‘Friday, Januay ny THE DAILY NEWS 1 i » 1944 ——— 1 _ Reid Got Seven Years all There is nothing like a “Tea Pot” | rmesenrs coop neront| TANGO IS RECOGNIZED LOCAL NEWS ITEMS § Winnives, son ev F001 «Church Serviegs. stable R. J. Reid, one test at your own table to prove its | (continued trom Page 1.) BY STATE OFFICIALS . sonra . oe a ow worth | i Lae OO cued ane anarauen from|a term in the penitentlary. Reid Hervicas ov , day ne confessed to his participation in Empress Theatr : pletion and equipment of the gram of Ball and Reception apne : Bunday Schn;*." at on ee wing. The board in Olympia, Jan. 28 ee ee etal the plot to effect the escape of REV.F.W.KERR, M.A, ') also thank the various donors of 3 és a ate|Krafchenko. He has been sen- =a FarAietMURa ind, Aid seeney , The Prince John arrived lat e aT . Sa bivetigans fate? THE FIRST BAPTIsy ¢y guint’ ehe/ Sane ’ Olympia, Jan, 29.—The tang0}),.4 evening with a number of encea ; GOR. YOUNG {URCH \ , A . ; : sat E yf 2 nati AVE The Ladi A {has gained oMecial recognition in} passengers from Masset. Papers: am od Ta By. ° a ’ gp : , . . é —— “me and 7 . eine dies’ Auxiliary Olympia, as the State Capitol ‘ Fath Hogan Mery il Bite. ies Baraca The board desires | press : ; : The Malaspina of the fisher- apner 9 a ae esires to express| social Club, which includes in a REV. W. W. V J pulled into port W. T. Kergin has just re- Pastor department Dr. ‘6 > 99 |their thanks to the Ladies’ Aux-}, . ‘ nstaied » state|'e> TEA Always and Easily the Best iliary for theit very valuable as- iis membership all of the state at noon today. turned from Massett where he THE FIRST Merc) t CHURCH guards of Krafchenko, SIXTY AVE. AND uw ‘ sistance during the year. The officials and all state employ- | eae ee TE PTET er eT el ae A BLACK, GREEN, or MIXED. Sealed Airtight Packages Only tae day. andbagaar bah al ees, has a tango on its program ad icine ic é has been attending | Sebvisee « ' ag day anc yazaar carried out Che steamer Leona came in Miss Hogan ‘ unde 04 ‘ Lg : : : for January 28, when a big dance | ike gan, who is very ill, Miss Hogan, School at 2.40 p y under their auspices were very i jlast evening with 700 tons of ce- aL f flazelton, is coming REV, MR. DIMMI successful. During the year they and reception, : the first of ils ment for Baters & Rogers, ce- a nurse, 0 axel ) otke Sale ie: PASTOR have added considerably to the| ind, will be given at the T um. | men contractors for tHaiG, TEP [oor O8.: SRO) ee oe a OT) ANDREW'S AN HURCH equipment of the hospital and| Water Club, At the dance the | oer hopes to get over to see him ae Cor, Fifth Ave, a mn : Pad have advanced a loan to the as state officials and the employ-| fh ' mediately, as he is very low. aes pray ieee t t ‘ as- j Tha adso ; T yrayer, 7 sociation of $400 for the pur-|¢eS Will meet for the first ihe| rhe 7 we Me re ba oi - neaeataeetesne school, “3:40 | ony chase of sterilizers These are|!" 4 big social gathering, and the eas pe 1 be a 1 “ti * Congratulations, Tommy! of mont : oe : § .ers, se ¢ jlack, ane umber ane ime rs wae, Ot 11 6, m , “de aire axpacte affair promises to be of more | ‘ & rea? 7 ne ; - end third Sup t now on order and are expected in thar tisual SHeinest lfor the Westholme Lumber Co. Mr. Tommy Arneil, the popu me at & a few days. ’ "ee rest. e e e lar accountant for Messrs. Kelly, REV. G. A. I The training school for nurses Mat | Tr tanieiat Vent will Douglas & Co., is being congrat- meee ; : e steamer ’ © is now a recognized branch of THE WEATHER , ; rae r ulated on the arrival yesterday} THK SALVATION ARMY CyTay the institution and the class¢ }make one more trip north and] > young at his hom One is a} pag baat ' s » classes Oo gS £ ~ me, 2 t ares makina ox aiiein progress Furnished by F. W. Dowling jwill then go on the dry dock, io edlil (ih thas @ ciel foment Sunday, servic at 44 t é “xc ress, . ‘ | ‘ m0 ant eo rei f . , | &. m©., 3 and & 1 nae i When she is finished overhaul- jay P+h ‘ ab oes ee . skein their ee ing she will resume the northern|*"* he