hallo mo om om om elo mo Mo Mo mMomt A Lady. Wanted : A Dinner Set : She was collecting ROYAL STANDARD coupons. She wanted to get her set quickly, so she went to a neighbor and said: “Help me to collect my coupons and when I get my dinner set I'l! help you get the premium YOU want.” These two then interested others in the same way, and thus was the ROYAL STANDARD CLUB idea formed. Write for new profit sharing catalog telling all about it and how to get coupons FREE! Address Premium Dept. Vancouver Milling & Grain Co. Ltd., Vancouver (cmiomomio lomo Si omioiafo moo ioo) Tuesday Only Tuesday Only A chance for you to reduce January's Grocery bill at | Stalker & Wells Phone 187 Corner Second Ave. and McBride a 20 lb. sack Sugar (pure Swede Turnips, regu- a cane), regular $1.35, lar 10 lbs. for 25e, me Bl ek ow PUR BEIG os. c551¢ 12 Ibs. for 25c i. No. 4 Japan Rice, regu- Crosse & Blackwell's | + lar 3 lbs. for 25c, Pickles, regular 35c ; 1 sale.......4@ Ibs. for 25c per jar, sale ...... .30c i . B. C. Cream. .10 cans $1.00 | Brown Beans, extra ‘i De! Monte Canned Ber- fine, regular 3 for ' Ties, regular 30¢c 25c, sale.......4 for 25c can, sale, per can.. 26c | Jersey Cream, regular Local Fresh Eggs, per 8 cans for $1.00, sale sh Oh Gio: 95 DEIOS 2.5. 5.5. 09 -9 for $1.00 4 dozen .. a KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Builders’ Supplies ¢ Plate Glass Mirrors Plumbers’ supplies De Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges ee Oils Tinware | eee Varnishes Graniteware ‘*Stay Satisfactory Range.”’ MONARCH MALLEABLE * TLUMBER PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. et f First and MoBride Prince Rupert PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. ENGLISH HAND-MiaDE LAG MADE BY THE COTTAGERS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. This is the old-fashioned lace made on the cushion, and was first introduced into England by the Flemish Refugees, It is still made by the village women in their quaint old way. Our Laces were awarded the Gold Medal at the Festival of Empire and Imperial ibition, Crystal Palace, LONDON, ENGLAND, for general excellence of workmanship. ) me of this handemade Pillow Lace, it lasts MANY times longer than machine made ety, and imparts an air of distinction to the p , Ot the same ‘ine supporting village lace-makers, bringing them little comforts otherwise unobtainable on an agricultural n’s wage. Write for descriptive little treatise, entitled “The Pride of North Bucks,” containing 200 striking examples of the lace makers’ art, and is sent post free to any part of the world, Lace for every purpose can be obtained, and within reach of the most modest purse. Every sale, however small, is a support to the industry. Collars, Fronts, Plastrons,Jabots, Yokes, Fichus, Berthes, Hand- kerchiets, Stocks, Cami- soles, Chemise Sets, Tea Cloths, Table Centres, D'Oylies, Mats, Medal- lions, Quaker and Peter Pan Sets, etc., STOCK —Wheel Design. from 26c., 60c., $100, (1) in. deep.) $1.50, $2.00. u to S08 Price 25c. each. (Half shown.) each. Over designs in yard lace and inser- 4 tion from 10c,, 15¢., 25¢., 45c., up to $8.00 per yard. IRISH CROCHET. Mrs, Armstrong having over 100. Irish peasant giris connected with her industry, some beautifulex- amples of Irish hand made laces may be obtained, All work being sold direct from the lace-makers, both the workers and customers derive Great advantage, THE DAILY NEWS —— CITY COUNCIL SITS (Continued from page 1) Vancouver Sun, asked for an ap- propriation of $500. It was left to ihe finance committee. Get Water Lot A communication from the deputy minister of marine and fisheries stated that a quit claim will be issued to the city for the water lot on the city’s waterfront reservation by the Dominion Government on the payment of one dollar. The communication was received and ordered paid. Wants Compensation Mrs. Thomas, whose was killed some time ago while riding on the fire auto wagon, asked for compensation under the Workmens Compensation husband Act. Her communication was given over to the city solicitor to report on, General Business The city treasurer asked ap- proval of a notice which he pro- poses sending to all water takers before charging them up under the new water rates bylaw. Ap- proval was given. The medical health officer re- ported eleven births and four deaths during Deceinber. A