Monday, January 5, 1944 THE DAILY NEWS —— MUNICIPAL NOTICE NOTICE that the Municipal Coun city of Prince Rupert has fixed ithe Fifteenth day of January, j. at the Counefl Chamber in the Fulton Street, a8 the day and taking the vote of the rat ihe followitig bylaws: w of the City of Prince Rupert je for extensions and improve the Municipal Telephone sys the Oity of Prince Rupert ana t wid secure @ debt for the pur making such @xtensions gid im it amounting to the um of jhousand Dollars $60,000.00 iw of the City of Prince Kupert ize the purchase and installa iv improved system for gener trical enérgy in the City of Hupert, capable of producing ired (500) Kilowatts of elex ergy and to create @ debt nt of One Hundred and Five { Dollars (8105,000,00 iw to provide for the extension Electric Light Pole Line System city of Prince Rupert and au the creation of @ debt to the Forty-five rhousand Dollars 00) to pay for the same and of the same with interest ue of debentures iw of the City Of Prince Rupert ize the construction of a City mm Fulton Street for municipal and «for creating a@ debt of j usan GDollars ($50,000,00 te the same, and to secure the sal ie issue of debentures URTHER TAKE OTICE that the be taken by ballot, and that the nhs shall be kept open on the tu day of January, A. PD, 1914 f 9:00 a. m. until the hour m NTHER TAKE NOTICR that fF wh has been appointed Keturn t take charge of the said ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk AW OF THE CITY OF PRINCE 0 PROVIDE POR EXTENSIONS VEMENTS TO THI MUNG LPHONE SYSTEM OF THE CITY I RUPERT AND TO CHEATE CRE A DEBT FOR THE PUR MAKING SUCH EXTENSIONS HOVEMENTS AMOUNTING ru OF SIXTY THOUSAND Dol 10.00 EAS the City of Prince Rupert at ites its OWN telephone sys h system if now insufficient requirements of the citizens pert and it bas become neces ove and extend the = said nh EREAS 4 petition has been by the required number «of lers of the said city reque cipal Council of the City of to introduce this bylaw ana introduced pursuant to this iIEREAS for the purpose mprovements and extension ssary to incur a debt t of Sixty Thousand Dollars ILHEAS the City integpds to issue for the amount of the said Sixty Thousand Dollar s¢ ' - of which to realiz for the said pur jebentures to extend ver a iwent 2 years from the day of January, A. Db. 1914 ed in manner hereatt WHEREAS the assessed value ind improvements in the City I t according to the last r it rol, namely Whe assess ul ear 1913, i8 the tum Millions, Two Hundred and sand Nine Hundred al Trollar €28,215,080.00 WHEREAS the aggregate debt ow said City exclusive of debts 1) Hopr@vement and poses does pot exceed One M Hundred and Fourteen Th ‘ 81,214,0 00), nor does went yn cent 20% of the ssed iands and tinpr i 1 the last revised AND WHEREAS the total amount which hay 1 be ‘ised annually for’ the f pa & the said d@bt and in “ be Five Thousand One Hundred Tw t me Dollars and Sixty-six WHEREAS the sum necessary Hae f interest during the cur iid debentures to be issued i m of Thousand Dol WHEHKEAS the sum be . t I Way of sinking fund 1 lebl authorized to be eated Ww if the sum of Tw i Hundred and Twenty m ub i x Cents (82,121.66 ul 3 set aside such ar i Th sand One Hundred i irs and SiIALY-SIA I positing th all ‘ est nh @ chartered bank my in Canada, or by tnvesting af manner that 4@ tunicipa fiay legally adopt EREAS the amount to be raise > to sinking fund pay the derived at by estimating the be derived from the augue) in f such sum at the rate of three half percent. (34% per \ WHEREAS this bylaw catinot be ive with = the consent of the Governor in Council THEREFORE TH MUNICIPAL OF THE CORPORATION UF THE VRINCE RUPEKT ENACTS AS bylaw shall take effect on the sist day of January, A. D ill be lawful for the City of ert to extend and improve the nicipal telephone system ac ans and specifications to be by the Manager for the time municipal telephone system, proved of by the Council and altered, amended or added the construction of such exten improvements, all such altera ments and additions to be by the said manager, and = the !, In the same manner as the ins and specifications, All such specifications together with any mmondments or additions sll be fyled with the Manager inicipal telephone system, the this bylaw being that the City & the, improvements to the City’s ystem shall do everything to same Chinplete in every par | I } the purpose of paying for the nsions hereby authorized the “city hupert is hereby empowered to debt- of Sixty Thousand Dollars Which debt