is taking out some new) Week aight’ serv es Mon. Manks to 1e rince upert mace n 3 life insurance. Bay ednesda Thurs Medical Association for their|For the 24 hours ending 5 a. m.,/!U"! with the Chelohsin and a pes sp a eae we kindness in providing pratuit- January 30, 1914. seat et eer ee ere If you are in the market for CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS If You’ re Loyal, Show Your ously the lectures necessary for eereetnen> eer ° ° e a good reliable engine for busi-| Held in Hays Bidg, 245 god Av this course of training. Parometer reduced to sea Hes : ness or pleasure, see Akerberg, | S nda The ‘sing stz inte ¢ level 29.894 The fishing boat Cox of the]. ; eat Sunda 0 ors 0 1: RUSS: soREE.consists at ene awami ere 10.0 Atlin Fisheries pulled into port Thomson & Co., machinists, cor. Wed s WwW present of a matron, five gradu- HISMIGOU oat et ak 6 kes 10.4 Seis ini a . Manson Way and ist Avenue. Reading ate nurses, eight junior nurses Lowest .. 31.0 vesterday without a cargo, She 9406.41.88 ms . f ses, eig J ses teen eee ee eee f s ae 946-11-% every day ex What's the use of saying you are heart and in training and one probationer, |Precipitation .......... .30 ae just sire out ee : we 310 8 p.m sas eer it te RR ee ieavy weather o Ketchikan ie , soul for British Columbia if you don’t buy vs : ry eh ae aE ee —_—__—__——_— — She was partially disabled and|,.Pamtorium Pioneer Cleaners. ar" voard to decrease the number of|,; , we : - ae i Phone 4, aa etieterieteemmeeneemnnnss British Columbia products? Take flour for MaEEe tea, io tamale uk scat Rachid Whisk wi dabidett Sia eA a — ses a Oo 80 as to secure Repairs and renewals 99.85 jurn for repairs Ke POPOPOLOLODIILOOPIOLIFOOFOOD + IY instance--why not insist upon having ROYAL more economical working. ‘Tt is8|Generat expense ....._ 315.39 a KNIGHT & HICKEY FOR RENT—A neat four-roomeg Plans, Dominion and STANDARD? The best you can buy, re- ° very gratifying lo the board _to Interest and discount 29481 house, close in, $20 per month, di . b put on record their appreciation | maintenance Be 611.89 Contractors and Builders rr ar cece, inle house i fe H aw less of name or price ; the medium y of the services of the whole staff.| aavertisin, printing, ete 89.34 Jobbing & Repairing | 262 Eighth ave W., thie ca Ls which hundreds of our employees have been The board would again bring | ignt ana telephone 425.40 Shop: Fraser and Sixih Streets |} pom eare—tne tour sinest view 4 richer by $500,000.00 within the past six years. Tee ee ee age PHONE GREEN 269 |$ Section 2, price $2,000) scm: wa ia j SSit) § ates and taxes ... 165.06 | each cash, 6, 12, 18 and We We're doing our part. Will you do yours? the upkeep of an institution of|expired insurance sanael ‘ : == | months at 6 per cent Ry this kind There are only 96 ‘ : Se ° « ’ . Outstanding accounts written + siaatesh Oh ther exdhalatidn @4) loan eres, J Lots are now at their || LMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP M. M. STEPHENS & G0. LID A this seems to the board @ Very | subscriptions written off ; lowest Repairing Quickly Done REAL ESTATE INSURANCE iF futely Ris small membership for a city the |pepreciation per Schedule B 2,742.96 BUY before the comple- } NOTARIES ie . size *rince Rupert ne venue OY ‘re 15,304.7 ; , IER 56 | Ne Uniform Tested a of Prince : I . Excess revenue over expendit’re 15,304.78 tion of the railroad COW BAY PHONE RED 156) eoccce f A very satisfactory report was a an ee i! f very sa 4 I | also receive . , aa’ 54.5 9 WE have lots which re- — - - 1s also received from the Ladies 54,518.92 | . iS ss Aa ss Auxiliary, showing they had a Receipts quire very small cash ae te ae anes : i al a tam lo ao aS, © lol oM@oM@o o io| balance of $400 in the bank and | Hospital fees Bet . «827,824.32 payment. “RITCHIE, AGNEW & C0. | BE. Coast ateamship oer Mite a Pere: 5+ gona: Meena Yo aye had loaned $400 to the associa-|B. C. Government grant per cap. 6,265.90 7 Savit: Mc alibiee. aiki abbevene % a tion. Donations and membership fees Harrison Gamble & HT Prince Rupert, B. ©. : f a Saree een f The matron’s report was also| per Schedule ¢ . 