——— ; | by the Flemish Refugees. Y some of this hand-made Pillow Lace, it lasts MANY BY man’s wage. Collars, Fronts, Plastrons,Jabots, YoLes, Fichus, Berthes, Hand- kerchiefs, Stocks, Cami- soles, Chemise Sets, Tea Cloths, Table Centres, Db" Mats, Medal- uaker and —— ae = from oe a.) yard, IRISH CROCHET. Mrs, Armstrong oe over 100 Irish peasant girls connected with her industry, some beautifulex- amples of Irish hand-made laces may be obtained, All work being sold direct from the lace-makers, both the workers and DAINTY HANDKIE—10o, variety, aud imparts an air of distinction to the possessor, at the same time supporting the village lace-makers, bringing them little comforts otherwise unobtainable on an agricultural Write for descriptive little treatise, entitled “The Pride of North Bucks,"’ containing 200 striking examples of the lace makers’ art. and is sent post free to any part of the world, Lace for every purpose can be obtained, and within reach of the most modest purse. Every sale, however small, is a suppert to the industry. 14 in. deep.) (4 ioe te 2. | ENGLISH Hano- Mane LACE } MADE BY THE COTTAGERS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, This is the old-fashioned lace made on the cushion, and was first introduced into England It is still made by the village women in their quaint old way. Our Laces were awarded the Gold Medel at the Festival of Empire and Exhibition, Cryst«! Palace, LONDON, ENGLAND, for general excellence of wale times longer than machine made STOCK—Wheel Design. each. (Half shown.) coupons. quickly, said: customers derive ‘ . No. 910,—Lace 1} in. deep. great advantage. No, 122.—80c. per yard, he Mrs Rupert ee ee ere England EEE = — | om@omoms! | A Lady Wanted . $ A Dinner Set : She was collecting ROYAL STANDARD | She wanted to get her so sire went to a neighbor and “Help me to collect my coupons set and when [ get my dinner set I'll help you get the premium YOU want.” These two then interested others in the same way, and thus ‘was the ROYAL STANDARD CLUB idea formed. Write for new profit sharing catalog about FREE! telling all coupons Address Dept. it and how to get Premium Vancouver Milling & Grain Co. Ltd., Vancouver = FLOUR ciao Fao aloof mio mio faio moi o misao] Tae ccm ey) "4 a Ot FOR BRIGHTNESS BLACK A PASTE NoWastE SPECIALS : Fine Juicy Oranges. .4.o6iss0-+30-5% Extra Large Oranges............... B.C. Cream 20 Ib. sack Sugar Best Canned Peas Stalker & Wells’ Butter, the best yet THE FF Dattey @ up. acess Stalker & Wells : Fresh Eggs ..... sk att RAO A hala Fhe ok eaten on a eee 45c No Dust No Rust ee Per dozen 26c¢ Shae ei Per dozen 60c 10c per tin $1.30 Para cates Two for 25c dozen 65c a ae Per tenry Birks & sons, Lid Looking backward from the threshoid of directed to them personally. Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director Qratulate ourselves on the splendid inorease of our out-of-town business during 1813. Therefore, on account of the staunch support and this dis~ play of confidence in our service, we must thank our many out-of-town friends for their patronage during the past year. We do not claim that our service is perfect beyond mistakes, for where so many hands are em- ployed email errors in despatching orders are bound to occur. however, when brought to our notice, are rectified with the utmost haste and care, while we are particular that our customer shall suffer no joss. We trust that each of our customers will interpret thie message as To all we send sinceve wishes for a happy New Year. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Thank their many out-of-town se for their splendid nage during the past year 1914 we cannot but con- These, VANCOUVER, B.C | | DYGHAVN MADE MEETING ; BOOMERANG FOR NEWTON ee eae (Goentinued from Page i. for the purpose of shielding the raseality of the past year’s coun- ceil, They would hold up nothing. | Referring to his opponents, he said had he fallen to the dangle of gold he would have had j insults hurled at him. He wouid jhave been patted on the back and been a good fellow to join in and swindle the city. less ;} . The standing committees this year were arranged so that three men controlled the city. Members ai ol th Ni \ could THE DAILY id tryi Capt. of the hers advertised ens he The rt the e machinery and Babington were meti- bers of that company. If elected T will dig ven into neg t soul to private interests. Babi cis n ecouneil ti unife ive telephone, Rupert contract the the from $100 down to &6. NEWS o sell you body and s4000 out the got ngton this gyl vear and waterfront have fire shops up. by should not tenders for The called vr rms, been Marine [ron Works for installing at Shawatlans. down deep- financial situation GILLETTS LYE EATS DI RT A signed contract with a com- pany which has the money is bet~- ter than two promises from poli- ticlans who have neither money, influence nor resource. 3tf Andrew's church Excellent tal- 8 Concert in St. Tuesday evening. ent. Ladies, vote for the Company agreement and cook with elec- tricity. No smoke! Wo dirt! No ashes! 3tf Wallace's Sale. The last day FOR SALE PRIPPPP ORDO FOS POPPOPO D0 CC Cee, *eeee PPOOP OP LI9 CCL OC Oe —— 2 Saturday, January {0 1944 » 1945 TO THE ELECTorRs OF PRINCE RUPERT, 2 © —_—_—_—_—,,.... Your respectfully vole and Olir G. W. KERR Independent ¢ Alderman f | a Ladies and Gentle SECOND AVE. AND THIRD STREET PHONE 100 LUMBER First and McBride PHONE 25 SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. Prince Rupert THIRD ANENUE Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE * PHONE No. 8 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware ‘Stay Satisfactory Range.’’ A Public Auction will be held at the Prince Kupert Planing Mills, Ltd., on the corner of Fifth and Fraser streets, Prince Rupert, B, C., on Monday the 12th of January, 1914, at 2 o'clock p, m., consisting of the following described plant and of- fice furniture: 1 Rowley & Her- mance 12-inch moulder, 1 Her- mance 7-inch moulder, 1 sash sticker, 1 36-inch single drum sander, 1 24-inch surfacer, 1 32- inch band saw, 1 arnsander 14 saw table, 1 chain mortiser, 1 single-end tenoning machine, 1 power mortiser with chisel, 4 spindle shaker, 1 12-inch jointer, { heavy door clamp, 1 wood lathe, {4 boring machine, 41 42-horse- poye rmmotor, 1 12-horse power motor, lumber, sash, doors, glass, ele, GEO. LEEK will sell the same, TERMS CASH Inspection can be made at any time hefore sale of goods. : ; * ’ ' shara wa ara ¢ * . ’ lof the council had no proper con- and tind out where we are at. EW GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED x men ‘ lee ption of what has taken place. Newton Unmasked TORONTO ONT. _HONyt t \ ’ Six thousand dollars could Ald. Dybhayn, whb had been 51, bi 1 ae 93,00 $800 cash ¥ praee en ; ‘ Lot $4. yor 20 +000 800 cas a ‘a : |have been saved on the Section|¢ulogized by Mr, Newton spoke balance arrange 2600 h ‘ te tee ; m > . ¢ . ‘ . ing ¢ o 97 block 20, #1,600 600 cash, fo | Two contract if the city engineer|"! me. Tips) aa eee She rice was considerably under balance arrange P ’ |had been given a part of the|/®@t a very late hour, but he threw ‘ : ns fietere Lot 93, block 20, | $2,000 $750 cash : : aa i , . ithe city engineer's rure. balance arrange A H.A]l / I ’ work. It was a council of se-j!he sensation of the evening ern g the man on the Lot’ 74,. Block 20, $4,000 equity as : ai a SON crecy. Even when the mayor was|When he quietly proceeded to ee an ly ea it 86.09 of sail? ona & ‘Stock 10, $4,600 each; ¢ x i hobnobbing+with the nobs and unmask the man whose wild andj waterfront who only got * cash, balance arrange for Alderm I ' : ; i ' sss, he explained that the meh SECTION 5 . an 1 spending your money on tips he dishonest statements are turn-| busine ’ Lot 16; block #4, facing Bighin Avewie t ;was secret. Isn't it better to do ing his own supporters against} man had died early last year and T..atlow Street, with four-soom | 4 ' business in the open and _ burn him. Lf the olbiseng: 1p ee — Donte SE eee Sach. ‘palanoe oves wy FICO ye ‘ " ‘ ‘ . { “i ater t light they q a 9 peu Ald. Dybhavn did not like Mr.| wanted water ind months, 7 per cent " eet ci aeeenanee aes Newton's strong words altho ne]ought to vote for the by-laws to ae 20, block 24 ; ae Ay A> ky POSS RR~ET ODOC OOCe ae > > orse|: ' é ‘ #1.600 #500 cash ma lance ‘ POPC C + ROR : 4 ‘ lieve . ‘ ‘are. He , » money for these exten- vonths we our bonds is no new thing. We]Pelieved the man was sincere. He Peer S er Lot 9. block $8, with teh-room house, un } tried it in 1912 carried his contentions to an ex-| sions. finished, $3,000; cash $1,099, balance 4 if D } 'R Mf { rt ry i ‘a ; ‘ Ssrs arrie tjasso-Bert ? d 18 months, 7 per nt [ Z \ Are you going to be led|!temily for election purposes. Messtr . Barrie, Ba 0-Bet font ie snlock 93 Sen gnecine, B1i800 . ‘ i around like suckers by a few He realized he was up against a and Ald. Kerr also addressed the $500 eash, balance 9 and 18 months For 19/4 ' lines of type?” 5: strong opponent. Concerning | meeting as candidates. ee blot tae ve Pineees vere. } ‘The court of revision came in|Newton's criticism of the Union Lot 3, _e 39, wveabin EA eee eae ; . . : J eee - ‘ . one wo-room ¢a } 2,00( for considerable criticism. In}of Municipalities convention, he You are asked to elect directors] ¢asn, balance 6, 12 and 18 months Your vote and influence is } 1912 the council had not reduced|¢laimed Prince Rupert ought to|to handle your business. You}, () yuo eth an ai sat respectfully solicited ' the assesment one dollar. In 1913|be the very first to attend it. Tt]should choose a man like D. H balance 6, 12 and 18 months, 7 p by } = . .% Nor ’ #3,.2950 east : 4 the assessment was reduced|Wwas a mistake not to have gone|Morrison for alderman, who is|'°})23:, Daa Ad AR hae the Independent candidate, } $177,000 The speaker insinu-jefore. This convenion diseus.|safe and progressive. Oot FT ea 14 block 95, 8! : V. BASSC-BERT } ; . ots 10 anc roe 25 250 > @ ated that favoritism was shown]5€5 the problems. confronting - -— cash, balance 6 and 12 months H in the court of revision. It was|]!2unicipalities and makes re- After the theatre. Palace Cafe. nee 4, ess BUS. of $400 cash, bal sii } ' i " ‘ : ance ove 2 0 - oe 006 deliberate rascality. They soak|comendations to the legislature. ’ 284tf Lot 6, block 17, 81,800; $600 cash, ba is: you and soak me and then turn In the criticism which had] Lows § ont 3, biork ae 82.500: $9 i - , Fe toe oe e ‘ Sak ae : - or rae malanée ¢ > 8 - PL OPO POPOL PLO L OOD screws off some other fellow. had been made against tie eon B. GC, Cream can be bought for Po balan 2 an 1 48 months. oa An officer of the city who had of revision he claimed part Oll {oe per tin at Stalker & Wells’. 8 eash, balance 6 and 12 months } 4 LD f. R V { \ 5 done his duty had been reduced|that honor belonged to him, He —|'"' oud a8, asi ete tel a e onl ; The f . , . la t . * r ‘ to a common clerk. This ras-|Wanted to tell Mr. Newton that 1836 THE Bann cr 1913 ],., 5 wy SECTION 9 . For 19/4 } cality would put to shame New they had gone at the revision Lol i Z ; York's Tammany. just as conscientiously and hon- ene e Lots . bl s4 a ; ash é ~ 7 ‘ He denied that he had ordered |@S!!y this year as they had last ritish orth merica Our noid erie | F SAL [ f Ri Ar Je vi . are I 4 the removal of the Morse Creek 7 = If Newton wo RG eens ‘ - sdtiind tee eens : 1a-| r, sce! j y . . > - » . » two assessments 1@ would 7 YEARS IN BusiINEsSS V antag We can give vou t t and | { pump 6 months before he left aA the ; me : | spe vile office. He had ordered that a find a different problem. CAPITAL ANO SURPLUS Over $7,600,000 rit C8. wi want you listings. Ca | Respectfully In } flat car be secured to remove the Concerning the $4000 paid t+} f nh r ee rmat pals) cod Rather: Maas | YOUR : = any the > pump when necessary. Capt. Babington he wanted te| The city was overrun with ex- [Point out that the biggest por-| i C ll t&R Id: | | d perts. Thev had an expert to lion of that expense had been The Convenience of a 0 ar ey ho $ ole an Supporl Ras nenrra ) : on af SPECIALISTS PRINCE yan | Jooooooos. see if the 1912 council had stolen|!"eurred by the 1912 council, of 7 un PRINCE GE : Sahat ethereal, ei ORGE TOWNSITES anything. Matthews had been}Which Mr. Newton was Mayor. Joint Acco t dati ai Offices: : ; . So » F ird Ave., Prince R t, B.C. sent south for expert informa- Mr. Newton ought to know that. wy Rept: Georee, a's. Lyne: Wr POPPPPOPOLODDODDDOOD DIOL POD POO tion and then it was of no use rhe contract for installing the} A Joint Account may be . ; ‘ ° 7 : a : ' because he resigned as electrical) S#awatlans Lake machinery was opened in the names of two or NOTICE O the Electors: ; : nr > ) » ay wee ee ere E ‘ superintendent. Then there was let without tender because there more persons. Whichever one I, the undersigned, for and on behalf of : H an expert for putting in tha wat-|'@* only firm equipped to do the the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting Having conse ‘ ses on : anc ‘ower Comps . 1aVe ‘ er pipe over the passage. We job The city engineer had trad can most conveniently reach Doalted with he macinirar’ of the’ rian iy name before , i. ‘ . « ’ ‘ > . Par . I B . *gistratio s « > ce dependent { would have had that in if it had{@" estimate and = the coniract the bank can then deposit the Rupert: ies Registration District ,Prin independer a ; not bee . a stor OW ; ad 3 ‘ a) A description of wharf which this Alderman at ‘ Dybh : * " e ian par joint funds or withdraw the company proposes to construct in front of election, I resj ; * avi ad gone to 1 nion , ot No, 479, Granby Bay, B.C., said lot and r 4. ‘ of Municipalities convention or ‘ cash needed. It saves time See ene Ca ee eee ed eens Holt. your™ vote ; | B t : ,e cons ‘ eing Me : oe ‘ come other feo dance tune Gr@M@M AVENUE Bargain. §) =n oan rear a Se SR we elf | j { sneral plan showing the position Yours ver ‘ He did not blame Dvybhavn He | f the property relative to the : P “ ! h ‘ ° of prope els € ) proposed t was sent. But it was a waste of Foun 20min Bloon 8) < Coots. By « 2} wie JOHN DY! ; , with unobstructed view of the ens (c) A general plan showing more par . ‘ money. It was also an outrage tire waterfront and Metlakatla | PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH ticularly the relation of this wharf to the | Sooo j ep pecccccoccccccseoooetin to send the cit solicitor Passage. No finer residence or shore line, with cross-section of the pro 0 sené 1e city solicitor to ne- apartment house property in the 4 posed wharf showing type of construction gotiate the wer . agreement city. Price $2,000 each, terms $400 TT Fr. M, SYLVESTER : , ; mares Breemes each cash, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months P. MARGE 8, MANAGER General Manager outside the city. at 6 per cent. | Pub. Dec, 12 to Jan. 17—d ; oad iis Sounel) 1d ouphoriad bye ——— B.C, Coast Steamship Service subsiaized prnse, Tineee es EM, M. STEPHENS & 60,, LTD JAMES GILMORE ing too dirty for them to say REAL ESTATE INSURANCE : a “ ° ” f : about me, miserable tools that NOTARIES Architect The Daily News FAMOUS yo SAFET! they are. They are deceiving you} ¥ f - — — — -——— | 2nd Avenue, near MeBride Street CLASSIFIED ADS. PRINCESS CANADIAN SPEED — ma IO Ba ; . PT co | : LINE Cr La ‘ ° ° BEST BUY) tonne — Princess May, southbound, Satur INSURANCE j pe DESK ROOM in ground floor oMce. Apply day, 9 a.m. e P.O, Drawer 1663 City. 285-tf Pringsee Royal, southbound, Sur . | FOR RENT—One room with board for ey, © Pm. = | Fifth Ave hue, two oy Po ¥ a private flat, closé J.G. McNAB, Genera! Agent iT ply P.O Ox 272 5-8 Reduction in Rates Sees Fr enale Serher ‘ ct eccee we e can deliver Lots 11 and 12 WANTED A new rate book has just been received at this office, giving a con- Block 14, for cocoons siderable reduction in rates on many Prince Rupert risks. Write or phone ! WANTED—A_ woman cook at the B. { | ; for present rate on your building, stock or furniture. | 5 Cc h Cafe, 118 Eighth St 10-14 FOR A TAX } Our companies comprise the Liverpool, London & Globe, in point of } 9, 00 as WANTED-—An experienced stenographer } financial strength and loss-paying record, unexcelled in the world; The | rt — fine sali: finished wants position, Apply phone Red 236. = } Agricultural of Watertown, N. Y., a first-class company; the St, Paul Fire rere 1S a Ine = inishec 6-8 ' & Marine, a time-honored old American institution; the Quebec, probably | house on the back 25 feet, fac-| wanrep—smart poy for Dally News Phone 75 i the best Canadian company, having assets of over sixteen millions, and ling Green Street, rented at $35 office. Good wages tf other strong board companies. |per month on lease, leaving 50} WANTED—A middle-aged lady to assist We provide adequate protection at minimum cost. Our carefully kept | feet on Fifth Avenue and 75 ft aoe ene ont ae countes, out of records assure that no policy will lapse through negligence. All inquiries i finaan ot ae t ’ 1 ae ae aie eee ean PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 00. will be promtply and intelligently answered; all poiictes written and de- jon Green otreet, WANTED—Compemtent woman to assist ii h | Som Secu: with housework at odd hours. Good eecnnnent vered the same day application is made. : wages. Apply Box 102 Daily News. IT COSTS YOU NO MORE FOR ABSOLUTELY DEPENDABLE iNSUR- APPLY 200tr = ANCE IN A COMPANY OF UNQUESTIONABLE STANDING SECURED 2 WANTED—200 ladies 0 ‘use Beautinal perpeccooe woceccesttit, THROUGH A CAPABLE AND RESPONSIBLE AGENCY. Harrison, Gamble & Company Massage Cream Send 50 cents to E 95 ? E. Jarman, 4). Box 20, Mt, Pleasant, 35 —— PHONE —— WESTENHAVER BROS rmanciat neers | So ~ : . Thi i ile ird Ave. Prince Rupert MISCELLANEOUS utomo CASH—WIll give immediate cash for bal- ance due you under Agreement of Sale Prince Rupert Property ($250--$2,000). Give full particulars. A. Wilkinson, General Delivery, City. 204-tr YOUNG WOMAN with little daughter would like situation. Prefer house- keeping for elub of bank clerks or ober ladies or gentlemen, Address Box 101 Dally News. aur F rozen- Pipes the old expensive thawing pipes. Ii than the pipes are Don't follow methods of costs more worth, I have vice for tricity. up your current the de- elec- Just received a new thawing pipes by You don't have to open Pipes. Just turn the on and three minutes frost In Is gone, THAW BY ELECTRICITY Harry Hanson The Reliable Plumber PHONE 489 Second Ave. near McBride Street Balance $200 in 6 mo f $200 in 12 months. In! 7 per cent GR Naden Co, ltt and Taxies Large Machines Prompt Service Reliable Ch Rates for parties 36 Special SEE WHAT $200 CASE WILL BUY Lot 33, Block 2, Section 8 the aoe Second Avenue. Real Estate and Insurance