shall be payable (26) years from the second of Janus A Db. 1914, and for bt debentures shall be issued to ed in manner hereinafter 4p sum of Three Thousand Dollars 0) 18 necessary for the payment t each year during the currency lebentures, and the sum of Two 1 One Hunded and Twenty-one nd Sixty Cents (82,121.66 is to be set aside annually during eney of the said debentures for pose of forming a sinking fund ich lo pay the said debt and de it maturity The said sum of sand One Hundred and Twenty ins and Sixty-six cents (82,121 be raised annually as a sinking ng sueh that together with the weroing from the investment it the interest rate of three and f per eent (34%% per annum he currency of said debentures ufficient to discharge the said on due sald sum necessary to pay. the vamely, the sam of ‘Three Thou Dollars (88,000.00) and the sinking mely, the sum of Two Thousand iundred and ‘Twenty-one Dollars anc ix Cents (82,121.66) making to the sum of Ftv Thousand One ! and Twenty Dollars = ard Y Contes (85,121.66 shall be an raised as follows. namely, by 4 ' rate levied annually on all the ble land of the City of Prince Rupert '* the currency of the said deben ind shall be ecallected as municipat ind placed to a separate account ! “Telephone Extension Account’; lhe said sunt of Two Thousand One ‘red and = =Twenty-one Dollars and SIX Cents (88,124.66) to be raised Sally 48 a sinking fund shall be in ed annually. by the City Treasurer ‘1 the recommendation of the Gouneil uch securities or ia such manner as 1s ’ | ' permitted by f recited debentures to s the st with and neg AND 1 mt ‘ pert ada, ner halt 2 pose be of Sixty said either Dollars tures shall be rhe the six the names of the said City with the to whieh it ts The said it any States or bered myvthing and directing SYSTE ENER PERT HUNDRED HICAL DET DARD i AND WHER for works of | purposes does not exceed One . Hundred and Fourteen Thousand ($1,214, vo0.0u centum of the assessed value of lands legally ) AND WHI annually is arrived be derived such amount Thirty Rupert increasing a wed by roduc: io be the one which at its installation shall be, in the opinion council, the best for the pur plant be introduced time of of the City law, including the hereinbe- inivestments; rhere shall be issued any number of be mide for such sums as required for raising the said sum Thousand Dollars (860,000.00 debentures may be expressed i’ currency or sterling money pay- igned by the in gold coin for not less than $190.00 currency or £20 sterling @ach, and not ex ceeding the said sum of Sixty Thousand #60,00.00) and the said deben duly prepared, executed and sold for the purpose iforesaid; said debentures shall be deemed lo have been proptriy executed by being Mayor and the Treasurer of the said City and shall be sealed with its corporite seal; The said debentures shall bear date the Second (2nd) day of January, A. D 1914, and shall contain a’ promise to pay the principal of the said debentures and al © the interest thereon at the rate of lye per cent 5¢ per annum, payable half iriy, on the First ist day 6 Ja ry and the Pirst ist) day of July each year and may be with or without coupons attached thereto for the payment of Interest and in case coupons shall be ittached to said debentures each of said coupons shall be equivalent to one half ears interest at the rate of five per cent per annum upon the amount of the Attached, the difference f payment shall be poner to have been prop y printed or lithographed thereon the Mayor and Treasurer of Each coupon shall be num lebenture to Which they shall be respect vely one coupon being made payable each six months from the date of said debentures In case the whole of monthg interest shall not have ac erued before We first day of July next shall be adjusted in the of interest The said cou each one having written, number of the debenture attached: debentures shall be made piace in England, the Canada therein set out; The amount of the said coupons for nterest shail be payable at any of the places in England, the United States or Canada therein set out 2 The said debentures and the cou ittached thereto shall be deemed 4 ind binding chafge upon the ratayl in the City of Prince Rupert and upon t f Prince Rupert; The amount of the debt authorized by this bylaw the debt in so far as the by law 80 to do M FOR is subject to consolidation iuthorized by any other by laws of the said City passed for the issue sale of debentures, and notwithstand herein contained authorizing the issue and sale of deben