December 20, 1913 ] ey ; < * THE DAILY NEWS = ee ean ecipesiaons : =e a : = SS — EEeeeee__|__.___ GILLETT’ le Es FOR-RENT | "EATS DIRT. (TERRACE NOTES. | SS ee Furnished House \ gaturd ay, I’m the man who puts Special Correspondence. Congratulatiosn to Mr. ad Mrs. Uniformity into a iu pe yr ee re ee ROYAL STANDARD 2 Rooms, Completely RT OnE ae ac be da o a dmigeter) I came to Vancouver from the largest mi‘l in the world. “My sole job is to test ROYAL \ Christmas tree and enter- ‘nt will be given by the furnished, modern — | close 1 Iii | |people of Terrace on Christmas TANDARD products day UNFURNISHED HOUSES ‘ de } eve Presents are provided | for in and day out. I do my Teh ae pa Sa ® everyone and a programme ime work so well that a poor sack OPT chs ede se 15.0 | a jcluding ¢ number of musical of ROYAL STANDARD OT hs Rate 0.00) | LweEe j items doa sketch will be pre- is impossible : ie 5 jSented by the local talent. A FURNISHED APARTMENTS 1 LETT Co MPANY LIMITED ee Ee I first my labora- in £20 ) NTO OP ' Re, W Seott announces spe- tory the choicest samples I can jeial Christmas service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday === a 19 1 BOR 14 procure of Canada’s bumper T Ty Believes in News | ee ears } papers see wheat crop. Then I make : e 1%) \ new A special Christmas morning bread from cach. Only when muaienvhan ervice W also be held in the delicious bread results---light, INVESTMENT co. Brit RY a . Anglican church at 10:30 p. m. white and velvety---do I order , ! yb rlake parts of par cematmae iay wheat like my samples. My Exclusive Agent ( i Phe ir office | postage ceremonies eee spree vigilance never relaxes, Wie <4 ‘ tin The delicious uniformity of 41 1836 THE BANK OF Deri vey oe 5 as a ROYAL STANDARD Oe OOO EY placed con B * N A never varies. I ead of regular ca. ‘ LIC NOTIC E bis dated Ot 284 ritish orth meri Say “ROYAL STANDARD” PUB ) he next. vear| } TT YEARS IN BUSINESS. to your grocer (6] ) ree ‘ Sqme 49.000 | CaprraL ano SURPLUS OveR $7,600,000. Va Milli 6 ( A CHANCE TO WIN $25.00 ted | ees . Vancouver Ming 6 rain CoLte. Ave ancouver New Westminster Nanaimo. Victoria wrieit the above am ‘ . “atl Se A Service Business Men |_ etal ie eR ere is any stove it a eee eee eee epee ~ p Rupert that 1 cannot Prince AN ARISTOCRAT OF ENGLAND FARMING IN CANADA Appreciate AR UBGUUGUUUUUUUUUU OOOO UCL LY. ‘fe : nes * : give perfect elliciency Lady Ileene Campbell busy churning on her beautiful farm al The complete and valuable ‘ ys it hot water tank Sheflield Mills Station, Nova Scotia, Lady Dleene is the dau- : e F ; ae é service rendered by the Bank ho iv increase in fuel or eor e ehter of the 43th Lord Huntingdon, and her husband, who is f British North A: Sal th * ar ain. mas a eC iv effecting its baking a cousin of the Duke of Neweastle, was formerly in the Scots " eG None ee as t igi - eo Guards; they have also a place in Tarbet, Argylishire. Lad; secured and retained the +4 ’ Bay RANE Ss Eee oat lleene is a wonderful housekeeper and organizer, and an ex- accounts as well as the con- Uthough I have in oO S pert in all matters connected with the dairy and farm, yard fidence of a goodly proportion ; LF wr PRICE te a few, Don’t wail - of Canada’s prominent busi- ; = > your