Saturday, January 10, 19144 ’ MUNICIPAL NOTICE rAkKE NOTICE that the Municipal Coun-' of the City of Prince Rupert has fixed nursday, the Fifteenth day of January, ). 1914, at the Council Chamber in the iy Hall, Fulton Street, as the day and for taking the vote of the rate rs on the following bylaws \ bylaw of the City of Prince Rupert iv previde for extensions and improve ments to the Munteipal Telephone sys icm of the City of Prince d#upert and to -peate and secure @ debt for the pur- of making such extensions and im provements amounting to the sum of sty Thousand Dwilars ($60,000.00), \ bylaw of the City of Prince Kupert i» authorize the purchase and instaila- n of an improved system for gener aung electrical energy in the City of yonce Hupert, capavie of producing jive Hundred (500) hilowatis of elec irical energy and to create 4 debi to extent of One Hundred and Five usand Dollars (8105,000,00 \ bylaw to provide for the extension the biectric Light Pole Line System the City of Prince HKupert and au inorize the creation of @ debt to the extent Of Forty-five Thousand Dollars »,V00,00) Ww pay for the same and securing Of the Same with interest py the issue of debentures \ pylaw of the City of Prince Rupert autmorize the comstruction of a City iding on’ Fultom Street for municipai ipposes and for creating a debt of fhousan GDollars ($50,000.00) two ror tre same, and to secure the said by the issue of debentures, FURTHER TAKE OTICE that the taken by ballot, and that the shall be kept open on the of January, A. D. 1914, until the hour N just } J pitty j t dept ANU he shail be booths 1 fifteenth day m the hour of 9:00 4 m ing } uv p. m. AyD FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that F. Brown has been appointed HKeturn- officer to take charge of the said ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk, \ BYLAW OF THE CITY OF PRINCE PERT TO PROVIDE FORK EXTENSIONS D IMPROVEMENTS TO THE MUNICI | TELEPHONE SYSTEM OF THE CITY PhMINCE RUPERT AND TO CREATE ) SECURE A DEBT FOR THE PUR : ut MAKING SUCH EXTENSIONS i) IMPROVEMENTS AMOUNTING TU % SUM OF SIXTY THOUSAND BOL is $00,000.00); of Prince Rupert at oi operates its own telephone sys such system Is bOW insufficient the requirements of the citizens e Kupert and it bas become neces iuuprove aud extend the said NHEREAS the City ww has been number ol petition \D WHERRAS a@ ) required signed by the y holders of the said city request vw Municipal Council of the City of Hupert to introduce this bylaw ana has veel ihntwodguced pursuant to Uiis Db WHEREAS for the purpose of ne bh improvermnents and extensions I necessary to incur @ debt wo ent of Siaty Thousand Dollars KREAS the City intends to issue for the amount of the said ng Sixty Thousand Dollars (&¢ the sale of Which to realize necessary for the said pur sald debentures to extend over 4a twenty (2U years from the id) day of January, A. D. 1914, secured in manner hereafter WHE value of the City last re- WHEREAS the assessed snd «improvements in rt according to the ult roll, tamely the assess the year 1913, is the sum of Millions, Two Hundred and sand )=6h Nine) Hundred and $28,215,080.00): WHEREAS the aggregate debt ow he said City exclusive of debts of local improvement § and + purposes does not exceed Une Mii rw Hundred and Fourteen Thou $1,214,000.00), nor does it per cent (20%) or the assessed lands and improve to the last revised Dollars 1 twenty of the s according sstment roll ND WHEREAS have tu be Sse of paylig t will be Pive i wenly-one t $5,121.66 AND WHEREAS the sum necessary for ment interest duripg the cur the sald debentures to be issued r is the sum of Thousand Dol the total amount which raised aunually for the the said debt and in Thousand One Hundred Dollars and Sixty-six pa of BAND J¢ a eVUU.00),5 WHEREAS the sum to nn by way of sinking e debt authorized to be bylaw is the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty-one ty-six Cents (§2,121.6¢ and to set aside such annua! Thousand One Hundred pel « Dollars and Sixty-six Cents ,12 by depositing the same an ut erest chartered bank or inpany in or by investing ie in any manner that a municipal sion May legally adopt; WHEREAS the amount to be raised is to sinking fund to pay the is derived at Dy estimating the be derived from the annual in such sum at the rate of three half per cent. (34%) per WHEREAS be save with the consent of the Jtenant Governor in Council; uW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL VCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE Y ee PRINCE RUPERT ENACTS AS LOWS This bylaw shall take effect on the be set fund to created rhou bol jally proposed and ina Canada, m ND this bylaw cannot rly-firet (34st) day of January, A. D. It shall be lawful for the City of © upert to extend and improve the it municipal telephone system = ac- ‘ne to plans and specifications to be pared by the Manager for the time ‘ke of the municipal telephone system, 4 1 \o be approved of by the Council and J to be altered, amended or added og the construction of such exten improvements, all such altera- umendments and additions to be ‘ed by the said manager, and = the ly Council, In the same manner as the ‘einal plans and specifications. All such and specifications together with any eravtions, amendments or additions reto shall be fyled with the Manager the Municipal telephone system, the lent of this bylaw being that the City Making the improvements to the City’s lephone system shall do everything to me the same complete in every par- ular For the purpose of paying for the ! extensions hereby authorized the City Prince Hupert is hereby empowered to Cale @ debt of Sixty Thousand Dollars 50,000,00) whieh debt shall be payable twenty (20) years from the second nd) day of January, A. D, 1914, and for to ap- lich debt debentures shall be issued secured in manner hereinafter ‘ring; i. The sum of Three Thousand Dollars 5,000,00) 18 necessary for the payment interest each year during the currency f said debentures, and the sum of Two lousand One Hunded and Twenty-one Oars and Sixty Cents ($2,121.66) 18 rcessary to be set aside annually during currency of the said debentures for purpose of forming a sinking fund 'h