; ‘FHE DAILY NEWS : Saturday, December 99 1913 - — a, —— TAKE NOTICE) | @ ~ D | Suggestions - for - Christmas CHIC. CONTRACT HOLDERS The Alpha Mortgage & Investment Corporation, Limited, having purchased the shares of The Canadian Home Invest- ment Company, Limited, desire to offer the contract holderg in the latter Company an opportunity to exchange their con- tracts for preferred stock in The Alpha Mortgage & Invest- ment Corporation, Limited. i The stock offered is a special issue of six per cent. prefer- ence shares and reserved for contract holders only, and + ot open to be purchased by the general public. The exchange is to be based upon the amount credited to the contract holder in the Loan Reserve. This is an opportunily to ccequire pre- ferred stock in a strong financial Company, whose common stock, as well as preferred, is selling at Stt0, par value #100. The Alpha Mortgage & Investment Corporation, Limited, is managed by successful and conservative men and the interests of the shareholders will be safely guarded. The offer of exchange is purely optional, to tieet the wishes of the contract holder, The Directors of the Alpha Mortgage & Investment Corporation, Limited, want it distinetly under- stood that they are in no way forcing this arrangemeat upen them. Loans and settlements will continue to be made as 4 5 sufficient money accumulates to the credit of the several 4 fi series, but no new contracts will be sold. ed For further particulars regarding this opportunity call at = the loeal office of the C. H. I. G. or write the Head Office of * the Company. es senna ‘ Alpha Mortgage & Investment Corporation ~ Fe ° ; , ft , * Limited. im S ri . . : Pacific Building Vancouver, B. C. ee FANCY SHIRTS Smoking Coats Handkerchiefs SUITS (NOT OF MAIL) FROM BEAUTY’S ARMORY: SOME EVE- NING FROCKS 9 4 A JOUR RAEI | IN O REILL y : Heidelberg :: Beer |i Local and P, | : Third A : ocal an ersona : ird Avenue ae * . . PIII IIIA IIIA AAA AAI AIA IAA IIIA SSIS AISI SI AISI ASIII IIIS III III ; The Real Mild Beer . a ‘ W. T. Mackenzie, of New Haz- | Rk. E. Moore returned today} * apes ‘lton came fro 2 sO o-!from ¢ ‘iD so | : a n came in from the south t | fr ma triy 5 uth. 4 EERE Eee | oa ee * 3 5 ae Suede and Glace glo- 3 Tonight's Attractions. x Potted e Flowers H G Helgerson i . Ss. J. Evans, who has een in| ves. Jemers. 289-tf dition + ° ” ” Brewed and Bottled in Vancouver by F\y.i2i ee ee ee — ‘ : ; i : se sy Westholme Theatre ; ; , returned this morning. | The steamer Reatrice arrived ‘ Stark faivahy. yet | We have a large shipment of LIMITED Canadian Brewing G Malting Co., Ltd. i Jyesterday afternoon from the!¥ Bmoress, ‘Theatre—-Mo- ¥|Potted Poin Settas, Table Ferns, ier W. C. “Wilcox, government|south. She had a number of pas- v tion: Dintite T Maiden Hair Ferns and Palms BASEMENT PREMISES road inspector, of Porcher Island,}sengers and 100 tons of local] % “OM * letures. *icoming in on Saturday’s boaf.| in te Helgepson | is in the city. freight. x Majestic Theatre—Mo- . 60 feet. Plenty ess ade Riga ce 54 tion Pictures. + | PRICES REASONABLE Fede | pent A beer that is ular for table use because it is Dan McLean, who has_ been H. S. Irwin, district forester,|* * | ORDER EARLY |! !!!ard ball, con PoP 4 ; south inspecting government|returned from a business visii to AERARRARRARAARARERRR RARER | - bea “grogieee brewed by the old Munich process. It’s popular, construction work, has returned! Victoria this morning. The new | ‘ ° Nonation. at cheap rent ‘ e e : to the city. lgasoline launch for his depart- The Cradle t St ad especially with the ladies. Try some with your next ants |ment is now on the way up. At Prince Rupert General. {os ‘Arc 1C u 10 tie Kanr liquor order. Mr.