eC GRUNTY GRUNDY Says: LaRoeee™ ub pe x f 1 Abra’ Did im pegislative Library ann last nigh? “We built. you sides walk to Fairview so you can walk BRITISH COLUMBIA out and bury your bereaved ‘ friends.” ‘ 1 . V., NO. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS — NEWTON EXPOSED BY HIS OWN POLITICAL FRIEND u ARITIME PROVINCES WANT F IXED _ MINIMUM REPRESENTATION — CHISHANA A FROST spp - HISANA STRIKE A FROST PUBLIC MEETING POLICE DEPARTMENT Speakers for Saturday Night SATURDAY NIGHT FFI smi > a SAY WE LL KNOWN PIONEERS 5 MOST E CIENT At the meeting on Satur- ri Mayor Pattullo and his i day night in addition to the Ba , supporters are holding an- §]Cemissioners Commend Chief and g mayor and several of the ail : —- other. public meeting on His Staff on Good Work aldermanic candidates there be LY ONE BIT OF PAYSTREA K AND FEW POCKETS—CAMP Saturday night in the West~ a4 Sb eta will be a number of other $|/ ERSTWHILE ALLY SHO def pel isenate MISSTATEMENTS iS BROKE—GOOD FOR TR ANSPORTATION COMPANY holme Theatre. Everyone he city pplice departmen speakers, including O. H. OF EX-MAYOR EN CED STRONG LANGUAGE . is cordially invited to be met yesterday aflernoon and Nelson, W. P. Lyenh, M. P. ee pasa wo well known prospectors off|camp. He is now through, hav- present, Particular atten- transacted general business. The McCaffery, J. H. Kelly, H. F. The Newton meeting at the wants tO see every one fix up ; , rthern gold fields express-|ing satisfied himself that it is a» tion will be given to the dis- chief's report for the month McRae and Fred Stork. Westholme last evening drew a|their homes and yards. their opinions of the Chisana}good. He walked out a few days ane t the bees ee showed fines amounting to The meeting promises big audience, but it did not have b me bit a su he at ld d camp this morning, andjago, making the 330 miles in 11 I kee OL ems $173.50. It was an exceptionally be one of the rousing meet- the same enthusiasm for the| wo ; reports are that the field is}and a half days. Mrs. Beeton ac- mitted to the electorate on good month, there being no ser- ings of the campaign. 4 # lt ae di ‘ g ae ee ; Frank Balter Peer independ- a+ Prost. companied him on the trip in‘and January 15, Seats reserved ious crimes. Sie eee aan idale as his pre-jJent candidate who pledged him- Angus Beetin, well known in|@lso came out at the same time. for ladies. The chief's third annual re- hy vious meeting. Wm. Manson, |self to study the best interests - Ince ‘Rupert as a most reliable} They are going to Vancouver on port showed 542 cases with 476 M. P.P., was chairman. the city regardless of who is cpector, says the camp is no|the Princess May. aw ote ete convictions. Of these 267 were t S a c es The first speaker was Ald. Tom Con ae rataig ers etee: aabaais . re ie « broke and Another old-timer going ooutts irunks and 23 thefts. The fines t D t ae : ; ea _|for to ge e a \ ; ty a om etme nna cso wns MARITIME PROVINCES [arnt aa 23 tnt The tus lf hae cuned of being preiudioed aguas Sines eae ae ae le Jeft and they are leay-|Sheriff Eilbeek, formerly of Daw- KICK ON REDUCTION diireiea from last year. Sere at gi & pre) 8 ~*|plant. He didn’t think the Prince peer: Th liscovery claim|/S0D and now of California. He The chief recommended an- Special to The Daily News the contract system, He said his|Rupert Hydro-Eleciric Company fran ee ab t oy | we nt in with his son Jack last iapane" other constable for night patrol Johannesburg, Jan. °10—At- prejudice was against the system |could get the money to carry out ¢ ited in a canyon abou : ; , The Daily News : — 3 *}tempts to dynamite three passen-]. ‘ the Falls River scheme. The lo- ie a This is a nature al| summer, They put down 16 holes nies : 0 Hy r faij-|the purchase of a photographic] o* : a4 Werae wna [22 Which the contracts were ei d ; Ottawa, Jan, 10.