THE DAILY NEWS Friday, December 1 ia 2 NN —— —— ————— ———— a =— $ pinks there were very few THE DAILY NEWS | ' nea humpbacks packed in the north, The statistics in the above THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA | Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. paragraph are evidently based on the present market price of salmon, whereas the great bulk of the pack was sold at a price H. F, McRAE, EDITOR A ND GENERAL MANAGER .f you &fe planning a trip for Chrietr Fa ate Cn eo ee - : : YF 8 much lower. The total value or to Bastern Canada or United States op 4,, 5) a vn Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, RBS ce JN MEMORY © RARE . » must therefore be estimated at try, bear in mind the Grand Trunk STE eae 5 ‘ 1 A VERY GALLANT GENTLEMAN ; 20 or 25 per cent less than the RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORGE |, ren PRINCE figures quoted above. and Seattle and the @rand Trunk Railway tr \ Stem { $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. | Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. { Chicago to the principal Eastern cities SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ATLANTIC SAILINGS Are now to hand and we can quote lowest ; te tion with above and any Atlantic steamship Call on us for rates and reservations. ALBERT DAVIDSON, Geyer A wry Even on the’ Fraser, where there were lots of fish, the can- ners did not- make the expected big profits such as they do in the years of the big run, This is due to the fact that one of the large packers maintained a high price for fish during the few AWRENCE EDWARD GRAGE, OATES “MIN. IN THE INNISKILLING DRAGOONS N MARCH 17 1880 DIED MARGH 17 {912 THE RETURN JOURNEY FROM THE SOUTH POLE OF THE SCOTT ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION PWHEN ALL WERE BESET BY HARDSHIP HE BEING GRAVELY INILIRED WENT OUT INTO HEsaD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98.) BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 Bast 23rd St., New | Ral SEE EAR York City. : ate ; er oa | THE BLIZZARD TO DIE IN THE HOPE THAT BY WV at days when the fishing nets were Hart Block ' Y EDITION Frid¢ De {9 1013 DOING HE MIGHT. ENABLE ‘HIS COMRADES TO ig glutted, This high price re- Prince Rupert DAIL ae 55> riday, Dec. 19, 1013, (fone ee yaaa ACY aD eed tn his ekideta huvike 40 ——— ee HERE IN AFFECTIONATE | MBRANC Bh | pay heavily for their pack, thus Rae: abars is Bae compelesion ss spire es Vere te. HIS BROTHER OFFICERS AD 1915 | foccreasing the profits. 1 was YMIQN SS COMPANY OF B.C f ; about the candidature of Mr. ah of ry eas Mo pe oerahen ae ae pt sha caused by one company trying ane ware Ltd : CIETY HAL Newton, it will never engen- She certainly has establishec to injure its competitors and Ree te ee formerly Kaien tsd 4 ince whabaver eens i .@ der any party feeling. This the. faa’ Hawt avavee rpeiand wee got the benefit WINTER SCHEDULE To rent for Dances. p blo itiae is say that Mr. New > aires ents cae thes ; aT aed er ings, etc. Particulars at hall ,. not to say eee I me of course Britain may be the : The loss to Prince Rupert Twin Screw Steamer Secretary, P. 0. Box one Hall of is a non-partisan, He is effect, and not the cause, of ; eB through the poor season in the “% everything else but that. The] a principle that determines ak et aly waresheite Fale’ -'s ; Fea — Nias ha cate i a ; ar ehiniee ang? Wake e. Captain Oates Memorial at Gestingthorpe district waters was a serious trouble is that there is no re- all these things. At any rate 2a.0 OP . one. . There were nearly 2500 e n u 7 e Cc O sponsible party who would what a wonderful difference a fishermen in the district, all of woud ere ead Gaenciehen Aiviomaion, colonised “Meal: APT whom were short hundreds of FOR VANCOUVER | himself with the Liberals} co “ingtend of the Spaniard Cc . OATES MEMORIAL AT GESTINGTHORPE era Mer as “are ied 2 P. M. Wednesdays Co eae “hae a : ca 4 epee 7 . or Ba ‘ ; robably 50 per cent o 1@ Oast ) : hen a ok etal heoue Asean aan the ee es In memory of the brave deed performed by Captain Oates in| money those men, receive is pul Phone 116 Rogers & Black a a ay Eire) ee tisa't ; Fe aroueat Ue hadiae rh ne the return from the Antarctic exploration of Capt. Scott. [into circulation through the city FOR GRANBY BAY —- 5 ; e ates ou ? 