4 THE DAILY NEWS Friday, December { st — - settee nae .) LEC AO AUER U UGH UU AAG G RO EAU « i Local and Personal : VM ADDDODL LDS DORA enaba ale TT Tere ¥ex : —= Pa yy 4 Only a Few Days * PIII HII IIAAAI IIIA IIA AISI AISISI III I ISIS SIS SSI SIS ASAI ISISISSSCSSI AC today. Welch & Stewart Company, nS ea came down from Hazelton .this ~ Mrs. G. P. MeColl and chil-| morning and left for the south The most attractive and varied display of dren left this morning for a few| where they will spend the Ze) a * * TI oD [M tt Fresh eastern oysters. Palace ¥ Ose easy VU aiuisse is in ‘Tes pe 3 yscvers. v e the city. Cafe. 284tf f Before Christmas The Vadso sailed south today Mr. Thos. McClymont has f Rubb a : Se after having made a trip tojbeen detained in Vancouver on ; ubbers an : i Vv ac Granby. business matters longer than he] § Set Over-Stockings t Have you stopped to think how pleased he would be Pe Se, expected but will return to the All in One ‘ with one of our new James Pamford, a vag, was|city on Saturday. . e ‘ 3 j ‘ i released today on suspended oS oberg? avast ls PRBVELLING BAGS'OR SUIT CasEs sentence, Come to the Baptist Christ- = its walls Weae well, ¥ » : “ Pou nak Mek abatere tonieht aes Ait izes for women & We have all kinds, all Styles, all prices. Fine walrus The contract work on Second|p.m, Admission 25c. Free sup- Duy thent end protect : or seal bags, double or single handle. inlaid locks Avenue grading was finished|per for Sunday school children } yourself end family with ah vie ‘S, today. at 6.30 p.m. 207 from winter iils. ’ P- th real ebony and German silver fittings ‘ , : 5 : i } Canadian g The Princess Beatrice will Chief Engineer Van Arsdol ete. o arrive from the south at 4:30}and Mr. McConkey of the Foley, nee ‘ * * * * * * * days’ visit in. Vancouver, Christmas holidays. . . . i i ise ever shown in one pola Holiday Merchandise © Mrs. R. Donaldson and son of Mr. Coyney, who until recent- | store in Prince Rupert is now ready for your Port Essington went south on|ly was a member of the News| The new gasoline boat for the| : ‘ the George this morning for the} Staff, has just had a painful ac |distriet forestry service is ex-| inspection at holidays. cident that ecessitates his being pected to arrive tomorrow, She} eae confined to the house for a few ]was built specially for service Miss Johnson and Miss Grant] weeks. in this district, but has been e 9 e of the school-staff left this “er used in the south, all summer. e e morning to spend the holidays The many friends of Mr. and Sb oe in Vancouver. Mrs. Mobley will be glad to Mr. W. D. Vance went south eae ® know that their little daughter|this morning en route to Ed Mr. and Mrs. James Adams,}Cecil, who has been seriously}monton where he will spend Mr. and Mrs..Enrick and Mr,|ill for the last several weeks, is|Christmas with Mrs. Vance at Special.---Last Year’s Dolls are now on Sale Alex. Noble 6f Port Essington}now rapidly recovering. The| the latter's old home, Later i are visitors in the city today. child’s illness has been defer-|Mr. Vance will make a business at Half Price es ae 7 _ Beas ring the plans of Mr. and Mrs.}trip to Ontario. He will be ab- Special Discount on fine Chinaware Tomorrow Nineteen telephones were et for a visit to sunny Gali-| sent about Six weeks, New style suit cases in black Walrus or peal ssa in sent into Masset on the last boat} O°" : aru seal, eg eo ra Siar a 5 teeare ; 2c ri > tele- ae Lata cares one the new tan, long grain leather. Silk or leather lined to connect up with the sate ae n ieee teeta die Seat Cove Ghrietmas Tree : 5 ine phone system there. Becta niu, ey ee with complete fittings. Also all leathers in the un- mm ea la Prairie, Man., who is visiting H LID : her daughter, Mrs. McClyment, The Seal Cove school chil- e eo °9 e Teacher wanted for night expects to remain until after the!dren enjoyed their Christmas fitted bags and suit cases Give Him One of These! Eg ge a a a a ae a a ae a a a a a a a a ap ap ae ap ge ERA RRR RRR RRR RRR RRR ERR ke tk kk , school. Salary $1 a hour. Christmas holidays. She is ac-|tpree Wednesday evening The Department Store~ {Duties to commence January 5, companied by another daughter, ; oi : ; eee i 11914. Applications close Dec.