December 30, 1913 sass : : : HE D E ae — , THE DAILY NEWS neME COURT OF BRITISH | ——__—_—_————— ee = — 7 wy THE COLUMBIA, rs array —— reh OF THE WINDING UP na x HAPTER 144 OF THE KI umfor a UTES OP GANADA | AND 5 or .cTS AND IN THE MATTER 7 Overshoes Rubbers and Over-Stockings in One. Easy to put on and take off, Fit well —Look well—Wear well. All sizes for women and children. \ Buy therm and protect yourself and “A, family from winter ills, Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co Limited, Montre | All Dealers FUR MARKET IS LOW CATCH WILL BE BIG CE RUPERT FISH AND JE COMPANY, LIMITED eby given that the Conti mpany, Limited, @ body el » a registered office at the ; jupert, in the Province of 1. has been appointed of the above named Prince noe } Cold Storage Company, nu r of Mr, W. E, Burritt, : the Supreme Court at c., of the 6th day of : » 1013 , WILLIAMS & MANSON, for the Said Liquidator ; —_—__ CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Mountain Soat and Eagle} ate in the Skeena Min os Cassiar District i About six miles back . of Falis Creek, Goose Bay, et | "Sats that I, Wm. T. Kergin, a ceruticate No, B43839, act Promises to Be Good Season for Trappers in Bella Coola Dis. | trict—Lost Silver Foxes. f ; x ofr George HKudge, Free | eas cat's ute No. 898007; FP. ¢ = i net's Cer Biker's | The fall catch of fur is beginning } i 4 wm. T. Kergin, Free Miner's 9, intend, sixty days from | }to arrive at Bella Coola, says the a w apply to the Mining ‘ ‘ ‘ : : ; Certiticate of Improve | Courier Cnarlie Hendricks, who is genis purpose of obtaining & trapping on Dean Channel, came in { the above claims. take notice that action un must be commenced be such Certificate of Im last week with a good catch of Seay’ hie te ‘okies ae There is a man who makes shoes for children— the well-known Indian from Anaham Lake, brought down a big bunch of and sells them to stores all over Canada fine Interior furs, including three B t he . ni 4 I 4 h beautiful silver fox hides, addi- u je yeautiful silver fox hides, in addi is only just learning how people buy. tion to which he had a live cross Tg vith day of September, A. D CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. neral claim, situate in the | | | : - ; | | ' geeus Jiuing Division of Cassiar Dis Were located, |AbOME, alg piles rd The cross fox, which was a full- It was this wa His wife-——let us call her Mrs. Take at I, Wm. T, Kergin, Free | a: z re “ a a ak Brown —'phone to him and asked him to buy some . ie No, Béss9%, acting as| EGYPT (the rival enchantress) INDIA ne we eae et eee underwear for little Brown. are K y aie one a. Free | Landry, who shipped it to Vancou- mee v No, bites, tn nd,|! “ K zs ‘ : ile i, as ses I the artist f the London y by the last Chelohsin Picture Brown now among the throng of mothers at . : n the date reof, w apply | traph ‘ Y Be ‘ ‘ ; ; e . , (iui neconder bore etuiicale ot | ee abroad’ tha Kitchener is to succeed | the ‘‘ Children’s Underwear’’ counter. He asks for for 2” purpose of ob ~ lardinge as ce of né "hea Hin oat Fea, 2D 8 1e te ate . . ° ip for the purpose of obi viscount Hard is Viceroy of India. The galas ai is ” ae ee ee uate Underwear for a child of six. He looks it over soot ake notice Uiat action, un ! a b de choose between two fields d 1 ary ki 8 y nts. : “take