palace t itely by an expenditure 0 cabaret the ¢¢1(0,00 for Improvements. ) i vor o | tively make $500.00 |; Ran tux nt this buy for you Inside | |» i he fart 4} ta re } 7 ’ ipan is| 160 days. g A pri The Royal Standard Test y . istiti I Irom the ost} SEE IF I MAKE GOOD! |ireskish of dances to the ‘bio| | . 1100.00 iv Sst of ty l 18 | THE. “NORONIC.” Here's where we test the PRICE, $ 7 i. “Yes, they have the tango in| New steamer launched lately by the Northern Navigation Company. She is 357 feet long, | choicest samples of Canada’s Terms, 6, 12 and 18 months ITokvo.” he “Buddha only oo ee 4 vada fo rand ~—s is said to be the largest and finest passenger boat six million acre wheat crop. aos | Knows wie will be the out in Ganade for inland 1eRe samrere- We grind them into flour in the st it started : Sas ey, little mill you see on the left of sey CROWDS FIGHT TO SEE ‘MONA "7 ™°Gp 205233 aq, | Sevtm Tn cn it immens IF IN VANCOUVER Meee, ae ene ae wk 4 etal aioe. supreme test--bread-baking. If fF a ig al] ; : webs notes culate) LIZA,? THE STOLEN PICTURE nda, misionwy ans am. | tetrad pelew ® Sey Ws INVESTMENT co. Jo is of Ameri a. | Sit Stevens, M. P., Debate way we pronounce the wheat FE + of 6th St en INDIGNATION IN ITALY OVER RETURNING THE PICTURE ee | Al and the flour~ROYAL Hg prre snOpRing . bin TO FRANCE FROM WHENCE IT WAS TAKEN ea a ia. STANDARD. (ag a [ iSy; mmodious store. at At the conclusion of Mr. Ste- AT YOUR GROCER’S ! f f - — tractive displ] “a ‘ : f SF RE IH mane’ « ee Peianan : ’ 4 fi Ae |i tive oa ae a Passe ly cr Florence, Dee. 18.—Great]up as irretrievably lost would vens speech before a Vancou- | ome 2 Pe : lt a sis : ve pasate Gad | owds sir ad yesterday to the go to show that he is a mere} ver audience last Sunday on} Vancouver Milling S Grain CoLte ie - Ices, pAcde Idid ae 4 a |Uffiza gallery, where the Mona]vulgar thief who was tempted | the subject of Oriental labor, | Vencouver. New Westminster. Nanaimo. Victoria. be anh tints dative And. Wail a 1 L isa was exhibite d. Although|by the value of the picture, not!Mr. Ernest Monnying, who is | . Boe get on "e0n.tti ee cordons of carbineers| actuated by patriotic, if mis-|teaching Hindus in Vancouver — _ — = ; “4 | were drawn up around the|taken motives. the English language, TIMED TST CCCCTCCCTCCCTCTSTTUCCCTECCTT TCT T CTT TT TTT TTT i In our tov ‘ ._ | buildings and others guarded SR this question: |* ti thing for the | d a: W ane *, ee entrances and halls, the No Sleep Strike “Suppose Jesus Christ, who| ie ' . . gop ‘-i struggles to enter resulted in = was also an Asiatic, appeared | - S . 94-tf great disorder. Soldiers were London, Dec. 17.—Miss Syl-]on Granville Street in a turban. \f 6 @ ee ae a : aes thrust aside or knocked down,|via Pankhurst, the militant suf-| would we call on the immi ba : : j 4 rince et the Saas Palace Cafe | windows were smashed and the fragette agitator, since her ar- tion officers to bundle cle 9 none ronan te iy tee — i sar 13 tesentment is vigorous »x-|that five les of tracks ave The ‘er \ rier Ss Peter eee invited to inspect our new stoc mi i ae 3 ne, tw If your children learn, while eee me * oe ly ae een at eee. ee cee ; ‘a As Cour ‘ r whieh Jewelry and Novelties. Tt is the finest essoriment jeu nt Purchasers at the SV nee er re ee of the Italian Govern-|from the Alberta end of the G.