hot water. Get ' | i i 2SS The s i i if ) in- VAISE AND BAYLEY | Power Prices in Ontario ness men. e€ same service # : mn Ve und enjoy. satisfa cena cuit | aoe an awaits ‘you, whether your * Stock of Denny Allen, on Second Avenue, comprising: Che price is very reason-| ppinee George eat rf month,|To Box at Steveston Arena on| The Hydro-Blectric Commis- account be large or small. { Fancy Articles of Brass Humidors Smoking Sets : : i Boxing Day ;sion of the Provinee of Ontorio x | sgtegs a es cece ctu ascot PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Dainty Japanese Ware Books, Leather Goods Mee var reel Victoria, Dec. 18.—lt LOW | rl Toys, etc., ete. arry anson That lot] stated that Joe ‘Bayley andl) ee re ; ’ A000 | ve | at : - eo , ” all Niagara power, the cheapest M piciad Z ‘ * f The Reliable Plumber [ could have] penchy Vaise will meet at Ste- a ee : cecieceani ; We have secured the building until 23rd. Everything | f jin the wortd, ant 1 é country ‘ k es PHONE 489 - ; ee veston Arena on December 26.] Qhere transmission is easy and ; x must go before this date. s \ . near McBride St. eo “ : a : . Manager Condon completed al customers plenty The prices * ‘ O01 rements for the bout at Se- ly hi h mt ‘ipaliti pay ores eer ae ingeme Ss oO f ol at Se-|w ce these nunicip ties vs ‘ 5 . the id pot tile vesterday. ie their power delivered to the — SEs ; . city border may be interesting in SECTION 1 JOU UU ULE ( ‘ UE : oa I Pa Farmers to Co-operate -rince Rupert: ‘nis bal au asad het dak Ganlasahs + AE 1, hay Dye ( vany’s lots at Top : 7 le : ene Tas ee itis caeon hk METS tewistr the Prit , ! loronto, Dec. 17.—A_ dele | Per'horse arranaged. x Registration | i Pru Auction Sale Prices. gation of western farmers have PpOWC! | Lot 4, block 25, $10,400, $4,000 cash, bal. x ption of wharf which t ; ; Sv atkant ted on the Dominion Grange|}Hamilton .............6.. $15.00 arranged. > e@ @ [ oe ) $9 conatruct | : eer Crs: oe ae | convention, asking: them) t0*as+|Dundas +... ces, «6. 41 eo os 15.00 3 ¢ be Fea eee aa oe ree aa hae her. rs 4 06 SECTION 2. t Don’t forget your promises. Cheer up your friends i ee ee nd ; on Bc sama? tine tte sr qq | Lot 6» block 10, 61,450, $500 cash, bal. ‘ by sending your photo for Xmas three yea it 6 per cen eration of farmers = east andiLondon -.......-.1....+- 23.0 arranged, ic ; ; os west The idea is to enable the ots Cp. ckce Pee ss Eslg ai 21.00 | pots 14-49-‘hlock 18, Section 2,’ $8,450, 1% QUICK DELIVERY : farmers of the east to exchange |Pre ROBO 5 ci2 oh be atone 21.00] $1150 cash, $1200 payable to G. T. P., ; Just phone up and make an appointment. i jan showing 1 pa Jnets } e farmers fl¢ 21 50 bal. 6 and 12 months. sath haar snitt tata! woke oto ‘1 products with th rmer 0 RE oo oy sho cae ecco Re eis * with cross-peotion the | Bdonael F. Desk the west and thus enable them|W A xs Se Re nee 22.50 SECTION 5. * PEERLESS STUDIO showing YI cons t ‘ : } 2 ° F P.M. SYLVESTER. | Room 11, Smith Blk. Phone 496] to buy eee si evra as aie a ee a i Modern house and lot on fies Aare ; Aldér Block Phone Red 69 sa: ; a . —e Open Evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. eliminate Lhe dictatorship Oo SGOT oe to. 2 eke e oe 8 ol. ' 84,000, quarter cash, 1, 2 