Possessing exquisite freshness and a fullness of flavor not found in other teas ae THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS ITEMS i roving from the «Guth, . . . The Verturs Will arrive from the south with mail at midnight. Wm. F. Treston of Kitsum- . mare is spending a few days in| Spokat te das Lomorrow BUOY TERMINATES REMARKABLE DRIFT Information “Aiba peda received | | | | at the partment of an almost incredible yovage rnarking the entrance to the har phar i rhe marine and fisheries de- , in question was}! NOTICE To the Members of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association The annual general meeting of members will be held in the city hall at 8 p.m, Thursday, Tanuary 29th, 1914, to receive the directors’ and other reports ind to elect directors for the en- suing year. CEYLON TEA-“Pure and Clean to a Leaf” |‘ BLACK, MIXED OR I Sealed Packets Only Beware of Imitations ‘Queen Chélotte had as passetigers NATURAL GREEN ES ——— desing emteanvety a0 “AMERICAN W FURS jutation existing for “more than a quarter ofacentury,’ @ [cessful record of sending Fur oe prompt—SATI AND PROFITABLE returns, Write for it—-NOW—it'’s FREE | SHIP YOUR FURS TO ise -1 9 house tn the Worl hus heen Liquor - to ill- © business. “More Money” for your FURS SHIP YOUR FURS TO “SHUBERT” ja Teliable—responsible—safe—Fur House with an unblemis Pointed Parag fate rite for “Che Mbhubert Shipper,” e only reliabie, accurate market report and price list published. A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. Dept, set CHICAGOLUSA, A woman's face Vancouver Breweries, Limited. imported.” Order your supplies from your dealer or from knows how mary handing juatotial currents and borne to] No man ever friends he has lost them advice. patent | Horn, and across the Pavcifie to a girl! Its total mileage must, there-| » to keep her| fore, have been about 16,000 or} average man’s brains are useful to another man who knows just how to use them. Brewed and Bottled in Vancouver by laced j at fal 914 to nark placed in che fall of 4 0 ny order of the Beene: | be wreck of the old Traverse c anal last lpi rol the St. Lawrence port. Ww. M. W RIGH r, | rt was thought that the bury, | 17-26 Managing Secretary Iwhieh was missing in the spring | . Chapmand |?! 1912 had been carried away | Employ thy time well if jy the ice and sunk, but the Do-| ,eqnest to gain leasure |" in‘on marine department ‘has | ce been advised that the buoy | iicked up recently ‘y_ the tship Hellewick off the New south Wales coast. | A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers + Siwest hes the driftings of this bu-y, | Boat Work ld they he recorded, would| phone 525 1st Ave., Manson Way hably break all records. fer icts of any kind. Fr iu: the always power,/Atlantic coast to New South } 215 Second Avenue Phone 43 Sante when to press the] Wales is oa distance of approxi |mately 42,000 miles, WILLIAM T. HOUSE » history | The buoy seemed to have been between | caught by the currents of the B.C. Land Surveyor North Atlantie, and carried suuth PRINCE RUPERT ntil it was picked up by the} P.O. Box 518 the southermost end of the Avi TUG AND SCOW hoaryv/erican continent, around lane | | FOR HIRE W. R. MORRISON PHONE BLACK 156 a point where it was picked up. ! JAMES GILMORE | 18,000 miles. Architect Calgary Got $3,500,000 35 —— PHONE -—— 35 Automobile | night il ae daikieinoed that. it ing for the new city of Calgary | 12nd Avenue, near McBride § |five per cent. loan of $3,500,000 | jhas heen eagerly sought by many | SOUTH WELLINGTON COAL The Coal that Made B.C. | London, Jeu: 24.