THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, December 18, 1913 ee inspection at at Half Price Presents for Everyone The most attractive and varied display of Holiday Merchandise ever shown in one store in Prince Rupert is now ready for your WALLACE’S Special.---Last Year’s Dolls are now on Sale A Special Discount on fine Chinaware Tomorrow but in t room half a yer, him all he matter. by was present. money was p brother's and ceeds of his icy. He referring money to produced and the Elkins defendant’s cz McLeod’s testimony | unde tok toe i istise crowd m he dozen powered him before Mrs partly t life insuré deposit in that bank. This closed the case. In his address to the jury Mr. Patmore dwe the plaintiff had decided to give up the ministry It on the and s in May, 1913, and alle as a reason why should not be awar plaintiff. He conside the evidence of Mrs. the plaintiff was not to be Plaintiff in Slander Case Gets $10,000 Damages Spats aakos: from Page 1. the law- ed court en over- he could make much headway. The judge then rose and ad- journed for the parties to cool ott. | At 2:30 p.m, Mr. McLeod I}was again on the stand, and re jferring to the Elkins incident jsaid that when Elkins came to fhim about it, in view of the trouble in the church, he had felt suspicious and had not told remembered of It was this that ena: him to rebut the childs evidence showing that the McLeod As regards buying real estate his salary would not pay for, artly Mrs. ! the {cLeods pro pol- he ance ot fact that tudy law ged this damages ded the red that Robinson girl proved the ase and that Mrs. as wife of re- i incident a telegram] aint on the Robinson one— the |the whole three on nothing. | heard | Glad to |ophones make lied on. | -Mr. Manson in his address} - ° °9 ® lwent over the case very care- fully from the beginning. He | Department Store reminded the jury again of the} Third Avenue Prince Rupert serious nature of slander. Many | attempts had been made to de is g)\stroy the credit of the parties aaa - — — - | without success and he consid N e-\ered that no man in the pres- ence of his wife should be call PIANO GIVEN AWAY |)" S00" 80800. tions as had been put to his We have a number of tickets unsold on our last piano client without a shadow of evi- | drawing, and in order to clear these up we are offering a. SrncMeinek eieliee ted to give a free ticket with each $10 cash purchase from jbeen ruled out for a very good| now till December 31st, or as long as the tickets last. reason. The action had com- Drawing to take place as soon as the tickets are sold. WARK’S Open Evenings menced in single particu stock affair | tioned by Phone 122 had not evil August last jnow not a title of evidence had | been adduced to substantiate If thi be minded lar. and even | s Wood en men pers¢ ms s}lace McLeod would still be pas- would never Mr. tor and the case have come up. The defence pleau.. wiat all these nasty stories were told in the cause of Christ. Was it in this cause that they were told to Mr. Tamkin and Mr. Oakley? The defendant had flatly con- tradicted every other witness. According to him they were all liars—he only was able to tell the truth That was matter of opinion that might well be jie ft to the jury. | The defendant had wanted something done ail the time. He was after the man and wanted him driven out of the church. He considered that the Elkins girl was far more familiar with sexual affairs than was, seemly at her tender age. She had been well coached and it was an act of providence that brought Mrs. McLeod to the Brotherhood rooms on the day complained of. In his opinion leant on shadow—the a Robinson Wood- inci- and the the stock Kikins Finally he would remind them of Shakespeare’s saying: “Who steals my purse steals trash, but- he who filches my good name * * : leaves me poor indeed.” The judge in summing up made no comment on the evi- dence. He defined clearly the jJegal meaning of slander and charged the jury to bring in a verdict as honorable men free from pi ce. In an action for slander damages might be allowed to compensate the plaintiff and to signify the de of the jury to penalize the defendant. his morning Rev. said: “I brought the vindicate my character. my fellow citizens the evidence and 1] satisfied with their verdict.” sire McLeod action to A jury have am and “look around.’ you whether you Wallace’s. 204tf Come in see not, buy or Fountain pens, kodaks, gram- choice Christmas McRae Bros. 205 gifts. See -296 S. Wal- 204tf Sale antida wante vi H. Co., Ltd. Fresh Sixth St. Palace crabs. Cafe, 284tf on a a a a nd i a i a, i a i os Se a a a a, i ee a Poe eee ed ee oe ede ¢ ° ° ° ) 7 7 Vist , istmas Buying! } of ¢ 7 SE ae i + 4 ¢ ¢ SEE ’ C ee ee " | ; ‘ ° e y ‘ a , FOR A USEFUL AND SERVICEABLE PRESENT ¢ ; What is more appropriate than a handsome Chair, Rocker, Couch, Buffet, China , Cabinet, Cushions, Fancy China, Parlour Tables, Jardineer Sti:nds Y ‘ o all lu o 7 e ® + ; =VALUE $150.00 ) , Consisting of Brass Bed, Ostermoor Mattress, Special Spring, Bedding Complete , 5 Every Cash Purchase of $2.50 ~“— Customer to One Chance A ; DRAWING CLOSES Rc mc ee ae, | DECEMBER 31, 1913 y Special 10 per Cent. Di 3 : Special 10 per Cent. Discount to End of Dec. FOR CASH ° ° I I > THE QUALITY HOME FURNISHER PHONE 20 THE QUALITY HOME FURNISHER y eo ee ee he ee ae ee ee ae ae Te ae ee ae Oe * on te te te in an en nn nt nn * a **, + oo oe % 4 © 6 & @ ee ee 5 el Se OI asp ce: LEG} 8 See es OBS TF — JERE UO UU UULOULE ray, nis 2 Tote aay Christmas LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Gifts Wine glasses and table glas- ses of all kinds for mas dinner. Wallace's, 204tf P ; ea A nice dressing gown for Passengers to Massett yes- a Christmas Gift would terday were P, Piombs, Wilfred bei tal McDonald, Wm. Best, F. H. make him a very happy Holzer, wile ane rneany, man and at the same After an unpleasant delay time help to make him giving evidence at the recent very comfortable. Our slander trial, Mr. Neil F. Mi line embraces selections Leod left this morning for the fi > granite quarries on Smith rom the very best man- Island. ufacturers and prices are ver sone Contractor Kauffman has y reasonable. nearly completed Dr. Tre mayne’s residence on Digby Is- your Christ- ee ge RARER IERIE IAAI AIA AAI IIA IAAI IAA ASIA IAA AISI A ASIA SIA III SII AIA AY ee ee land in connection with the im migration detention statior e e mets Martin O’Reill Kaien Chapter, R. A. M., in y stalled the new officers for the ensuing year last evening. Very 3rd Avenue Excellent Companions F. McB Young and D. H. Morrison took BI AIIIIAIIIIIAIIIIIIIISISIIASISISIISISIASISISISSSIIN INIA IAAIA- 1b charge of the ceremony. Pn eee NOTICE Last evening the | » Dane- - B E S T B U Y ing Club held another of their Contmencing ‘Mendes, Dec very en): nees in St. An-jemberi5, the retail price of} drew’s Hall. There was a goou}] NEW WELLINGTON Coal tonal! Fifth Avenue, attendance. Warner’s orches-|be $10 per ton delivered tra furnished the music. parts of the city, west of Hays he Creek. We are assurred of a Sec. 6, Double Corner Peel? Sonctahle Charles| lull supply of NEW WELLING-| We can deliver Lo Provincial Constable Charles TON LUMP GOAL. the best or “19 I ' 12 Doolittle went south vesterday ia panet and will fil all omlers| 10CK J afternoon with three prisoners : ria et : rom ptly Rogers BI for the penitentiary in New Seon 116 soger Ks ans oe $9, 500 Cash Westminster. Two were China a tithes is s men sentenced to two years snails ey ' house on the each for supplying liquor at Pi en er a co mat ae : cA. f jing Green St Essington. The other was ie o tr sar 7 Pr al ie 4 jper month Wryeklund, sentenced to five Pr eranre: an pane ean feet on Fifth Ave years for manslaughter Wallace's 294-tf on Green Street NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS APPLY H. ¢. Helgerson Harrison, Gamble & Company Tenders will be received up to 6 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 17th for the erection of a store for the LIMITED FINANCIAL AGENTS Acme Clothing Company. Plans ide eee Third Ave. Prince Rupert specifications and all informa- tion at the office of the architect BASEMENT PREMISES in the Heigerson Block Space 25 feet by} Lowest or any tender not nec-| <5, sees ~ plenty of Iaht.. good entrance essarily accepted. reasonable rent Sultable for pool eae “ BOATS BOATS J. W. POTTER, billiard