*David Ross leaves on Mon-| wae : pital, December 19, to Mr. and Third Avenue MODERN COTTAGE day for England. He sails on the Mrs. P. R. Harris and two chil-]Mrs. Daniel Murphy of Mas'‘selt, Five rooms with batt ‘ Campania from New York on the|dren returned this morning from|B. C., a son, Harene, yee; vacan! . 31st. an extended visit to Tacoma, Ee . : GOOD BUYS oh eea Te Wash., and other Sound eities. Ukey—At Port Essington, to B E S I B U y! Lot 49, Block 91, $ ; ' a j c ¥, ns € DOLLS Bisque, rag, charac-|Mrs. Harris was accompanied by} Walter Henry and Kate Ukey cash, bala ; ’ sh, balance 6, 12, 18 i e Bea Ver Li uor Co ter, dressed and novelty dolls, a|her father Mr. L. Rowley, who has] daughter, Dec. 8. on— eae e big line at prices that I please.|been south for the past few ° re na 44 MeRae Bros. 298-299 | weeks. Fifth Avenue, rine double corner, $4 Cetus At the Prince Rupert General LIMITED bt ee Wm. Fraser, a. rancher of| Hospital, on December 19, to Mr. ‘Sec. 6, Double Corner Lot 33, Block 20 Miss [lene Patmore was host- }worth $2000, This | Distributors, Prince Rupert ess to a large number of little Frances Lake, who was promi: {and Mrs. Gordon F. Barnewall, 4)\e can deliver Lots 44 and i2,|livered for 84 friends from five until ten last|@™! im labor circles here some | daughter. Block 44, for alone 18 worth the evening time ago, is spending a couple ) the 1 - ~--+ | * acike of weeks here looking up old NOTICE | 9.500 Cash H G H | Mr. Burgess of the Royal is te Gree ee en ‘ ate ; fine well finished, e e e gerson "eCe of a letter fr ,|for Fort George, where he mi . in receipt of a letter from little : Mp; sae eee Commencing Monday, Dee-|house on the back 25 feet, fac take up a grading contract. — fey cpg capt ea * — ember15, the retail price of|ing Green Street, rented-at $35} LIMITED PIANO GIVEN AWAY |iniisiuct! Seach] senor re soverrene [Swit Eu wie aha Scale Saige ; . g a tr siivanal ali (feet on Fifth Avenue and 75 ft. | : : Noto iaipers 10 all those whe e6- To insure insertion changes _ fo of tee oe * t reac on Green Street. We have a number of tickets unsold on our last piano sisted in the subscription list. of advertisment must be re- a a a, city, «west of Hay bastion ’ | drawing, and in order to clear these up we are offering ye ceived at the Daily News of- full iacte of Ne DELI aca APPLY ‘An Electrica i : 2 , 3 iene \ adeee be aT S 7 NT “LLIN ‘ 4 } : to give a ffee ticket with each $10 cash purchase from Perrins Suede and Glace glo-} fice not later than 10 am. [non puMp GC ha : : ; ves. Demers. 289_tf on the day of publication TON LUMP COAL, the best on . | & now till December 31st, or as long as the tickets last. ‘ the coast, and will fill all orders Harrison, Gamb e Company e 0D: Drawing to take place as soon as the tickets are sold. = Serre Ty janes —SSSs=|promptly. Rogers & Black. FINANCIAL AGENTS Christmas | | | eee Phone 116 dec 22 a A W ARK’S )) Third Ave. Prince Rupert oe Whether @ —= ——————————= | ELECTRIC Open Evenings , Phone 122 For Yourself “The Daily News” 3) PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO) trons, rrostors, Sines 4 — si Hi orasa P venue er eaters. a h Lights, (a =) Gift to your Friend CLASSIFIED ADS. ve ants Dine : POPs, male Tongs, Shaving & mn Dealers in Coffee Pereola i »E FOR RENT tors, Grills, © RRIN’S whe quia SEEDS tors, Fixture { mas FOR RENT—Furnished room tn modern |HAY TIMOTHY Tree Outfits, Va m Giean flat over Westenhaver’s real estate of fice, Second Avenue. 208i |OATS CLOVER ers, etc. DESK ROOM in ground floor office. Apply S P.O, Drawer 1663 City, 285-tf WHEAT ALFALFA (Kt { nn st for ideas! 