1 THE DAILY NEWS ooo eee Se eran — ees — aaa er >, NOTICE STEWART NOTES. To the Members of the Prince : Rupert General Hospital ANY ARTICLE IN A SMALL DEPOSIT GC, F. Wooley left on the Prince Association John for Vancouver to be absent STORE WILL BE PUT WILL HOLD ANY sonm ses VeeEeee: iis, -elibea Maeikl iienttie UP ON REQUEST * ARTICLE ‘s eae yoy. of members will be held na i R. H. Woods, formerly of the]city hall at 8 p.m, Thursday, light and water company, is en]January 29th, 1944, to receive route to Victoria. the directors’ and other reports ehe™ 4+ and to elect directors for the en- Fred Young of the McMillan] Suing year. Boar Transfer Company is in Prince By order of ye AWRIGHT Rupert on business. W. ! ‘ To ee oe lalate le icheendl ellie Eas ‘ Se. 17-26 Managing Secretary Dan Davis has gone to Prince . ive { ‘atch ¢ vat’ soutt : f : Rupert, where he will be located ee eee catch a boat south This is the chance of a lifetime to buy Solid Gold, Genuine Diamonds, Sterling Silver, Leather for the next few months. be ts Aes Goods, Jewelry of the highest grade, by Public Auction to the highest, bidder b my 1 e R. H. Roberisdn, the populer Roy Clothier has returned to eT a ; * ‘oprietor 0 » SLEewar News a Stewart after spending the holi- pr priet r of the Stewart coke days at Prince Rupert and the|®®°"°% went south on the Prineg Days. money, a sacrifice is necessary immediately. 150 Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons 30 Ladies’ Solid Gold Necklaces Three dozen and a half Solid Gold Bracelets || One hundred Solid Gold Brooches, with In- | serted Stone Settings, ranging in prices from $5 to $75. Twenty-four Ladies’ Diamond Rings Two hundred and sixty Ladies’ Solid Gold Rings, assorted settings | Remember These Goods Will Be Sold Without Reserve This entire Ten Thousand Dollar Stock of S. W. GIDLEY & CO., LTD., corner of Third and Fifth, has been placed entirely in my hands to realize Five Thousand Dollars in Ten As the stock arrived too late for the Christmas Season, and creditors demand their Public Auction will start 2.30 p.m. daily. A few items below will give you some idea of the goods on hand. 15 Solid Gold Fancy Lovleers 40 Ladies’ Gold Filled Watches Three 14k. Gold Watches, Diamond Set, Waltham Movement 110 Men’s Watches, Solid Gold and Gold Filled One hundred Gold Filled Lockets One hundred Alarm Clocks } Fountain Pens, Hammered Brass, Phonographs, Records and Sheet Music, and thousands of other articles too numerous to mention will be knocked down under the hammer During intermission selections of the latest popular music will be played by the well known * piano artist, Mr G. W. Chalmers, late of Vancouver. i A Piece of Popular Music will be Given Away Free to Each Customer Norman Herman, Auctioneer \ Manicuring Sets, Fobs, 2.30 P.M. Li AUCTION STARTS AT 2.30 P.M. ) AND GET RESERVED COME EARLY SEATS =) GOLD fi ay is zit -~ breaking the. trail in the Great White Silence of the Northland, the prospector must travel light. The little grub he carries must be amply sustaining. So as LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Sound cities. William J. Crawford, wife and family are expected back from Vancouver on the next steamer, as also George Clothier, M. FE. Mrs. H. Horstman and her sis- ter Mrs. Fleming and Mes. T. W. Falconer were southbound pas- sengers for Vancouver on the Prince John. Word was received on the last mail that Master Leonard Strat- ford, the baby child of H. §. Stratford, had died in Victoria after a brief illness. 7 = . Road Superintendent C. J. Gil- lingham has returned from a business trip to Prince- Rupert in the Jauneh Independent, in charge of Dan Lindeborg. ° ° . Miss McCoskrie, daughter of Captain E, MecCoskrie of Prince Rupert, is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. F. Kergin, and will be in Stewart for severa! weeks. * . . The many friends of Postmas- ter Will Cameron will regret to learn of the sad news he received on the last boat, advising him of the death of his sister, Miss Jes- sie Cameron, Business prevented T, W. Fal- coner accompanying Mrs. Fal- coner when she went below on Friday. But “Dooley” intends next week to take a launch to Maple Bay and don his snow- shoes and cross the divide to “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT DESK R( P.O. DB M we OM in ground floor oMce. Apply Tawer 1663 City. 285-t! FOR RENT—Good-sized room for $2.50 Telephone. Modern conveniences Phone Black 59, 718 Fraser. 