recommendation for peri- jodicals and magazines for the | reading room was turned over to ithe finance committee. | The mayor announced that the Cn ae grounds would be in charge of the public works de- partment this year. The four bylaws passed by the electors were given their fingl jreading and ordered stamped |with the eorporate seal. | A motion was proposed asking |the city engineer to take imme- j}diate steps to lay out the | posed hydro-electric power line from Shawatlans Falls to Wood- worth Lake. The mayor said this notice under the bylaw ought to be posted on the board, pro- but under the circumstances he thuoght the formality ought to be dispensed with. Ald. Morrison said it would be belter_to follow the procedure of the Hylaw and post it. The council not being anuni- cr {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Born—On January 20, to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Agnew, a son. The Spokane will be in to- morrow southbound. The barge Bangor with a car- go of lumber for the dry dock is expected in today. The steamer Venture was in ;port early this morning. She had a number of pasengers’ for Granby Bay. * Mr. George Gould, manager of the Spruce Creek Mining Com- pany, of Atlin, was in the city yesterday en route north, * . . James A. Fraser, gold commis- sioner at Atlin, Was in the city yesterday en route north on the Princess Sophia. He is return- ing from Vancouver ~where he went to give evidence in the suit of Deisler vs. Spruce Creek Power Co. Deer Kills Keeper New York, Jan. 19.—-With every bone broken and his lungs punctured by the horns of a buck deer, Patrick Moran, for the past fourteen years head keeper of the deer preserve on the Islip estate of the late Edward Hawley, was found dead tonight in the enclosure which the animal was kept. in FRANK M. FIELD, K. C., of Cobourg, Ont., who was elected president of the Ontario Bar Association on December 30, ONE HOUR IN COLD be Sa on SM WHEN BUYING YEAST INSIST ON HAVING THIS PACKAGE —___—> MEIEVererTtt Ts DECLINE SUBSTITUTES BELLA COOLA WANTS BETTER ROAD WORK Development League Voices Dis- satisfaction Over Provincial Method of Making Roads of the League Recently Bella took up the road question in that The the in a meeting Coola Development valley. Courier reports meeting part follows: Among. the are to be forwarded to the propel the following: “That a competent man be ap- pointed to lay out the route of the future road, from the end of the present wagon road through the end of the valley the Smoke house), onee and for all time, that the settlers may know where to buildings, and tu avoid costly changes in the road after.construction.” “That following the location of the new road in the upper valley, that work pushed forward during next even in rough way, to able the settlers supplies by sleigh in winter.” “That a bridge be erected the of the old Nootsatsum crossing and the road thereto be widened and improved.” Much dissatisfaction eXx- pressed regarding the attitude of as resolutions which authorities were to so erect ste euc., be season, a sufficiently en- to haul their on site was the road superintendent towards the Development League, and a statement signed by some sixty settlers, not members of the league, to the effect that they considered it useless to become members of the league so long as the present road superintend- ent held office in this district, a sentiment that was. endorsed by many members of the league, Was presented to the meeting, the result being that a resolu- tion demanding the removal of the road superintendent from office on the grounds of idleness and incapacity, was carried by an overwhelming majority. To Boost Prince Rupert A man going to a new town gets his first impression from the local newspapers. He _ will decide whether it is a live or a dead town according to the en- thusiasm of the local business men as shown in their advertis- ing. If a man is alive and pro- gressive he is always seeking to extend his business, and the business world has found out that this can be best done through the local newspapers. it pays to advertise and then you will prevent the impression that Rupert is a dead one. You will get the largest home ciculation through the Daily News. Get busy. See Stalker & Wells’ ad. on an- other page. 19 GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Department