—Having fai -}ger trains have occurred here.j cal labor men could hope to get ee! x and it is easy to take|#nd found nothing Neither did 1d to secure the approval of the}apparatus to make up a rogues’| >, a 5 Stn ateal eiribe [ervens He credited Contractor ee ! : they find any sé who taal t cure the approva 1 ; : for asnhkane The arrest of the principal strike no work out of them. . id. But the pay streak | a olan en iu tia ae interprovincial eonference — for oe _ base _ a a antes leaders puts a serious aspect on}|McMordie with being the smart- D. W. Morrissey mentioned the ee. Shean Phe benches je nae ' a ere (S-ltheir claims for an irreduceable| With OLG eee ee aren S+ the South African railway strike.Jest man of all because he sold|industries which were already jy in agle of 45 degrees|%usted with, the country. The minimum. for Nova Scotia, New|2lso a filing cabinet fo r finger}, lew of data mith: oenin dade ee a : 4 an eis sheriff and his son are welll, ae Edward |Print forms, which system is now! CxS OF dynamite explo his Section Two debentures. He|here without the assistance of iy h an Ocogennel: em " va{known to all old Dawsonites,o oe ment: Prive Edward si aam PAH Ore der a mail train but no one Was} read a city official’s report which|the Hydro-Electrie Company. nf ald: aes { fee They are practical men whose One eee Pee veemer NY tae The report was aceepted and injured. showed day work to be 30 per|The city could get along without ae al Paha word can be relied on. They went posted We Sy era oe held for the new commission. ; Pa. On cent. higher than contract work,|them. This year’s council had eee a ‘ i e|South on the Spokane this morn- che ca omntep ya eelborhyasniipae Me io: Commissioner Maitland stated]. New, Westminster, Jan. 10—Tbut by a process of reasoning he|spent $15,000 for public works. si boys have gone cp mier Flemming of New Bruns- hace had “Weee ae tnaaiacin tha Dominic was found guilty of the! reduced that to a few cents dif.{Last year's bunch’ of agitators : to hold their claims wick. The government gave him . hing thacaaeaon scouts riot at Extension. The ference, and what is a few cents|had spent $125,000. What you oat ind left the country, Satios a sympathetic hearing, the pre- riage inet 9 1 ee cane a sentence was deferred. The for day labor? In discussing the|don’t understand vote against. ih f x to return, Com- s ‘ _[mier stating that he fully recog- eae be Peppa ar 8 ae judge's summing up was very im- power. ‘arheenenlr he aaa” dt W. H. Derry’ said’ that frome F L 1 thé Klondyke days it eae Sea cara nized the importance of the sub- no aR of the oolae Price ae partial. The defence was that would be necessary. to spend|workingman’s point of view both 1 be considered a find » ylaw os ete me a i e-| ject, but no definite promise was conclided ie Mabe tha. Base ethos the an did not know enough Eng-| 145 900 for a station to receive mayoralty candidates were gen- Ee 3 on gi ee ea eo force in British Columbia He sale po nee he penenrs at- 1 the power and $45,000 for exten- tlemen. He was running because 43 Z 7 See eee oi ggested buying an auto patrol|(rPuted to him. The judge) sions. In the two candidates for|he lived in Section Eight and y money are the trans- - L I be “Che suggesved buying an auto patrol) inoueht from the evidence that bate ‘ 5 ed os 7 1 goog a alte iki et your slogan ap wagon for the department when f ASP Eee, mayor one wants to give away|could not get water. Pattullo i 1 n companies. _ O-Cedar een te E eo power by ee | 1914,” Mee finds the identification was complete, the city franchise and the other|did not care a rap for the work- € Mr. Beeton left Prince Rupert rhompson Hardware Co., “ ane ae de, ities ica. Retrial of the Extension youth |;,, keep it-for the next generation.|ingman. He didn’t. know. much + \ugust and went into the|Phone 101, 6-8 Jeheaper than we are now , payiitg nul ‘ete’ tha nat Ah a the de for attempted murder is next on] — preg Shaw, an aldérmanic|about the power agreement, but 4 : = = . — ==jrather than undergo the uncer- Rertniat “aes eae ‘ ae co ‘ad the list. candidate, stood for a policy of|the way it looked to him, if the AOMORI UUUUUUUUIUOUUU UU UO UUUUUUU UU UU es tainty of the next two years, un- no Gaibladat ddanoentoe or Rtas progress and maintaining all|city bought power it would pay g [able to supply industries with during the year and many com London, Jan, 10.