THE DAILY NEWS See -- breaking the. trail in the Great White Silence of the Northland, the prospector must travel light. The little grub he carries must be amply sustaining. So as a basis he packs ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. The concentrated goodness of the finest wheat in the world. For any journey--In any clime---Worth it’s weight in gold. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 Oils ee. HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints ‘* Stay Satisfactory Range.’’ ENGLISH HAND-MADE LAGE MADE BY THE COTTAGERS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, This is the old-fashioned lace made on the cushion, and was first introduced into England by the Flemish Refugees, It is still made by the village women in their quaint old way. Our Laces were awarded the Gold Medal at the Festival of Empire and Imperial Exhibition, Crystal Palace, LONDON, ENGLAND, for general excellence of workmanship. BYt some of this hand-made Pillow Lace, it lasts MANY times longer than mschine made variety, and imparts an air of distinction to the possessor, at the same time supporting the village lace-makers, bringing them little comforts otherwise unobtainable on an agricultural man's wage, Write for descriptive little treatise, entitled ‘Tne Pride of North Bucks,” couteining 200 striking examples of the lace makers’ art. and is sent post free to any part of the world, Lace for every purpose can be obtained, and within reach of the most modest purse. Collars, Fronts, Every sale, however small, is Plastrons,Jabots, Yokes, Fichus, Bar ribs, Ha a: @ support to the industry. erchiefs, ere AS Sere soles, Chemise Sets, Tea SSD Coy vi WM Cloths, Table Centres, ° % Uae CE D'Oylies, Mats, Medal- lions, uaeker and er UTA ¥ STOCK—Wheel Design. 14 in. deep.) a Price So. each. (Half shown.) 2c., Gec., $ $1.50, $2.00, up to $5.00 each. Over 800 designs in yard lace and inser- tion from 10c,, 15c., 25¢., ae up to $8.00 per IRISH CROCHET, Mrs, Armstrong neving over 100 Irish peasan girls connected with her industry, some beautiful ex- No, 910.—Lace 1} in. deep. ‘ _ Mrs Rupert Armstrong, Olney, Bucks., England __ MISSING! 7 Thousands of readers are missing our offer to send FREE our large a range of patterns of OUR FAMOUS SUITS or OVERCOATS ‘y TO MEASURE (Carriage and Duty Paid) at $8.60 (valued by our io customers at $20). Together with patterns we will also send a tape i measure,’ fashion plate, and full instructions how to measure yourself, ALL FRE 2. You hwve only to read our book of testimonials and vou will be convinced that no other firm in the world can approach us for value. Money returned if you are not satisfied. Addr-ss for Patterns: CURZON BROS., Clougher Syndicate, (Dept. 160 ), 449 Spadina Avenue, TORONTO, GNTARIO, Please mention this Advertisement. } Whether For Yourself orasa Gift to your Friend PERRIN’S GLOVES The well known Perrin trademark as shown in cuts should be on every glove you get, as this assures you perfection of Style, Fit and Finish. Best dealers the world over sell the genuine PERRIN'S GLOUES. “ Sud) LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mr. G. R,. Naden left this morn- jing on a business trip south, * * * The Princess Sophia leoves for the south at 9 tomorrow morn- ing. . . . Mr. ing ten Seattle. M. P. MeGaffery is spend- days in Vancouver and The C. P. R. steamer will be in jfrom the south this afternoon }with mail. | alle Ae | © | Geo. Thompson, a d. and d., was fined $10 and costs this morning in police court. acai A vag. named Broomridge was given three days to get out of town by Magistrate Carss today. * The hold another parties in St evening. Daughters of the Empire of their dancing Andrew's hall this Mr. and Mrs. J. C. are leaving tomorrow for Van- couver. They expect to spend months in the south. McLennan several e The ‘‘man rolling case” in po- court has been laid over Monday, when the conrty court judge wiili back from Hazelton. lice anti! rs pe Contractor McDougall had clearing made through the rock pile from the big blast in time to have a track laid for the incom- ing passenger train last evening. . a . eae The construction work ‘at Granby Bay is about completed. and the smelter will blow in be- fore many days. All laborers go- ing to Granby now are turned back. Bs eck Mr. Jack Obermuller, G. T. P. -esident engineer at Burns Lake, has completed his work and left this morning for the south. Be- fore leaving he called on many of