whieh to pay the said debt and de ‘ilures @t maturity, The said sum of ‘oO Thousand One Hundred and Twenty- Dollars and Sixty-six cents (82,121, to be raised annually as 4 sinking id being such that together with the ‘Ollts aeeruing from the — investment ‘ereof at the Interest rate of three and ie-half per cent. (3%%) per annum ring the currency of said debentures | be sufficient to discharge the said Pebt when due; The said sum necessary to pay the ‘terest, namely, the sam of Three Thou ‘nd Dollars ($3,000.00) and the sinking hd, namely, the sum of Two Thousand 'e Hundred and Twenty-one Dollars anc \ly-six Cents (§2,124. making to- ther the sum Five Thousand One \undred and Twenty-one Dollars ar ‘ty-six Cents (85,121.66) shall be an- ‘lly raised as follows, namely, by % pecial rate levied annually on all the ‘table land of the City of Prince Rupert ‘uring the eurreney of the said deben 'res and shall be collected as municipa: ses and placed to @ separate account ‘lod “Telephone Extension Account’; _o The said sum of Two Thousand One ‘undred and Twenty-one Dollars and 'NtY-six Cents ($2,121.66) to be raised ‘inually as a sinking fund shall be tn- ‘sted annually by the City Treasurer ‘bon the recommendation of the Council permitt : fore recitea 7. There jaw, including the hereinbe- InVesStmMents; 4) be issued any number of debentures 4) be made for such sums as may be req ..ed for raising te sau sum of Bixty Tivi.sand Dowars ($60,000.00) ; and said «..cntures imay ve expressed either in curnney or sterling money pay- able in gOiu cou Por tot ie6s than $100.00 currency or £20 sterling each, and not ex- ceeding the said sum of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,00,00) and the said deben tures shall be duly prepared, executed and svld for the purpose aforesaid; 8. The said debentures shali be deemed to have been properly executed by being signed by the Mayor and the Treasurer ol the said City and shall be sealed with its corporate seal; 9. The said debentures shall bear date the Second (2nd) day of January, A. D. 1914, and shali contain a promise to pay the principal of the said debentures and aiso the interest thereon at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum, payable half yearly, on the First (18t) day o January and the Firsi (ist) day of July each year and may be with or without Coupons attached thereto for the payment Of interest and in case coupons shall be attached to said debentures each of said coupons shall be equivalent to one half year’s interest at the rate of five per cent (59) per annum upon the amount of the debenture to which they shail be respect ively attached, one coupon being made payable each six months from the date of the said debentures. ip case the whole of the six months interest shall not have ac crued before the first day of July next the difference shall be adjusted in the first payment of interest, The said cou- pons shail be deemed to have been prop- erly executed by each one baving written, stamped, printed or Lithographed thereon the names of the Mayor and Treasurer of the said City, Each coupon shall be num bered with the number of the debenture lo which it is attached; 10. The said debentures shall be made Payable at any place in England, tie Cuiled States or Canada therein set out; 11. The amount of the said coupons fur interest shall be payable at any or the places in England, the United states or Canada therein set out; i2. The said debentures and the cou pons attached thereto shall be deemed 4 valid and binding charge upon the ratable jand in the City of Prince Rupert and upon the City of Prince Hupert; 13. The amount of the debt authorized by this bylaw is subject to consolidation with the debt authorized by any other by laws of the said City passed for the issue and sale of depventures, and notwithstand jug anything herein contained authorizing and directing the issue and sale of deben tures for the payment of the debt hereby created the City of Prince Rupert consuli dated stock may be issued in the place and stead of the debentures to the amuunt of the debt. This section shall apply only in SO far as the City may be empowereu by law 80 W do, 14. It shall be lawful during the construction of the extensions to the Telephone System hereinbefore mentioned to borrow money from any bank or other person willing to advance the same at interest to be agreed upon for the purpose of paying for the said eraien sioms and for such joan to hypothecate the debentures to be issued hereunder, provided that such loan with the interest agreed to be paid to such bank or person shall be repaid out of the sum of money realized upon the sale of the said deben tures The Council may sell said deben tures at less than par if it is found neces sary ur advisable to do so. PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY PRINCE KUPERKT THE 29TH DAY DECEMBER, 1913 tT, BD. PATTULLO, Mayor EKNEST A. WOODS, Clerk NOTICE that the above is a true py of the proposed bylaw to raise Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00) upon wuich a volte of Whe municipality will be taken at the Council Chamber, City Hall, on the Fifteenth day of January, A. D. 1914, from hour of @:00 a m. until the hour of 7:00 p. m ENNEST A. WOODS, A BYLAW OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TO AUTHURIZE THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF AN IMPROVED SYSTEM FOR GENERATING ELECTRICAL ENERGY IN THE CITY OF PRINCE RL- PERT, CAPABLE OF PRODUCING FIVE HUNDRED KILOWATTS OF ELEC- THICAL ENERGY AND TO CREATE A DEBT TO THE EXTENT OF ONE HUN DKED AND FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAKS $105,000.00) for the council OF UF OF TAKE he City Clerk $00 WHEREAS at the present time the City of Prince Khpert operates apn electrical plant for the purpose of supplying the needs of the City of Prince Kupert itsell, and also for supplying customers in the city of Prince Rupert; AND WHEREAS the system at present installed consists of a steam = driven pliant AND WHEREAS the quantity of eiectri the said system is cal energy supplied by fast becoming too small for the require ments of the city and private cunsumers; AND WHEREAS the present system vi producing electrical energy by steam is not economical; AND WHEREAS improved and more economical methods of producing — elec tricity have already been introduced into other places and it is the desire of the City Council of the City of Prince Rupert to take advantage of such improvements; AND WHEREAS it is desirable to instal an improved system for the production of electrical energy in the City of Prince Hupert, such system to be used hereafter as an auxiliary in case the City should obtain electrical energy from 4 water power system; either in case of a break- down of the water power system or for the purpose of augmenting the usefulness thereof; AND WHEREAS in order to purchase and instal such improved auxiliary plant it is necessary that a debt be incurred by the Corporation of the City of Prince Ru pert to the extent of One Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ($105,000.00); AND WHEREAS the City intendsto issue debentures for the amount of the sald in tended debt, being the sum of One Hun- dred and Five Thousand Dollars (§105,- 000.00) by the sale of which to realize monies necessary for the said purposes, the said debentures to extend over a period’of twenty (20) years from the date to be mentioned in this bylaw; AND WHEREAS a petition has been duly signed by the requisite number of property holders of the City of Prince Rupert to introduce this bylaw and the same has been introduced pursuant to said petition; ; f D WHEREAS the assessed value of land and improvements and the real according to the property of the Municipality, the last revised assessment roll, being ihe assessment roll for the year 1013, is Twenty-eight Millions Two Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Nine Hundred = and Eighty Dollars ($28,215,980.00); AND WHEREAS the aggregate of debts owing by the said City exclusive of debts for works of local improvement and school purposes does not exceed One Million Two Hundred and Fourteen Thousand ($1,214,- 000.00), nor does It exceed twenty (20%) per centum of the assessed value of lands and improvements according to the last revised assessment roll; AND WHEREAS the annual sum neces- sary for the payment of the interest dur ing the currency of the debentures to be issued hereunder 1s Five Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars (85,250 00); AND WHEREAS the sum necessary to set aside annually by way of sinking to discharge the debt authorized to by this bylaw is the sum of Three Thousand Seven Hundred — and Twelve Dollars and Ninety-one Cents (83,719.01) per annum, and It ts proposed to set aside such annual sum by deposit- ing the same annually at interest In a chartered bank or trust company in Can ada, or by investing the same in any man ner that & municipal corporation may e , dopt; " wn WHEREAS the amount to be raised annually for the payment of the said debt is arrived at by estimating the interest i be derived from the annual investment of such amount at the rate of three and one half (3%%) per centum per annuin; AND WHEREAS this bylaw. cannot be altered save by the consent of the Lieu in Council; be fund be created enant Governor Ne r NOW THEREFORE THE MUNIC IPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PRINCE nt PERT ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This bylaw shall take effect on the Thirty-first day of January, A. D 1914; 2, It shall be lawful for the Municipal Council! of the City of Prince Rupert to purchase and instal in the City of Prince Rupert improvements for the purpose of increasing the capacity of the present iant owned by the City, the system to e introduced to be the one which at its time of installation shall be, in the opinion of the City Counell, the best for the "such securities or in such raanner as is D pose intended, soch new plant to be ca THE DAILY NEWS pable of producing about five hundred (500) kilowatts of electrical energy; 3. For the purpose of paying for the purchase and installation of said pliant the Municipal Council of the City of Prince Rupert is hereby authorized to incur @ debt to the extent of One Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ($105,000.00 4. The whole of the debt hereby at- ed, namely the sum of One Hundres and Five Thousand Dollars ($105,000.00) shall be payable in twenty ye from the Second day of January, A. D. 1914, for whien debt debentures shall be issued and secured in manner hereinafter appearing; 5. For the terest on the purpose of paying the in- said sum of One Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars (#105,000,00) it is necessary to raise Five Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, ($5,250.- 00) each year during the currency of the sald debentures, and it is further neces- Sary to raise annually the sum of Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Twelve Dol- lars and Ninety Cents (63,712.90) which sum shall be set aside annually during the currency of the said debentures for the purpose of forming a sinking fund with which to pay the said debt at maturity, the said sum of $3,712.00 to be raised annually as a sinking fund being such that together with the profits aceruing from the investment At the interest rate of three and one-balf per cent. (3%%) per annum Shall be sufficient to discharge the said debt when due; 6. The said sum of Five Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($5,250.00) necessary, for the payment of interest during the currency of the said deben- tures and the sum of Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Twelve Dollars and Ninety Cents (83,712.90) necessary to be raised annually as a sinking fund shall be raised as follows, namely: by a _ special rate Jevied annually on all the ratable land of the City of Prince Rupert during the currency of the said debentures, and shall be collected as municipal taxes and shall be placed to 4 separate account. The said sum of Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Twelve Dollars and Ninety Cents ($3,712.90) to be raised for a sink- ing fund shall be invested annually by the City Treasurer on the recommendation of the City Council in such securities or such manner as is permitted by law; 7. There shail be issued any number of debentures to be made for such sum as may be required for the raising of the said sum of One Hundred and Five Thou sand Dollars ($105,000.00) and such de bentures may be expressed either in cur- rency or sterling, payable in gold coin for not less than 8100.00 currency or £20 sterling. 8. The said debentures shall be exe cuted by being signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the City and sealed with its corporate seal; %. The said debentures shall bear date the Second day of January, A. 19014 and shall contain a promise to pay ,the principal of the said debentures and ‘also the interest thereon at the rate of five per centum per annum (5%), payable balf yearly, and may be with or without coupons attached thereto for the payment of said interest, and in case coupons shall be attached to said debentures said cou pons shail be for an amount equivalent to one half year’s interest at the said rate the debenture t respectively attached, payable each six date of the said amount of shall be being made upon the which they one coupon (6) months: from the debenture and for the purpose of conven ience the said interest shall be made pay able on the First day of January and the First day of July in each year; in order to arrange this the matter shall be ad justed at the time of the first payment of interest; 10. The said coupons shall be deemed to have been properly executed by each one having written, printed, stamped, or lithographed thereon the names of the Mayor and Treasurer of the said City, and each coupon shall be numbered with the number of the debenture to which it is attached; 11. The said payable at any United States or debentures shall be made Place in England, the Canada therein set out; 12. The amount of the sald coupons for interest shall be made payable at any of the places in England, the United States or Canada therein set out; 13. The said debentures and any cou pons attached thereto shall be deemed a valid and binding charge upon the ratable land in the City of Prince Rupert and upon the said City of Prince Rupert; 14. The amount of the debt authorized by this bylaw is subject to consolidation with the amount of any other debt in any other bylaws of the said City, passed for the issue and sale of debentures, and not- withstanding anything herein conained directing the issue and sale of debentures for the payment of debt hereby created, the City of Prince Rupert consolidated stock may be issued in the place and stead of debentures to the amount of such debt This section shall apply only in so far as the City of Prince Rupert may be empowered by law to do so 15. It shall be lawful for the Council during the purchase and installation of the sald system hereby authorized to bor- row money from any bank or other per- son willing to advance the same at inter- est to be agreed upon for the purpose of paying for the said extensions and for such loan to hypothecate the debentures to be issued hereunder, provided that such loa with the interest agreed to be paid to such bank or person shall be repaid out of the sums of money realized upon the sale of the said debentures The Counetl may sell the said debentures at than par if it is found necessary or advisable to do so, PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, THIS 29TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1913. T. D less PATTULLO, Mayor. ERNEST A. WOODS, Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed bylaw to raise One Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars $105,000.00) upon which a vote of the municipality will be taken at the Council Chamber, City Hall, on the Fifteenth day of January, A. D. 1914, from the hour of 9:00 a. m, until the hour of 7:00 p. m ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk A BYLAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE EX- TENSION OF THE ELECTRIC LIGHT POLE LINE SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT AND TO AUTHORIZE THE CREATION OF A DEBT TO THE EX- TENT OF FORTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOL- LARS (845,000.00) TO PAY FOR THE SAME AND THE SECURING OF THE SAME WITH INTERE BY THE ISSUE OF DE- BENTURES: WHEREAS the City of Prince Rupert at the present time operates an electric power plant in the City of Prince Hupert and from time to time have constructed ole lines for the purpose of electric ighting, both municipal and otherwise and for the distribution of electrical en- ergy for power purposes; AND WHEREAS it has become necessary to add to the pole lines at preseut oper- ated by the City so that wie requirements of the inhabitants of the City of Prince Rupert may be more fully met; AND WHEREAS the amount of the debt necessary to be incurred by the City of Prince Rupert in order to make the neces- sary extensions to the~said pole tues Is the sum of $45,000.00, Forty-five Thou- sand Dollars. AND WHEREAS it is proposed to raise the said sum of Forty Thousand [cilars (845,000.00) by the issue of tebontires as hereinafter mentioned, payabir in twenty (20) years from the #eeond day of January, A. D. 1014, and Searing In- terest at the rate of five per cent. (5%) } um ; perND WHEREAS the total amount to be raised annually for the purpose of paying the said debt and Interest will be Three Thousand Eight Hundred and = Forty-one Dollars and Twenty-five Cents ($3,841.- 25); AND WHEREAS the amount which will nave to be raised annually for the pur- pose of paying the interest on the said debt will be the sum of fwo Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2, 250,00); ND. WHEREAS the amount which will have to be raised annually by way of a sinking fund for the purpose of. paying the said debt will be the sum of One Hundred and nae Nate rhousand Five Dolls and Twenty-five Cents 601.25); *AND WHEREAS (tt (8 proposed to set aside the said sum of One Thousand -Five Hundred and Ninetysone Dollars and Twenty-five Cents (81,591.25) so to be raised as sinking fund as aforesaid by de- positing the satne annually at interest in a chartered bank or trust company in the Dominion of Canada, or by investing in any manner that a municipal corporation iy legally adopt; may ND WAEREAS the aniount to be raised annually to pay the said debt 18 arrived at by estimating the interest to be derived ————— 7 = at the rate of three and one-half per cent.| ments of the City of Prince Rupert ts in Do ts ears %) per annum; sufficient and it is deemed advisable to AND WHEREAS the total amount offerect a building upon the said piece of / ratabie land and improvements in the City|land for the purpose of providing addi of Prince Ruperg according to the last] tional arcommodation for the use of the revised assessment roll, namely the assess-| various Municipal institutions; ° ment roll for the year 1913 .is Twenty- AND WHEREAS for the purpose of d AC 4 L t ose ay 2 eight Milllons Two Hundred and Fifteen] ing for such. building the shin of. Bitte A collapsible bed which ean be Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty Dol-| Thousand Dollars (#50.000.00) will be lac “a ; lars (928,815,080.00): new +e a lo Dd PTT ed under an ordinary bed AND WHEREAS the aggregate debt ow-| provide that sum by the issue of deben-| When not oecupied but which ex- ing by the said City exclusive of debtS}tures extending over a period of twenty for works of local Itnprovement and school} (90) years, and bearing interest at the|tC!Gs to full length when drawn purposes does not exceed One Million|rate of five per cent. (5% aol : ‘ oe bt Pi wo: dokirel Sha Fourwen Thousena to eB ca agai 1%) per annum; |out, has. been invented for use Dollars (81,214,000.00) nor does it ex-],” PREAS a petition duly signed| ijn small rooms ceed twenty per cent. (20%) of the value by the required humber of property own : of the assessed Jands and improvements cipal. inal alee ae a bape op Perea at Nae aceordin o the last revise ssess : p Sic he as : , polls . tO te revised assessment been presented to the City Council andj Since a process for recovering AND WHEREAS this bylaw cannot be] ‘8 bylaw has been introduced pursuant sulphur from beneath quicksand altered save with the consent of the Lieu- tenant Governor in Council; AND WHEREAS 4 petition duly signed by the required number of property own- ers of the said City requesting the Muni- cipal Council to introduce this bylaw has been presented to the City Council and this bylaw has been introduced pursuant to this petition; NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF PRINCE RU- PERT ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This bylaw shall take effect Thirty-first day of January, A. D. 1914; 2. It shall be lawful for the City of Prince Rupert to erect extensions to the present electrical pole system so as to meet the requirements of the inhabitants of the City of Prince hupert, such exten sions to be laid out by the Superintendent of Lighting of the City of Prince Rupert, subject to the approval of the Municipal Council of the City of Prince Rupert. The on the plans for such extensions shall be pre- pared by the Superintendent of Lighting, approved by the Council and fyled in the office of the said Superintendent of Light ing. The said plans may from time to time be altered or added to and in case of any such alteration or adition the said plans shall be also approved in the same manner as the origina! plans and shall be fyled in a similar manner; 3. For the purpose of paying for the said extensions hereby authorized the City of Prince Rupert is hereby empowered to create a debt of Forty-five Thousand Dol- lars ($45,000.00) which debt shall be payable in twenty (20) years from the Second day of January, A. D. 1914, for which debt debentures shall be tssued to be secured in manner hereinafter appear- ing; 4. The sum of Two Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars (82,250.00) is necessary for the payment of interest each year during the currency of the said de bentures and the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety-one Dollars and Twenty-five Cents ($1,591.25) is neces- sary to be set aside annually during the currency of the said debentures for the purpose of forming a sinking fund with which to pay the said debt and debentures at maturity, the said sum of One Thou- sand Five Hundred and Ninety-one Dollars and Twenty-five Cents (#1,591.25) to be raised annually as a sinking fund being such that together with the profits accru- ing from the investment thereof at the interest rate Of three and one-haif per cent. (34%%) per annum during the cur- rency of said debentures will be suffi- cient to discharge the said debt when due; 5. The said sum necessary to pay the interest, namely, the sum of Two Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,250.- 00) and a sinking fund, namely, the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety-one Dollars and Twenty-five Cents $1,591.25) making together the sum of Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty- may be required for raising the said sum of Forty-five Thousand Dollars (845,000,- 00) and said debentures may be expressed either in currency or sterling money, pay- able in gold coin, for not less than 8100.00 currency or £20 sterling each, and not exceeding the said sum of Forty-five Thousand Dollars ($45,000.00) and _ the said’ debentures shall be duly prepared, said; 8. The said debentures shall be deemed to have been properly executed by having been signed by the Mayor and the Treas- urer of the said City and shall be sealed with its corporate seal; 9. The said debentures the Second day of January, A. D. 1914, and shall contain a promise to pay the principal of the said debentures and also the interest thereon at the rate of five per cent, (5% per annum, payable half yearly, annually, on the First day of Janu Shall bear date ary and the First day of July in each year and may be with er without coupons attached thereto for the payment of in terest, and in case coupons shall be at tached to said debentures such coupons shall be equivalent to one half year’s in terest at the rate of five per cent. (5% per annum upon the amount of the de- benture to which they shall be respec- tively attached, one coupon being made payable each six months from the date of the said debentures. In case the whole of the six months interest shall not have accrued before the First day of July next teh difference shall be adjusted in the first payment of interest, The said cou- pons shall be deemed to have been prop- erly executed by each one having written, Stamped, printed or lithographed thereon the name of the Mayor and Treasurer of the said City. Each coupon shall be num- bered with the number of the debenture to which it is attached; 10. The said debentures shall be made payable at any place in England, the United States, or Canada, therein set out; 11, The amount of the said coupons for interest shall be payable at any of the places in England, the United States or Canada therein set out; 12. The said debentures and the cou- pons attached thereto shall be deemed a valid and binding charge upon the ratable land in the City of Prince Rupert and upon the City of Prince Rupert; 13. The amount of the debt authorized by this bylaw is subject to consolidation with the debt authorized by any other by- laws of the said City passed for the issue and sale of debentures, and notwithstand- ing anything herein containe dauthorizing and directing the issue and sale of deben- tures for the payment of the debt hereby created the City of Prince Rupert consoll- dated stock may be issued in the place and Stead of the debentures to the amount of the debt. This section shall apply only in so far as the City may be empowered by law so to do. 14, It shall be lawful for the Council during the construction of the pole line System hereinbefore mentioned to borrow money from any bank or other person willing to advance the same at interest to be agreed upon for the purpose of paying for the said extensions and for such loan to hypothecate the debentures to be issued hereuned, provided that such loan with the interest agreed to be paid to such bank or person shall be repaid out of the sums of money realized upon the sale of the said debentures. The Council may sell the said debenutres at less than par if it is found necessary or advisable to do so. PASSED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT THIS 29TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1918. T. D. PATTULLO, Mayor ERNEST A, WOODS, Clerk. OTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed bylaw to. raise Forty-five Thousand Dollars ($45,000.00) upon which a vote of the municipality will be taken at the Council Chamber, City Hall, on the Fifteenth day of January, TAKE A. D. 19144, from the hour of 9:00 a, m, until the hour of 7:00 p. m. ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk. A BYLAW OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TO AUTHORIZE THE CON- STRUCTION OF A CITY BUILDING ON FULTON STREET FOR MUNICIPAL PUR POSES AND FOR CKEATING A DEBT OF FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS (850,000.00) O PAY FOR THE SAME, AND TO SE CURE THE SAID DEBT BY THE OF DEBENTURES: WHEREAS the City of Prince Rupert has lately graded a piece of ground on Auten Street adjoining the present City all; AND WHEREAS the present accommo- dation for the various municipal depart- to this petition; AND WHEREAS the the land and improvements cipality according to the last revised assessment roll, namely, the assessment roll for the year 1913, is Twenty-eight Millions Two Hundred and Fifteen Thou sand Nine Hundred and Eighty Dollars ($28,215,980.00) ; AND WHEREAS the aggregate debt ow ing by the said City exclusive of debts for works of local improvement and school purposes does not exceed One Million Two Hundred and Fourteen Thousand Dollars ($1,214,000.00) nor does it exceed twenty per cent. (20% of the assessed value of lands and improvements according to the last revised assessment roll; AND WHEREAS the annual sum neces sary for the payment of the interest dur- ing the currency of the debentures to be issued hereunder is Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (82,500.00)4 AND WHEREAS the sum be set aside annually by way fund to discharge the debt authorized to be created by this bylaw is the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred and S$ xty- eight Dollars and Five Cents (81,758.05 per annum, and it is proposed to set aside such annual sum by depositing the same annually at interest in a chartered bank or trust company in Canada, or by invest ing the same in any manner that a muni- cipal corporation may legally adopt; AND WHEREAS the amount to be raised annually for the payment of the -aid debt is arrived at by estimating the interest to be derived from the annual investment of such amount at the rate of three and one- assessed value of of the Muni necessary to of sinking half per centum (3%%) per unnun; AND WHEREAS this bylaw caanot be altered save by the consent of the Licu- tenant Governor in Council; NOW THEREFORE THE NOVeWaL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PRINCE KU PERT ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: ¢. This bylaw shal! take effert -0 the Thirty-first day of January, 4. lb. ivid, 2. It shall be lawful “or the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert to erect on the hereinbefore recited piece of land the property of the City of Prince Rupert a public building to be used for the accom- modation of the various municipal institu- tions of the City of Prince Rupert, such bublic building to be according to plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer, and approved by the Muni- cipal Council of the City of Prince Rupert, Was pul inte operation in Louis- jana in 1904 more than 2,330,- 000 tons of refined product have been recovered o * . To increase the resolving po- wer of the microscope an Aus- trian scientist utilizes ultravio- let rays which, athough invisible to the eye, are highly effective in photography. B02 He The government of Brazil has begun work on extensive sys- tems of reservoirs to enable the CANADIAN ROUTE BEST TO CHISANA STRIKE Be Compared with Road Via White River, is the only practice- able way of getting into the Chi- ee TEACH HORSESHOEING . AT NOTED COLLEGE New Study Is Added to the Cur- riculum at Cornell. Ithaca, N. Y., Jan, 7.