tures for the payment of the debt hereby reated the City of Prince Rupert consoli dated stock may be issued in the place and stead of the debentures to the amount of the debt This section shall apply only City may be empowered 14. It shall be lawful for the couneil luring the construction of the extensions thy Telephone System hereinbefore mentioned to borrow mone from any bank or other person willing to advance the same at interest to be agreed upon for the purpose of paying for the said exten sions and f guch loan to hypothtecate ihe lebentures to be ssued hereunder, pr ed that s loan with the interest ncreed to be 7 1 to such bank or person sha ¢ I t of the sum of money realized I I sale f the said deben ture The ¢ may Sell said deben ure 1 *s than par if it is found neces ar addy il t 1 8 PASSEN THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF rut MRPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT THE 29TH DAY OF DECI BET i I PATTULLO, Mayor ERNEST A, WOODS, Clerk TAKE NUTICE that the above is a true py of the proj i bylaw to raise Sixty nh nd Dollars (860 0.0 upon which i the municipality will be taken at ut i Chamber, City Hall, on the t th da f January, A. D. 1914, from the hour of a. m ntil the hour of m ERNEST A. WOO®S, City Clerk A BYLAW OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE INSTALLATION OF AN IMPROVED OENERATING ELECTRICAL GY IN THE CITY OF PRINCE Rl CATABLE OF PRODUCING FIVE rHt KILOWATTS OF ELEC- ENERGY AND TO CREATE A EXTENT OF ONE HUN AND FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS WHEREAS at Huy ! tle tl { AND WHERE Dollars WHEREAS the aggregate of owing by the said City exclusive of debts ocal linprovement and school WHEREAS the assessed value improvements and the real of the Municipality, according bk revised assessment roll, being the roll Millions Two Hundred and Thousand Nine Hundred and the present Ume the City rt operates an electrical purpose of supplying the of Prince Kupert itself ppliying customers in the ery AS the system at present is of a Steam driven EAS the quantity of electri i rey supplied by the said system 1s : ming small f the require i t and private cunsumers AND WHEREAS the present system of I ge ok i] energy by steam 15 t nomica AN WHEREAS tmpreved and more if methods of producing — elec AV slready been introduced into places and it is the desire of te nell of the City of Prince Rupert to take ivantage of such improvements; \ND WHEREAS it is desirable to instal an improved system for the production of electrical energy in the City of Prince Kupert, such system to be used hereafter 4s at auxiliary in case the City should obtain electrical energy from a water pow ystem,; either In case of a break down of the water power system or for the purpose of augmenting the usefulnes thereof; AND WHEREAS tn order to purchase and instal such improved auxiliary plant it is necessary that a debt be incurred by the Corporation of the City of Prince Ru to the extent of One Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ($105,000.00) ; AND WHEREAS the City intendsto issue debentures for the amount of the said in tended debt, being the sum of One Hun dred and Five Thousand Dollars (8105,- 000,00 by the sale of which to reall monies necessary for the said purposes, the said debentures to extend over @ period of twenty (20) years from the date w be mentioned tn this bylaw; AND WHEREAS a petition has been duly signed by the requisite number of property holders of the City of Prince Rupert to introduce this bylaw and the has been introduced pursuant tg said petition; AND the land and property the last assessment rwenty-cight Fifteen Righty AND of for the year 19138, ts 28,215,980.00); ‘3 : debts Million Two , nor does it exceed twenty (20%) ehartered bank in or by Investing the same in any that a municipal corporation rer aA improverments according to the last revised assessment roll; AND WHEREAS the annual sum neces- sary for the, payment of the interest dur ing the currency of the debentures to be issued hereunder {s_ Five Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars (8! 