his old friends here. LOST IN THE WOODS Enjoyed Jolly Evening on Salt Lakes Across the Harbor About forty young people took in the skating party and picnie to the salt lakes across the harbor last evening. It was a novelty for many of them and the ex- perience was a litdle rough, but all state today that they thor- onghly enjoyed it. The party went over in a launch, which was unable to land them nearer than the rocky skore outside. The forty then proceed- ed to hike it through the brushes with skates, boxes of refresh- ments, crockery, tinware, etc. It ‘vas tough going, but they finally landed at the lake and the boys soon after had a. roaring fire going. Several hours of splendid skating was enjoyed and hot cof- fee and refreshments were sery- ed in liberal quantities. The journey home was accom- plished with the aid of a rowboat which carried the crowd to the launch. They docked in the city at 1:30 a. m. Granby a Great Camp : “Our people feel sure that Granby Bay will become one of the createst copper mining camps in the world,” said H. H. Lancaster of that British Colum- bia city, at the Palace yesterday. “The $3,000,000 smelting plant of the Granby Consotidated Com- pany is just about completed, «~A London firm has lately bought the property of the United Me‘als Company, and early in the spring wil start development work. The copper veins of the district can be traced for miles and are un- usually wide.’ Mr. Laneaster is spending several days in this city before Jeavinge for Calitcrnia.. - Seattle P.-I, Southbound The Prince Rupert took the following this morning, S. Mappler, T. Hewlett, F. GC, McArdle, M. J. MeDonadd, 8. R. Hedges, Mrs. R. Simpson, Mrs. W. H. Tolan, Mrs. Waison, Mrs. J. McGovern, 'T. D. Pattullo, G, R. Naden, H,. Eppstein, Tar- rant, Jeanne de Bourse, C. C., Overmire, J. Smith, M. Carlson, J. R. Matthew, G. L, Clayton, W. ©, Wileox, Miss L. Berry, Mr. Uerman, H. Kahn, R. O, Laubach, Fk. A. Roy, Mrs. A. Lamberg, Miss tlosa Scott, M. J, MeCaul, Mrs. W. L. Lucas, David Lucas, M, P, Me- Caffery, J. Bradshaw. passengers south Geo, furniture sale offers 18 Tite's you the genuine reduction. FROM PRINCESS MAY TO LONELY STATION Two Well-known Seamen on C. P. R. Passenger Boat Be- come Lightkeepers shipmates Two old on board the C. P, R. sleamer Princess May have given up their posts and are voyaging to St. James, Queen Charlotte Islands, to tend the great first-order light which being constructed there. Tay- lor Ash, for many years quarter- master under Captain John Mc- Leod, has been appointed by the Dominion Government light. keeper for Cape St. James, and A. J. Macdonald, the other quar- termaster in Ash's watch, is to be his assistant. These two seamen are now en route to their new homeé hoard the lighthouse tender Quadra, and will be landed at the Cape in a few days. The big light on Will not be placed in operation for about a month, but Ash and Macdonald will spend the time becoming acquainted with their new surroundings and getting everything shipshape for their lonely vigil in the northern wilds. These two men Will have their own company, and nearest are at Harbor, where there is a whaling Tk< wireless only their neighbors Rose tdin Ga, station which nos. and siaiion, and at sesses a mine. Ash has been in the employ of the C. P. R. for about 15. years. He has served in the capacity of quartermaster on the May for a lengthy period, and is well known all along the coast. Although -he has never gone up for examination for mate or mas- a Princess ter, Ash probably knows the northern routes as well as any skipper. He always liked to be on the ship Captain McLeod com- and he hated very much to say goodby to the vessel, while the men on the May regretted just. as much to see him take his leparture. It is expected that the big licht will flashing its broad beams the Pacific before — th: middle of next month. The Cape James light the second first-order light to be erected in the nerth in connection with the development of Prince Pupert as a great shipping port. The Lan- fara Island light the other, and will be used by ships goming mands, be ACrOSsS St. is is in from the Orient, while Cape St. James will assist ships pro- seeding north from Victoria and Francisco, MUD BURIES CITY HALL IN SEATTLE Slide of Thousand Tons Dumped Into Fifth Avenue san Seattle, ~More than one thousand tons of earth were lumped on Fifth Avenue fas} night. Part of the Court House Hill came down as a result of the recent