THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. HH, EF. MeRAL, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:' Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. DAILY EDITION aD Saturday, Jan. 31, 1914. It looks as if Premier Bor- the departmental service are den was taking a leaf out of chosen——men who are depend- the McBride government's ing upon the government for “book. At any rate they are} their very means of liveli- hood. What independence following a good many of the can such a body of men re “p- = lg Sante taal This of} present? Of what value is a course may be because of a report that is dictated by the similarity of ideals and also party in power? Besides this beeause the moral standards the evidence produced is not (if the term is admissable) of * lendid t t is a splendid opportunity Bowser and Bob Rogers, the » OPI ; taken under oath. Surely this to whitewash the Borden govern- bosses in each case, seem to ment from any responsibility be very much alike. with regard to the high cost wit et of living, and no doubt the ap- The McBride government plication will be to their entire have never yet been known to satisfaction. grant any important conces- : sions without attaching a The local worshippers have party string. In’ this way just returned from a visit to every government official and the shrine of their patron license holder throughout the saint in Victoria, Sir R. Mec- land is bound hand and foot, Bride. It is rather a pity that ready to be cast into outer a complete report of that con- darkness «should they offend vention’s proceedings were in the least way the little local not to be had. There was, no deities. Every new act of leg- doubt, a great deal of flag- islation is made subject to the waving, mutual admiration decision of the governor-in- and “small talk.” What par- council, which’ of course ticular act of statesmanship means W. J. Bowser. When have they accomplished, how- the recent cry went up all over ever? If there was anything the province for the appoint- done which concerns this ment of an auditor-general great country why are not the the demand was at once met facts made public? by a positive assurance of Pin Rae salisfaction. When the ap- Men of the Liberal faith pointment was made, however, cannot understand a conven- it soon became apparent that tion run along the line of a - the position was filled by a mutual | admiration society. | figurehead—a relative of the Liberals are famous for a ; premier’s who could never be stubborn independence of . expected to show the indepen- thought. They carry their in- | dence which the office de- depence right on to the floor | mands. of the convention. Conse- . apne quently there is no room for The Borden government is boss rule. Moreover a Liberal adopting the same methods. convention is a school of { In order to be in line with the statesmanship. It is the fur- ) latest fashions from Paris a nace in which the progressive ) commission must be appoint- legislation of the future. is i ed to enquire into the high, prepared, and the reports of ; cost of living. Kut then that that gathering are always commission might reveal the proclaimed to the world. Why 4 real cause of the trouble and do not the Conservatives do it is quite necessary that men likewise? Are they ashamed i! he appointed who shall sub- of what they have done, or is A ae mit to the reguiar bit and it that they have done bridle. Consequently men in| nothing? i ta a a ea area i x 2 EXCEPTIONAL SALE : VALUES fe t 5 Ladies’ Felt Lined Boots with felt soles, price $2.50; ie POW aS ok aA ea OEE Ds. BAe Mak he de ee $1.60 at Misses’ Felt Boots, sizes 11 to 2, price $2.25; now. .