50.00 AND WHEREAS the sum necessary: to be set aside annually by way of sinking fund to discharge the debt authorized to be created by this bylaw 1s the sum of rhree rhousand Seven Hundred and rwelve Dollars and Ninety-one Cents #3.712.91) per annum, and it is proposed 10 set aside such annual sum by deposit- ing the same annually at interest In @ or trust company in Can man may t AEBAS the amount to be ratsed ror the payment of the said debt at by estimating the Interest from the annual investment of at the rate of three and one to sae per centum per annum; AND WHER altered save by tenant Governor NOW CQUNCII of PEAT ENACTS { EAS. this bylaw. cannot be the consent of the Lieu in Counell; THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL THE CITY OF PRINCE Kl As FOLLOWS rhis bylaw shall take effect on the first day It shall be Council of the ; yurchase and insta | improvements for the purpose intended, of January, A, D, 1014 lawful for the Municipal City of Prince Rupert to in the City of Prince of capacity of tie present the City, the system to such new plant to be ca pable of producing about electrical energy; purchase and installation of said plant the 4. The whole of the debt hereby ereat- for which debt debentures shall lwo Hundred and Fifty Dollars during the currency debentures, and n Hundred and Twelve Doi- set aside annually annually as a sinking fund being such that accruing from the investment at the interest rate of three debt when due; sinking fund shall rate levied annually on all the ratable land currency of the said debentures, and shall be placed to @ separate account, Thousand Seven to be raised for a sink- recommendation of Prince Rupert ts create a debt of Forty-five Thousand Dol- ($45,000.00) which debt shall in twenty (20) years from cond day of January, A. D. 1914, debt debentures shall be issued be secured in manner hereinafter appear- and Five’ Thou- expressed either or sterling, payable in gold coin for cuted by being signed by sealed with its of forming a attached thereto year’s interest at I 2 of the first payment of y of the places in England, the United States invested Canada therein set out; valid and binding charge hereinbefore upon the said City of Prince Rupert; the issue and sale of debentures, stead of debentures to the amount of such % authorized to bor- Second son willing to advance issued hereunder, » such bank or person shall be repaid out said debentures be equivalent D. PATTULLO, Mayor of the proposed bylaw pons shall name of the the said City. until the hour of 7:00 p. ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk PORTY-FIVE THOUSAND SAME AND THE SECURRNG OF THE SAMI of Prince Rupert at power plant in the City ergy for power purposes; AND WHEREAS it has become necessary ated by the City so that the requirements be more fully met; the amount of the debt hereinbefore AND WHEREAS nee Rupert in order to make the veces is proposed to the said debentures the said debenutres at less than par if it is found necessary or advisable to do so, PASSED BY THE MUNICIPAL © CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT DAY OF DECEMBER, 1913. PATTULLO, Mayor. T A. WOODS, Clerk. OTICE that the above is a the proposed bylaw to Thousand Dollars ($45,000.00) which a vote of the munfieipality taken at the Council Chamber, City Hall, on the Fifteenth day of January, 1914, from the hour of 9:00 until the hour of 7:00 p, m, ERNEST A, WOODS, City Clerk. BYLAW. OF THE CITY OF for the purpose of paying interest will be "AND WHEREAS the amoant which will AND WHEREAS the said sum of One Thousand Five S AND POR raised as sinking fund as aforesaid by de- a chartered bank or trust company in the municipal corporation amount to be raised annually to pay the bt is arrived at | investment of such sum at the pate of three and one-half per cent, per annum; WHEREAS the total amount ratable Jand and improvements in the City Prince Rupert according to revised assessment roll, namely the assess- roll for the year 1913 Is Millions Two Hundred and Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty (#28,215,980.00); AND WHEREAS the aggregate debt ow- the said City exclusive for works of iqeal improvement and school does (not exceed One Hundred and Fourteen Thousand (81,214,000.00 ceed twenty per cent, (20%) of the value assessed lands and improvements according to the last revised assessment WHEREAS this bylaw cannot altered save with the consent of the Lieu- tenant Governor in Council; WHEREAS a petition by the required number of property own- the said City requesting the Council to introduce this bylaw presented to the City Council this bylaw has been introduced pursuant to this petition; THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL OF THE CITY OF PRINCE PERT ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: . This bylaw shall take effect Thirty-first day of January, A. D. shall be lawful for the Rupert to erect extensions