of Agriculture Office’ of Assistant Horticulturist New Court House, Prinee Rupert Phone 534 Information or advice freely given. Write or eall. A. H. TOMLINSON Assistant Horticulturist A SNAP! Lots 33 and 34, Block 18, Section 7, Corner Sixth Ave. and Gasil &t. A beauty. $3,600; 1-3 cash, 6, 12 and 18 months at 7 %, or $3,160 all cash. Exclusively with M. M. STEPHENS & G0,,L1D, REAL ESTATE INGURANOE NOTARIES stan SS er = A @ eed { TERRACE NOTES. ces nh ee Te ee et - (Special Correspondence to Dally News) The Progress Club announces a dance in their hall on Saturday evening. . ‘ . Henry Corlett, who has been suffering from an attack of pleu- the beginning of the well the way to risyv since vear, now on recovery, A local branch of the Women’s Auxiliary of the M. 8. C, C, was formed on Tuesday last in con- nection with the Anglican Church, The following officers were elected President, Mrs. Petter;. vice president, Mrs. Marsh; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Johnston: work convenor, Miss Deacon; literature convenor, Mrs. Dover. Meetings for work will be held og alternate Tues- days. ee A new organization, to be called the Women’s Civic Club, has been formed by the ladies of the district. The object of the society is to benefit in every way possible the people of thi dis- trict, and to unite the ladies in working together for mutual help. The following ladies were elected to office: President, Mrs. Layzelle; vice-president, Mrs. Large; secretary-treasurer, Miss Best; literature convenor, Mrs. Giggey. \ i is ck aka Dress Weights Approved New York, Jan, 19.—The cus- tom of weighting women’s dresses with metal dises to help them retain their shape was ap- proved today by a jury in the supreme court. Mrs. Margaret Fine, wife of a wealthy contrac- tor, sued Bonwit Teller & Co., dealers in women’s apparel, for $20,000 damages because while she was brushing a ee@at sold by the defendants one of these weights flew out and ‘hit her in the eve. The jury decided the defendants were not liable. “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT TO RENT month East DESK ROOM tn ground floor omce. P.O, Drawer 1663 City. FOR RENT—Seven-room house, close in Has electric light and bath, Kent $30 month, ye’ Box 106 Daily News, 11- $30 Fifth Five-room h Enquire a per Ave 16tf Apply 285-tf 1-22 WANTED NORWEGIAN WOMAN wants work by day. Apply Phone Red 270. 12-19 WANTED—A middle-agea tady to assist in sort drink and cigar counter, town, Enquire Dominion Hotel WANTED—A lady to do sewing at The Ladies’ Tailoring, 325 Third Avenue, Only experienced needa apply. 10-15 WANTED—-200 ladies to use Beautina Massage Cream Send 50 cents Ww E. E. Jarman, P.O. Box 20, Mt. Pleasant, Vancouver, B. C, 8-14 out of FOUND—On keys with have same office. Third Avenue, ring attached, by calling at a couple of Owner may The News 15-16 MISCELLANEOUS CASH—WiIll give immediate cash for bal- ance due you under Agpeement of Sale Prince Rupert Property ($250--§2,000). Give full particulars. A. Wilkinson, General Delivery, City. 204-tF YOUNG WOMAN with little daughter would like situation, Prefer house- keeping for club of bank clerks or other gentlemen. Address Box 101 Daily News, 3ur NOTICE—$109 reward will be given to the perscn who finds the body of M. Arakal (Japanese fisherinan), who was drowned between Carlisle Cannery and Claxton Cannery, Skeena River, on the 25tn of December last. Y. Sakai, Clax- tou, Siena River, 11-47 WILLIAM E. ROBERTS, formerly of Car lyle, Sask., and last heard of when running @ pack train for Mackenzie & Mann east of Prince Rupert, is asked w communicate immediately by wire or mail to the undersigned given ad- dress, fie “Rutherford” money due him. A, C, Portius, 601 1238rd Street, Edmonton, Alta, 15-20 Lost LOST—On the ice at Morse Creek or be- tween Morse Creek and Sixth Street, a lady's gold bow pin set with peals and with black satin ribbon attached will be rewarded on returning same to this office 161 ky of Quality ‘ NOTICE To the Members of the Prince Rupert General Hospital The annual general meeting of members will be held in the city hall at 8 p.m, Thursday, January 29th, 1914, to receive the directors’ and other reports and to elect directors for the en- suing year. Ry order of the Board, W. M. WRIGHT, 17-26 Managing Secretary Girl heavy winter coats will be $4.50 at Jabour Bros.’ sale. 16-tf Skates at Thompson. Hardware Co,, Ltd. 16-17 Skeena Land District,—-,District of Coast Range V TAKE NOTICI that Hume Cronyn, of London, Ontario, occupation manager of a Trust Company, intends to apply for per- mission to purchase the following descri- bed lands Commencing at north e.st corner of Lot south 80 chains, west 80 chains, north 8S chains, east 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more reer CRONYN, at the planted 1968, thence a post HUME 10138. 