—The work of] public utilities. $60,000 a year for it and all they : ; zt power or to give any light ex- hetuenne. THE Ca oa KS the international conference for H. Douglass was glad to state| would get would be electric light, ¥itensions, and meantime paying , Os a {the safety of life at sea is con-|that he w ; . t if th i devel d their ie ampaign eWs an teWs * tailed no burden on him as a e was back. He was here|bu the city develope * a terrific price, as we now are, nominikeloner onmaa nM eORenhG siderably delayed. ve wanes’ to protect the interests of Prince|own power that $60,000 would all Le Aa catnbiniae alate ait niss as ayor. » peady for the a0nc aH 5 bert ans ; y JUSSI IIIS IIIS ISI II SII IRI IO I A «a | FOR electric Tight and power chief had been given complete |‘!!! not be ready for _ The dew| vert, Pattullo said there had/be spent in’the city, . , faith and control of his department and ference till January 10. re Ge-l been a deficit of $30,000 last} S. M. Newton said it was i af ill the bylaws instead /a spirit of OpUmsen; an a gt The interest paid to the Bank ad id inkebfarcaie mann him lay was caused by a_ searching year. “There was not—we broke|clared they would hold up all ry having a big city we will have | hope rhe opposition throws up|],,¢ Montreal on general fugd for an Fragesialbe. 3 eee examination of the committee’s|aven. [ wrote Mi: Patalio a letcigublis. work. Viak sea ano hospital.—J. H. Kelly. j its hands today and oe 1912 was $3,284; the interest axe sat att va BOM Stine revision giving reports of the|ter about it ard he replied. . Lpurpose of makitg it appear that ‘ Cae te jitself unequal to the task Of/jaiq in 19413 8823. This more Se , lt se “Pr Raaagg oe other committees in order toO}pesponded to it and he did not|all opponents were in favor of 3 M. Newton did not advocate|meeting the situation now be-|inan offsets the difference in Figo i He : eee “ee ae eliminate anything that might| answer, which shows I am right.”|stagnation. It was a red herring a jnicipal ownership at any|fore us. The present adminis-|-.japies paid this year and last erate a rw on am eene conflict with the fundamental] ye js ‘in favor of a policy of y. vhen he wanted to give the|tration, however, at a time when} \oa, with ten times the effi- cre ee wilt fo tie olver CommMIs~ | laws of the countries whose dele- building up Prince Rupert and (Continued on page 4) Bee ; Telephone Company the|the roa dis coming throug! isliieney, As a matter of fact ) gates were present, A franchise in this city,|Strong in its faith in the fuiare|tnepe was no efficiency last year . me —_——- — — wip : rae sg i } Biche 08 lof the city and offers a practical]; the treasury and collector's Presbyterian Services When ex- Saor Newton struck | #7+#¥ i vast year there was a deficit|Solution of the issues before us, departments. This year the work On Sunday evening Rev. F. W.|the three million dollar note in ; ie $30,000, This year there is a Mite oe is as well ordered as the work] Kerr will preach in the Empress|his tirade last evening it proved t E / / plus of $135,000, and the city One million dollars has t® belof,the very best corporations. Theatre on “What Gur Church Is}too much for the credulity of ¥ F ever in a stronger finan-|met by the city in 1915. Are you This year the administration] facing.’ At this service Mr. Kerr|Candidate Frank Salter, who took , | position, in spite of the|going to put into office the mManthas opened up a large number of|will announce his decision re-|a back header into the creek ae TO-NIGHT... stringency that has oc-|who was foolish enough to is-Jadditional accounts at the bank,| garding his call to another field.| painted on the seenery. red within a decade. sue this one million dollar note,|For- instance, all telephone mon-j Morning service will be held as ~ Gee : : Oe Emm and who would have’ issuedjies go into a telephone account|usual in the Presbyterian Hall, The last day—Wallace’s Sale. Our programme tonight is on of, especial excellence. It is My The mayor and the chairman!$400,000 more, which would be/and al monies paid out on tee-| Fourth Avenue, at 44 o'clock. Sener Tr ere in six parts: Bx ‘he finanee committee put up|due today, or are you going to}phone will be paid from that ac-|Sunday school is held in the Em-| Take an evening off from mu- PART 1—PATHE’S WEEKLY REVIEW OF WORLD'S | d cash to preserve for the elect the man who has turned a]eount. Future mayors and|press Theatre at 2:30 p. m. nicipal polities next Tuesday and ; EVENTS. Y its water supply at Wood-|deficit of $30,000 into a surplus}councils will not be able to issue —_—_ attend the concert in rn Andrew's PART 2—THE CHRISTMAS MIRACLE—A beautiful story | Lake and its present tele-|of $135,000 in a year, when the|cheques