e “ THE DAILY NEWS —————aaeaeeS ik SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH . COLUMBIA, N jn THI rrenh OF THE WINDING Ut “It WOULD BE AN OUTRAGE 10 SAY LESS \y CHAPTER 144 OF THE Ki r L veep. STATUTES OF CANADA AND / HAN $25,000" ~ pp Pyyyp Weng ACTS AND IN THE MATTER ' A vl PRINCE RUPERT FISH AND HAGE COMPANY, LIMITED hereby given that the Conti company, Limited, a body with a registered oMce at the ice Rupert, in the Province of mbla, has been appointed of ‘ r of the above named Prince ! - and Cold Storage Company Aus der of Mr. W. B. Burritt et yistrar of the Supreme Court at oe pert, B, G., of the 8th day orf 4, D 1013, WILLIAMS & MANSON, tors for the Said Liquidator lc Cl AD AiR LALA — CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. g, Mountain Goat and Eagle Jos, situate in the Skeena Min \ \ \ \ \ \ pt f Cassiar District YAY a ated: About six miles back \ AYA eee th of Falls Creek, Goose Bay, \ ae inlet Nee i MAYOR-\\ \S oral tice that 1, fm. TT. Kergin, Rory pre Miner's Certificate No. B49830, act PRICE AY 7) Free @ agent for George Rudge, Free fw, mes certificate No. B33907; P. | (ST-THOMAS) yp / Goat Miner’s Certificate No. D snus S _$/Q, ae wm. T. Kergin, Free Miner's MAYOR, J ee, prate B43839, intend, sixty days from s >| EULER hereof, to apply to the Mining pe # tor a Certificate of Improve (BERLIN) ments the purpose of obtaining 4 \ eres Ty, row unt of the above claims snd further take notice that action un ¢ 37, must be commenced be e of such Certificate of Im There is a man who makes shoes for children— his 24th day of September, A. Db and sells them to stores all over Canada But he is only just learning how people buy. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. prarmigan mineral claim, situate in the | skeena Mining Division of Cassiar Dis- | Nepere located: About six miles back | from the mouth of Falls Creek, Goose Bay, | Opservatory Iniet. : j Take volice that i, Wm, T. Merein, Free | Miner's Certincate No, B43639, acting as agent for Wm. KR, Lord, Free Miner's Cer tifeate No. B70104, and P. C. Coates, Free Miner's Certifeate No. 77689, intend, | sixty days from the date hereof, to apply | the Mining Recorder for @ Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose Of obtain- ing a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, un-| It was this way: His wife—let us call her Mrs. Brown—’phoned to him and asked him to buy some underwear for little Brown. CHAIRMAN LIGHT ara HEAT Picture Brown now among the throng of mothers at the ‘‘ Children’s Underwear’’ counter. He asks for Underwear for a child of six. He looks it over help- lessly. What on earth does he know about Children’s der section 37, must be commenced before ie n Be 6 ee, | & Underwear? For lack of anything better to say he Dated this 24th day of September, A. D.| asks: ‘‘Is this good quality P e he answer is short mi and quite conclusive: ‘‘It’s Blank’s’’—naming a well- advertised line. That short word says everything. Brown pays his money and goes home, quite satisfied with his purchase. Skeena Land District——District of Coast, | hange 4 | Take bi ¢ that Elbert M, Morgan, of we Rupert, B. C., occupation prospec- | ‘ to apply for permission to wing described lands ng at @ port planted on the f Banks Island, opposite Mink and situated two (2) miles and 53 chains more or iess Now what bothers Brown—a manufacturer of shoes, is this: How would it affect the purchase of a child’s ee . : und one (1) smile and. seventy one | shoes if the salesman said ‘“ They’re Brown’s”’? {) chains more or less west o A j | 9, and sixteen (16) chains more or less | ‘ 9 ’ ° us eS eee tit MAKING IT A TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR A YEAR JOB Nobody knows Brown's shoce. Brown doces talvereim. bains less west of Green Tor * - — rf . . we R . : s j Jsiat nce west twenty (20 Oe ’ Pie ae : . . ‘ .