-==| THE DAI LY NEWS [=== ————__—_—————— —— 5, NO. 24. PRINCE RUPERT, MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS — — S SOPHIA RAN ACROUND NEAR NARROWS § BLICITY COMMITTEE ASK CITY COUNCIL FC OR $1 0,000.00 GRANT—ALASKA R. R. BILL PASSED CE COMMITTEE WILLING /MASKA8. x au TTT vo ic mms co | PRINCESS SOPHIA HIT A ROCK PASSES U. §. SENATE|$ ave three new senators, ONE ROUND EACH F GRANT $10,000 FOR PUBLICITY |rresiso: to suis or euy 1000] ites ar svecilatin 00 flggm Langtors and womb. Wells PASSENGERS WERE TAKEN OFF © Miles of Railway in Alaska the allotment of the honors. Winners on Saturday Naturally Northern British ITY COMMITTEE ‘FROM " BOARD OF TRADE ASK FOR s ba . ' ’ i jai igi speculative pur-|ing this evening. Mr.:Bhields was knocked dowt telephone and grabbed me _ just The recent decision of the|original amount of ten dollars, as before the clerks and spectators could quiet the combatants. The AT SMITHERS _|PLEADED THAT HUSBAND 10", "iu, ole. tue Kent DECLARED A DRAW KILL HER AND HE DID IT|: 02 "his private room shouting for his revolver, lent 7 ian lvsdbiedias tbe -Ohawe-strtters *trvwastit | 2 OONSN. DOFSHNA. weve pheee + 2 e Wen welve Rounds ttering Old Mar ea 'inve when Johnson ran away, but the after T was shot and carried me} privy council on the fisheries of|it was before the provincial gov- with them until they siezed Pa-|the+tidal waters in British Colum-|ernment reduced it to five dollars role Clerk Rice. Pushing us in|pia does not appear to have set-|in 1907. front of them, they told the|tjed anything, and apparently the Ii has also been decided to guards in the tower to drop their} industry is going to be at- the}double the fees on trap nets, guns and come down. Rice be¥-|merey of a dual administration}purse seines and drag seines. ger them to come down or the}jyst as much in the future as it| In conelusion, Mr. Hazen notes convicts would kill me. Thetilnas peen in the past. thet the privy council expressly p After She Fell Down ; . Re eR wee the Stairs pees oe mere . hens — they put me in the buggy and one! ‘Phe Hon. W. J. Bowser in giv-|refrained from passing any opi in the boxing gsi ronson Dtehe arate sai ey HON. GEORGE ALBERTAS cox|”! ‘2 convicts held me down on) ing his interpretation of the ver-|ion upon the question whether Frank Smithers} Philadelphia, Jan. 25.—Tot- ee ee f eae rh a i his knees. as we hurried along. j/dict says the jurisdiction of the|the province could levy any tax ipert, late of Toronto, |tering under the weight of his 80 Sans viha fares’ aeat oR eS Rorante, orennre or the en The conven ainst have gt provinee has not been affected in in respect of tidal fisheries. Brown of Smithers, late| years, William Eberwin stood in} ‘The elas! bowser ca ‘heal ate of Canada, former presi-|out of cartridges, for they fired/any way, He will continue to ad-| Heretofore the salmon lincen- Montana, attracted con-|the criminal court today and told}, = irks Ps eae Perey: dent of the Ganadian Bank of|but one shot back, The convict); jnister the fisheries as he has|ses have been collected by both attention at the Prin-|, dramatic story of how his ‘wife, yao? 8 ne ar hi aa oo S| Commerce and the Canada Life]who was wounded told me to get/in the past in a way which gives|Dominion and provincial depart- eatre, Smithers, on Sat- fifteer vente younger, had " RRR tO ee ee Assurance Company, and di-]|out of the buggy, and I got Outlhim absolute control of the fish-|ments. A will net license cost 85 ning. leaded with him to kill her, and a . ra katie ito. ri tohiale rector jn a dozen other big|while the horse was running. Tories policy. to each government. If the Do- was timed to com he \ ‘e committed the deed. vd a et rd that M 8h a had COnaSr is | wasiat-eieeeS Liberal, ers them time and again to On the other hand the Domin-|minion raised their license to $10 it 10:30, but owing to After the old man had com- z= eee moa le a 4 pecans ta a Methodist and multi-million- let me get out of the buggy, but}ijn minister of fisheries claims|the fisheman would not be pay- oreseen circumstanees|pjeted the story, Judge Walling cotta to Jako yroposed ict aire, and generous philanthro-|they still held me. the Dominion has absolute juris-|ing any more unless the province ne little later than this|syryeved the bent form of the or vial Seti a * Sa pist. He died on January 4, WOES a diction in the fisheries. undertakes to collect a special \ l rease might be voting somebody aged 74 years. Tonight’s Banquet ait. aiutain) aden See ERA contestants entered the} prisoner, fixed the crime at mur-]_ §4,000 or $5,000 lobby fee. : Phe decision, GORD mre a vat aha <4 y der in