against the telephone It has been most difficult to}church, Admission 40c. 8 : from, the Pathe Studia: ystem. Does it not look!worst financial stringency has/account for street work without| gel men of experience and ability ence rat renner enone . , 3-_wW ua sae = vr { they are men rc are to belexisted that the world has ex-|rendering themselves liable to ajfor city aldermen. D, H. Morri-}. Special values in ladies’ shves |« eee aan nae ee ae pe it BSted on behalf of the city? | perienced in a lifetime. severe penalty. ‘This is system-|son is such a man and should get|this week at Scott, Froud & Co's. 8 : . s & ree id oa et ~ | Sc. a atizing in the direction of pro-!your support. 8-13 pena ae Ta es PART 4—ALKILI IKE IN JOYVILLE — A screamingly 1 The ; \ Even the opponents of the pro|tecting the credit as well as the paraaeendiener iat ie Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. 3 funny faree comedy from the Essanay Studios. Hy LOOT RMBAbON: OF Mn Ate a oy “ ' » h¥dro- {funds of the city. The last day—Wallace’s Sale.' Phone 4, PART 5—-HIS*LESSON.-A drama from the Biograph iting Department of the city|posed agreement with the hydro- ' Studios s one of the most important]electric company admit that at — — _ 5 ‘ rks that has been done by|the end of the agreement, twen- PART 6—STRIPED BATHING SUIT—A comedy from the Y couneil in this city. It ty years hence, the cily is thor- e Pathe Studios. THE SUBMARINE “FAUNA” -— AN am ‘tus a saving of many dollars|oughly protected in that there PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO ELECTRIC CO LTD educational from the Pathe Studios. practically every property ; will be nothing which it ee ers e ® Our tonight's programine being one of unusual! length, d der in the ¢ity. If anyone to pay the compan} to buy ce ineoracrateh Under die Gadnsaien “dal, Ganade, there will be only two complete shows given, the first at bts this the Mayor has issued] goodwill, or to induce it to ge 7:15 and the second at 9 o’clock, uvitation to any ratepayer to|out of our streets, because it will Head Office: ROYAL INSURANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL ne to the city hall and exam-|not be in our streets. With the 2 As adie. WE Sion tao III OI AI In e the city books and see for|town so thoroughly protected ¢, H, CAHAN, K, C., President. H. A, LOVETT, K. ., Vice-president, ————__. == q niself, for future years would it not be Rk, F. HAYWARD, General Manager. O, B, MeCALLUM, Secretary. t 2 Wwe, @ a good idea to” start immediate G, F, GYLES, A. G, A, (England), Treasurer. : COMPARISON RATES We have ite , eo vears |development by purchasing elec- ? : 1 the. GoIALaSARa a Sipouacie pind onkcds at rates very much Wend: of "mineetors se IF AGREEMENT IS PASSED ; F CG. H, CAHAN, K,. C,, President Western Canada Power Company, Limited, TD us ne Rupert Vancouver > ' : ' e ‘ ee R, BAUTIES L, Director of Pacific Pass Coal Fields, Limited. Population fe 7.000 +80.000 ie L. A. HERDT, D. Se. E. E., M. Can, Soc, C, E., Consulting Engineer. pee 229s | ee ee .0 a). i e e . Rh, F, HAYWARD, M, Am, Soc, C, E., M, A. I. E.E., General Manager Western Canada Power Wiaie ehh eee ae gate. te bog aie = Company, Limited. a ia bee alan sh ike | Public Meeting H. A, LOVETT, K.C,, Director of Porto Rico Railway Company 8 . 1" DHT Bankers: = Se ZETING WILL BE HELD IN THE A Meee BANK OF MONTREAL, MONTREAL, EMPRESS THEATRE Trustee and Registrar THE PASSING OF THE THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, MONTREAL. eae , pe Oe PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC M d E ° Jan 12th MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY, MONTREAL. ; POWER AGREEMENT 1 onday Evening, . AUTHORIZED CAPITAL MEANS } ine iscus » Power Agreement. 1 yn BOOK. 601s wah siee eee $5,000,000 5% Bonds ......-.+:. lhe oseen $3,000,000 . eat ) During thle eo * the 2 nosy Be ae ROME ee : $150,000 to be spent inside six months; q ’ » 2 28 ews ; uring the course of the meeting | be ehaanks fahe CAPITAL ISSUED $1,000,000 to be spent inside three years. Hlydro-Eleetric Company's power sites will be s } Gommon Stook wove eas $3,000,000 BM sBOnds: 6c ices kees esos ee 82,500,600 ’ Public are cordially invited to attend. Seats will be reservec , Dakss Vaderwrhtan es $750,000 FOR WHICH YOU ARE NOT TAXED ONE CENT. for ladies at the meeting. 3