—A course in horseshoeing, Cornell Uni- versity trustees announce, will begin January 12. All horse- of the state are invited to enter without charge. The course will be given by the farriers’ department of the state college veterinary. . The last legislature made appropria- for the equipment. “The purpose,” said Director Moore, offer horseshoers an op- portunity acquire a more (horough knowledge of the prin- ciples of horseshoeing, Besides setting it is important thal these men should be familiar with the anatomy and physiology of the horse’s foot and the dan- ger of certain infections, such as shoers tion “is to shoes, residents of its northeastern|tetanus or lockjaw.” states to get water in long dry One hour each day will be seasons which frequently oc-|given to lectures and the rest of cur. the time to practical work in the shop. Groundhog Coal Samples The exhibit of natural re- Cordova-McCarthy Route Not to] S@urces of Northern British Co- y lumbia being assembled by Mr. P. Canadian Territory. F. Godenrath, commissioner of bE the board of trade at the Bureau According to Dr. L. 8. Sugden, of Information, 341 Second Ave- who has spent the past fifteen|™U¥e, Was augmented today by the years in the Yukon, and has|"eceipt of three splendid samples travelled extensively during that}! the “black diamond” from the period through the north, the|Property of the British Columbia — Canadian route via the White Anthracite Company ae the Pass & Yukon Railway to White- Groundhog coal district. The horse and the Kluane trail, or the| Specimens, carefully tabulated with their analysis, are now on display in the window and have which plans may from time to time be ied 5s : altered, amended or added to during the/sana gold diggings. He spent already attracted much attention construction of said work if the said ir e _ j j Municipal Council shall seer fit; in any of the last summer near the scene Aout a ee me o such cases the plans of such alterations, ’ ee Rs ‘ . or | @roun og coal measures. n- amendments or additions shall be approved of the big strike, and went over other excellent sampl of bitu as above provided for as to the original] several trails to and from the xce ; ve ple ; aes plans, the intent of this bylaw being that] , Ny ‘ s a minous coal is 10wn from e the City in constructing the said building| fields in an effort to locate the} ~~ ; ; ; 4 hereby authorized shall have full author-| most feasible route. His views |S°&@™4 owned by the Grand Trunk ity to make the said building such as will one Dollars ; and Twenty-five Cents | best meet the requirements of the various} are ($3,841.25 shall be annually raised as{municipal institutions of the City; ; . .tend "we » follows, namely, by a special rate levied 3. For the purpose of paying for the by Mr. Ernest Bryson, of the in- annually on all ratable !«nd of the City of|construction of the said building hereby|ternational boundary survey, who Prince Rupert during the currency of the]authorized the City of Prince Rupert is jf 2 : said debentures and shall be collected as|hereby empowered to create a debt ofjhas also done considerable trav- municipal taxes, and placed to @ separate|Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) | ejling in the north account called “Pole Line Extension] which debt shall be payable in twenty ‘ Account.” : ie ae (2G) years from the Second day of Janu- In an interview, published re- 6. The said sum of One Thousand Fivejary,’A. D. 1914, for which debt deben-| ee hi ' 3 Hundred and Ninety-one Dollars and]|tures shall be issued and secured in a cently in the Whitehorse Star, Twenty-five Cents $1,591.25) to be|manner hereinafter appearing; 4 Dr. Sugden relates some of his raised annually as a sinking fund shal) . The sum of Two Thousand Five ; 5 ah ae be invested annually by the City Treas-|Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) is necessary| experiences while negotiating debentures for the purpose of forming a sinking fund with which to pay the said debt and debenture at maturity. The said sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-eight Doliars and Five Cents ($1,768.05) to be raised annually as a sinking fund being such that together with the profits accruing from th einvest- ment thereof at the interest rate of three executed and sold for the purpose afore-}and one-half per cent. per annum during} clared to substantiate the ass the currency of the said debentures shal! be sufficient to discharge the said debt when due; 5. The said sum necessary to pay the said interest of Two Thousand Five Hun- dred Dollars ($2,500.00) and sinking fund of One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-eight Dollars and Five Cents (8#1,- 768.05), making together the sum of Four Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty-eight Dollars and Five Cents (34,268.05) shall be annually raised as follows, namely: by a special rate levied annually on all the ratable land in the City of Prince Rupert during the currency of said debentures and shall be collected as municipal taxes, and placed to a separate account called “Municipal Building Account.” The said sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-eight Dollars and Five Cents ($1,- 768.05 to be raised for sinking fund shall be invested annually by the City Treas- urer upon the recommendation of the Council in such securities or in such man- ner as is permitted by law, including the investments hereinbefore mentioned; 6. There shall be issued any number of debentures to be made for such sums as may be required for the raising of the said sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars, and the said debentures may be ex- pressed either in currency or in sterling money, and shall be payable in gold coin for not less than $100.00 currency or £20 each, and not exceeding in the whole the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars (#50,000.