—Underwrit- | | | | | intending participat Last | Stands to-day “Without a Peer” in Western America---and it’s every bit as good as the “ best and Taxies Reliable Chaffeurs Rates for parties. $ j} had been entirely underwritten at | 97, and small bidders were dis- a Fifth St., rear Hart Block jappointed, The loan promises ta FAR WEST FUEL COMPANY |Be a big success. The market mtinues buoyant. Underwriting s proceeding for $1,500,000 Pa- cifie Great Eastern 4% per cents South Wellington Coal PHONES : 36 Office Second Avenue PRINCE Columbia government. UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE RESIDENCE TiO WOSL cic cco oe bomen Co tugal, which tons a year. THE WEATHER Furnished by F. W. Dowling Obsorver For the 24 hours ending 5 a. m,, January 26, 1944. Rarometer reduced to sea TMD | dic 5 -0idve Wie ibd Oe 28.793 o4 0 Highest ...seee ees eeere 24, ; 20.0 Much of the soit used throu- ehout the world comes from Por- harvests ed i I: 35 2] at 95, guaranteed by the British | | Beaver Liquor Co. LIMITED Distributors, Prince Rupert We, pay eee are olg FREE Sixty HALLAM'S TRAPPERS GUIDE Thousand trappers send A book of 96 pages, fully illus- us their Raw trated. Game Laws revised to Fars, Why not you? date—tells you how, when and . We pay highest prices where to trap, bait and traps to An | R emi 4 no commission and send money facts concerning the Raw Fur same marareee are received, Mil- Industry, also our ** Up-to-the- r. Deal with a relisble house. We ABSOLUTELY FREE for the are the largest in our line in Canada. Writcto-daey asking. French or English and express charges, charge use, and many other valuable mage) it) ie} | Le) lions ofdoilars are paid trappers each minute’ fur quotations, sent Mail D. £37 Adie JOHN HALLAM, tmiep 11 Frost si-Eaet, TORONTO KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors Paints HARDW ARE Stoves, Ranges Oils Tinware Varnishes Graniteware MONARCH MALLEABLE " “Si Sew" aaa a = = —— ss STORK’S HARDWARE | 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Stee! Biocks Fishing Tackle Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns | FRED | Eso saa ee | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE | LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. First and McBride Prince Rupert PHONE 26 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. | | en nn Hil Pe Ron ee 7 Bh a ti Nt ed tO E n and epmr ot DO Ps aVKKwwi elt a city in themselves. The Largest Plant of Its Kind in the World aa HE cool lunch for hot days. Serve it in the country. Take the motor car, the family, a friend or two, some sandwiches—and Budweiser 7,500 Employes to Make It The Anheuser-Busch main plant and branches give employment to 7,500 people. The main plant covers 142 acres, equal to 70 city blocks. There are 110 separate Hundreds of visitors every day go throu with guides to inspect this immaculate in- One cannot see it without the convic- tion that quality is an Anheuser-Busch rule. Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis Some of the Principal PRINCE RUPERT IMP. CO. Distributors PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. AN ao Rese t ie ooreerenannnecneeensnne Buildings (5) = } = | | | “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT DE isk ROOM in ground floor ome. Apply | Lot 51, block 0, Drawer 1663 City 286-0 ba! ance arrang ue | Le 7, block FOR RENT—Good-sized room for $2.50 Data © arrans ' Cash Telephone Modern conveniences Lot bl 9 Phone Black 59, 718 Fraser 17-19 balance arrany rey FOR RENT—Seven-room house, close in ae tts a Has electric light and nes yor $30, lLots 7 and = ¢ ene ach: as month, Apply Box 106 Daily $4: “92 | caéb, balance arra nm SECTION 5 Lot 19, block d FOR SALE and = Tatlow ' house and bau eabe” Veena ner neem 4 i $3,000; 81,31 FOR SALE Two white Orpington cocker | months, 7 pe els, yearlings, Calastra§ strain; good Lot 20, block breeders Williscroft, Phone Black} $1,000; & \ 4u6. 