20,052.00 ’ y Rete pees ee eee Weerens ante | z received, and in speaking to it|Bad debts collected ; 141.70 Third Avenue Provi Surveying, Mine Survey Mr. Nelson said that while there |Subscriptions written off col Sie f trining, Hegatvec and waite were now five graduate nurses ip CONDO ae Sea eT) 200.00 Prints. . £ the hospital they would soon be|Debenture tickets... ae 35.00 , i reduced to three. | ergs: A IVARSON & CO a In moving the adoption of the $54,518.92 ‘“ . ” 5 : «ane adie Sidey 6:00 ' general report, Mr. Stephens re- Assets Blacksmiths & Horseshoers s Beatrice, south, Sup . SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS : : y , MOU z 7 marked that he was glad to see|Building, original ...........816,336.01 € ews Boat Work Rae eT the hospital were getting their|Real estate ae . 17,900.00 CLASSIFIED ADS. hone heh bk Aves cnebn Was J.G, MCNAB, General Agent ‘ { * Der SLi >., MG sor ay PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. supplies by tender. Improvements on real estate.. 2,552.64 ; y Votes of thanks were ssed|urniture and fixtures ; 38.26 or . aan First and McBride Prince Rupert id paiinabas ere ae : . : xtures ....... ere AF sty ee . i E the pr sial government and|Connaught wing .......... {. 23,183.72 T 215 Second Avenue Phone 43 } PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. the city council for liberal |Acec. receivable from patients. 8,385.62 | OR SALE Fl grants ; to Wm. Manson for his|Government grant outstanding 1,527.15 | pgsk ROOM in ground floor oMfce. Apply WILLIAM T. HOUSE q efforts in getting the provincial | Unexpired insurance he 1,026.13 Picneren ee cocmn tury) orrie B.C. Land S : grant; to the Ladie&’ Auxiliary; |Subscriptions outstanding .. 678.70 ; - age eee neveyor SECTION 2 on . Lot 51, bieck and to the retiring officers. A | Ambulance ‘ ; ; 920.08 FOR SALE PRINCE RUPERT P.O. Box 516 balances arrange d volte of confidence in the staff|Temporary sewer me 668.22 nee i arrange mailance ¢ « 5 was also passed. Power deposit .. . 10.00 |} FOR SALE—Queen's Cafe, Smithers; best Lot 3, bilo 20, $2 at ain location and largest place in town, with G AND SCOW balance arr Se The New Board Inventories surgical su pplies 1,705.00 sleeping accommodation for one bun TU Lot 74, block 20, $4 a m > Gyo wise dred. Apply C. Morris, Smithers balance G. T. | “ The new officers of the asso- ai n hand is oe He 18-95 FOR HIRX Lots 7 and 8, block 1 ve ee es : sash oO ani ceeeies 0.59 > yalance ¢ Be ciation were then elected, and it err — W. R. MORRISON ee ee . . éi jie SECTION ©¢ resulted in the re-election of the WANTED PHONE BLALX 156 Lot 49; bi om , h eee ,390.35 ) . . sar MeRride Strea shed, $3,000; cash . ancouver Breweries Limited, appoint tw oe . poe ; also __ sd | WANTED—A generai servant. Apply ats, 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street pa oe a montt wa > appo ‘oO members each, : Pit, Palmer, 720 Fourth Ave. East ot. 19 28, lat $1 ,0%% Excess assets over) Mabilities. . $77,283.54 Telephone 209. 17-33 | L sedelcaae Revie ee tk Financial Statement —————.| YOUNG WOMAN with little girl would SOUTH WEL'.INGTON RO Ra ns A a like position in private family. SUX alance . ° « 5 Kitchen aaa mein t 18 401 Daily News. | "gout C 0 hi L geo “rreveoomn oad) PL. chen 8 Mee ee obs ag 5 t 8 a 9. 861.0728.74 one 0-roo abit j Bc We Surplus a8 at 34st Dec., 1912.861,978.76 | waNTED “A middle awed tady to easit) The:.Geal- that: Made 8.0 cash, balance 6, 12 and ‘ : : ‘ RN poe aaa a tr ,696.25 | Balance from revenue account.. 