to electrical pole system 80 requirements of the inbabitants of the City of Prince Rupert, sneh exten- sions to be laid out by of Lighting of the City of Prince to the approval of the Municipal Council of the City of Prince Rupert. The such extensions shall the Superintendent of Lighting, approved by the Council and fyled in the office of the said Superintendent of Light The said plans may from altered or added to and such alteration or shall be also approved in the manner as the original plans and shall in a similar manner; 3 sum of Two Thousand Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,250.00) for the payment of interest each year during the currency of the said de and the sum of One Thousand Hundred and Ninety-one Dollars Twenty-five Cents (81,591.25) Is to be set aside annually during the of the sald debentures for sinking fund with which to pay the said debt and debentures at maturity, the said sum of One sand Five hundred and Ninety-one Dollars} public building to be used for the accom- modation of the various municipal institu- Twenty-five Cents ($1,591.25) of Prince Rupert, annually as a sinking fund that together with the profits accru- the investment thereof > and one-half *) per annum during the cur- said debentures will be discharge the said debt ate of thr said sum of One Thousand Five and Ninety-one Dollars Twenty-five Cents $1,591.25 annually as a sinking fund annually by the City Treas- upon the recommendation in such securities or in manner as is permitted by law, including recited investments; There shall be issued any number of debentures to be made for such sums as be cequired for raising the said sum of Forty-five Thousand Dollars ($45,000,- and said debentures may be expressed either in currency or sterling money, pay- able in gold coin, for t said debentures shall be deemed to have been properly executed by having signed by the Mayor and the Treas- of the said City and shall be its corporate seal; said debentures shall bear date day of January, A. D. contain a promise to pay of the said debentures and also interest thereon at the rate 5%) per annum, payable yearly, annually, on the First day of Janu and the First day of July in each year be with or without coupons thereto for the payment and in case coupons shall said debentures such coupons} “Municipal to one half year’s in- terest at the rate of five per cent. per annum upon the amount of to which they shall be attached, one coupon being payable each six months from the date of six months interest shall not have accrued before the First day of July next difference shall be adjusted printed or lithographed to which it is attached; said debentures shall be payable at any place in England, United States, or Canada, therein set out; The amount of the said coupons for shall be payable at any in England, the United States Canada therein set out; said debentures and the pons attached thereto shall be deemed a valid and binding charge upon the ratable land in the City of Prince Rupert and upon City of Prinee Rupert; 13. amount of the debt authorized this bylaw is subject to consolidation with the debt authorized by any other by- laws of the said City passed for the issue and sale of debentures, and notwithstand- ing anything herein containe dauthorizing and directing the issue and sale of deben- tures for the payment of the debt hereby created the City of Prince Rupert consoli- dated stock may be issued in the place and stead of the debentures to the amount of This section shall apply in so far as the City may be empowered by law so to do, shall be lawful for the during the construction of the pole mentioned to borrow from any bank or other person willing to advance the same at interest to be agreed upon for the purpose of paying for the said extensions and for such loan to hypothecate the debentures to be issued provided that such loan interest agreed to be paid to bank or person shall be repaid out of the of money realized upon the sale of The Council may TO AUTHORIZE THE STRUCTION OF A CITY BUILDING FULTON STREET FOR MUNICIPAL CREATING A DEBT THOUSAND DOLLARS (850,000.00) PAY FOR THE SAME, AND &T THE SAID DEBT BY THE DEBENTURES: WHEREAS the City of Prinee Rupert sraded a piece of ground on Fulton Street adjoining the present City uN; AND WHEREAS the present accommo- dation for the various municipal depart nor does duly the Superintendent adition the safd hereby empowered Two Thousand not less than $100.00 or £20 sterling each, and the said sum of Forty-five $45,000.00) and debentures shall be duly prepared, executed and sold for the purpose » Mayor and Treasurer Each coupon shall be num- ments of the City of Prince Rupert is in sufficient erect tional various AND WHEREAS for the purpose of pay ing for Thousand required, provide tures rate of five per cent, AND by the required number of property own- ers of the said City cipal Council this bylaw has to this petition; AND land cipality assessment for Millions (828,215,980.0%); AND WHEREAS the aggregate debt ow by for works of local improvement and school purposes does not exceed One Million Two Hundred (21,214,000.00 cent, revised AND sary for the payment ing the issued Hundred Dollars AND set aside to discharge created Thousand Seven Dollars and Five per annum, and it is proposed to set aside such annual sum annually or trust company in Canada, or by invest- 3. For the purpose of paying for theling the same in any manner that a muni- said extensions hereby authorized the CIty] eipal corporation may legally adopt; AND WHEREAS the amount to be faised annually for the payment of the -aid debt is arrived at by estimating the interes: to be derived from the such amount at the rate of three and one- half per centum AND* WHEREAS altered save by tenant Governor in Council; NOW COUNCIL PERT ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: . This Thirty-first day of January, 4. 2. It shall be lawful “or the Corpdration ce Rupert to erect on the hereinbefore recited piece of land the property of the specifications altered, construction § said sum necessary to pay the] Munieipal Council shall see fit; in any of interest, Qamely, the sum of Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,250.- and a sinking fund, namely, the Thousand Five Hundred one Dollars and Twenty-five 25) making together the Thousand Eignt Hundred and Forty- Dollars and Twenty-five 5 shall be annually raised namely, by a special rate on all ratable land of the City of Rupert during the currency debentures and shall be collected as taxes, and placed to a separate called “Pole Line Extension cases City y A. shall be} manner hereinafter appearing; . The Hundred for the payment of interest each year dur- of said debentures the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-eight (81,768.05) annually debentures for the purpose of forming a sinking fund with which to pay the said and said sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars and Five be raised annually ing the Sixty-eight ($1,768.05 sinking fund being with the profits accruing from th einvest- ment thereof at the interest rate of three and one-half per cent. per annum during the currency of the said debentures shal! sufficient when due; . The 768.05), special shall be collected as municipal taxes, placed to sum of One Thousand Sixty-eight Dollars and Five Cents 768.05 to be raised for sinking fund shall invested annually upon sum the be deemed the} executed by having been signed by Mayor and the Treasurer of the City and shall be sealed with its corporate seal; . The said debentures shall bear date Second day of January, shall principal of the said debentures and also iterest thereon at the rate D per annum, payable half- yearly, on the First day of January and First day may be with or without coupons attached thereto for the payment of interest and in case coupons shall be attached to said de bentures such coupons shall be vquivalent to one half year’s interest at the rate of per annum upon the the debenture to shall be respectively attached, one coupon being made payable each six months from of the said debentures, the whole of the six months interest shall not have accrued before the First day of July, next, the difference shall be adjusted in the first payment of interest, coupons properly written, thereon Treasurer of the said City, numbered with the the debenture to which it is attached; said debentures per cent. per amount date be 8, The payable United States, Canada therein set out; 10, The said debentures pons attached thereto valid and binding charge upon the ratable City of Prince upon the @ity of Prince Rupert. 