hall, cobbler’s shop, barber sh 296 Architect. et Also space 5t feet, rascals ii ehceaaaa a eae cupied by pool room. If you want a g err. ° ee location, at cheap rent, see us lif you are th f a g a Dolls, toys, games, every- 4 sot bi thing for Santa Claus. Wal- FOR RENT | ace’s. 204tf lace al MODERN COTTAGE |MOTOR, SAILING or ROWING eT aera ett os ae Pive re ms with bath on sewer cios | You can please “her’’ with afin, rent ¢ vacant on January 7th present of fine china or cut glass from Wallace’s. 204tf GOOD BUYS See ere Lot 19, Block 21, Section 6, $2500, $50 =; M. ORWIC Fresh eastern oysters. Palace | cast Dalat 1 1 ind 24 mont Cafe. 284tf i BOAT BUILDER . : Boy Wanted Apply Daily News Office . } - teins Lot Block 2 section 1 worth #2 { rhis proper vered for 84600 on goo is worth the mone > Port Essington, British Columbia ERENCES Fishermat H.C. Helgerson An Electrical “The Daily News | | 3 erga a NOTICE Bia LIMITED Christmas ! !! COWS fresh calved and coming in always on hand, and tuberculosis tested. Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West corner Carleton and Westminster Road | NOTICE John CLASSIFIED ADS cer * I, the undersigned, for and on behalf of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting | ELECTRIC and Power Company, Limited, have de FOR RENT posited with the Registrar of the Prince m4 ; oy < Wa Rupert Land Registration District ,Prince Irons, Toaster ve Kupert, B.« { Heal at Lights 9ESK ROOD se (a) A description of wharf which this er eavers 4 pase mrGs th eomme, seer omee, ow company proposes to construct in front of | ; Curling 0. 3 City oor Lot No, 479, Granby Bay, B.C., said lot and Reading es : KOR RENT—Nice 3 room cottage on Park] the adjoining under-water lot upon which T j G} .* xo Radia Avenue at $16.00. Water in the house,|the wharf will be constructed being the Ongs, Onay e Crown Agency Co. 285-tf |property of the said Company. tor (irills ( Per ; " " b) A general plan showing the position >, 4 FOR RENT Three nice bright outside] a ‘ry. property relative to the proposed : Pixt ; ( rooms in Smith Block, steam heated, | yyarr. lors, IXtu never occupied, excellent for offices, c) A I . , aaa : ) general plan showing more par inne is Vac Cea naeenan le rent, Apply J. A. Smith, !iieulariy the relation of this wharf to the Tree Outfits, 0m 38, 2sitr shore line, with cross-section of the pro ers. etc posed wharf showing type of conse mceoe ’ . F. M. SYLVESTER FOR SALE General Manager C e to our store ea __| Pub. Dee. 12 to Jan. 17—d 4om ' Parkin & Ward Electne General Delivery, ity. 204-tr Lot 50, Block Avenue, wit price ply Owner, #1650, 2 0 h Cash $500, P.O. —_ SNAPS! Section 7, 6th 2-room house, Ap- Box 936 city. 294-207 Phone Collingwood 46 RK. Post Office Coliingwood East, Box 20, 270-1 WANTED Corporation of City of Prince CO., LIMITED Rs Rupert ELECTRICAL CONTRACTO on, STENOGRAPHER desires po d Oth Opposite Pi sition, W O temporary work. | Phone ir vi sts|Merchants an CTS) prince RUPERT, 8 © WANTED A cook for Smith Island camp, sent de sted: t have all o- married woman preferred; other work|@Pe requester Oo nave © % for husband. Box 100, Dally News. counts up to date agains! the|=— ; : rf 7 « nif » City WANTED—Young woman for kitchen city, in the hands of the G! : work, apes $30 per month with] Purchasing Agent not later than room, pply Supt., Prince Rupert Ger le op § 207 eral Hospital per'oss-tr| Vecember 20th. san OI a e€ GOOD general servant wanted; #35 per Inonth, Four help employed. Mrs, L i 8 W. Patmore. 208-0r Double Corner in Section MISCELLANEOUS PRICE $1 200 on ’ : 5 corner GOOD meals at the B, C, Cafe, 118 810 rotted : rowers ndles this corn ae A trial will convince you. $300 cash na ; : j ts CASH-—-Will give immediate cash for bal 'e ave ¢ arge 2 F Fine View Lo ance due you under Agpeement of Sale We have * large ge shipment of Prince Rupert Property (#250--$2,000),| potted Poin Settas, Table Ferns, $1 200 Give full | particulars, A. Wilkinson,| Maiden Hair Ferns and Palms ’ coming in on Saturday's boat the pall g, 12 and h, balance % PRICES REASONABLE Fee eee eonths G. R. Naden Co. Li Real Estate Becond Avenue. ORDER EARLY and insurance Arctic Studio Third Avenue