2 and it sans thé ort trade | Mi ay tay Ae mix. He next turned his new world. In size Mexico is rere oe > Te | ae ae ‘ell sdidy Mea ae ee dntiie ee monvere; ove 175, Deo, S = wooing attention (if the term] about as large as the arable Shir of what ti ieln éh abeeanale st, 16th and 29th and MITH & MALLETT is admissable) toward the part of the Dominion of BIG SALMON PACK THIS YEAR — year. It is a loss wht ork ee he a0) eoee, Grigio bee Conservative party and for a Oanada:” Ite soit ia imibanse- Tea ar . “ae i 9th, 23rd and 30th Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and time it appeared as if they] ly rich, Its mountains are CANNERS GET SMALL PROFITS Bee ee i? Sheet Metal Work had wed. Mr. Newton, how-| filled with silver and with 3 After the theatre. Palace Cafe. Get Tickets at |] Phone 114 “°° 20d Ave. bet. 7th antes ever, couldn’t form any alli- gold and out of its hills thou * 2g4tt R St hi A or ance that would last peace-| mayest dig brass. It is indeed : . - : d S ogers Seams enc esse se fully for more than a few| a veritable promised land| Misleading Figures Published. in Wancouver — Very Poor fi aon moe Ip ea 7. 215 Second Avenue Shane th months, and so the Conserva-| with oil subsituted for milk Season in Northern.Waters—Loss Effects TAXIDERMIST i Weegee tives were obliged to seek an- and honey. Rupert WILLIAM T HOUSE other organ. “ss DRS amend Animals, birds, fish and all z Oe ee With all these natural ad-]| A Vane ot ‘duanatch savas }4O08, whe sa ores ,. |kinds of game heads mounted; B.C. Land Surveyor Giese ay abate NK oWausd| cautious Thuwewat it le atl icin, ee eae ee aaron eee tn [hides tanned Ane Mee 400 rues B.C. Coast Steamship Service® |) prince nure ton has adopted the attitude] unhappy Mexico; uphappy The value of the British Gol-|/460 cases packed, which Wwas}and robes. All work strictly first —— eeererere ia See of a divorced husband. He perhaps because of the sins umbia salmon pack for 1913 has | then the largest pack on record class. A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi- beets : tae éontinues: to. maks -unwel- of its forefathers. Why not been estimated at $7,619,742.-!since 1896, when statistics were] dermist, 728 Helmeken St., Van- FAMOUS SAFETY D. C. STUART autie. visite to. hia formas! believe that in .the economy ae aes from eae Reet : couver, B.C. ea Accountant es oused. . a “e there is ¢ ig ‘ € ) s* ree “Cases eaugn ‘rom us 1 woult appear | a al anand a iiaine PRIN SPEED : mt i Lave der think that the Y SoU ae a and packed. This number in-|that the canners have had a very ESS aa ee © ee present issue will be between Maral ShALRe Ad ‘Move eth the cludes all species of salmon|suecessful year, but as a matter GEORGE LEEK LINE naidwary SERVICE PRINCE RUPERT. B. 0. those who like Mayor Pattul- physical. Perhaps the out- caught and packed in the prov-|of fact it has been a very POOT] ogi metate, insurance and Loan Broker Ba GaAs RRR io and thise wid iike him-not. rages dettonttiod in: the: carte ince. The detail figures for the| year for cannery profits. Notary Public. Rents and Collections Alex. M. Manson, B. A Mavor Newton will not be an Spanish days are still casting year are: Sockeyes, 972,173 From Rivers Inlet north the Albert Block, 2nd Avenue Princess Beatrice for Vancouver on W. E. Williams, B. A, LL.B ingué at all: he ‘will be used their beriled influences about, |°2°¢" at : an etereee price per|seasons catch has been almost a ; Prince Rupert Sunday, 8 p.m. WILLIAMS & MANSON aia Maina ci deimnnieue ot «rhs eae : an | case of $6.75; red springs, 37,-!general failure in B. C. and 3etween 5th and 6th Streets Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. the gods. : Ge siiotaey HA avers. oo ae 433 cases at $6; white springs,|whereas the total pack was bi (> sere = J.G. MCNAB, General Agent MONEY TO LOAN es gt Re factindd th alias sf 8: psy: tae eens eae | P 77,- {it must be nearly all credited to} Office 606 3rd Ave. Phone 93 Bor 1585 It will be very unfortunate ‘thology of nature that stores|oo- .... pated pinks, 192,-|the Fraser. The spring salmon —_—- _ Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. ¢ if the city’s welfare is to be 16 savsties aaa is. ‘as the cae ren at $2.75; and 69,822)run was splendid on the Skeena PACIFIC TRANSFER C0. eg eee m jeopardized because of any| last sou. Ps aie Otora ak $4.25. This/but the sockeye was a failure,|General Teaming, Safe, Piano, personal feelings. No man * 2 8 year’s record is the largest since|and owing to the low price of|Furniture and Baggage Moving s HAYNER BROS. has yet come forward with Mexico.’ needs: to. pass| ———— a | Carefully and Promptly done. UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS any reasons why Mr. Pattullo| through the deep waters. It Storage and Forwarding Wood and Coal ; ov re aga should not be returned, ex- is even now receiving a lit- cueecippuaeeerccipeeeipemimmmmnin aii 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. cept those of a trivial nature. tle of its Baptism of Fire, but eS erat aut tat her's] een mg tte HARRISON W.ROGERS|) tate rat race moe | : man of ability; that he is ag- long fierce struggle with life | gressive and that the city’s and death hanging in the bal- emerre E. L. FISHER | business is very safe in his ance is part of the prepara- Suite 1, Federal Block Corner Pye soy seligpsioy 9 hth St hands. Surely we are big tion required, and out of that 000 F THESE BOOKS PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. eT w. “ Wright, ee : Puneent Laggan apd enough to a that one struggle it must emerge } 3 ‘ Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 ena ak hed ane. oil man cannot please everybody, bruised and _ bleeding and ee F F Di b ° ea — OPEN DAY AND NIGHT and that everybody has a sore. When these Saneions it or ree stn ution = . a First eabe aaa Seventh St right to his own opinions.) are fulfilled we may look for The ROYAL STANDARD , F. M. CROSBY European and American Plan CoP ee Let us all sink our personal the birth pangs of nationality fit shari ee ee Second Hand Dealer vidibvammantides feelings and pull together in and Mexico will _rise up to sharing catalog is just off the Wants to buy all kinds of Household Fur- the interests of Prince Ru-| take its place among the press. You need a copy whether Tools,’ Guns-and ‘Men's Clotuing, Will call KNOX HOTEL FOR A TAXI pert. If we do that Mr. Pat- bright constellations of the you collect ROYAL STANDARD — ar, Sree ee ee ‘on 9% wae faieh be, = o108 : F tullo will be our next mayor west coupons or not Directly y 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 suropean Plan, Rates 50c to $1. . . . *tly you see — aw Per. Day = the splendid premiums we are offer- If you are looking for an up- Site. Sak aot Phone 75 3 5 i we: a get busy to-date renting agency, place J. Y. Rochester V. D. Casley See ny - : , esides, there are new your property in’ the hands of EMPRESS HOTEL ° recipes in the book and our head George Leek. Tare A. Sa tees pcm pereny Avro ar ain mas ale chemist gives valuable hints on GEORGE LEEK European |Pian, 60 to $1 Per Day a bread making. It explains also 220 2nd Ave Phone 203 how to get ROYAL STANDARD “calicaaanente meal ‘bulbeeom moras UMBER es - erican and European Plan HALF * PRICE FLOUR coupons FREE! Remem- F. W. Henning, aibnaaar L ber, only 5000 for distribution. ——— Corley & Burgess, WRITE TODAY AND BE SURE INDUSTRIAL ROVAL HOTEL COAL [EE 3 3 8 toi ee KEKE KAKA Stock of Denny Allen, Ss d Late cd OF YOUR COPY. orley & Burgess, Prop at eae a : sh Bie oe comprising: AAdptee Braeainm Devt, SITES ate oe an ae es s of Brass umidors Smoking Sets xa np Dainty Japanese Ware Books, Leather Goods Vancouver Milling & Grain Hi WHR Ball Gad Water nee Complete Line of Toys, etc., etc. ——= Ltd., Vancouver ——— Transportation Second Ave. 408. bist St. BUILDERS’ ve . . ° - . it! We have secured the building until 23rd. Everything Apply oe eee eer WESTHOLME LUMBER c0., Lim mua aR Baton this inte: HARRISON GAMBLE & CO. LimrrED ; \ ) Financial Agents Fraser ee Sts. aa : : Third Ave. Prince Rupert TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD — ————— You Can’t Fool A Dachshund Bull Drawn for The Daily News by “HoP ee TT CERTAINGY LooKs LIKE SOME BODY Brasco smn -pawre ne I