$1.60 ain ; et Boys’ Long Brown Felt Boots, nos. 8 to 10%, price $2.00; WOW sd fe sitiae y Bilin gue tien waa o a ceeare ales: c dwiain ae abe $1.60 Boys’ and Girls’ Felt Boots, sizes 8 to 10%, price $1.65: DOS aos dike eo So dw ee ae a ee kee ea . $1.25 Misses’ Felt Overshoes, two buckles, sizes 13 to 2, price BBS ROW 14) 58a dh a Ee Rash aa . $1.35 Children’s Black Overshoes, sizes 8 to 10%, price $1.65; OW: a gin 0 bs ole CRT ie bark Mab oa eee $1.20 THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES JABOUR : BROS. THIRD AVENUE FORTIN IAA AAAI IAAI IIA AA NTI SECT TI IIIA RII RITA TIARA ASIST A | q ef in ee ee THE DAILY NEWS TAL ‘TRADE EXCLUSIVE OF EXPORTS OF FOREIGN PRODUCTS & IMPORTS OTHER THAN 400000000 THOSE OF DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION step ‘TOTAL EXPORTS | tribu |tribu APR.1 T©DECSI. jeribu 1912 1913 375,000,000 io i 900,000,000 350000000 unha 850,000,000 stectatel it adapt a 300000000 llivere ,000 lhates ne With IMPORTS POR CONSUMPTION. | . DUTIABLE GOODS: Blow. o CANADA’S TRADE FOR NINE MONTHS PERIOD ENDING JANU- ARY FIRST JUMPED TEN PER CENT whicl This Ghart shows at a glance thal Canada more than held her own |{chapi 1913. The country’s exports increased by over eighty does millions. New howeve out ra drant.” hoarse range men.” hardly nent, Chapla dience in the in the sharp paper out of twenty “By spread world night eelf ec enough preachers are successful Square, preacher's name is Chaplain|from time to time slip forward name Frederick Rotzler, who has been|t« drop in possession of his charge for|the preacher’s hands. It is the} cingie one years. The audieacejonly church I know of where the], qu); and the}front pew is more popular than|yen are answered in the order of twenty- are “down-and-outs,” Barton, of those throug! inside his ragged jacket— NEW YORK MODERN RELIGION Jen nearly midnight, but there is no GIVES FRONT ROW AN OPEN-AIR PREACHER WHO HAS BEDLESS HORDE ON ONE SIDE AND CHARITY GIFTS ON THE OTHER tribut down; she offers her con- tion, goes back, and 18 1912 1218 enna: away into the night, The jchapaki never asks for the con- tions nor acknowledges he stands there upright jignified, a conscious repre- sentative of the Almighty. And lted either by the shopgirl ‘hfe sermon goes on to the end the daughter of the million- rhere is a benediction de- d while the crowds stands in hand, and then ‘God be You Till We Meet Again’ from threats long ago burn it. 500,000 1912 1913 330,000000. 1912 19135 ‘Tull we meet; tull we. meet . c ra agin, the musty notes come forth—-ard as your eyes run 425,000,000 325.00Q000) lover the serried faces of ti singers you pick out here and EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC PRODUCE FREE GooDs there one who will never meet , 1912 1913 1912 1913 in that company’ again. That 260,000000 175,000000 gf white-wiskered old) man whose at anes tremble in the chill——he 000,000 A000, has met his last defeat at the repeat >" 1? o00 |bottle; before another Sunday night he will have passed on. 240000000 ee And the slim young chap, two rows back in the centre, there is a light of resolution in his eye 1 Was not there before the ain began speaking ile not belong here anyway; he will not be here again. The sing- ‘eases and the chaplain dis- es his checks, each one ing the holder to a 15-cent You go home, for it is for the chaplain From BED TICKETS |. emus lodging house to lodging house are i pause praye York, Jan. 17.—Doubtless | homeless men, lined up in a rag- “Tt r, is not as frivolous as is] fed. ther uneccesiastically by|square. imaging a ‘church whose altar is|/into a a fire-box, its chancel rail alhorde has waited, their gaz? curbstone, and its pulpit a hy-|wandering from the face of the iekhs set shinde Its location is Madison | preacher listeners opposite, who New York. and thejother And every Sunday night the indicated by the opening state-|since and every Wednesday as ment, though Mr. Bruce Barton, |} well he who draws the picture, fills it}headed ged column of fours. That night of th in putting auditors to sleep, butjat th» end of his sermon he pas- unshe few, or perhaps no more thanj/sed the hat, and again the rag- o'oloc one, would confess this as his}ged portion of his congregation] |... guiding purpose. The case,|was provided for by the better priso to the faces of those pond