4zome oO 0 SLOTE ‘ LOCKETS, SCARF PINS AND CUFF LINKS APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR MEN AND BOYS aap iaiere Po : ai 4 CORN ETc FOR RENT—Nice 3 roe: ttage Park iit Catalogue illustrates a very complete assortment of these Jewellery The well known Perrin trademsnele ae arene a $15.00." Water inthe house. eee LOCKETS In solid gold or gold filled, made in oval ae peli ons rg oe : shapes, plain or engraver, and suitable for “Sttechlag te “dither Fon ot shown in cuts should be on every glove FOR RENT—Three nice bright outside} CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY ° | t ea re oe. ee eee eee eae. nb Sens you get, as this assures you perfection of Dever occupied, excellent tor omces; |’ id P ar’ kin & War eciri¢ ar Pine | 1) deal p nes ; } reasonable rent. Apply J, A. Smith, E coer ene You will fina these Serv Fee ae Ne ee SP | SOs Style, Fit and Finish. rr ons¥ at ers preeny sould a _ ee Ss * \ TOR ain jinsiia ee bia, ; 3 : ee =| ELECTRICAL CONTRAC day, In solld Gold, Gold filled, mother ot “pearl and ster Somers Mine Best dealers the world over sell the FOR SALE ‘ ) esigns you may choose th elt Jons. ‘ connor ureaoranvaraentiocanrsmaesterreemenerente posite Posiollic® are thoroughly ‘ilustrated a Gor Guatenue which will Co wae qraniee PERRIN S GLOVES. m COWS fresh calved dc rays ee mS any address. Sued) “on hand, and Tubercuioaia tested Jone RUPERT B. C. Our prices are moderate and all orders carefully filled. Christy, ‘cattle dealer, Collingwood West PRINCE a pt Shee See a oe ss cecal Te ee sa Carlet 2 | AT ————— = ——— : — caliuame Collingwood. Men Post Orting, " <= : Becks SWOPE Hass, FOX 80, 270-/ Tf you are thinking of haying a enry irks & Sons, / imited WANTED boat built of any kind JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS a F e Ta y & Son COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER desires po-|MOTOR, SAILING or ROWING I or Sale Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C sition, will do temporary work, Phone ion 8 ; 294-300 in Section rin y . « Jewellers . . WANTED—A cook for Smith Island camp, see or apply y Double Sorne Helgerson Block Sixth Street for husband. box 100, ‘Dally News, T. M. ORWIG PRICE $1,200 —_—_—_— enya a } : 9 re — — 2010 } e e i er eels ‘ ‘ c GOOL one 2 od; 835 per ; this corn EN D R We are spectareng - 2 alla Got Filed Jewellry this Xmas ; mous Four” help. employed: Ee BOAT BUILDER $300 cash handles C dle rove our statements to you + Patmore. 968-86 " KAI H A R W A E COMPANY We have on hand the largest sto k in town of the f. i i ods ; ITE : ; ine View Lots eniee i ae Lockets, Cuff Suttane: Seotehes, “tier Pins, Wee eo Tee erate tte, ava. Port Essington, British Columbia ' ) 0. D ¢ cauty Pins, atches, Umbrellas, Gent.’s Gold Fille rts, small club or body of gentleme : nx ‘PRRARPNGha THIRD ANENUE P RAWER 1624 PHONE No. 3 Lockets, Stick Pine, Cuff bttons Umbrellas ets ai asi. cellent "eafenannea’ pox 101” Daily REST AEAGES Any cannery or 1,20 sadies’ and Gent.’s Gold Ring: tches, mee “4 ‘ishermt Skee T, » pall Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass Also a #irst-Class Selection of Toilet fox, Cut Glass "Sterling Silver hia enes: aeicnahing pho pe 6, 12 and Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors and Eleetro-Plated Goods, Fancy and Office Clocks, MISCELLANEOUS $400 cash, balance % ‘ ne HARDW ARE proves, Ranges he are ofenng at Special ony our large stock of Kaidopticians. 18 months 5 uy one for the children and let them have a picture show in their GOOD meals at tt , C ' 7 Varnishes Graniteware own home. Birvot A trial will’ convines’ you. 4 Advertise in d Co Ltd . ' The ‘‘ Stay Satisfactory CASH—-Will give immediate cash for bai- ® G. R. Na en e MONARCH MALLEABLE Range.”’ Every Article Guaranteed Prices Right Prince uber Unser Aprecmens Of Bale The Dail News Real Estate and Insurance ' ve ‘ticular General Delivery. Chie ~ wove Becond Avenue: