THE DAILY NEWS 4 IF AGREEMENT IS PASSED : 5 Prince Rupert Vancouver Ladies’ fall coats 3314 cents PO OOO 6050 6 heh Mie kc 8% 7,000 150,000 on the dollar—Wallace’s sale. Ligtting rate ii; ...05...0.. Te to 3%e 9¢ ES be Power rate ................ 2¢ to fe 2c Nine cents a yard for regular Above are average rates. 15 cent gingham Wallace’s 5 sale. 4tf — SS Harry Houson has returned r THE PASSING OF THE * PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER AGREEMENT MEANS $150,000 to be spent insied six months; $1,000,000 to be spet inside six months; FOR WHICH YOU ARE NOT TAXED ONE CENT. FRED STORK’S HARDWARE , 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle fron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Vaives Ammunition Pumps Hose . Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST”’ FRED STORK’S HARDWARE A Personally Conducted California :: Excursion Leaves January 2nd, Arrives $133.00 From Prince Rupert to Los Angeles. Los Angeles January 1ith, Round Trip - - - From Prince Rupert Final Limit April 30th, 1914. A SPECIAL TRAIN DE LUXE via the O. W.R. & N.and Southern Pacific Your ticket includes fare both ways and every expense on the going trip—- separate berth, meals, side-trips, entertainments. An electric lighted train of modern elegantly equipped dining cars, buffet and observation car. A trip of unrivalled scenic beauty 7 through Oregon and California, along the “LINE OF THE SHASTA LIM- ITED” to San Francisco, San Jose, Del Monte, Santa Barbara, Los Angel- geles with side trips via the ae. Belt Line’ to Riverside and Red- ; ands. Stopovers allowed at your pleasure on return trip. information about this excursion. D. E. Brown, Hope & Macaulay Limited. PASSENGER AGENTS, O.-W. R. & N. 585-7-9 GRANVILLE STREET J. G. McNab Pullman sleepers, Let us give you more VANCOUVER, B.C. OR TO GENERAL AGENT, C. P. R. PRIN CE RUPERT, B.C. JOU U UGG UU GUO OOOO CUO UL IU ALOU. OC * kkkkkkk Fg LOCKETS, SCARF PINS AND ‘CUFF LINKS APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR MEN AND BOYS $i Our Catalogue illustrates a ery complete assortment of these Jewellery ines. LOCKETS in solid gold or gold filled, made in oval, square or round plain or engraved, and suitable for attaching to either FOB or we CHAIN. Some of the olid gold designs are set with a di qd centre. SCARF PINS in all designs and qualities, set with gems or semi- precious stones. You will find these very faithfully represented in our ue. CUFF LINKS in mee fine designs, according to the fashions of the day, in solid gold, gold filled, mother of pearl and sterling. From these desi; ins you may choose links with either rigid or loose connections. These are thoro ughly illustrated in ou Catalogue, which will be sent free to any ress. Our prices are moderate and ail orders carefully filled. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo, E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C rae a KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplice fas HARDWARE joi Oils Tinware Varnishes Graniteware ** Stay Satisfactory Range.’’ MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ Read The Daily News Has the largest Guaranteed Circulation from Smithers after doing a large amount of work in the interior town. eo: 8, ue H. 8. Clements, M. P., says he is arranging for the wireless ser- vice between Prince Rupert and Dead Tree Point, Q. C. I., be lowered by having the toll be- tween the city and Digby Island cult out, to * * . Municipal ownership means all public utilities within the city limits owned by the city. Under this agreement the city owns all its public utilities inside the city limits. Stf = * ” Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Mobley left last night on an extended visit to lower California. They will first visit Mrs. Mobley’s father in Spo- kane and Mr. Mobley’s birthplace in Colorado before proceeding to the south, They expect to be away from the eity for several months, and may take in Hono- lulu before their return. Their trip is taken largely in the inter- est of Mrs. Mobley’s health. The Daily News has the largest circulation in the city and dis- trict. To be had at all the news- dealers. 1. 0. O. F. installation of Officers Tuesday evening, January 6th, 19014. Every Oddfellow requested to be present. J. W. McKINLEY, N. G. W. G. BARRIE, Rec. Secy. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. MATTER OF THE WINDING UP BEING CHAPTER 144 OF THE RE- STATUTES OF CANADA: AND MENDING ACTS AND IN THE MATTER * THE PRINCE RUPERT FISH AND COLD-STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that the Conti- nental Trust Company, Limited, a body corporate with a registered office at the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, has been eppointed of- ficial liquidator of the above named Prince Rupert Fish and Cold Storage Company, Limited, by order of Mr. W. E. Burritt, district registrar of the Supreme Court at Prince Rupert, B. C., of the 8th day of November, A. D. 1913. WILLIAMS & MANSON, Solicitors for the Said Liquidator. IN THE AC CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Ground Hog, Mountain Goat and Eagle mineral claims, situate in the Skeena Min- ing Division of Cassiar District Where located: About six miles back from the mouth of Falls Creek, Goose Bay, Observatory Iniet. Take notice that I, Wm. T. Free Miner’s Certificate No. ing as agent for George Miner’s Certificate No. B33997; P. J Coates, Free Miner’s Certificate No. D 77639, and Wm. T. Kergin, Free Miner’s Certificate B43839, intend, sixty days from Kergin, B43839, act- Rudge, Free Cc the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improve- ments, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claims. And further take notice that action un- der section 37, must be commenced be- fore the issue of such Certificate of im- provements. sarees this 24th day of September, A. D. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Ptarmigan mineral claim, situate in the prpene Mining Division of Cassiar Dis- trict. Where located: About six miles back from the mouth of Falls Creek, Goose Bay, Observatory Inlet. Take notice that I, Wm. T. Kergin, Free Miner’s Certificate No, B43839, acting as agent for Wm. R. Lord, Free Miner's Cer- tiflcate No, B70101, and P. C, Coates, Free Miner’s Certificate No, D77639, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtain- ing a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, un- der section 37, must be commenced before the issue of such Certificate of Improve- ments, ‘oun this 24th day of September, A. D. Skeena Land apapccs. ==: District of Coast I . TAKE NOTICE Hume Cronyn, of London, Ontario, occupation manager of a Trust Company, intends to apply for per- mission to purchase the following descri- bed lands; Commencing at a@ post planted at the north est corner of Lot 1968, thence south 80 chains, west 80 chains, north 80 chains, east 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more Or less. HUME CRONYN, Dated November 25th, 1913, Pub. Dec, 15—Feb. 9, 10914. ee Skeena Land District—District of Coast, wl Range 4. Take notice that Elbert M, Morgan, of Prince Rupert, B. C., oceupation prospec- tor, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the east shorg of Banks Island, opposite Mink Trap Bay, and situated two (2) miles and fifty-three (53) chains more or less horth and one (1) mile and seventy-one (71) chains more or less west of A. L, 360, and sixteen (16) chains more or Jess north three (3) miles and forty-eight (48 chains more or less west of Green Top Island, thence west twenty (20) chains, thence north forty (40) chains, thence east twenty (20) chains more or less to the shore of Principe Channel, thence fol- lowing the sbore southerly to point or coinmencement, containing eighty (80) jacres more or less, | ELBERT M. MORGAN. Dated 27th October, 19138. Pub, Nov. 17, 1913-g-Jan. 12, 1944, Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V. _ Take notice that Herbert W. Lees, of Edmonton, Alberta, occupation gentleman, intends to apply for permission to pur- chase the following described lands: Commencing at 4 post planted on the northeast corner of a buy a little to the eastward of Skiah! Bay, Stephens Island, on the foreshore and adjacent to the ap- plication to purchase Jot of L. RK. ° Beavis, thence north twenty chains, thence west twenty chains, thence south twenty chains, thence east twenty chains follow- ing the shore line to the point of com- mmencement and containing forty acres more or less, HERBERT W. LEES, Per His Agent, L. RK, W, Beavis, Dated October 12th, 10138. Pub. Nov, 10, 1918-——Jan, 5, 1014, — - Confidence Shown in 6B. C. London, Dec. 34.—The Times includes a Pacific Coast supple- ment todgy, and describes Brit- ish Golumbia’s exploration, its early history, including that of the gold discovery, and its social life. A column is devoted to the real estate boom, and the writer says the investigation shows that the commercial situation is sub- stantially sound, and British Co- jumbians ‘have no to be downhearted. He sees nothing to be deplored reason in the. civic and industrial pro- gress which has outrun the money market, “Knowing the vastness of their country’s unde- veloped wealth, they wait confi- dently for the recovery of the financiers from their attack of nervousness.” Agriculture, mining and manu- factures are discussed at length, British Columbia's industrial situation being summarized as one of boundless raw material and enormous power. ‘The com- paratively little used forest! wealth of the province, which was formerly described in the Enfpire Day number of 1911, is renewed in another column. Three columns are devoted to a study of the effect of the Panama Canal upon shipping, “a ques- tion viially interesting to the whole of Western Canada.” Crib Work Completed Work on the big dam ,which has been under construction about half a mile above the main bridge on Bear’ River, by the Provincial Government was sus- pended for the winter on Tues- day. Foreman Dan McPhee has been working for the last week with a crew of 20 men and three teams, and a very substantial cribbing 1000 ft. in length has been built angling across the river bed. This has been filled with brush and the first layer of gravel ballast has been put in. It is the intention of Road Supt. log C. J. Gillingham to complete the filling early in the spring.— Portland Canal Miner. Off to Massett The Vadso left on her special trip to Massett last evening on a charter from the Grand Trunk. took as passengers W. H. Smith, Martin Hardak, Jeffery Dunsfrid and €, Kirmis. She Two pairs boys’ heavy 2/4 rib hose for 35 cents—Wallace’s sale, 4if “In Australia” The play which will “be ’pre- sented by the Deffry Company tonight and tomorrow night pl the Westholme Theatre will be a four-act comedy-drama of the Australian gold fields. Telling the story of the long drought, and the consequential develop- ingsof the baser characteristics of mankind through poverty, hardship and greed, and a good woman's influence’ oyer hard men, and her after many years of trying to fight the bigbtry and narrowmindedness of a relig- ious fanatic, and her ultimate triumph and rich reward in hap- piness makes a most pleasing story, and one that will live for- in the minds of those who the story’s portrayal. many thrilling situa- tions, and strong dramatic mo- ments, and in between there are many laughable situa- tions introduced. Wednesday and ever wilness There are comedy Thursday's bill is a bright, laughing com- edy entitled “The Marriage of Kilty.’ This play was first brought out by Marie Tempest, and ran for many months in New York and London., Altogether this is one of the very best plays in the Deffry Company's reper- toire. Reference Library The Board of Trade rooms is getting quite a reference library. Recent additions to it have been made by ten volumes with the re- ports of the provincial minister of mines. There are also now complete reports of the Dominion eee bett, Jas. Brown, W. B. Kerr, W. W. Wright, R. P. Trimble, I. B. Bollert, John Melsaac, Bert Reif, Miss Richmond, .R. Grant, W. 4. Rooney, Y. E. Matthews, Miss G. Montgomery, W. Greenwood, J. D. Henderson, Don McLean, C. ©, Fraser, P. J. McLaren, Northbound The Spokane picked up the following passengers here last evening. They are northbound J. F. Toman, G. J. Hastings, Sam Brown, Ed Hinman, J. F. Hough- ton, Wm. Leask, F. MeDonald, D. Shearen, C. CG. Williams, P. Bransfield, E, Erickson. Trolleys Washed Out (Special to the Daily News) Cape May, Jan, 5 The storm which has been the coast caused much damage here, A heavy brought raging along northeaster bereavement, Mr. Shafer of the Prince Ru pert Dairy wa sin court this morning charged with dump- police 1914 7 ———— Southbound NOTICE I, the undersigned, for and ont ‘ oatiethmametiin Ya the Granby Consolidated Mining of ; i Aloud - »j/and Power Company, Limiteq’ ).U°!tne The Princess Royal took the/a ; y, nited, have q ao} | posited with the Registrar of } ~ following passengers south last HKupert Land Registration pist; pi ylice evening: Ida Jersey, Mary -Ghi.| Rupert, B.C; ; ‘ : ies (a; A description of wharr ho laire, Miss Selbird, Miss A. Tib-|company proposes to construct in tril” Lot No, 479, Granby Bay, B.C., saiq the adjoining under-water jot \; the wharf will be constructed penv property of the said Company oe (b) A general plan showing thy: t of the property relative to the >, a wharf. Bir. (c) A general plan showing more +o. ticularly She relation of this wharr «°! shore line, with cross-section of + I posed wharf showing type of co; Lior F. M. SYLVESTER General i agep d Pub. Dec, 12 to Jan 47 re POP O PC COE, 5 ALDERMAN For 1914 Your vote and influence is respectfully solicited by the Independent candidate. high water which washed out the} sea walls and destroyed trolley | lines running out of here. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Mobley wish to most sincerely thank their friends for the many acts of kindness shown us in our. sad LOST—Kowboat 14 feet long, clinker. built by Turney, of Vancouver. A reward paid. Ad- FOUR ROOM House & Lot $350 Cash same as rent, or 6, 12 and 18 months, in a fine residential district of the city, which is fast building up. This house is com- pletely furnished, with a _ nice woodshed, on a high, dry view lot. Will rent for $20 per month. We told you before and now we say again, do stop paying rent. Here is your chance; a real bargain in price and terms. Give your wife what she has Jonged for so long, her own home. How happy she will be and how much better off financially you will be in the next twelve months. Raise your salary $20 per month by Stopp uz payirg rent to the landlord, and credit yourself each month with the rent you are now paying out. WM. G. YOUNG INVESTMENT CO. 221 6th St. Phone 19 Open Ovenings 7 to 9 Balance CIRCUIT NO. 1. Box 12—5th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 13-——6th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 148th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 16—Junction of ist, 2nd and Sra Aves. Box 16—ist Ave., between 8th and 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Box 97——ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen- tral Hotel.) x x 3 x x 4 4 x k x 4 4 3 K 3 x x x 3 4 x x CIRCUIT NO. 2. x Box 22—-3rd Ave, and $8rd St. : (Post Office.) x 23-——3rd Ave, . 24—ist Ave. x 26-——2nd Ave, ‘ 26—2nd Ave. x 27—6. T. P. x x x 3 x x x 3 3 x 4 4 4 4 4 K CIRCUIT NO. 3. 81~—5th Ave. and Fulton &t. 32-——Borden and Taylor Sts. 34——7th Ave. and Fulton 8t. 86-——-0th Ave, and Comox Ave. 87——8th Ave. and Dodge Pl, 38-——6th Ave. and Thompson St. and McBride §8t. and McBride 8%. and 2nd &t, and 6th 8t, Box Box Box Box Box Box 4 MUMMMRMRERNMNM NUM RR Sv ee eee eee eee ee eee CIRCUIT NO. 4. Box 41-—-4tbh Ave, and Emmerson Pl. x Box 42-—-5th Ave. and McBride 8t. ¥ Box 435th Ave. and Green St. « Box 446th Ave and Basil St, < Box 45-—T7th Ave. and Eberts. x Box 141—-7th Ave, and Young 8t. 4 SS XIII IIIS III OA IAA ++? ARO ee dress Box 201. News office 307 FOR RENT . Completely Furnished FOR RENT—A_ modern five-room house Apply P. O. Box 385. 305tf DESK ROOM in ground floor oMce. Apply -t P.O. Drawer 1663 City. 285-tf FOR RENT—Nice 3 room cottage on Park Avenue at $15.00. Water in the house. Crown Agency Co. 285-tf FOR RENT—Three nice bright outside rooms in Smith Block, steam heated, never occupied, excellent for offices, reasonable rent, Apply J. A. Smith, Room 12, 28it WANTED BOY WANTED—Apply Orme’s Drug Stores, u WANTED—Smart boy for Daily * News office. Good wages. ios WANTED—A middle-aged lady to assist in soft drink and cigar counter, out of town. Enquire Dominion Hotel, WANTED—Position in office. Can also do bookkeeping and stenography. Ap- ply Box 103 Dally News. 205-211 WANTED—Compemtent woman to assist with housework at odd hours. Good wages. Apply Box 102 Daily mee ‘ t MISCELLANEOUS I WILL GIVE CHOICE of six settlements for Canadian Home Investment Com- pany Contracts, _Advise me the amount you have paid. °S, T, Manard, Bank of Ottawa Building, Vancouver, B. C. 302-308 CASH—Will give immediate cash for bal- ance due you under Agreement of, Sale Prince Rupert Property (#250--82,000). Give full particulars, A. Wilkinson, General Delivery, City. 204-1f YOUNG * WOMAN with little daughter would like situation, Prefer house- keeping for club of bank clerks or other ladies or gentlemen. Address Box 101 Dally News. auf 1836 THE Bank or 1913 BritishNorthAmerica TT YEARS in Business. CAPITAL Ano SURPLUS OveER $7,600,000. Bank Money Orders Are Safe And Convenient If you want to send any sum up to Fifty Dollars, to any point in Canada, Yukon excepted, or to any of the principal cities of the United States, buy a Money Order at any Branch of the Bank of British North America. The cost in trifling. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, MANAGER geological survey, with maps of} !D& refuse in the bay contrary to British Columbia and the north.|the health bylaw The case was Quite a number of interested per. |#djourned until tomorrow to get sons use this library. witnesses. JINGLE-POT COAL arora ts 35 —— PHONE 35 Just received big cargo of é JINGLE-POT COAL, the only A b ] union-mined coal on Vancouver utomo I e Island. This is absolutely the ar ns best household coal in the coun- and Taxies try.—Lindsay’s, Phone 68. it Large Machines ee —— —— Prompt Service Reliable Chaffeurs 6 ° ” Special Rates for parties. The Daily News 6 sc “ine? = $e CLASSIFIED ADS. LOST LOST-—Three dollar bills, between Ninth Ave. and McBride. Finder please leave at News office, 307 GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Department of Agriculture Office of Assistant Horticulturist New Court House, Prince Rupert Information or advice freely given. Write or call. A. H. TOMLINSON Assistant Horticulturist . UNION S.S, COMPANY OF B.C, Li WINTER SCHEDULE Twin Screw Steamer “Venture” FOR VANCOUVER 2 P. M. Wednesdays FOR GRANBY BAY Midnight Mondays, Novy. 17, Dee. ist, 15th and 29th and 8 a.m. Tuesdays, Noy. 25, 9th, 23rd and 30th Dec. Get Tickets at Rogers Steamship Agency Second Ave. Phone 116 BEST BUY ——Oon— Fifth Avenue, Sec. 6, Double Corner We can deliver Lots 14 and 12, Block 44, for . $9,500 Cash There is a fine well finished house on the back 25 feet, fac- ing Green Street, rented at $35 per month on lease, leaving 50 feet on Fifth Avenue and 76 ft. on Green Street. APPLY Harrison, Gamblé & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupert V. BASSO-5ERT POP +CCeS —. SPOT COD, ALDERMAN For 1914 F. SALTER Respectfully Invites YOUR Vote and Support nal a B.C. Coast Steamship Service SAFETY SPEED SERVICE FAMOUS PRINCESS LINE ™ ee ee tel La ry Lad Princess Royal, southbou Sunday 8 p.m | J.G. MCNAB, General Agent FOR A TAXI P PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. eo rercrors one 75 PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0. 908 Third Avenue Dealers ip FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETc CHICKEN FEED A_ SPECIALTY Mail orders promptly attended FarWestFuel Co. Agents for SOUTH WELLINGTON COAL The that Brit Columbia. Fifth St. near Third Ave Rear Hart Block Coal made Look at These: Lot 6, Block 4, Section 8, | $750, cash #225, Lots 33-34, Block 2, Section © price $600 each, cash $200 eh h Lot 414, Block 38, Secti 8 price $450, cash $200, Lots 15-16, Block. 44, de: n 8, price $1,250, cash $350, Lots 17-18, Block 41, 5¢ n 8, price $1,200, cash $300. ; Lots 1-2 Block 47, Sects price $4,200, cash $300. Lot 13, Block 8, Section 7, | $1,000, cash $500, Lot 37, Block 6, Section 7, | $1,500, cash $500, Terms 6 and 12 months a! interest. G. R. Naden Co., Lid. Second Avenue. Real Estate and Insurance