11, The amount of the debt authorized by this bylaw is subject to consolidation the debt authorized City passed for the of Mebentures, in bylaws ant sale withstanding authorizing and directing the sale of debentures for the payment of the hereby created the City Riuypert consolidated stock in the place and stead of the debentures to the amount of the debt. shall apply only in so far as the City may be empowered b during the construction of hereinbefore mentioned to borrow money from any bank or other person willing to advance the same at interest to be agreed aying for the said oan to hypothecate issued hereunder, provided that such loan with the interest d to such bank or person shall be repaid out of the sums of money realized upon the sale of the said deben- The Council may sell the said de- on for the buildin de! agreed to be IN THE MATTER OF THE WINDING UP NG CHAPTER 144 OF THE Rk. AND IN THE MATTER RUPERT FISH AND is hereby given of providing addi accommodation that the Conti- city of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, ficial liquidator of the above named Prince registrar of the Supreme Court at November, A. D. WILLIAMS & MANSON, Solicitors for the Said Liquidator. introduced pursuant CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Soat and Eagie mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Min- Hundred and Fifteen ing Division of Cassisr District from the mouth of Falis Creek, Goose Bay, Ubservatory Inlet, Win. T. Kergi Free Miner's Certificate No. B43839, act Free Miner’s Certificate No. , Kergin, Free Miner’s Certificate B43839, intend, sixty days from: apply to the Mining for a Certificate of L for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claims. And further take notice that action un- der section 37, must be commenced fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- pen this 24th day of September, A. D. nor does It exceed twenty assessed value of assessment roll; the date hereof, of the interest dur- the debentures to be by way of sinking CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Ptarmigan mineral claim, situate in the Division of Cassiar Dis- from the mouth of Falls'¢ = Goon jouth of Fa ree. 00 Observatory Inlet. ™ pa wee ake notice that 1, Wm. T. Kergin, Free Miner’s Certificate No. B43839, acting as agent for Wm, R. Lord Uficate No, B701041, and Miner's Certificate No. sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Kecorder for a Certificate of improvements, for the ing a Crown Grant of And further take notice, that action, un- der section 37, must be commenced before the issue of such Certificate of Improve- Gate this 24th day of September, A. D. Skeena Mining Where located: A PRIZE MAIL PACKAGE P. C, Coates, Free Dorothy Mary urpose of obtain- from London, England, to To- ronto, Canada, marked with a mother missed her at the union Skeena Land Diseeet Sarees of Coast an ge ¥. TAKE NCTICE that ume Cronyn, of London, Ontario, occu Trust Company, intends te apply for per- mission to purchase the following descri- the girl spent Sunday Children’s Shelter. girl was kindly treated all the to be prepared by the per| City Engineer, and approved by the Muni- cipal Council of the City of Prince Rupert, Commencing at a post planted at the 8¢ chains, north commencement, containing 640 acres more HUME CRONYN. Dated November 25th, 1913. Pub. Dec, 45—Feb. 9, 1914. south 80 chains, chains, east 80 QUARTETTE TO SPEND SIX MONTES IN NORTH such alterations, amendments or additions shall be approved above , the intent of this bylaw being that in constructing the said building Skeena Land District—District of Coast, 8 ° Take notice that Elbert M. Morgan, of Prince Rupert, B. C., ocoupation prospec- for permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the east shore of Banks Island, opposite Mink Trap Bay, and situated two (2) miles and ding such as will meet the requirements of th as| municipal institutions of the Cit For ‘ construction authorized hereby make Anderson, who propose to spend said building hereby and prospecting at the head wa- ters of the Chicamen river Their mile and seventy-one chains more or less west of A. L. 360, and sixteen (16) chains more or less north three (3) miles and forty-eight (48 chains more or less west of Green Top thence west twenty (20) thence north forty ars » § ay a -i; : : ears from the Second day of Janu intention is to £0 down the can- thence they empties into it, to its source and ore or less to nl 3 the shore of Principe Ch cross the divide at that point. C, jowing the shore southerly to point of containing eighty ELRERT M. MORGAN. Dated 27th October, 1913. commencement, acres more or less. has bten reached, they will not have more than five or six miles of ice to traverse before they be- on the far, side. They will then be country and one which as far as Skeena Land District—District of .Coast, Range V. Take notice that Herbert WW. Lees, Edmonton, Alberta, occupation