4 nw n Saturday, December 27, 1913 THE DAILY NEWS 4 ; i —_——— ' __ — $$ ——____—_—_— f : d NPP AP RN b, Contract Awarde In the Letter B i 4LDERMAN \FIRE ALARM SYSTEM B.C. Coast Steamship Service i . e ; SS k i _ to Esquimalt Firm)} 47 '¢ “etter Dox tas pore — fi ; or CIROUIT NO. 1. SAF I ‘oidigidisacic 2 On January 1 Operations Will be . r : Se Box 12—5th St. and 3rd Ave. ADS —_—— ETY ia To the Editor of The News. ard Ave. " Commenced in Lengthening Box 13—6th St. and Sr PRINCESS WL = SPEED a | C.P.R. Ste. Princess Mary Dear Sir: I hope you will allow Box 14—8th St. and $rd Ave. i PACIFIC i ee nd an Fi aint’ me space in your paper to compare 7 wat Fort tae of ist, $ LINE er ore SERVICE r Announcement was made jasi|the figures submitted by City Engi- Respectfully Invites Box 16—1st Ave., between 8th and | | ies Cc ‘ae . 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) E | week at the C.P.R. offiees of the|]neers Mason and Duncan pertaining YOUR por 47—-18t Ave. and 7th St, (Cen- Princess May southbound Satur i British Golumbia Coast Service] to the city's Woodworth Lake power tral Hotel.) day night, 9 p. m. n 1¢ “ac { 10 . ‘| achame Na dey Princess Beatrice southbound k | thal the contract had been let for] scheme. Mr, Thompson, Carver, Vote and Support CIROUIT NO. 2 Sunday, 8 p. m. ia the lengthening of the (ecoastal| Ross and Mr. Davis submit an esti- b Box 22—3rd Ave. and 3rd St. J.G. McNAB, General Agent i }steamer Princéss Mary, ah that] mate of $140,000 for one 500 Kk. w. uithihimegrentiliiiaiaases | . ot os rage en and McBride St. faa ERT ERR I | AT me, ox ~ § 7 the interesting operation of cut-] unit. Messrs. Mason and Duncan Box 24—ist Ave. and McBride St. i , 96 y St. 7 ting the vessel in two Would be] estimate 221,000 for the same -Ch h § Box 26-——-2nd Ave. and 2nd . . ' a Ave. and 6th 8t. eee ed with the advent of] plant, a difference of $81,000. It urc ervices r bed + las ta - } ithe New Year. ha pnd : ——— + O69 Ss 5 i § juestion of which figures we | The Contract has beeh let to], see shes IRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CIROUIT NO. 3. Rovat STANDARD | * ( ' ; si te ©}should accept. . Messrs, Mason and F ea thes every, SEMUAe th the tne | + Na the ritish Columbia . Marine} puncan'’s figures for four units to Chureh Hall at 11 a.m. and Box 31—5th Ave, and Fulton St. j works “Tor hungry i i } ; + f § ‘ press Theatre a p.m. | lor Sts. kf Cfolks four times Railway Go. of Esquimalt, and} cost $1,146,400 to devellop approxt- Sunday School at 2.80 p.m. t a Wee ava en Paton St f daily-.from hot bis! K the na of this concern] mately 3000 h. p., when we are told|] REV. F. W. KERR, M.A. Pastor Se See Ak, tut’ Ooken Ave 4 cuits’ for- abate fast state ‘ ral anion A be] that there is only about 1800 h.p. cue FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Box 87—S8th ive. and Dodge PI. A cute little four-room to pudding oy pie started on the Princess | ary ON) available. How they come to sub- COR. YOUNG and FIFTH AVE Box 38—6th Ave. and Thompson St. bungalow and lot at night. Acts like eee 1. rue aes we the] mit such figures 1 cannot under- Services, every Sunday at il ‘ cinourr NO a s > y sNnethening * Mary ave > a +} a.m. @ “ p.m. unday . magic in every ‘ t n 0 ? le ary lave stand, but I expect they willl ex- School 2.80 p.m. Baraca iz Box 41—Ath Ave. Le Emmerson * $400 Cash | recipe, calling for been pending for some time but! jain, at least I hope so. Mr. Math- Bible Class 2.30 p.m. * py} + Bal j i as as 1e ‘ .f 7 : ranches