ot Sas By un Both OF WHION Noe tae rede eee, an een te, SOI cas eel lessly. What on earth does he know about Children ite ich Certificate of Improve — eee ang SsplencK eputla- ; : bs ra ; ! rh s th eB ind to Newport The re te * - = 7 0 = ora a + Midnight Mondays, Nov. 17, Dec. iCk mat Hume Cronyn, of | (heir! icensing it come ip at 5 se | e ords for 2! nee 3 J " ( cupatien tenager Of 841i. next session of parliament Newport . ut . : ? . ay “7 1k oes oo een Ais Ce : ist, 15th ait 2otn and 2 Trus intends to apply for per ait fe anita cents and ‘50 words: (Or Ey ee —G, T. P. 8 a.m. Tuesdays, Nov. 25, Dec. _ purchase the following- descri ‘ at the night letter rate, with two ergs 9th, 23rd and 30th : at a post planted at the rhe city of Seattle won @ sull]. ep each additional word in CIRCUIT NO. 3 , j e rner of Lot 1968, thence} ooinct the city traction com- aanh i6ase. Box 81—5th Ave. and Fulton St. e a ews ; 5 west 80 chains, north)’ © objected to exchang- ; Box 32—Borden and Taylor Sts. ‘ig { 1st’ 86 chains to point of| panies who objected cls ‘ a ae ah Get Tickets at { misining 640 acres more). transfers on a fifty per cent NOTICE To ADVERTISERS x on * ie Ae _— es op + a ; asi sca aeas CRONYN hasis The street car COMPATICS Fenn * Box 87—8th ie anacaiaaen a Rogers Steamship Agency th ] G d Ci ul ti { : I 1i—Feb. 9, 1044. will now have to give the trans- To insure meereien changes ; Box 38—6th Ave. and Thompson St. *! Second Ave. Phone 116 Has e argest uarantee ircuia on i | fers : of advertisment must be re- | 5 eensient sgh * | Si ciaup| ceived at the Daily News of- | ¢ pox at—dth Ave, and Zmmerson % — The Vancouver I rog ess Cin fice not later than 10 a.m. * Pl. 7 | ‘ lis financial difficulties % is on the day of puulennn: $ Box 42—5th Ave. and McBride St. * eo * | i wer $9,000 behind and no pros eee % Sox 60-8 Ave, and Grom. nit 6 FAI III RAI DIDI DAA AAAI AAAI IAAI IIIS IISISISISISISIIISSIAISSSA e ; nabta f recuperating the treas The Daily News has the largest |*« Sox 44—6ib Ave and Basil St. fury fhe members now prol the city and dis- X Box 45—Jth Ave. and Eberts. Ae j re ae ii" ee . nen |Cireulation in fas roe ¥ wox 141—71h Ave. and Young St. . to have it taken over by a trict. To be had at all the news-| took Members P.R.L. Vintners Association ganization to be called Greater) y aiens SAAAIAIIAAIA IAAI kk ON or ulin si, emai ; — Vancouver Chamber of Gol . —— WINDSOR HOTEL ere ULL ORE I RE aE a ER Coruer of First Ave. and Eiebth St. | pane oats OAR A ae W. H. Wright, Prop. S. H. Meyers, president of tix ’ en ee Awe ctarn. Bederation of ea ers varied Conducted ENVELOPES : ; ..8 badly used up when he wes ire, MOTEL CENTRAL V pany from the scene e LETTERHEADS irst Avenue and Seventh St. ceported Friday a ; European and American Plan ‘cent agitation among the Summer is over and the Fall trade has begun. . Peter Black, Prop. Gi Ris regen) Aerie . BUSINESS CARDS a ° strikers at Calumet, He wa To get your share you must have some sort of ‘ ms ad e butt of a re- ; t KNOX HOTEL aerate ons ” in tae back. 1 Felner printed matter—a circular, folder, booklet or cate- “I First Ave. Between Eighth and Ninth MCIVET ADS. BE ‘) amo. haste ; t pean Plan, Rates 50c to §1.00 now lies in,a ha ” oe we TAGS . Per Tay » ha lj} go back @5 BU , Bosner & Besner, Props. premmins bt - hee Trip