18 19) oe mnths l block 22 FOR SALE—Queen's Cafe, Smithers; best | nis hed, 8 location and largest place In town, with 12 and ie ui sleeping accommodation for one hun Le 19, block 2 ; dred. Apply C. Morris, Smithers, #500 cash, balar 18-25 ad % 20, block FOR SALE—Greener 10-ga. double shot- P wen - and 12 0 gun, in good condition, cheap Thor a » eens i oughbred English setter, female pup, 6 oaat i ote . invnias oid, eligibie for registration, een, Daan i #15 Box 105 Daily News 19-22 SECTION 6 FOR SALE OR CHARTER—The gasoline a lai blo : launch “King Salmon,” with Palmer en- | pata nic asthe me I gine, 15-horse power, and ali fittings . ines - A i ia and furnishings complete Length over palari i2a@ all 44 feet, beam 10 feet 4 inches, Will SECTION 7 carry about 6,000 sockeyes. Owner Will] Lots 10 and 11, | cept "$1,250 or will be willing to charte; this fine launch by the month/;ot 31, block Please apply “king Salmon,’ office “of this paper 20-21 ? WANTED = ANTED-——A general servant. Apply Mrs i i, Palmer 720 Fourth Ave Fast Telephone 209 17-3%] SECTION 8&8 40 Mew : YOUNG WOMAN with little girl would] /0t 23, Bipot like position in private family Box} | 6 Sage 101 Dally News 19rr) ee ash, balance ¢ WANTED—Board and room in private Mr. Keyt family by iady and eniid Require use! in Fort George I or bath Write P.O. Box 420 18} position t handk | Varitage We ur | WANTED—A middie-agea rmdy to assist et P ice W in soft drink and cigar counter, out of] town knquire Dominion Hotel MISCELLANEOUS) e over 2 Lot 6, block 17, $1 1 a CASH—-WII give immediate cash for bal | spzomusrs PRINCE RUPERT ance due you under Agpeement of Saie Prince Rupert Property ($250--8$2,000) ,! Give full particulars A Wilkinson, General Delivery, City 204-1F NOTICE—-$100 reward will be given to the person who finds the body of M Arakai (Japanese fisherman), who was/| ~ drowned between Carlisie Cannery and Claxton Cannery, Skeena River, on the 25tn vf December last. Y. Sakal, Clax-| tou, Siena River. 14-17} WILLIAM I ROBERTS, formerly of Car- |} lyle, Sask., and last heard of when running @ pack train for Mackenzie & | Mann east of Prince Rupert, is asked} ft communicate immediately by wire or mall to the undersigned given, ad } dress Ke “Rutherford money due} him A. & Portius, 691 1%3rd Street, | Edmonton, Alta 15-20) PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—It you have} any Stenographic or typewriting work to do evenings drop 4 card to P, O Box 796 18-24 FOR RENT-—-A neat four-roomed House, close in, $20 per month. The furniture in this house is for sale at a bargain. Apply Owner, 252 Eighth Ave. W., or this office. FOR SALE—The four finest view lots on Graham Ave., Block 6, Section 2, price $2,000 each, $400 each cash, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months at 6 per cent. M. M. STEPHENS & G0., LTD. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE NOTARIES B.C. Coast dleamship service FAMOUS PRINCESS CANADIAN PACIFIC LINE RAI QWay —— 8.8. Beatrice, south, Sunday 8 p.m. 8.8, Sophia, south Saturday 9 a.m. J.G, MCNAB, General Agent Dealers 1! FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC Office of Assistant |! Frozen - Pipes Don't follow the old expensive methods of thawing pipes. it costs more than the pipes are | worth, | J have just received a new de- }viee for thawing pipes by elec- tricity, You don't have to open jup your pipes. Just turn the current on and in three minutes ‘the frost is gone, THAW BY ELECTRICITY Harry Hanson The Reliable Plumber Second Ave. near MoBride Street PHONE 489 given. Write or cal! Balance $200 in 6 mo $200 in 12 months. GR Naden Co. i Monday, Janyay 26, | 914 PRINCE RPE Lots are lowest BUY before the comple. tion of the railroad now at theip WE have lots Which re. quire very smaij cash payment, Harrison, Gamble FOR SALE SECTION 2 cash, balance an it ance 6, 12 Lots 27 and cash, balance Lot 28, block cash, balan ance 6 and 12 T i Inte rm atl nf free to any Collart & Revnol PRINCE GECRGGE TOWNSITES Offices Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C, Poomt Fort George, B. © Phone 75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 00 noorceos PRINCE RUPERT FEED tt 908 Third Avenue CHICKEN. FEED A SPECIAL Mail orders promptly attended GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Department of Agriculture ris e Rupe New Court House, !! Phone 534 {reel Information or ad A. H. TOMLINSON Assistant Horticu SEE WHA’ $200 CASH WILL BUS Lot 33, Blook 2, Section 8 nths al Interes! ‘i ~ 7 per cent Recond Avenue Real Estate and Insurance