SV. W. W. WRIGHT, B.A., Pastor. * . : Jalance same as i flour, lit wa only last week that the fi- ews, a former city electrical engi- WAY Wt oe x Box 42—5th Ave. and McBride 8t. t * F av YOUR OROCER'S jnal details in connection with the] neer, estimated the cost to develop THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH $ wox 48—Sth Ave. and Green st. =f} On a high and dry view a jreconstruction of the steamer the 1800 h. p. availlable at Wood- SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE * Box 44—6th Ave and Basil St. x vou Can look all over the ha 1 ere arranged j 1 ¢ “ac ‘ no ee , iy Services every Sunday at 11 * 45—7th Ave. and Eberts. se st *huile Were arranged and. the contract) worth Lake at $600,000. There is a am. and 780 p.m. Sunday ¥ ee Teh Ae, Sie Yu RE ee vot poeceimnelg jlet. At the present time the B.C,|... lifference between these esti School at 2.80 p.m. *« Bo x and best residential sect fi Marine Hailways Company have een Mie a a es eet ea REV.. MR, DIMMICK - PASTOR Te hth eines RRS tl ty. Modern and i Poe nha be Neca! hike ght mates. Mr. Mathews submits fig- : regs yaa as ral ae at the Esqui-| ines that with such a plant running ST, ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Just think how long you | j stat ora SL ie Sea up to capacity he, could deliver di- Cor. Fifth Ave. and iene ny a ep iigge pn et longed for your own home; |} | ms ¢é ‘ene ‘3 as »¢ is a z - “ e undersigned, fo € yehalt 8 aye Ss oO su . iene ene ub as tire Con=| rect to the consumers light at four ing prayer, 7:30, Sunday the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting ha with sori. ay & e tracts in hand are a aS cents per k. w. hour and power at school, Bing Bal okitt and Power Genweny,_ Limijed. Eee oe. pay it off just as you pay way it is tis sipate y 5 n posi ter e Regis 0 e LT ne Ty : i Ne c ih he Es. r ne va one cent per k. w. hour and pay tor er mncatts at if a m, Rupert Land Registration District ,Prince | Pent. Chink how many h e xe , e i Nein eat ND all and every possible cost. J. 00us on a ee ar mp eTs o scription of wharf which this noo yO a woe wont aking an early. start on we], i ; - eee ' rien: s started Before. [ say stop pa sider his figures just as reliable as s ae company proposes to construct in front of : pi | Princess Mary. ‘aoe a eee er ve REV, G. A. RIX - + - RECTOR Lot No. 479, Granby Bay, B.C, sald lot and] pant) Start the new year the adjoining under-water lot upon which Mr. Duncan's or Mr. Agnew’s. will be constructed being the} by owning your own home Agnew, when he submitted THE SALVATION ARMY CITAQEL the wharf \s the spring season for the Mr , = icoasts Ss g es : . property of the said Company. cae ie anurans safe . ae ; eA ee iw, < sh PAriv s oO "¢ » ‘ * ; i 2 , th rth Bs “th fi ot |gineer’s estimate of $1,146,400 for CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS pando STOP PAYING RENT DO YOUR FUR BUSINESS DIRECT with the largest house in the W: } 7: Sth P : Mar . vill }1800 h. p. and accessories? It ap- Held ip Hays Bidg, 245 2nd Ave Pub. Dec, 12 to Jan. 17-—<« Januar e rincess war wi : dealing exclusively In AMERICAN RAW FURS l hauled ut : tl M arin ppare to me :that this report. of suneae seer manta aciee ee ” Al auret Ol on 1e ar e c Get More Money for your FURS slips at Exquimalt after which | Messrs. Mason and Duncan has been Oe re Stas “Wrecase- SHIP YOUR FURS TO “SHU BER eae Ns APSR ae Ree | dictated and I challenge the mayor days at 8 p. m. Reading INDUS I RIAL : sible—s ur House mish