15,304.7 in soft drink and cigar counter, out 0 mn N 6 Stands to-day ‘Without a Peer ” in West iat wii 9.719:85 , “ pepnnasrs town. Enquire Dominion Hotel, FAR WEST FUEL COMPANY 4) sah culations mere a i 2 p ea 5 “ 2 CHILDREN'S NURSE wishes engagement Fifth St., rear Wart Block balance 6, 12 and 18 nl I America---and it’s every bit as good as the “ Dest PUY RMN 43 tar = 6 0s 2,797.64 $77,283.54] im Prince Rupert or near vicinity; good Lot 83, block 7, $3 1 i ‘ Syed + yy ara Ass Fi ROTA fe ‘ = - ss balance 6, 12 and ‘8 n ‘ > ——— Es LL OX + cboria, 2 & 24-3 " SECTION 7 imported. WANTED—Violin and other orchestral UNION TRANSFER CO Lots 10 and 11, block * at avers to join orchestra class. Prince cash, balance 6.and 12 , a ‘ ) tupert Music House, opp, post eed GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE Lot $1, block 2, A JO; $4 mn Order your supplies from your dealer Whether 22-24 South Wellington Goal Lotige aver 21, mph: ssh, ae PLUMBER WANTED—Strictly first-class PHONES : 36 Office RESIDENCE Ot 6, D ’ ' ; 1 tor Apply fiv ee ; ue aNCE 110 ance 6, 12 and 18 In WH or from For Yourself Pee. wanted a yonce.’” apply ive $33 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT|LOI8 27 and 28, block | ‘ orasa near McBride, Phone 489. 23-26 . ‘; ran pemence, ¢ je tall cash, balance 6 and }* » Me ot 34, block 7, $1,20 Gift to your Friend MISCELLANEOUS FURNISHED £84, block 7, ECTION & CASH—WiIIl give immediate cash for bal- APARTMEN TS Lot 13, block ss $575 ca 9 ‘ ance due you under Agpeement of Sale . f Lot 30, block 38 5, $625 sit Prince Rupert Property($250--$2,000), in two and three room suite. Lots 19 and 20, biock : Give full particulars. A. Wilkinson, cash, balance 6, 12 a! 1 oft General Delivery, City. 204-tf $20 per tnonth Our Mr, Reynolds ha now ae 1 & ee J.B. DYER, Phone Black 334] '0 Fort George, B.C. De ee ae | position we ean. ee est Ait GLOVES Rea me | ica et ite and see us if you want ie BOAT BU ILDER Information frem the PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—It you have free to any one interested Beaver Liquor Co. LIMITED Distributors, Prince Rupert k The well known Perrin trademark as ta ag evenings drop ertera tae po. fetes id shown in cuts should be on every glove sN id c H. JOHNSTON Collart & Reynold you get, as this assures you perfection of pooccee Seal Cove Phone Green 321] sPeciatists prince RUPERT Style, Fit and Finish. renee wore a Third Ave., Prince Rupert, Best dealers the world over sell the Automobile Frozen - Pipes a ae genuine PERRIN'S GLOVES, » os = ae and Taxies A ang FRED STORK’S HARDWARE man oa Wing Neat oT SEs oe aS a ata pees pein . - ee = Large Machines Don't follow the old expensive SS Prompt Service methods of thawing pipes I 710 SECOND AVE Reliable Chaffeurs costs more than the pipes. ots Carpenters’ Tools Suilders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Spapinlimpennni ster? Pate ee WILL BU* Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Taokle 36 PHONE 35 3) | have just received a new de- 7 I i givice for thawing vipes by elec. 8 tion 8 ae pe oe ee 2 Shotguns Thowpands of ns of OUR TaMOUS asco send rhea our large -- wee |iricily, You don’t Sa to saa “ree * F ves mmunition range of patterns o or OVERGCOATS | occccseereccoee. uP your pipe ni thi Meidhe in 6 months am Pumps ¢ Hose Paint TO MEASURE (Carriage and Duty Paid) at $8.60 (valued by our current a es Fe sOrD the) Balanoe*@g00'4n: © ™ est Stoves and Ranges Rubb id Roofi c ted | customers at $20). Together with patterns we will also send t FOR AD AX! hare 1 and in three minutes $200 in 12 months. [Inter s Rubbero oofin orruga ron S wo a tape 1 1e frost gone r 9 8 us measure, fashion plate, and full instructions how to measure yo Taek net 18 gone, 7 per cent Tere THAW BY ELECTRICITY “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” ALLY REE. You hive only to read our book of testimonials and you watt we a will be convinced that no other firm in the world can approach us for 7 a 7. | SST = value. Money returned if you are not satisfied. Ph H I Y H ( Addrce va one a 7 anson R Naden Co., . . » for Patterns: —— ? FRED STORK’S HARDWARE CURZON LHOS , Glougher Syndionte, The Reliable Plumber (Dept. 1 ), 449 Snedina Avenue, TORONTO, ONTARIO. PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. Second Ave, near McBride Street Secend Avenue ; Please mention this Advertisement. PHONE 489 Real Estate and Insurance