| y i thence north forty (40) chains, |The Ontario Hydro Electric Commission, which set the pace for the other Provinces in the developr | The ae Boone Pentre — when used in con- msi twenty, (20) chains more, of ment of electrical energy, has up to date been working witnout salary. The other day in nection wit i a, shoes. e nee must use all his ¢ the shore southerly ‘to point or| Toronto. the Ontario Municipal Electric Association debated the question of granting $25,000 for persuasive wiles to induce people to buy them. ' rT containing eighty 80) | fey ~f ‘ ee . Th ain ar » >» , se in fav vas that the ter- es ss salaries for commissioners. The main argument presented by those in favor was that the enter i ' . | ¢ e ELBERT M. MORGAN sem had emerged f > experimental sts a sound profitable business. he Mayor of pa 3 7 Ocean prize had emerged from the experimental stage to a sound profitabl bu ine T } The point is—If the name Brown was as synonomous with Children’s 7, i$t¢—ten. 12, 1014 | London declared that the Hydro had saved that city alone $200,000 In one year. Shoes as “Blank’s” is with Underwear, wouldn’t B edit a si cand icine hielo ; a rowal ore j Skeens Land District—District of Coast with less effort ? t a een us| SCEPTRE OF THE SEA —|VOTCANIC ERUPTIONS ist, ust tlewted out the Hat ak ' a erber ees, of f » gtare . : ie La Alberta, occupation gentleman ——- a. of the i : So If you are dion; = local painnne talk oe one advertising problems with the Advertising ' wie apply for permission to DUr-) gin Edward Grey on Foreign Pol- IN THE SOUTH SEAS After the eruption the bay was Department of this newspaper. you are doing a provincial or national p business uate wing described lands : cl With Poet i filled with dead. fish and large it would be well for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. b 5 a . bay Py iitle “tO the re re , we | ae numbers { dead turtles The A lit.of drese will be furni without cost or-cbligatan, by the of asiward of Skiahl Bay, Stephens Istana, . _. |500 Natives Lose Lives—Hospital ss stun iti’ Aibe tie ween Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto, tahore and adjacent to the & | On the recent occasion when) pi iiging Wiped Out—Awe- “The | ht tal build cao : ny yor. Y -. e British hospital buildings Beavis, thence north twenty chains, then iy ard Gre received the t i : we pains, phenyl soutt twenty 5 Edward nay Perey : j inspiring Scenery were wiped out of existence, but : thence east twenty chains follow-| freedom of the city of Newe astle-} Riss unmnniagd lprevious, to their destruction the ’ s ‘ ne to the point of com } revious, to the les ( mencet and containing forty acres|on~Twne he gave a long and care- | Svaney, N. 8. W., De - In~} physician removed the patients to ‘ more ess HERBERT W, LEES ful address upon the foreign pol- |°oming steamers bring details Of}, jaunch an descaped Withiten.) IID : Per His Agent, L. R. W. Beavis the recent volcanic eruptions on —_ \ | 5 Dave tober 12th, 1913 icy of Great Britain at the pres-|,, - tani of Asad? the Mew N 10, 1013—Jan, &. 