egisiative Lit rary LanaesT CIRCULATION iw THE CITY AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Lcd eR iV., NOV. 298 ——_—_—_—aaeeeeeeeeaeee a —- ———— . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, —_—__— DECEMBER 20, THE DAILY NEWS = eee 1913 —————eaC—eeeeeees=Sw——— 5 © If you hear the family talking: about a pudding these days it does not’ reevsaarily mean that | daddy has got a government job, PRICE FIVE CENTS ATIONS FOR COMPROMISE ON HOME RULE NORTHBOUND F REIGHTER IS WRECKED ON CALVERT ISLAND---FISHERIES TREATY NECESSARY INCREASING EXPORTS SHOW CANADA IS PROSPEROUS) Ottawa, Dec. 19.—Hom J. D.{$61,257,000 was exports and } iust issued a statement | $50,202,000 imports. than usual interest. t} " eH ‘ — c the exports of Canada| e Hockey Match shows Lba | are rapidly increasing, while at Special to The Daily News. the same time the imports con-| Vancouver, B. C., Dec. 20.—At tinu decrease. The month of/an exciting game of iee hockey ait just past is the first)here last night Vancouver de. lime when such a condition ex-|feated New Westminster by a The total trade for the} score of 5'to 4 h was $111,459,000 as com- a eo h £106,072,000 for No- vember, 1912. Of this Special! Sunday dinner 6 to 8 amount;p.m, at the Bay View. tf NEGOTIATIONS FOR ULSTER | Clements at Newport SETTLEMENT ASSURED Special to The Daily News Asquith Had Conference With Newport, B. C., Dee. 20.—On King—Convinced Settlement + Friday, Dec. 12, Mr. H. 8. Cle- Will Be Reached in Home ments, M. P., visited Newport and Rule Issue was met at the wharf by a num- ber of influential men of the Special to The Daily News. Squamish Valley. Mr. Sperry, I Dec. 20. All doubts |Superintendent of the Pacific egotiations in progress re- |G! if Eastern Railway Company, . aattlement. for Ulster}ocve ‘be Party a very pleasant g e trip over the new road as far as at rest Asquith has headquarters. Returning to New- lengthy conference|port, Mr. Clements attended the King and it is believed| annual meeting of the Squamish Conservative Association. an unqualified as- Gill in a Bathing Suit egarding the situation ed on all sides that the Iris