1914. Dated November 25th, Pub. Dec. 15—Feb, 9, THE ATLIN RAILWAY COMPANY hereby given that applica made to the Parliament of next session thereof for an under the NOTICE 1s tion will be Canada at the t Act incorporate a company name of the Atlin Ratiway Company, with power to lay oul, construct and operate a line or lines of ratlway, commencing at a point on the southern end of Atlin Lake or at a point at or near the Town of Auin and following a generally southerly direc tion to a point on the Taku River where said river intersects the International Boundary, and also from a4 point on sald line easterly to the southern end of Teslin Lake, all in the Province of British Co lumbia, with power tw construct and yperate telephone and telegraph lines and charge Is for the use thereof; to build ac oF easeis, Comstruct and operat wharves et in connection with the idertaking Of the company, and to enter int agreements with other companies, und’ «that the works of the company be feclared to be works for the general advantage of Canada Dated at Ottawa, A. D, 19013 this 9th day of June, SMITH Solicitors Ww & for JOHNSTON, the Applicants, jiorie Ottawa, Ont SOUTH WELLINGTON COAL The Coal that Made B.0O. FAR WEST FUEL COMPANY Fifth St., rear Hart Block UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Coal 36 Office RESIDENCE Second Avenue PRINCE PHONES ; 333 110 RUPERT “TUG AND SCOW FOR HIRE W. R. MORRISON PHONE BLACK 156 JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street B.C. Coast Steamship service CANADIAN Lae PT Lag Princess Royal, southbound, Sun- day, 8 p.m. J.G. McNAB, General Agent NOW 1S THE TIME TO BUY CHEAP PROPERTY We have Lots for $150 cash payment, balance easy. Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupert Tuesday ee ee 1, and posit (a come Lot the prop or t theul pose Pub Lot Lot Lot bea Lot Lot al Lot ’ Lot fi Lot ! Lot Lot Lot b Lot b Lot a Lot € Lot 6 Lot Lot pos van the Granby Con ‘ator and hupe tt Rupert, b, Dist No ra the adjoining (b) wharf, (c shore balance balance ba Lots 7 eash house and | $s months, 7 { months finished, & balance 6 a one cash Lots eash, Lots Our Mr. R in } Information f ‘ r SPECIALISTS Third Ave., Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 00, PRINCE RUPERT FEED FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC CHIGKEN FEED A SPECIAL Mall orders promptly attended # methods of thawin: costs more than th: worth. I have just receivé vice for thawing pip: tricity, You don’t ha up your pipes. Jus current on and in thi: ihe frost is gone. Harry Hansot Second Ave. near McBrid 1 4 January 20 NOTICE the undersigned + Power (¢ ed with Tt Land Reg ) A descript b“ DANY propose 479, Or wharf will | erty of the s A genera mie he proper ) A wenera arly the rela line, wit ad wharf sh Dec. 12 wo J SECTION 2 51, block arra block arrang 93, block alance arra 74, block alance 6. 7 and 8, | Dalat 97, SECTION 5 10, bi ‘ i ul T 20, 1,600; $ ¥, block 22 , 12 and 18 19, bi 5600 cash, ba 20, block ; $, block two-roor ‘ balance SECTION 6 411, block t alance 6, 1 ‘ 13, block aiance 6, 1 ‘ SECTION 7 and 1i, ! ‘ bala $1, bloc nee over 21 6, Diock 17, 8 nee ¢ 12 ox i ash, balance B4, block 7, $ and 12 SECTION 8 { block ; bi 19. and ash, bala rt George, |! ition t hand tage we fee us ollart & Reynold PRINCE RUPERT GEORGE TOWNSITES Offices PRINCE B.C, Phone ii Fort George, B. C ronrerrrt 908 Third Avenue Dealers whi Don't follow the « THAW BY ELECTRICITY The Reliable Plumber e Street PHONE 489 — Automobile and Taxies Large Machines Prompt Service Reliable Chaffeurs Special Rates for -parties. 35 PRONE 35 Aged in Wood 8 Years before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA Advertise in The Daily News G. Balance 8200 SEE WHAT $200 CASH WILL BUY Lot 33, Block 2, Sectio" 5 and 6 mo 5 al est $200 in 42 in months, In! 7 per cent R. Naden Co., Ltt Second Avenue Real Estate and Insuran’’