gentleman, intends to apply for permission to pur- chase the following des¢ribed lands: Commencing at a post planted on the northeast corner of a bay eastward of Skiahl Bay, on the foreshore and adjacent to the a little to the by the foot of a white man, and Stephens Island, said sum necessary said interest of Two Thousand Five Hun- dred Dollars ($2,500.00) One Sixty-eight Dollars and making together the sum of Four Thousand Two Hundred and Dollars be annually raised as follows, namely: by rate levied annually ratable land in the City of Prince Beavis, thence north twenty chains, thence thence south twenty chains, thence east twenty chainc follow- to the point of com- and sinking fund| for men such as those who now propose to exploit it. been known as a placer country alluvial gold found farther down the riyer and HERBERT W: LEES. Per His Agent, L. R. W. Beavis. Dated October i2th, IN THE MATTER of an Application for the issue of a fresh certificate of title for an undivided one-half interest tn Section 5, een Charlotte District, ctory proof of the loss Building Account.” tries for fur bearing animals in Seven Hundred and The party took in a first class outfit and about 1400 lbs of pro- They are all. four good practical men 10, To le 9 No. $329 C. Sattsfa abo recommendation of Council in such securities or in such man- debentures. In case the whole|ner as is permitted by law, including the investments hereinbefore mentioned; 6. There shall be issued any number of debentures to be made for such sums as first payment of interest. The said cou-|may be required for the raising of the be deemed to’ have been executed by each one having written, mentioned lands in Strong, which Certifi ed the 12th on No’ o’clock A. M,, as No. Land Registry Omce, B. C., 27th Oc Thousand Dollars, said debentures eon} pressed either in currency or in sterling , and shall be payable in gold coin for not less than $100.00 currency or £20 bered with the number of the debentureleach, and not exceeding in the whole the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.- and the said debentures shall be duly prepared, executed and sold for the pur- said debentures should have something interest- ing to tell on their return—Port- H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. ——_—_— Hotel : Directory Members P.R.L. Vintners Association drawers 5@ cents the suit—Wal- commencing at less than par if it is found y or advisable to do s0. THE MUNICIPAL OP THE CITY RINCE RUPERT THIS 29TH DAY DECEMBER, 1913. ERNEST A. WOODS, Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above ts a 4rue copy of the proposed bylaw to raise Fifty WINDGOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave, and Eighth St. which a vote of the Municipali W. H. Wright, Prop. taken at the Council Chamber, i the Fifteenth day of January, HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St, European and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. the hour of 7:00 p, m, ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk, “Re Voting on Money Bylaws’ being a British subject and of the full age of twenty-one is the assessed or of real property within the municipal- ity, shall have a‘vote oither confirming or stamped, printed or lithographed First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth European Plan, Rates 50c to $1.00 Per Day Beener & Besner, Props. Notwithstanding this no person shall be entitled to vote upon any bylaw unless he or she is the assessed owher ACC ( Canada therein 9, The amount of the said coupons for interest J. Y. Rochester Third ares Between Sixth and ‘LEAR days before the voting day, and if European Pian, 60 to $1 Per Day agreement to purchase said lands or real property, unles such assessed owner shall have, before the time aforesaid, filed with assessor of the a statutory declaration proving that he or she is the holder of the last agreement to PREMIER HOTEL American and European Plan F. W. Henning, Manager the terms’ of which he or she ts liable to ROYAL HOTEL Third Ave, and 8 European Pian year’s taxes and is a British subject,” declarations at least five clear days befere the Fifteenth 1914-—the voting day—— his name placed on the ERNEST A. WOODS, y BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., Second Ave. and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., Fraser ana Sixth Sts, A signed contract with a com- pany which has the money is bet- ter than two promises from poli- ticilans who have neither money, influence nor resource,