17-19 FOR RENT—Seven-room house, close in Has electric light and bath. Rent $30 month. Apply Box 106 Daily News. 11-22 TO RENT—FPive-room house, furnished or unfurnished, with piano, at $30 per month. Enquire at No. 213 Fifth Ave East. 17 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Greener 10-ga, double shot- a ‘land is in the city. r t { By j ' 1 Puy on ee TUG AND SCOW SOUTH WELLINGTON COAL: Wf. MORRISON eae eres, JAMES GILMORE | UNION TRANSFER CO Architect GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Coal 86 Office RESIDENCE 110 d Avenue PRINCE RUPERT PHONES : 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street) 555 aan | ° Sunday morning. She will sail a basis he packs ROYAL STANDARD at 10° Sunday night for the FLOUR. The concentrated goodness of Island. the finest wheat in the world. For any Yi Mee 8 journey~-In any clime---Worth it’s / Mr. 'T. D. Pattullo ijonver tos * * |morrow morning on e Prince weight in gold. | Rupert for the south. He is go- { l { i | ion i : es | hospitals, was a visitor J c | t ing weeks’ holiday. C 3, arge trade, one-tenth of the en- Saunders of the and The Prince Albert sails south t 6 o'clock Sunday. W. C. Wilcox of Porcher Is- . . . A anged to spend an hour or two his evening on the salt Jakes skating party has been ar- cross the harbor. The Prince John leaves Van- ouver Friday and reaches here to Los Angeles for a few In three years the Salada Tea Oo. have increased their sales 290,934 pounds. In other words hey have added to their already ire annual tea consumption in Dr. Charles H. Godin, Domin- superintendent of marine in the He yisited Capt. marine depot also accompanied Dr. Cade 0 the city hospital. He left last 1ight for Granby, ity yesterday. j } | | FOR A TAXI Phone 15 gun, in good condition, oughbred English setter, months old, eligible for #15. Box 105 Daily News, cheap. Thor- female pup, 6 registration, 19-22 WANTED WANTED—A genera! servant, Apply Mrs. P. I. Palmer, 720 Fourth Ave. E, 17-25 NORWEGIAN WOMAN wants work by day. Apply Phone Red 270. 12-19 WANTED—Board and room in _ private family by lady and child. Require use of bath. Write P.O. Box 420, 18 WANTED—A middie-agea tady to assist in soft drink and cigar counter, out of town. Enquire Dominion Hotel. WANTED—200 ladies to use Beautina Massage Cream, Send 50 cents to E. E. Jarman, P.O. Box 20, Mt. Pleasant, Vancouver, B. C. 8-14 MISCELLANEOUS CASH—WIIl give immediate cash for bal- ance due you under Agreement of Sale Prince Rupert Property ($250--$2,004). Give full particulars. A. Wilkinson, General Delivery, City. 204-1F YOUNG WOMAN with little daughter would like situation. Prefer house- keeping for club of bank clerks or other gentlemen, Address Box 101 Daily News. aur NOTICE—8100 reward will be given to the person who finds the body of M. Arakai (Japanese fisherman), who was drowned between Carlisie Cannery and Claxtoa Cannery, Skeena River, on the 26tu vf December last. Y. Sakai, Clax- tou, Steena River, 11-17 WILLIAM E, ROBERTS, formerly of Car- lyle, Sask., and last heard of when ‘running @ pack train for Mackenzie & Mann east of Prince Rupert, is asked tw communicate immediately by wire or mail to the undersigned given ad- dress. Re “Rutherford” money due him, A. C, Portius, 691 123rd Street, Edmonton, Alta, 15-20 Lost and Duns- jan, 21, @ Mrs. Jenns, 18tr LOST—-On the ice at Morse Creek or be- tween Morse Creek and Sixth Street, a lady's gold bow pin set with peals and with black satin gibbon attached. will be rewarded on returning same to this office. 16tf LOST—Between Morse Creek muir, Wednesday evening, bracelet wateh. A reward. 442 Dunsmuir, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—Jf you have any stenographic or typéwriting work John for a month’s vacation to the coast cities. This is the first time Bob has heen out since he first to the camp in the days of the boom, He undoubt- edly has a touch of high life coming. came Will J. Rolfe, M, E., the Prince John on Friday and will visit the Salmon _ River camps. He represents the Cana- dian Mining & Exploration Co, of Toronto and New York, and in association with Ralph Stokes of arrived on the same company examined a number of local properties last summer. oye Ae Fred Steer, who Has for the last the the six months been working at Portland Tunnels, left of Old Country on the Prince John. Fred is an old-timer here, but says be has eaten all the Thursday, jJany ary 29. 