heavy rains that have pre- vailed. The eart his banked the wall of the city hall an ever-1ncrcasing the slide continues. Many men and teams are work- oO Jan. against There 18 pressure as ing clearing away the slide. The windows and doors of the city hall have been battened up to prevent the earth and water from invading the basement. Girls’ heavy winter coats will be $4.50 at Jabour’ Bros.’ sale. 7” = hone— §54 —Phone for \PERHANGING AINTING OLISHING Wall Tinting a Specialty. High grade interior de- corating. MARTIN SWANSON Second Avenue, near McBride TUG AND SCOW FOR HIRE W. R. MORRISON PHONE BLACK 156 JAMES GILMORE Architect °nd Avenue, near McBride Street SOUTH WELLINGTON COAL The Coal that Made B.C. FAR WEST FUEL COMPANY Fifth St, rear Hart Block ‘UNION TRANSFER CO \@ENERAL THANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Goal VHONES : 86 Office, RESIDENCE 110 438 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT EEE PAISLEY HAD MEDALS FOR SAVING LIVES THE WEATHER Furnished by F. W. Dowling Observer B.C. Coast Stea Friday Jay luary 99 “8 194, —_— M j ' Sa FAMOUS PRINCESS LINE J.G. McNA! it | | } j | | | | | | | | | Man Who Disappeared Off the) 5. the 24 hours ending 5 a. m., Prince Rupert Was Great January 23, 1944 Long Distance Swimmer ieee Se i, Rarometer reduced to sen J. Paisley, the person who dis. names at 20.759 appeared off the Prince Rupert) Maximum es 32.0 0 on her last trip down, is a sea-|Minimum...-+-: 24.0 man who had won several medals —$—$— for life-saving, A chum of his To Amend Shipping Law whe was in the same training — ; ship talked to The Daily News Special to The Daily News this morning Ottawa, Jan. 23.—Hon. J D Paisley's home is at Palmer's Hazen has introduced a bill to Ruildines, Walls End, England, amend the law relating to mer- He first came out to this coast : in the Prince Rupert on herevoy. chant shipping with a view to age over from the shipyard. Hel}enabling certain conventions to was a good sailor and a great!he carried into effect. The min- long distance swimmer ister explained that the bill gave Briges; Patsley's friend, eaye adherence on the part of Canada he believes Paisley jumped over- hoard as soon as he heard the]! the provision regarding com- cry of a man overboard. He has] ‘?!8sions on sea salvage which frequently done the same thing. | ‘Vere adopted at the international | He was a great swimmer, and} ™arine convention In Brussels in Briges savs he cannot under- 1910. stand why it was he was never IT found or even seen by those who Placed Wreath on Royal Tomb took the lifeboat to the rescue, mole pede ite iSiticalilil ii (Special to the Daily News) Funeral on Mlonday London, Jan. 23.—This being | ———— the anniversary of the death of Ottawa, Jan. 22.—Canada will| Qdeen Victoria, King George and be officially represented at the | Queen Mary travelled to Frog- funeral of Lord Strathcona on;more and taid a wreath on the Monday by the Duke of Argyle,|toyal tomb. The kaiser also sent | who, as the Marquis of Lorne,| & wreath, was governor-general of Canada | - $$ — ; from 1778 to 1883, and by Sir} Loose Leaf Ledger forms at tharles Tupper, Lord Strath-| the Daily News oflice. cona’s predecessor as high com-| RENEE 2 missioner The funeral will! be; to Highgate cemetery. Rails to Mile 337 Today the rails were laid ee Mile 337, beine the end of the | completed grade, which the com- | many has been striving for in or-} ao. to get supplies in to ais at GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH lerior Camps. At 337 there is a COLUMBIA heavy cut whieh will not be ready Department of Agriculture fat OMe -WECKS: FEE. ;OMce of Assistant Horticulturist NOTICE New Court House, Prince Rupert pacha Phone 534 To the Members of the Prince Information or advice freely| Rupert General Hospital given. Write or call. 2 ciara A. H. TOMLINSON The annual general meeting Assistant Horticulturist of members will be held in the city hall at 8 p.m. Thursday, a January 29th, 1914, to receive] — a as the directors’ and other reports and to eleet directors for the en- . suing year. Mot oc oe mere | HOLE! : Director W. M. WRIGHT, || : 17-26 Managing Secretary Eee | “The DailyNews ” :) CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT DESK ROOM In ground floor oMce. Apply | P.O. Drawer 1663 City 285-tf FOR RENT—Good-sized room for $2.50 Telephone. Modern conveniences Phone Black 59, 718 Fraser. 