|political movements, gives have ever shown and the quality is the best. obtainable, ie g ; i i \ ie dled , spend money wisely, but how, Saati: tainting the picture to|N. R. This leaves a gap of 156 Spiaitnelin ve sseat et ead In our enlarged quarters we are in a better position than a mber last, have by self-denial, to save some- France. miles on that portion of the line. trigue against Rt. Hon. Wins ton| ever to cater to your wants, 4 ealized a good thing for the future, you will The picture was stolen from|There is another gap of 109|/Spencer Churchill, which is al-| W i \ have an opportu: have started them on the road the Lourve in Paris two years|miles on the lower part of the|leged to be proceeding in the | R. ° CAMERON : to it the same price and to financial success. Open a we an Itali “ e his one line still to link up, Liberal party. The Courier pre- | 2nd Ave. and 6th Street Official Watch Inspector, G.T.P. Di tated a . va a te for his act is that he wished to ee rete ae dicted that he will eventually B Or fore e eee Account for enc 1 in javenge the thefts which Napo- Christmas Trees leave the ministry and fo I k w, before th he Bank of B h North I , form an I hile there is a large list to Ge jan oa. Sats er leon committed in Italy - when Orders received for Christ-jindependent party. a America, and encourage them he brought that country under|mas Trees from 50c to $1.00, —_— on to add to it regularly. jhis dominion. The plea might|according to size. Order early. Don’t let is be the ‘“tsame old * ; os Edward F Doyle have held good had the thief not}Fitz’ Cigar Store, Phone Blue|story” of leaving it to. the last i We have solved your Christmas present problem. Try Roor : i" oe PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH att gh to dispose of the pic-|418. 293-298|day. Come to Wallace’s and do} FINNIGAN’S ‘CIGAR STORE , 11, Smith Bik. Phone 496 jture, but the fact that he tried, a your Christmas shopping NOW. | Open Evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. P. MARGETTS, MANAGER ito se ell it after the hue and cry| Perrins Swede and Glace glo- 294-tf | ere r | was over and the painting given|ves. Demers. 289-tf | eel Dainty Packages of Cigars Smokers’ Supplies Dhkem ese a —|= 'B Pipes of Quality Periodicals MEN ARE HUMAN GREAT LIBERAL CHIEFTAIN _PUBLIC_NOTICE ee | —— soa | | 9 . Rea Mile a-BAGing Vous Xinas.Present, “A Man’ TALKS ABOUT HARD TIMES® cuance to win s25.00 Finnigan’s Cigar Store, 6th Street likes | Res Messenger Service ; I will forfeit the above am- Fancy Boxes of Cigars Cigarette Cases ount if there is any stove in Pipes that are Dreams Smokers Supplies | WANTS TO KNOW WHAT DOMINION GOVERNMENT IS Prtebe Rupert eet ahere Ornamental Pipe Cases SEE OUR WINDOW DOING IN FACE OF SEMOUS SITUATION cause 40 give peredt efficients eee Te ae , | | AL aE CRITERION | Ave. 1 Next Westholme Theatre Second a ee r if ;| owing for Amas Gifts : lland-made Blouses, Silk Blouses, Irish Lace Neckwear, : lland Embroidered Hdkf., Folding Umbrellas, * ‘ ; ’ * © Ladies and Gentlemen, Silk Scarfs in great variety, » Hair ornaments, Gloves, Scarfs and Doilies in linen and ¥F lace, Kimonas, Silk ‘Stoles and Muffs, Royal So- ¥ if oe faney work and many other very useful gifts. ¥ © off—__— COATS AND SUITS ———— 20 % off f » DEMER’S DEMER’S : * * * Hehehe behhnhktbhahhhnehnne es = ESS Stet 8 8 8 2 2 2 see eee ee FOO II III AI III III IAI AIS SIS IISIISSISISSIASSISSISSISSC i Knott’s Bakery