and 3 years. | & mas P . the exorbitant and sranpne pare siohdiep: eae Ce wikee nls athe rh SECTION 7. RIAA IAAIAI I ___,| middlemen and exploiters, | POPE ORGGN ss ie gas cee “5.00 | ots 23-24, block 29, double corner on = et ; a 8th Avenue, $2,000; $800 cash, bal, 1 MEN ARE HUMAN > The Beautiful Rain | The Daily News has the largest and 2 year Jeudiaciee circulation in the city and dis- . ° 1 ete. To | eaten Fine Jewellry For The Holiday Season! a athe i buving Your Xmas Present, A Man The following is ne cetct bors To be had at all the news-|, .. 5 ang 6, block 31, $1050 pair, half ine ewe ry or 0 ay Nn: . n € ( ange 0 ocal "elter- | qee ars. « ) ee 6 anc 9 8 z ® 7 > . like « e " ‘il. " | m cash, balan and 42 month You are cordially invited to inspect our new stock of ence a ail | ~ . ony ‘4 p i i i . Fancy Boxes of Cigars Cigarette Cases The rain is such a beautiful] ae ) FOR ar tui eRe eee): It is oe ee SST 8 he Pipes that are Dreams Smokers Supplies thing | 3 enone meen enc Snnenrm opposite a ever ca an he qua . y is - es ol taina e. Ornamentals Pine Cases SEE OUR WINDOW t ahtachona: feientk sheesh towed a 1 le, $18 F . ; n eur enlarged quarters we are in a better position than /5 room house and bath on Borden Street, ever to cater to your wants. quite well. | 30 pe ont | } $30 per month I O N 1] Bul he looked at me with a} rwo 4-room flats on Seventh Avenue, $15 ; CRITER See ae Nea eee R. W. CAMERON Next Westholme Theatre Second Ave. And all that he said was “Is it? rwo 4-poom flats with basement in Beach 2nd Ave. and 6th Street Official Watch Inspector, G.T.P. bt —-_—_—— ——_——— Place building, $18 and 820 per month. Representing Mutual Life of Canada, Dom- inion of Canada Guarantee & Accident, | Boston Marine and Nova Seotia Under- It maketh the beautiful grass ‘90 grow AEE EEE EEE ERE INE \nd-all. of the flowers to smell, * 3 Springfield, Newark, x */\We could’t exist without rain, Fireman’s Fund, Union of Paris, and * * od ae ee keene We have solved your Christma resent problem. x Showing for Xmas Gifts 7 rose woot er ne be eet Agedin Wo aoe Rutgers Fire Insurance Com Y 1 s p pl em Try uand-made Blouses, Silk Blouses, Irish Lace Neckwoar, /And all thal he said WAS] g'We ggg FINNIGAN’S CIGAR STORE — x Hand Embroidered Initial Hdkf., Folding Umbrellas 4 Could'nt we. bafore bottling vORn ae x l ij wh i Gentlen S Scarfs in great variety y ree eee | LAKELSE AND KiTSUMKALUM % Se mee ate men ete and. Doilies in inemiand 5 |. uopnevent: Leaman /-apeme at cotetni (CANAD : Dainty Packages of Cigars Smokers’ Supplies lair orne ’ Ss rit es, carts ane ouies il e é { : a ol : a eer eee. Biot secant anutis SiMa ease : the Daily Wows omep: a tm gy cla 6 GinbONs Pipes of Quality Periodicals $ iely fancy work and many other very ust - gee * Piabh onalantk oveienns uleee Fancy Baskets of Chocolates x 20 % off COATS AND SUITS ——— ae) " 284tf x » | Cafe. tt ee e e 9 e : DEMER’S DEMER’S ¢ Finnigan’s Cigar Store, 6th Street ; * * THE RELIABLE PLUMBER Messenger Service RRR RRR R RRR EEE BORO ORRICK HARRY HANSON 139 2nd Ave. Phone 489 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE — Se OCOLLAR—Pure Linen, each. Over 800 designs $1.00, in yard lace and inser- tion from 10c., 15c., 25e,, 45c., up to $8.00 per yard, IRISH CROCHET, Mrs, Armstrong hay. over 100 Irish peasan girls connected with her industry, some beautifulex- amples of Switches of All Kinds and Hair Goods a Specialty Phones 190 and 863 8rd Avenue Peter Nelson is open to take conu ts ’ 2 for clearing land in and around Terr °; 8 : _|also cordwood for fuel, ete, | Terms, « . Knoit’s : Bakery | | > hand made laces Le 7 5 i (0 ee Out-of-Town Work a ——— " MADE BY THE COTTAGERS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, senda ona ester Work ea : meer : ; nders on New Work . & This is the old*fashioned lace made on the cushion, and was first introduced into England sneaeine Insured from Frost * e a by the Flemish Refugees, It is still made bythe village women in their quaint old way. Work Done Promptly ang Guaranteed at t ! Reasonable Prices : ? oO Our Laces were awarded the Gold Medal at the Festival of Empire and Imperial . One Trial Wall Convince You as e " no S e a ery Exhibition, Crystal Palace, LONDON, ENGLAND, for general excellence of workmanship. EE “ hi UY some of this handemade Pillow Lace, it lasts MANY times longer than machine made \ a B variety, and imparts an air of distinction t@ the possessor, at (he same time supporting Bookkeeping Taught Phone 539 HAIR BRUSHES MIRRORS the village lace-makers, bringing them little comforts othrwise unobtainable on an agricultural By Private Lessons IMPORTED PERFUMES Sy a 1 x tas man’s wage. Write for descriptive little treatise, entitled * Ti. Pride of North Bucks,’’ Xmas season is on, We ta special orders for Xmas containing 200 striking examples of the lace makers’ art, and is seut post free torany part of the WENDELL R. JONES FANCY STATIONERY MANICURE SETS a ] | ms world, Lace for every purpose can be obtained, and within reach of the most modest purse. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT XMAS CHOCOLATES, m Cakes, Pies, Puddings and ajl kinds o! brancyBaking, egollers, Franea Every sale, however small, is jastrons,Jabots, ¥ okes, .c. a PlastronsJabots, yokes @ support to the industry. | | rd Ave. and Bth 8t., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C c F | ORME we sepeenuete, SCE he Sam : a = ° e soles, Chemise Sets, Tea BIGGEST BAKERY IN NORTHERN B. Cc. = Cloths, Table Centres, UP-TO-DATE br ° = PF Voplice, Mats, Medal we RLORS “THE REXALL DRUG STORES” ions, uaker and Tatas . s uy Peter Pan Sets, etc, o HAIRDRESSING PA 2nd Ave., Car. 4th—-82 Phones 200 3rd Ave, cor. 6th from ¥o., G0c., $1.00, (1}in. deep.) STOOK—Wheel Design, Third St. s $1.60, $2.00. up to §5,00 Price 250. each. (Half shown.) 211 Thir ' in ORDER EARLY Work Strictly First Class he & & Bi Pe a ka ba | AiWwork bing ual sadaieeann ae ae SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS Cn ee a) cae Sor eke ae Peter orp TC eT ¥ pues Eom, Sek *"P’ROBERTSON it PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO, Subscribe For The Daily News & ) *_| | mcomatnenaorumans tm) | rir ane moar upon : - ont | Audits, Investigations, Adjustments, Liqui-| 3 — _ PHONE 26 Branch Yard at smitnere, : STi e or y Mrs Rupert Armstrong, Olney, Bucks., England Smith Block, Sed Aven Brim © | bevereresoeoeres oven poore : Z ie tae Ata. ei | r ane a We th bi ba cont ae | m a i ib i &