|Miss Myrtle McClanigan. school was prettily decorated and he will think it is Christmas every day for y Third Avenue Prince Rupert 126. O. H. Nelson, Ghairman. i on ease and the event attracted many y : years \ y Meer ; What has happened to the| Parents and friends of the pu TR W. J. Alder of Victoria, who} fellow who a few weeks ago pils. The chairman was O. A. e 9 e Se ee ne a em tar sc trie in | has been in the city for the last} was kocking Prince Rupert’s| Nelson, and with him were Rev t ll few days, left for his home ‘an | Weather? Perhaps he has been|F, W. Kerr and Principal ar In el y \ 7 W iday. Mr. Alder has great faith} assassinated: either that or he | Hunter PIANO GI EN A AY lin the north country and only Feves repented of the error of his hare evare a numberot #6 3rd Avenue llives awe ir oO acco t} s : ‘. We have a number of tickets unsold on our last piano ee pete ta ope Bg ~ ae peeee a ag sy te aio os choruses by sem FOI III II III IOI III III I IIIS IIS IIIS IIS ISOS II heat 4 irae NaAanithani -e are offering |‘ Sar pee * Lay children, making up an inter drawing, and 2 order to clear uee up we are offer ing We i Ne | The colder weather has stif-| esting program. to give a free*ticket with each $10 cash purchase from Mr. R. O. Boult of the Cana-| fened up the mud above the! After the program Santa q now till December 31st, or as long as the tickets last. ‘dian Explosives left today for| railway into the interior and the | Glaus appeared and distributed SNAPS e B E S sh B U Y Drawing to take place as soon as the tickets are sold. |his former home in Vancouver, | company are now much better) presents from a well laden tree. Lot 50, Block 3, Section 7, 6tI lwhere his wife and family now/able to cope with the © slides. 40l OV; yo is ‘, 1 W ARK’S reside. He will rturn after the | Wednesday the train got NOTICE rate c. mi cade ° | holidays accompanied by his| through to Smithers without é oy ‘ ~ n a Pp a Box. os8 nt Fifth Avenue, ° . ° : . ° ) or, 4 . 0 ~o0 € ° Open Evenings Phone 122 ifamily and will make his home;mishap and got back on time ane St sa Og ‘ 204.907 . : | permanently in Prince Rupert. |last evening. b ROR PRag) eONOSY, 2 sae: Sec. 6, Double Corner emberi5, the retail price of eeenienes We ST Waltvan Lote 4a and i eae ee ee eee ne a | NEW WELLINGTON Coal will ) mie 44 foe i e866 nnn O62 REX OO COG | be $10 per ton delivered to all A fi penta Uf = city, west OF Bas H. ¢. Hel erson $9,500 Cash A rs }LreeKk, e are assurred ot a Thara-ie fh ( ‘ shed , @ @ ifull supply of NEW WELLING es the Ok tok fl ¥ |TON LUMP COAL, the best on LIMITED eat aire ; 6 Ww ithe coast, and will fill all orders FOR RENT 8 a : " | er on ( f + ( > |promptly. Rogers & Black nadaieetine’ pininiiens . Fo ar atth A : r © mf | Phone 116 dec 22]in the Helgepson Block. Space 25 feet my a Ga. Cina, A r | eeenenepemens _ 50 feet Plenty of Light, good entrance, | ia } o reasonable rent Suitable for pool and M SEIEEEETEEnEEEEEREEEEEEEEERRREERR EERE ERR * é : 9 Z| billiard hall, cobbier’s shop, barber shop | APPLY ry > | The Dail News ; et Also space x50 feet, formerly « | pled by posi room. If you want a good ; y y Soret shame tam ak ok Harrison, Gamble & Company , ee SEE ee y CLASSIFIED ADS, FINANCIAL AGENTS A A : FOR RENT a . Rupert , a | nonmnes covenee Third Ave. Prince Rup 9 | FOR RENT Five rooms with bath, on sewer, close , M4 | oseecariguipainiarenstiieniimeiearaentenivinctcaetigs titepiianaenetinibeaabiaats in, rent $30; vacant on January 7th ¢ LZ DESK ROOM in ground floor office, Apply : A © e Py P.O. Drawer 1663 City. 285-tf G@ooD BUYS n ectrica 6 ry FOR RENT—Nice 3 roem eottage on Park Lot 19, Block 21, Section 6, $2500, $500 Avenue at $15.00. Water in the house. cash, balance 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. | ry 4 Crown Agency Co. 285-tr Inveatiwate | e | A A FOR RENT- Three nice bright outside E 2 Ht rooms in smnith Block, steam heated, Lots 13 and 14, Block 23, Section 6, 1S eee u FOR A USEFUL AND SERVICEABLE PRESENT uy Peasonabio peat, “Apply 3. A. samen, | {ne double corner, $4000; terms uv ; : : ; + Room 12. 28itr Lot 33, Block 29, Section 1, with house | , What is more appropriate than a handsome Chair, Rocker, Couch, Buffet, China y worth $2000, This property can be de-| ELECTRIC r - és z . : FOR SALE livered for $4600 on good terms The lot a. Cinunn Wil y Cabinet, Cushions, Fancy China, Parlour Tables, Jardineer Stands J SP a a OO IB ar EN Ble: NONNY, spons, Toast ae r r COWS fresh calved and coming in always ter Heate Flash Lights ee on hand, and tuberculosis tested. John M I Curling r) 4 Christy, cate dealer, Collingwood West H G He erson Reading ! is | seer cancioe. ant omer met Ele Be Tongs, Shaving Cups, Rati A - Collingwood East, Box 20, 270-tf tors. Grills, Cof! Percola- ; ! : WANTED LIMITED tors, Fixt ( “a ° = 4 a Tree Outfi \ m Ulees ‘ e e r COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER desires po ers, etc, A sition, will do temporary work. Phone ‘: Ss $37. 204-300 NOTICE 1oas JANTED—A coo! or § : p Cx e to 0 ’ : VALUE $150.00 D | Wrcrica Sccack raceenay tata erm , $ Rei rerreete Box 100, Datly News. Corporation of City of Prince : Y Goon ral se yanted; $35 pe op ° | B |g ita Se aye Parkin & Ward Elect isti i i i o WANTED oy oO 20 ‘ ( 6 for co., LIMITED , Consisting pf Brass Bed, Ostermoor Mattress, Special Spring, Bedding Complete , “hen ate in Dally" News Sane ie Merchants and Others AL. CONTRACTORS i »ortunity or dvancement. Good ; Every Cash Purchase of $2.50 entitles Customer to One Chance , Wages. rer tt Me] ag! Seinadated 4g. hnwe “all: Re ELECTRIC . ee Opposite Postole DRAWING CLOSES - - = += + DECEMBER 31, 1913 J counts up to date agains! the ; . MISCELLANEOUS city, in the hands of the City PRINCE RUPERT, 8: ¢, r 4 GOOD meals at the B. C. Cafe, 118 Sta Purchasing Agent not later than oo ry ta A trial will conyinee you. December 20th. 2:97 ; 4 e e ¢ CASH win give tnmegiate cash for bet y ance due you under Agreement of Sale ¢ Prince Rupert Property (8250--82,000). F S Sa sive artic Ss A. y 80 s Special 10 per Cent. Discount to End of Dec. § 22 or 2a? O ? , sae BL Ae 3 BOATS BOATS Double Corner in Section 8 7 , FOR CASH S Potted : Flowers PRICE Sheen ‘ 6 e If.you are thinking of having a $300 cash handles this corn ; Y peibilndethine tate ect i tere Ba oy tual boat built of any kind . y j Lots , ¥ We have a large shipment of Fine View *° . 4 potted Poin Settas, Table Ferns, MOTOR, SAILING or ROWING $1 200 . Maiden Hair Ferns and Palms ; , % jcoming in on Saturday's boat. see or apply me Pa" g, 12 and O sh, balance % e e » |PRICES REASONABLE TM ORWIG onesies 18 months § ORDER EARLY , , si BOAT BUILDER Lid & THE QUALITY HOME FURNISHER PHONE 20 THE, QUALITY HOME FURNISHER @ rm G. R. Naden Co., ’ A A ti S di Port Essington, British Columbia|Y, Ii. a + rc 1C tu 10 Ri ——— oe Real Estate and Insur 9999999889999 DOO SONOS OQOOQQQ QQ QOH OHHH HHH HHO + ({hLIISRENCES: Any cannery 0! saeond Avenue: FOIE Third Avenue Fisherman on Skeena River. Second *"