ei). SPOR Ome to prove otherwise and that he did room 18 open every day -. ze 1g 3 cutting her in two, forward of |‘?! Ser ee sae * except Sundays and legal 4 i ca ok will } sin |/not order the engineers to only take ae as from 2 p. m. to | INVESTMENT co. 1e smokestack, ye commen- . m. a nd price list published. | «444 Sh { ; l lengthened 40 linto consideration Woodworth Lake P ; anaes e She is to be lengthened 40} : 004 4 } Witt fe aor FRER ern A Aves |feet. This will n itate tie {*22 At to-mention anything about With Rail and Water Pet ee ie reer, is iti ecess i e el = = f £ 3 . B. SHUBERT, Inc. Dept. 522 CHICAGO, U.S.A. ifter part being lowered that }the 10,000 h. p. on ‘Vark Channel i 35 . Rinse tt O O ° _) 9 r li ta ce down the ways to all o jand to give none of his own views | Pransportation pen Uvenings / to distance do e avs to allow! } 7 regarding the agreement put up to eee the additional frames being pla-|°8*" ced in position on os n ce | oe }the city by the P. R. H. E. Co. I Apply ' ss een io td 8 eel Then th , ' al lat jas a ratepayer demand that the muz- HARRISON GAMBLE & CO. 3) 0 Keel, e e stee slates ‘ } will be rivitted to the frames and | zle be removed off our city engi- | Financial Agents ] am | Phones 205 and Blue 276 Real Estate, Insurance | , e frames ant lneer. The ratepayers are entitled to | ¥ jiat the same time the steel decks|~ ~~’ , tt | Third Ave, Prince Rupert E 4 llwill be placed in position The jhis technical knowledge and ex- \ SECTION 1. | d in position. » } ! © _ ® ll additional forts f kot will cerivaliine } perience regarding this agreement, GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH | Lot 20, block 9, $10,000, $3, i | itional fort eet i g : ay M a S eg arranaged ‘ rince upert INANCIEYS — Princess Mary greater stability a0 OO Tate as position ae elt Soha | WC saat (hitea 214d) von 4 llan : Or i ce re 5 Ss pos as city ~ 5 , : ; jjand at the same time her cargo | '®, TeSarcns et ae Department of Agriculture | preenged capacity will be increased engineer. We the taxpayers pay his lo H. F. Mol eC Hl “Wihhile. the. Peinn Mary is|®alary and are entitlled to his ser- Office of Assistant Horticuiturist SECTION 2. Successors to H. F. MeRae & Co } ‘ 2S é ei. ‘ 5 fs , , | as § . : Lot 6, block 10, $1,450, $500 cas lllaid up she will also have a mo-| ‘ces 42d can protect him from any|New Court House, Prince Ru fae ; : see fon eee © | dictator. per! A CHANCE TO WIN $25.00; *raneea F. R. GC. BROWN, Managet jjdern oil-fuel system installed i aera Lots 11-49, block 13, Section ; jan e » she is “ne . MOD i;OME ‘ : , ay awe oy 2, neues, wecuen. § canine . eo 1} : . ™ ‘es ume h ‘ er destad pea een Information or advice freely | ‘4 ill oe feit the Te am 98 ) on $1200 payable to G. 7 jjOver to her owners she Wi e vp , ime ount if ere is any stove in yal. 6 and 12 months re FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT lourih Avenue W., $35. |/one of the handiest packets ply- “THE WEATHER. CRA. SRN DE |Prince Rupert that I cannot SECTION 5 ¥ 3 liing in the itis ‘o} ee A. H. TOMLINSON leause » perfect. eMiciencs ; ha UNFURNISHED HOUSE Six rooms, Section 6, $30 ee eae Oat: 3: ONIONS. tuenighed by PY Wi Bonting cause to give pertect eiicleney | wodern house and lot on Fifth Av A , " we jCoastal service, Ghaarsve Assistant Horticulturist jin heating its hot water tank #45000, quarter cash, 1, 2 and ; {| eee pee ars phate ant any increase in fuel or SECTION 7. ; i} Will Lecture in Catada. ———— aE ra ew art ee von Gs wee me MEF i > wry