Xmas season is on, Cakes, Pies, Puddings and all kinds of FancyBaking. BIGGEST BAKERY IN NORTHERN B. C. ORDER EARLY Phones 190 and 363 3rd Avenue We take special orders for Xmas =| labor. iz | Knott’s : Bakery ET a a Schsaria For The Daily News ™ 2 " s " a " a Sir Montreal, Wil- frid Laurier, the | banquet held in honor of Hon. W. S. Fielding, who has arrive! in Montreal to assume the edi torial chair of the Daily Tele- graph, devoted most of his at- tention to the industrial con- ditions at the present time and the high cost of living in Can- ada, “A new condition has arrived at the present time,” he said. “Kor the first time since 1896 men are seeking work and not| finding if. There is now such} a thing non-employment in this country, The Mayor of Winnipeg yesterday stated tha! there were 3,000 unemployed ; in the city of Winnipeg. Today as we know in Montreal, ‘Tor- onto and all the large cities of Canada, men are seeking em- ployment and not finding it, The most powerful employs in the country are decreasing the number of their workers and cutting down the hours ot At the same time the cost of living is always increas- ing. The result is less work on one side and higher cost of !'v ing on the other. “This is a serious situation, Dec. 18.- speaking at 5S as ‘iin to cope with it? They show ibers of the |passed by the and what is the government do no sign of dealing with the pro- blem. Yesterday, speaking to the business men _ of Halifax, the Minister of Labor = said there was nothing to do. Every- thing was all right and for the best. I could not credit my own eyes when I read it,” No Eugenics for Them Milwaukee, Dec. 48.—Mem- Milwaukee County Medical Society will refuse to make examinations and issue certificates required by the so- cated Eugenics Marriage Law, last legislature, which will become effective on January 1 next. The announce- ment of their decision was made last night. Who wants a modern seven room home cheap? I will sell for the price of the lot and will throw the house in, Look at this: Lot 9, Blk. 8, Sec. 6, Hays Cove Cirele, $3,000, all cash, or can arrange terms. Apply 1038 Hays Cove Circle, 201tf Perrins Swede and Glace glo- in heating its hot without any My device although If few. hot wa qualities. this city stalled quite a hours for your PHONE 489 water increase in fuel or in any way effecting its baking is new have in- Don't wait ter. satisfac- my devise and enjoy tion. The price is very reason- able. Harry Hanson The Reliable Plumber tank Bargain Xmas Sale HALF - PRICE Stock of Denny Allen, Get on Second Avenue, comprising: Fancy Articles of Brass Humidors Smoking Sets Dainty Japanese Ware Books, Leather Goods Toys, etc., etc. Demers 289-tf ves. PER —— Give SZ ed CS ian Second Ave., near McBride Bt as ae Pa We have secured the building until 23rd. Everything RINCE RUPERT FEED cD must go before this date. P OOo 908 Third Avenue ; - = . _ ——— Se RBBB OQ OUB OOO BOO OO Dealers in e ee eee Xmas Gifts ! HAY TIMOTHY as e OA CLOVER ve HAIR BRUSHES MIRRORS WHEAT ALFALFA IMPORTED PERFUMES CORN ETC FANCY STATIONERY MANICURE SETS CHICKEN FEED A_ SPECIALTY Mail orders promptly attended tv FEEREGTAEAGI ATR TR RAR XMAS CHOCOLATES | C. H. ORME “THE REXALL DRUG STORES” 2nd Ave., Cor. 4th—82 Phones 200 3rd Ave, cor. 6th KRKKKKKK PRIA IID II IIIS A IAI 4 _ SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT | LUMBER CO, Branch Yard at 8