1944 / sab d cyepcapeadlie ae : . F B.C Ltd ent and concluded as follows Hebrides group, in which 500 nae re owag We aX THE MATTER of - SO yn I come back from London jtives lost their ves Witnesses ae i: we issue f tres cerufnca 0 0 Xu undivided one-half Interest in Section] with a message which I am going |of the disturbance describe it as WINTER SCHEDULE tT Ce Setiatecnoey prvor of the oss | | ead you, and which sums up|having been so sudden and vio- gga: Certificate of Title having} , hing 1 gathered while|jent that they expected to see the Twin Screw Steamer F a a me, j f 4 ' jar i HEREBY GIVEN that it ts/ (here wester side 0 he island disap- (74 Ty i = issue at the expiration of | ; di tac de ind’s linaas é a Ul r e } bet the first publication hereof ||’ gia e } 7 a fre feate of ‘Title to the above aie With a terrific roar, which was And R t We pay highest pri ' My ent ads in the i -. te thes canteens enti 1 atts i rh ih ien | ae 7 and express charges, kes g. which Certifeste of Title was ts 0 | ind’s heart is § 7 wed by a rapid succe La] 3a al no chausiesinn ant ound t 3 sued the 142th November, i897, &t/ a ar corone nttilanetibe di ars the FOR VANCOUVER Sapataie tes eee 2 i: te its lock A. M., as No, 3329 C ;A . she h lions ofdollace are esnanasieth ‘ rs Land Registry Often, Prince Rupert, | Aflame with fire and song craters f the voi 2 P. M. Wednesdays o ae Den wha ble aon: We " fs : th October, 1013. fat ‘ ' j : ‘ a . > are the largest in our in Canada. to-day asking. i 5 Weal H. F. MACLEOD, As their pride our fathers died to full aetiy spouting Tam ey sanieeis ee! "I District Registrar. If dl so die we iI throwing t huge b ders Address JOHN HALLAM, LIMITED 111 Front St. East, TORONTO ] , vs * 1 District District of Coast} So hold we still, galnsay who W Great streams ! ava begat FOR GRANBY GAY Ny bat ae Range V. | . The sceptre of the sea. rushing down the slopes, cutting Midnight Mondays, Noy. 17, Dec. | a AKE NOTICE shat Hume Cronyn, © ‘ ‘Mogan: from ePsSCAane « rs - | bye tario, occupation manage! of a off the villager : ay 4s . me and 29m and _ anes I npany, intentis to apply for per e've Raleighs still for Raleigh's! } 8 a.m. Tuesdays, Nov. 25, Dec. | a purchase the following descri Sed soy - . . Farreate of Lave 9th o3rd and 30th ; part, | ot 9th, 23 oi bg at a post planted at the 1 as ‘ Nb | In one instance two currents } j corner of Lot 1968, thence We've Nelsons yet ee bin the iten mass joined, creat- See: i hains. west 80 chains, north The pulses of the Lion's heart of the mol . ata a = eeiks j p east 80 chains to point of ' ch Wellington. |ing an island of one section of a Get Tickets at nt, containing 640 acres more Throb on through pie f ' Fifty I xty persons ® ; : ; o reed of | Village. rifly or sixt 0 uum: cnonyx. |Hold, Britain, hold your er Rogers Steamship Agency Strong heart and steadfas Da Nov rer 28 : iperished at this point : . | my . . Pah pe ee eens old, cont|~ ‘The scenes of the voleano at 3 gon ale Rnd ‘1c Has the largest Guaranteed Circulation — pe rat night were awe-inspiring, Flames : a ms =. aie friend; shot into the air to a height of a| MISS JESSIE EVELYN ee - Rie, ab fit nto say seate n°. li usand feet, illuminating the| Well-known settlement worker} F: | s Defy not but defend. jentire scene of destruction THe} of Brooklyn, ME: — oe + me | ‘ | » “Here are armies ;ocean seemed to boil, huge super- iously disappe arec oF weer i i Se RESINS ISIS IIIT II AIA e | ‘ Men. whisper lheated masses of stone fell into] She was a cheerful girl and an wear, sold lthe sea and streams of lava pour-| active social worker, The en- a