affec ry its he r 315 Second Avenue 1] es oes ii in any way effecting ils baking Lote93.84. Diock 90, dduble | temo bas Nia or 2 ours ending 5 a.m., | qualities, My device is new iM]! gm avenue, 82,0 88 ash, ba Bea es po SENN, P95 SiSh oe st Sar Gide ae | London, Dec, 29-—Lieut. Evans, an 6“ The Dail N > $lthis city although I have in ona's yaa? who oe command of the Scott] Bar. reduced to sea level... .29.935 y ews i stalled quite a few. Don’t wait SECTION 8 1 : expedition when Scott died, will| Highest’ temperature.......... 45.0 irs : : t water te : y sail for Canada on March im ; : CLASSIFIED ADS. | hot ; for your hot water. Get Lots 5 and I k 31, $1 pa ‘ 1% anada on March 4 on a/|Lowest temperature...........54.0 my devise and enjoy satisfac Gish bales snd 49 mont 4 > | locteretings tour Precip. Rae oe ; 40 tion. The price is very reason- FOR RENT 3 . —— able. - es LosT | 8 room house on McBride Street, opposite | || LOCKETS, SCARF PINS AND |) accent nese Ha rey HY sr a 4 | urney, © ancouver. A reward "peld. Ad- + ense and bath on | jen Street ? i dress Box 201, News office 307 | arry anson 7 oe oe = at yn ‘ . of | sr month. CUFF LINKS | ai ak De as sre : | he ve onth. APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR MEN AND BOYS | PHONE 489 ? re flats with basement in Beact " i Seco d f e. ar . ‘ . s wo 4-poom flats with basemen n 62 ’ = v a 5 imei omce. Apply n Ave., near McBride St. Place building, $18 and #20 per | ; : newt Catalogue illustrates a very complete assortment of these Jewellery SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS FOR RENT—Nice 3 room cottage on Park} = = =———~— © ng Representing ea Site ~ ~~ - a 7 } Avenue at $15.00. , .. inion of Canada Guarantee & 1 J LOCKETS in solid gold or gold filled, made in oval, square or round | ° Crown pth Lt Co Pie me, Pe 288 tf Decinn Marine and Nova Scotia Und - oe oe ae Snerereee one Sultabie for attaching to either FOB or | PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO FOR RENT—Three nice bright outside | B U Y eeritas : Niagara Springfield, Newark ‘ . ome the oli | i } oe 5, : P39 = centre. . ORE ORE SO ERD AES Seer keene i ° rooms in Smith Block, steam heated, , Fireman’s Fund, Unien of Par 4 ; SCARF PINS in all designs and qualities, -set with gems or semi- First and McBride Prince Rupert ceaaesianio beat oy pay Smith, eas Globe and Rutgers Fire Insuran § Sere Monee You will find these very faithfully represented in our PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C Room 12. ‘ 281 . panics. canoe 1 . ” . FARM N 7 CUFF LINKS in many fine designs, according to the fashions of the } Fifth Avenue, day, in solid gold, gold filled, mother of pearl and sterling. From these WANTED LAKELSE AND KITSUMKALUM designs you may choose links with elther rigid or loose connections. These Sec. ‘6, Doubl C r are thoroughly illustrated in our Catalogue, which will be sent free to ! ser ' RL ee » e 0 ner any address. | Our prices are moderate and ali orders carefully filled. a Feary Birks G& Sons, "‘Elntied | WANTED—A good general servant. Apply Mrs, J. C. McLennan, Firth Ave. W. vr! $9,500 Cash GOOD general servant wanted; $35 per month, Four help employed. Mrs. L.| There is a fine well finished W. Patmore, #58-i) house on the back 26 feet, fac- ar es ue 0. ' WANTED A, ompetanl sere waael*'| We can deliver Lots 14 and 12 015 East. SnOst Block. 