- 00) and the said debentures shal) be duly prepared, executed and sold for the pur- poses aforesaid. The said debentures shall be deemed to have been properly executed by having been signed by the Mayor and the Treasurer of the City and shall be sealed with its corporate seal; 7. The said debentures shall bear date the Second day of January, A. D. 10914 and shall contain a promise to pay the principal of the said debentures and also the interest thereon at the rate of five per cent. (59%) per annum, payable haltf- yearly, on the First day of January and the First day of July in each year and may be with or without coupons attached thereto for the payment of interest and in case coupons shall be attached to said de- bentures such coupons shall be equivalent to one half year’s interest at the rate of five per cent (59%) per annum upon the amount of the debenture to which they shall be respectively attached, one coupon being made payable each six months from the date of the sald debentures. In case the whole of the six months interest shall not have acerued before the First day of July, next, the difference shall be adjusted in the first payment of interest. The said coupons shall be deemed to have been properly executed by each one having written, stamped, printed or lithographed thereon the names of the Mayor and Treasurer of the said City. Each coupon shall be numbered with the number of the debenture to which it is attached; ° 8. The said debentures shall be made avable at any place in England, the Inited States, or Canada therein set out; 9. The amount of the said coupons for interest shall be payable at any of the places in England, the United States, dr Canada therein set out; 10, The said debentures and the cou- pons attached thereto shall be deemed a valid and binding charge upon the ratable land in the City of Prince Rupert and upon the City of Prince Rupert. 11, The amount of the debt authorized by this bylaw is subject to consoiidation with the debt authorized by any other bylaws of the said City passed for the issue and sale of debentures, and not- withstanding anything herein contained authorizing and directing the issue and sale of debentures for the payment of the debt hereby created the City of Prince Rupert consolidated stock may be issued in the place and stead of the debentures to the amount of the debt. This section shall apply only tn so far as the City ma) be empowered by law so to do 12. It shall be lawfu! for the Council during the construction of the butiding hereinbefore mentioned to borrow money from any bank or other person willing to advance the same at interest to be agreed on for the purpose of paying for the said building and for such loan to hypothecate the debentures to be issued hereunder, provided that such loan with the interest agreed to be paid to such bank or person shall be repaid out of the sums of money realized upon the sale of the said deben- tures, The Council may sell the said de- from the annual investment of such sum said to have been endorsed the favor of the Canadian route. He was accompanied on his trips by a moving picture photograph- er, who took views along the various trails, whieh are de- tions as to their reputed accessibility. Draining the Pacific A gentleman who has resided in this distriet for a number of years continuously took a long needed holiday. He went to Ru- pert and then by boat to Sirmp- son. He had been reading of the wonders of the Panama Canal. Upon his return from Simpso> to Rupert, he said to the dovler with whom he was staying: “Say, do you think the Panama Canal will drain the Pacific? “Why no,” the doctor replied, “why do you ask?” - “Well, when I went to Port Simpson I walked right off the dock on to the boat, and when I many. 3tf Ladies’ Invictus shoes at $3.25, button and lace, Seoti, Froud & Co. 9-44 You are promised an enjoyable evening if you attend the concert Tuesday evening in St. Andrew’s church. Programme at 8. 8 Notice Committee rooms are being opened by the opponents of the Hydro-Electric Bylaw in a room adjacent to Rogers & Black's Steamship Agency on Second Av- enue. Those opposing the by- law are invited to attend this evening. 5-7 bentures at less than par if it is found necessary or advisable to do 80, PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT THIS 29TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1913, T. D. PATTULLO, Mayor. ERNEST A, WOODS, Clerk, TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed bylaw to raise Fifty Thousand Dollars (350,000.00) upon which a vote of the Municipality will be taken at the Council Chamber, City Hall, on the Fifteenth day of January, A. D. 1914, from the hour of 9:00 a. m, until the hour of 7:00 p, m. ERNEST A, WOODS, City Clerk, Calgary is a strong municipal ownership city; owns all its pub- lic utilities, including street car system; Calgary buys power in bulk at the city limite and pays higher rates than the rates in this agreement. 3tr B. C, Coal Co. operating 15 miles from specimens were contributed by R. Cc. Campbeil-Johnston, M. E., and the bituminous sample by D. J. Jones, both of Vancouver. same window is shown the pro- duct of the B. C. Salt Works Ltd., whose holdings are on the line of Hazelton. The anthracite In the the Grand Trunk Pacifie Rail- urer upon the recommendation of thejfor the payment of interest each year dur- . 2 PF e. > . 3 ils council in such securities or in such/ing the currency of said debentures ani the allegedly dangerous trails on wav 45 miles east of Prince manner as is pereitied by law, including|the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred} the Cordova-MecCarthy route, i 7 ; the hereinbefore recited investments; and Sixty-eight Dollars and Five Cents], rs of tup . 7. There shall be issued any number of| (1,768.05) is necessary to be set-aside) COMparing the American road upert debentures to be made for such sums a8/annually during the currency of the said| into the diggings very much tole — ADemand the Brand PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. 908 Third Avenue Dealers in came back I noticed I had to climb away up a ladder to reach | FEED SEEDS the dock.’—Omineca Herald, HAY TIMOTHY Rag GROMMET 5805 OATS CLOVER The passing of the Agreement WKEAT ALFALFA Byl m immedi ylaw means ediate work for CORN «TC CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Mail orders promptly attended ta For Sale ROOMING HOUSE $1500.00 One of the best business corners in town, on Third Ave.; clears from $300 to $400 per month, Lease. ALL ROOMS OCCUPIED “NOW.” Exciusive Agents WM. G YOUNG INVESTMENT CO. 221 6th St, Phone 19 Open Ovenings 7 to 9 eee aus Sarr