17-19 FOR RENT—Seven-room house, close in Has electric light and bath. Rent $30 month. Apply Box 106 Daily News 11-22 TO RENT—Five-room house, furnished or unfurnished, with plano, at 830 per month, Enquire at No. 213 Fifth Ave. East, 17tf FOR SALE FOR SALE—Two white Orpington cocker els, yearlings, Calastra strain; good breeders. Williscroft, Phone Black 406. 18-19 FOR SALE—Queen's Cafe, Smithers; best location and largest place in town, with sleeping accommodation for one hun dred. Apply C. Morris, Smithers 18-25 double shot cheap. Thor female pup, 6 registration, 19-22 FOR SALE—Greener 10-ga, gun, in good condition, oughbred English setter, months cld, eligible for 415. Box 105 Daily News WANTED WANTED—A general servant. Apply P. 1. Palmer, 720 Fourth Ave. E, WANTED—Board and room in private family by lady and child. Require use of bath. Write P.O, Box 420, 18 WANTED- A middle-agea dy to assist in soft. drink and cigar counter, out of town. Enquire Dominion Hotel, MISCELLANEOUS Mrs, 17-26 CASH—WIII give tmmediate cash for bal- ance due you under Agreement of Sale Prince Rupert Property ($250--$2,000). Give full particulars, A, Wilkinson, General Delivery, City. 204-tf NOTICE—#tGu reward will be given to the person who finds the body of M Arakal (Japanese fisherman), who was drowned between Carlisle Cannery and Claxtoa Cannery, Skeena River, on_ the 25tu of December last. Y, Sakai, Clax tou, Sieena River, 11-17 WILLIAM E. ROBERTS, formerly of Car- lyle, Sask., and last heard of when running @ pack train for Mackenzie & Mann east of Prinee Rupert, is asked ww communicate tmmediately by wire or mail to the undersigned given ad dress. Ke “Rutherford” money due him, A. C. Portius, 691 123rd Street, Edmonton, Alta, 15-20 LOST LOST.-Between Morse Greek and Duns- mutr, Wednesday evening, Jan, 21,, 4 bracelet watch, A reward, Mrs. Jeiiia, 442 Dunsmuir, 18if PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER have work Oo “24 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—If you any stenographic or typewriting to do evenings drop a card to P, Box 706. 18 Members P.R.L. Vintners Association WINDGOR HOTEL Corner df First Ave. and Ei ghth St. W. H. Wright, Prop. Frozen - Pip Gcnera} Agent i Don't fo methods costs worth, "I have for the tricity. ¥ up your pip current o1 the frost is vice THAW BY ELECTRIC Harry Hansq The Reliable Plumbe Second Ave. near McBride PHON}] ‘al Ady POPP O* OCR LOL, Au tomobile and Taxies _ Large Mact Prom he Special Rates for paras 35 PHONE ——§ POOL OL OO LOO LOLOL OLE LEOTOD A SNAP Lote 33 and 34, Bi 7, Corner Gixth Ave A beauty. $3,500; 1-3 cash, 6a and 18 months at 7 or Si all ‘cash. Exclusively with M. MM. STEPHENS & 60, (04 REAL ESTATE IN SURAME NOTARIES k 13, Sete and Bas & DPOPLODE PLO O DODO LLL OIFOET wer FOR A TAK Phone 75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 00 ow mn HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Sevent European and American Peter Biack, Prop. h St Plan KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth European Plan, Rates 50c to $1.00 Per Day a Besner & Besner, Props. J. Y. Rochester EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Seventh Streets Between Sixth and European Pian, 60 to §1 Per Day PREM'ER HOTEL American and European Plan HOYAL MOTEL Carley & Burgess, Props. Third Ave, and Sixth St. European Pian Bteam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., LIMITED Second Ave. and Sixth Phone 102 St. PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., LIMITED Fraser ana Sixth Sts. Phone 7 1836 THE BANK oF 1914 BritishNorthAmerica 76 YEARS In Business. VAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,786,666. A Service Business Men Appreciate The complete and va luable service rendered by the Bank of British North America has secured and retained the accounts as well as the con- fidence of a goodly prop of Canada's prominent ness men, awaits you, whether ortion busi- The same service your account be large or small. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Managez. PRINCE RUPERT FEED (ls 908 Third Avenue Dealers i FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC CHICKEN FEED A_ SPECIAL Mail orders prompt!y attended PRINGE RUPE cc thelr Lots are now al lowest BUY before the comple tion of the railroad WE have lots which * quire very small 048 Harrison, Gamble & Ut SEE WHA $200 CASH WILL BU 8 Lot 33, Block 2, Section atl months ® $200 in 6 Interes {2 months. 7 per cent G. R. Naden Co, li Second Avenue Real Estate and Insuran” Balance $200 in