41, for JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS WANTED—C , ioe eccin We eae Ghemneaeien ae eet housework ai cad, Doors, et ing Green Street, rented at $35 \ C H I C wages. . Apply Box 102 Daily News. per month on lease, leaving 50 Agents for 4g) . e e oe e #991) feet on Fifth Avenue and 75 ft ' ; WANTED—English lady wu little daugh- Paaiile abi : SOUTH WELLINGTON \ CONTRA T ler would take housekeeping charge for| 9 (areen Street. i small club or body of gentlemen. Ex- ermntesipmenteniil } np Se ene cellent references, Box 101 Daily . ree News. 298-304 APPLY sOOE ous. Harri b { The Alp he MOT EASS & Investment Corporation, Limited, SPPOELL ANE arrison, pany The Goal that made Bi , t i } haying purchased the shares of The Canadian Home Invest- | me ni Company, Limited? desire to offer the contract holders WILL EXCHANGE diamond ring. perfect FINANCIAL AGENTS Columbia § in the latter Company an opportunity to exe hange their con for Prince ot .pemetin te ai Reet Third rin i é - P Rupert y Ave. t TE tracts for preferred stock in The Aipha Mortgage & Invest- payments. Please Dviaress "pox "Yoo Prince apart Fifth St. near Third Ay ment Corporation, Limited, News office. 303-304 = : Rear Hart Block 710 SECOND AVE oe Lae k ore ay oles Spe cial issue oF six per cent, ere fer- I WILL GIVE CHOICE of six settlements NOTICE To ) ADVERTISERS — ance s s and reserved for contract holders on and sot or Canadian Home Investment Com- eens: * ' Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery open to be pnrehased by the general public. The ried hange is coat aeerene- Advise me the amount| T 0 Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle 1 be mpsed ypop the a credited to the contract holder Ottawa Bullding, Veneoater 6. 5M i ha nenes Insertion changes r eagle ial eal in the Loan Reserve. This is an opportunity to ceguire pre- ‘ 302. sos| Of advertisment must be re- O a e Pp pe ngs Rifles and Shotguns EaereG ago’ 50 a aSenas financial Company, whose common CASH—Will give immediate cash for bal ceived at the Daily News of- jope Valves Amm stock, as Well as preferred, is selling at S110, par value #100, ance due you under A : | ” unition The Alpha Mortgage @ Investment Corpor: Fes tha le Prince Rupert Pro snivtaatonsa3.000) fice not later than 10 a.m. Double Corner in Section 8 ; | umps Hose Paint Give full particu A. Wilkinson on the day of publication. managed by suci vessful and conservative men and the interests : of the shareholders will be safely guarded, caimaicetaias city am PRICE $1,200 i The offe r of exe pane is pi rely optional, to tee , LE —_—_—— — = } i é oO Lieet the siees — . = = $300 cash handles this corer Vo alas tiaciartiieuancena fl K ATEN HARDWARE COMPANY et, Stoves and Ranges Rubbercid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” «& las eatin ont Corpetation, Limited: want it distinetly under- Stood that they are in no way forcing this arrangemeat upen } them. Loans and settlements will continue to be made as Renan are rears regerre a aes MONARCH MALLEABLE ®%q,srso [6 Naden Co, Lit Range. Second Avenue. FRED STORK’ sufficient money accumulates to the credit of the several WARE series, bul no new contracts will be sold. THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No, 8 $1, 200 | ‘i For pirtBae barteners. egarding this opportunity call at ; the pair | te local office of the C. H. I. C, or write the Head Office of Builders’ Supplies ’ 5S d ane Campeny. ee Supplies Plate Giese tito “—e aenty, Ssinnes ©, i SS | Alpha Mortgage & Investment Corporation Oils HARDWARE Teese | Limited. wan | Pacific Building Vancouver, B. C. & = cD a =” -—— = | | F =. Oo = =. i