they their contributions in he anthem they sang onjany other, for he who stands] jppjp Christmas eve—just outside the]first in square—was “the angel's song,| midnight, peace on earth, goodwill toward |hausted all-night march.” sermon these -men hear who gives in The Conti-]is “not such as any other church Chicago, an account ofjon Fifth to hear, but those who “Twenty-one years ago he was|stop a moment or more to listen preaching in that spot to an au-jare visibly impressed, partly by made up of equal portions|the sermon, partly with the fifty who expected to sleep|fold text.” neighboring hotels and “Here those who were certain to sleep}she leaves him on the corner for park, when a man pushed|a moment while she steps across 1 the crowd and dropped|to give her pittance. He is a some money into his hand. Hejshipping-clerk and she works all tried to return the money, but|day long in one of the depart- the man had vanished. And the]iment stores. They cannot af- chaplain’s gaze, following the|ford the path which he had taken, camejties, but against the figure of ajfévery Sunday night for irore poor wretch buitoning a news-|than two years they have stup- ped to drop their mite. A while- and stopped. The search for the fronted’ clubman pauses wit! his man who had given the money|two companions, and as _ they was ended; here was the man|reach into capacious pockets for who needed. When the sermon|their change you hear him tell was ended the chaplain gathered|the history of the chaplain ‘Tt his audience the fifteen orjuon’t make any difference how is, he says, ‘it may be ones, marched them across town|down to zero, but this fellow's to a cheap lodging honse, and|always using the money which had been}him pow for years, and I tell you given him, put them to bed. he does more good than = any what channels news is|church in town.’ They pass on, group of light hearted “But even an angel would |dreary recognize. it,” adds Mr. The in Rotzler’s work: gularly vestless and stockingless|cold it through the unwashed|and a here. I've been seeing line receives the first upon of the carols by the illu-|bed check, and many a cold night] gogy. minated tree in the middle of the]the back row, having stood until he itrudges on his weary round to be sure his poor ‘misfortunates’ n bed. At each bedside he 1s for a word of. silent r. is his work; he is chaplain e sockless, confessor of the aived, Tonight it will be 4 k before he sleeps, and to- ww he will be up and im the ns o1 the workhouses or hospitals, taking the maga zines and fruit which he has has preached there bare- ; : collected from goodness knows in the heart of the ; : _ where, speaking words of kind- On one side, marshalled oC 4 i ; th bedl ness and doing little deeds of ‘ude cc » bedless vi ; rude column, the b help. They are his people, and it does not concern us that he as ‘poor, des- ‘d chaps’ or tells us that travel under ‘consumed s. The love of God which carries to them has not one trace of selk-seeking to erate il; if. prayers in hea- sincerity, . his stand high the list.—The Literary Di- finds the checks ex- and returns to its Avenue would pay re- We read: is a lover and his lass; Don't OLD WATCH FREE. 25 cents today end erin Free Wateh You will be amared.—WiLLIAMS ‘ LLOYD, thee ale sovetiors (Dept, 464 ), ©, Cornwallis Road, London, N. A Real Lever Simulation Aly aT bs ai \C For Vancouver and Victoria, commencing Sunday, Janua, Fridays at 9 a.m. For Vancouver, Vi Sundays Ctoria and Seattle S.S. PRINCE ALBERT OR Jouy at 6 p.m., ¥ 18th prox, vr those conte mplating a trip to any point east of ( TRURK RAILWAY SYSTEM (the Double Tra service General Agent second to none. 8S peed and lusu For fuii particulars and information regarding trips to ALBERT DAVIDSON (Agent for all Atlantic Steamship Link Sec Busi Visit kine and cou 220 Animals, class. MACDONALD Presi Bookkeeping Taught By Private Lessons WENDELL ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY ROOMS : nd Avefhue, Opposite Empress Theatre ness meeting 