NEN 572862 gpa say Aang Degg acelin ‘k led into the bay Dust from the tire police foree of New York * ; \ + 4s { { , » longer speak} wee aia iat ioe : Members P.R.L. Vintners Association go vad nae a . = ae , }craters cradually formed a black | State are searching for her. 4 —_—_—=—=—<_—<—_—_—_—_— 16 clarion mY ; s ————— But let the sword or spear come t { WINDSOR HOTEL ar * ' Corner of First Aye, and Eighth St. wks aa .ping Lion's den, RECERCAT TSE TEE 3 W. H. Wright, Prop. CMW ag ae “ar once : se Our island shore will hear onee ; A Personally Conducted 7 { ENVELOPES i | more i r y ; es | First — and Seventh St. : The tramp of armed men e e e * * LETTERHEADS { ’ European and American Plan aa ans e0o - BUSINESS CARDS Summer is over and the Fall trade has begua. ei P ; } | __weieameere | Noriog To apverris Ornla .. : ko on tous eal ve ans ot le . ae FOLDERS KNOX HOTEL. To insure insertion changes | a ak Leaves January 2nd, 4944, Arrives % : printed matter—a circular, folder, booklet or eata- i , ‘rol » y uper o Los eles ves a é 2 . 4 4 8 I coal een te oe of advertisment on be pe | ree Het Los Angeles January 11th, 1014 * SHIPPING logue. Be sure to have that work done properly. Per Day ceived at the Daily News Of~ TAGS , : Besner & Besner, Props. fice not later than 10 a.m. | Round Trip * x We are QUALITY PRINTERS and can produce @ Seventh Streets d , Sermon spoilt A SPECIAL TRAIN DE LUXE via ili x BALL Fvropean Plan, 60 to $1 Per Day Sun ays 41 piece of printed matter that you would be proud —————__—__— outhern Facific , hin S ° oN. -an x PROGRAMMES oct cuit ‘ie & Shean an PREMIER HOTEL by Coug l gj } Your ticket includes fare both ways and every expense on the going trip—~- ¥ * of and which will get results. ry us. one 9s. American and European Plan A dose of Mathieu's Syrup Cee RAO, SRO ET eas Ringe. equipped Pullman sleepers : : may SORES — F. W. Henning, Manager (TarandCodl iver Oiltaken \¥ , An elesttie Heped aren at eae me) ee gant!) , , : SS ‘ : cars, , observation car, F before leaving for church will | * ent A trip of unrivalled seenic beauty fs x z BILLHEADS - R check that service spoiling through Oregon and California, along the “LINE OF THE SHASTA LIM = * THE Cond er nares. cough ITED” to San Francisco, San Jose, Del geepie, ania SEA, ane Anes’ * * STATEMENTS Lorie > . | sle , » trips » “Orange e e 0 2 p 4 ed- Third Aver aud Bixtn St. This preparation acts asa = geles with side trips via the | a * | European Plan Steam Heated tonic as well as a cough cure | Stopovers allowed at your pleasure on return trip, Let us give you more cS panei and its use soon “ae, the é information about this excursion, BEAVER WHOLEGALE LIQUOR ©O., system to throw o signs i oh * LIMITED of cold. | n, Hope & Macaulay Limited Second Ave and Sixth Bt. cour ie in the houe— 9 D. E. Brown, Hop y . z JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Phone 102 large bottle 35c at all dealers. PASSENGER AGENTS, 0.-W. R. & N. * | esta a eam a @ | 585-7-9 GRANVILLE STREET VANCOUVER, B.C = | PRINCE RUPERT IMPORT J. L. MATHIEU CO~ Prope OR TO x | 1 P. re a IN@ ©O., macsncostons OO G M. N b GENERAL AGENT, ©. P. R. Fraser ano Sixth Sts, PS Mat Joven dawaluable for J. ° civNa PRIN CE RUPERT, 6.0. : | Jeverish colds to take tm cme auders,) FOI ROI IORI OTRO RRR TA AAA AAA AAA AIAAA RIAA AIAAAASAAAIAR Phone 7 Y Mathieu's Syrup, 80 How @ pre! * | i ake PRR R TD AAA A AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA \——srssetemsmndiieisnsiiine fh cubated iia Le tL were nero nenees | ’