the second degree and im- Shields demanded an oppor- a i Whit the Buddies Wull Sae an’ Dae. ae0, leaves oxilusive jurisdic. ; abe ‘peanee.. has. been charg- to the big fight of the|posed the minimum penalty, {tunity to reply the false state- NO ONE IS PUNISHED CE diction over fisheries " tidal ing a ‘sper ial fe to all Cee ge two good preliminaries|which, in this case, was practi-|ments, and at that Johnson The King, the chaiman. waters of rivera, bays, ete., oa the anil nino rommlesting A RUS exchanged in which the]ealiy a life sentence, It was soli-] struck the lawyer. FOR ASSAULT ON MOYER The ‘Seamabesl oMameby. shave te, ane railway belt and in the territorial;tax on teveny qane of salmon. Bpants showed considerable! (ary confinement in the peniten- ee area eee Se er "I waters of the coast in the hands These taxes wili no doubt be con- in the art, which was well|tiary for not less than seven Madrid Wants Peace Prosecutor Said There Was No| Song, jas. Black, “Star o’ Robbie of the federal government, 90 tinudd, but whether an additional sd by the audience, years nor more than fourteen. eee Ra _ No Law to Cover the Case Sunaeet that hereafter licenses; except bax will be made remains to be fight of the evening creat- Holding to the prisoner's dock (Special to The Daily News gong, “R. Dowther, “Soatiand: Yes." possibly as a mere eaatter of tooal seen. oe aes itement from start to fin-|with trembling hands, Eberwin, Fl Paso, ‘Tex., Jan. 26—Ap- (Special to the Daily News) pannie ‘Sootiend. «Ww. -E, ‘wolianclt: taxation, will ee only ae Pea fis ae aa pmithers wae the aggressor) who is a veteran of the civil war.) yeals for peace in Mexico care Houghton, Mich.,- Jan, 24,—]™ecClymont and J. H. Kelly, a oa Sana t : eS ea ee en ead a Rhee oe 0 ore told the Se rt his ike a from Spain in such numbers @S|Members of the crowd which Song, \W. M. Brown, Scots Whe, Hae. the Ee ee ae ‘fed but it uhatniies Gots enetnace ie Mrrougn. was @arly seen t d anc t one day as : . : iy eee 7 a . ats ’ h - s ach was out for inavatheria ae, Se aeeee sea to convince the rebel leaders IM/assauited Charles H. Moyer, Canela, ROK OA. Pye. FN oeal department in administering |encourage the industry or utilize Juarez that an organized effort is , , Song, Jas, Russell, “Jean McNeil.” being made in Madrid to induce president of the Western Feder-| ur province, A. M. Manson—Judge General Villa to end hostilities as ation of Miners, in Hancock On| young and Charles Halsey. the night of December 26th when Song, gas. Steen, “My Love Is Like a deporting him, were indentified | nea, Red Rose.” and protecting the fisheries and|it to develop British Columbia. maintaining hatcheries, which is|Anything that has been done in more than duoble the amount of|the way of protection and the es- revenue received, it has been de-|tablishment of fish hatcheries but nothing of a really|}and found her lying at the bot- ine nature oceurred untill|tom of a stairway down’ which thth round was reached. In|she had fallen. He offered to . speediiy as possible. ound both were still as|/have her sent lo a hospital, but I eek i _—_—— , side “aS eA > ice s rOVvi y in- Pas when they commenced,|she wouldn't go. Revolution in Haitia. to the satisfaction of the special] ‘The city We Live In, P. Godenrath— oe to. eae son penne ” has —_ yeaa vi - Domin f 1alf way through Brown “End it all for me; it 8 no sin ils grand jury, but mo true bill was| rhe Mayor and Aldermen, Salmon Sill Be A} 100, Sen eRe eee rere f i Smithers a smashing up-|when I'm suffering so, Eberwin (Special to The Daily News returned, The special prosecu- Song, S. Massey, “Afton Water.” —$$—$=$=_— t t whieh caused the latter to|alleged she said id i io hg tn eston san Jnana tha here no he] ium © t= 4 DOMINION CONTROLS [ADD ANOTHER MEMBER f , ne / aitian revolution, headec he : , _ powever, toward Brown off/f brought in out of the yard. f Patiiae Thodore the exiled sen- leged to have forced Moyer on Song, J, Davey—‘‘Lass ©’ Ballochmyle.” FISHERIES LICENSES TO HIGH COST BOARD the conclusion of the}looked at her and guessed it the train could be punished, even} imperial Forces, Dr. Clayton—George a wouldn't be a sin, ator-who was recently driven i 1 if they could be identified, and he} cex rr Tere ‘i ithers in the next round “'Go on, William,’ she said; pacts og Schonell the so informed the jury, Recitation, Dévig ‘ThomEON. —— a natn ee mi meena ‘an ‘aaa 1ued leading as he had done|‘go on.’ RE tri oat alate ad eect Kindred: Societies, ‘The President. sion of Privy Council Not- Ahead and Has to Ip rts the. commencement, “Then I tapped her a the moot maple oa NCES Ja Section Seven Booming The Press, W. G. Dennis—W. H. Ray- tein ct etihlnis os ‘i ee i 1is oeeasion slipped to|with the board and I tapped her Ree Seat There are seven houses at|mond, H.:F. McRae and 0. H. Nelson. . Ottawa, Jan, 24.—J, U. Vin- ards owing to his opponent}again, She didn’t moan much, “Bkatin hatin present under construction in| “a wee deoch an dhoris.” Vancouver, Jan. 24.—AL de-jeent, the assistant deputy minis- : e the advantage in weight. Jand onee when I stopped she aN seclion seven. A building permit Pipers, McGrury and Sturgeon, cision of the Privy Couneil injter of inland revenue, has been ly in the tenth round Brown | kinder whispered, ‘go on, it won't sa eld seed any fon for John Lindseth was issued to- ed ee a London has just been given the|added to the high cost of living 1d and caught Smithers very|be Jong. So ! kept on tapping Yestert eae a nahi on if day to build a house costing $750. Southbound Dominion government and not/eommission. There is a tremen- ly on his head, cutting the}and she got quiet.” pkating. SO akanek i catkae’ pee K, Ytreberg is the contractor. the provincial the exclusive right} dous amount of work developing P's eye and his own head, —_—_— —-——— pene Seca Caicas At Pear nee The following left on the Prin- of control over salmon fisheries in connection with this ecommis- ng the blood to flow freely Elect for Speedy Trial “+a at d en launches took]. Concert at Seal Cove church at/cess Beatrice for the south last on ‘the ‘British Columbia coastal sion and the board is anxious to both, sustiboriimae roe Saitaa oe it tarealtenadeal 8 o'clock tomorrow night. Ad. evening: R. GC, Hyde, Miss Jean rivers. The Federal -authoritior, complete the enquiry as soon as yn the tenth to the twelfth E. L. Meck arlane, charged ysinne best fully 200 people were on the mission 25 cents. 21-22} Hyde, Miss Edna Hyde and Glen have made notable this Anno URE possible. Tt was thus decided to _ (i each was eagerly looking|perjury in his evidence in ie the The ice was smooth and — Hyde, J. C. Halsey, J. H. MeMul- ment by another doubling the add another member. The .com~ his opportunity to get ‘ina late slander case, has been sel sound but a light fall of snow Burns Banquet tonight, Cen-|jen, H. Watts, R. Martin, A. An- fees for salmon nets, PUPSA _— mission expects to visit Montreal, kout blow but in this neither|up for trial. He has nee for ee ta audtnaat Bonfires|t?a! Hotel. it! derson, Geo. Annell, W. A. Blair, [7° gill nets, ate, The roneniet Quebec and other points in the usecessful, and the boutewas | speedy trial and will probabl) a kept the picnicers warm and : A. Olaon, M. Phalen, F. Martin, fee eharged to ordinary asimon province of Quebee this week. ! rec. draw, whioh result sear. cbetote “WuGRe ee taany of them stayed out all day. Fred King, W. Stewart. menerssn we OY mr eae ina They seek ‘the addition “ate be eee by the’ parti- wage George, oharged with|Morse Creek pond also had many nee me eeen ant “i comiman ts a K joes hee - add to the of bo » ieorge, é 3 ' arme > rr é : ; aM petting ies very brisk at wting a man for $100, has also|skaters all day, BURNS BANQUET ‘Took Alpert South no provincial license. ae nee a ea aa a eee Ne aT ee 14 2 Beton The Leila R. the new launch of ce snblon:* 0s. caiibeaie tone _ The Prinee Albert sailed at 6 vibes Veh Sound : If you are in the market for aa oe 5 b Faerun *, the forestry branch here, 13 on an lety will be held in o'clock last evening with the fl- a good reliable engine for busi- ut at an early date, If} morning. ection trip to Portland Canal lowing passengers: W. Cenmuron, ness or pleasure, see Akerberg, is arranged it will ine all ater ee eee 2 er \lice Arm. Mr. MeGorkin- CENTRAL HOTEL Mr. and Mrs. Oliphant. F. BrynJj- @ Special to The Daily News) |Thomson & Co., machinists, cor, ce reer he n at mane ee Baan, dale is in charge. Monday Evening, January 26th olfson, A. T. Ellison, © MeMillan, Bingham, Utah, Jan. 26,—Up|Manson Way and ist Avenue, 4 iepine. 800 ANC sy Petia saa ase — Mr. Walker, Mr. Atkins, T. W./to a late hour the search for the 246.11.38 DT holed ieaidhion seuiioa ee Ca nee TON ere “tt The highest bridge in the world hae 44.00, can be bad at we Scott and W. Ford. two Austrian miners believed to —petnrreenwrenrnanamte RET { 4 . ‘ 360 feet from the surface of the aa ee. \have- been suffocated in the] The nicht’s the nieht oc’ a Ie ‘ite Bonito aE a Burns Banquet tonight Cer - |} water, is over a gorge at Con- Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. burning Boston mine has beenjnichts at the Burns banquet at . « - © » ’ . 4t(tral Hotel. sitstantine, in Algiers. Phone 4. unavailing, Central Hotel, : at /