2nd Friday in month ing Stotsmen are cordially invited rate for ball rent apply secretary CHAS. DENNIS, lent Secretary Phone 639 R, JONES EXPERT ACCOUNTANT 8rd Ave. and 6th St., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE UP-TO-DATE HAIRDRESSING PARLORS 211 Third 6t. Work Strictly First Glass Switches of All Kinds and Hair Goods a) Specially ~TAXIDERMIST — is of game robes. All w ver, B.C. GEORGE birds, fish and all} heads mounted; | hides tanned and made into rugs | ork strictly first A. MITTLER, Expert Taxi- dermist, 728 Helmeken St., Van- LEEK Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Rents and Collections AUCTIONEER Secgnd Ave. Prince Rupert LAND CLEARING Peter Nelson is open to take contracts for clearing land in and around Terrace; also cordwood for fuel, etc. Terms, etc., on Peres? ation, HARRISON W. ROGERS potas Suite 1, Federal Block pasate RUPERT, B. C, Phone 300 P. O, Box 1635 A ward ofr {rom en established firm. We are giving away Watches fo thousands of people all over the world * 8 howe advertisement Ww is your. chance to obtacu une. Write now, enclosing 2% conts for one cf our fashionable Ladies’ lone Guards, oF corringe paid to weer with the watch, whieh n vantage of our rarvel- We expect you to tell your friends us and show the besutifal wateh think this offer too good -” he true, bat send luxury of many chari- they have this one, and before bottling even the police have not|young fellows stop their laugh-| GUARANTEED BY THE mfronted with a ready-|more ee en HERE 155 A PIPE -MEIN GREAT UNCLE SHMOKED) 2 COME IN UND TRY UD YAH DONIKEY UND SHOOT SOME BR NUCKLES IN WHAT CENT URY DID YOu Sav THE GUY LIVED THAT SMOKED THIS? discovered. On the next Sundav ing to listen for a moment, con- GOVERNMENT of CANADA the chaplain found him-|tribute their pennies, and go on| y y quietly, An automobile’ made audience of fifty unshaved,'halts to allow a pretty. girl to auy 839 F. M. CROSBY time Highest pr 3rd Ave. W. ind Dealer Wants to buy ali kinds of Household Fur niture, everything ip the line of Mechanics Tools, Guns ana Men's Clothing. Wu call ices paid. Phone Red 243 THE RELIABLE PLUMBER HARRY HANSON Reasonable Prices One Trial Will Convince You INDUSTRIAL SITES With Rail and Water Transportation Apply HARRISON GAMBLE & GO. Financial Agents Third Ave, I *rince Rupert TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD — ==y hone 954 P.O.Ban APERHANGING AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINTING I ‘at | un Swansm HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anv EME BALMER Punera) Direct Srd Ave. near 6th St hone Ne§ | a | If you are looking f ao Up jto-date renting age plang ;your property 1 he hands @ George Leek GEORGE LEEK 220 2nd Avi ‘i CO AL |New Wellington Ceal. Best on Coast |Phone 116 Rogers & — Phone 174 1 FOR os owe HEATING. | SMITH & MALLETT Largest stock Vancouver Crat Va and Ungs, Pipes <¢ i Third Ave., Head of Second trey Prince Rupert eae iat se 0. C. STUART Accountant i 308 2nd Ave. “i Prone & PRINCE RUPERT. 8. © } | Alex. M. Manson, B. A W. E. Williams, B. A, Lol WILLIAMS & MANSOH Barristers, Solicitors, Et MONEY TO LOAN Box 165 Helgerson Block Pri Hupert, BG Office 606 3rd Ave Phone PACIFIC TRANSFER a iGe neral Teaming, 138 2nd Ave. Phone we i B ‘Ke ial DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE urniture an yeom b Out-of-Town Work Carefully and Prom done Hones 206 Renteumens Wosk | Storage end Forwarding Wood “§ Plumbing InsureG from Frost comemastearenes - Work Done Promptly and Guaranteed at) Pp. 0, Box 203 proet | P. > ROBERTSON Chartered Accountant Leen susenslantions. Adjustments UI ations and Assignments Smith aioe, Brd Ave., Prince Rupert & a eer | COAL | —and Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES {WESTHOLME LUMBER C0., Limite | Phone 156 ACH DER (55 NEIN GAMES Like SOME. PEE -NUCKLES! S'CUSE ME A MINUTE-I FORGOT SUMPIN’ IN MY -YAH UNC % AAD SOME. STRONG STOMMICIC! Drawn for The Daily New ID BE ALL RIGHT IF THE BED WOULD JUS STOP GOIN’ ROUN’-