194) SS THE WEATHER Furnished by F. W. Dowling Observer For the 24 hours ending 5 a. ng January 22, 1914 Barometer reduced to sea FOVEl -4\0 0c 0:d, b orgrtie Riera 29.577 Higheskh ...eseeeeves ate LOWGBL 2.00 cee ed epee 24.0 ll Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that Herbert W. Lees, of intends to apply for permission to pur- chase the following described lands: Commencing at & post planted on the northeast corner of @ bay a little to the eastward of Skiahl Bay, Stephens Island, on the foreshore and adjacent to ~ % plication to purchase lot of I Ww. Beavis, thence north twenty chains, thenc e west twenty chains, thence south twenty thence east twenty chains follow line to the point of com containing forty acres chains, ing the shore mencement and aoe HERBERT W. LEES. W. Beavis, 5, Per His Agent, L. RK Dated October 12th, 1013 Pub. Nov, 10, 1913—Jan 1914 SEE WHAT $200 CASH WILL BUY Lot 33, Block 2, Section 8 months and Interest at $200 in 6 i2 months. 7 per cent. “Balance $200 in G. R. Naden Co., Ltd. Second Avenue. Real Estate and lusurance powder smoke he intends to and now to go back and} camp on a little farm in Devon- | shire and stay there. He takes with him the best wishes of the boys. PRINCE RUPERT FEED (CO: 908 Third Avenue proposes | | | | | Dealers in FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC prensa CHICKEN FEED A. SPECIALTY | Mail orders promptly attended iw PRINCE RUPERT Edmonton, Alberta, occupation gentleman, | ——al ll BC. Coast Sleamsip Sg ial Sar | te FAMOUS : PRINCESS rrr uns ¥ Princess Royal » sout day, 8 p.r uthbound, ban J.G. MCNAB, ¢ reneral Agent Frozen - Pip Don't f methods of costs more worth. i I have | vice for th tricity \ up your | current the frost THAW BY ELECTRiCiTy Harry Hang | The Reliable Plumber | Second Ave. near McBride } WG. PHON] 489 Lots are now at their lowest BUY before the comple tion of the railroad WE have Iocts which re- quire very small cash payment. Harrison, Gamble & Co. Third Avenue PROPPOLO LPP LOPE OO+E \$ 35 PHONE —_, i } Automobil | eee and Taxies Large Machi PI | Re Special Rates for party 35 PHONE -—— a POPPI PLO LOD LOL ELELOEPEOET PEOLP PILL ILI L LIL LOE EELEEEN A SNAP! Lots 33 and 34, B 7, Corner Sixth Ave A beauty. $3,500 and 18 months at | all cash. i$ MM. STEPHENS & 60, Ul REAL ESTATE IN SURANG NOTARIES eh k 13, Sectiy and Bal & 1-3 cash, 6a 7 or $30 Exclusively with d n between maker It is Halifax and Vancouver will be shortened by 24 days. To the Manufacturers of Canada: Greater than Panama’s Bridge of Water The Panama Canal is the logical outcome of the trend of 2 , iA is al ev if ‘ce——it shortening distance—for lessening time and for reducing cost of distribution and consumer. In point of distance, the Panama will bring the Pacific nearer to the Atlantic by 1,000 miles. In point of time, will very materially lessen the expense of carrying freight between these places. But there is a stronger factor than even the Panama in shortening distances, lessening cost and saving time between manufacturer and user. Advertising—— It is the quickest— It is the most direct— And it is the cheapest— means of communication between the maker and user of goods. For instance, Advertising enabled a manufacturer in Nova Scotia to carry a demand ior his product from his factory to the Pacific Coast — in a few days — at an insignificant cost compared with slower and more laborious selling methods. In one week, thousands learned of his product where it would have taken years for the news to get around without advertising. tion of your goods. cost the Advertising Trade io do evenings drop 4 card to P. O, Box 796. 18-24 You will be alert to take adventage of the Panama route for the physical transporta- Have you considered how quickly, how far, and at what small carry demand for those goods P Route will the Secretary of of the present-day need for In point’of cost, the canal ; ; rout If_you are doing a local business talk over 7° advertising problems with the Advertising Ver" ment of this newspaper. If you are doing a provincial or national | it would be well for you to have the coun’ assistance of a good advertising agency. these will be furnished, without cost or oblige! 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto, the sea voyage between sinest 1 and A list a n, bY Room Canadian Press Association,