4 4 : i THE DAILY NEWS en 2 ARLANE PERJURY CASE Do P 2 e it f h d | MoF . gt Ossessing exquisite freshness and a LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 3 | | anina: HEANO Ee si fullness of flavo in other teas 7 cats acetal f t found in other t tm grr ope aan ness 0 V J no un in 0 of CG. B. Wark has purchased a} McFarlane 1s Nine ate Pres mm Sweliy store i “P, See a aS | Judge Young today. 1e@ crown jewelry story. in: Fort George. | is’ represented by. W. FE. Fisher. The Svokane left for the south | IL. W. Patmore is for the accused, this morning The evidence produced by the ek prosecution is to prove that he D. A. MePhee of Stewart is in| made certain statements in his tba the city for the first time in evidence at the time of the slan- NG eae , months. der trial which were false. re CEYLON TEA—“Pure and Clean to a Leaf” Pets Several withesses for the HERE ; Tha Drinad come | “ro have been heard. W. E. id BLACK, MIXED OR | Sealed Packets Only ane Bre Som Tiett that-eve- | petown Hare An GhieeL, Tab Awa: i sas ning for the south with sma y, oat a, . NATURAL GREEN Beware of Imitations 05 passenger fiat. 2 { |ographer, Harry Daggert and J, eileen Se i a 7 - eS | | H. Rogers gave evidence before The Venture will be in tomor- | >t the noon adjournment. row morning. This is her last| ry Rev. W. H. MeLeod is here trip before going in dry dock. | from Vancouver as a witness and ° + wits | } |Rev. Mr. Scott will be in this The city jail is now full. There | ; jafternoon from Vancouver, also are fourteen prisoners in the| jto give evidence. cells and several are out on bail. | The case is in progress this Rareye | LORD MOUNTSTEPHEN afternoon. A drunk named: Kerrisch was ached ‘ and mil- pane ET nT tee y : s : }A remarkable old man ane | fined $5 this morning. It was venates cousin and associate Southbound his first offence. of Lord Strathcona: He, too The following passengers left ? The Trade Centre of the Famous Dye pate started in a small way in Ca-| last evening on. the Princess ee . Bulkley Valley The G. T. P. train from Smith- nadian trading. He is 85) Beatrice: ' ers arrived at six last evening, vears of age, and is among J. Woolf, G. E, Phillipson, M. pity : é having met with no trouble from those mentioned as successor | Miller, M. Howe, John McDonald, ia There will be ONE good-sized city snow. to Lord Strathcona as High|q. L. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. CG. D. ‘i in the Bulkley Valley, and "ey Commissioner for Canada. Long, Frank Hoy, G. A. MeNich- a that will be Lydia Luther, a Siwash street ie _—_____——- oll, G. T. Wall, J. G. Morris, G. ha walker, appeared before the cadi! Standing Room Only at Monvarteris, G. Lindquist, W. F. HUBERT Call or write for particulars Natural Resources Security Co. Limited — : Sixth Floor, Vancouver, Block Vancouver, B.C. ie We put FORT GEORGE on the map and kept ae it there | (™, THE | : GOLD breaking the. trail in the Great White Silence of the Northland, the prospector must travel light. The little grub he carries must be amply sustaining. So as a basis he packs ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. The concentrated goodness of the finest wheat in the world. For any journey--In any clime--Worth it’s weight in gold. SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. First and McBride Prince Rupert PHONE 26 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. = HALLAM’S TRAPPERS GUIDE French or English A book of 96 pages, fully illus- trated, Game Laws to date—telis you how, when and were to trap, bait and traps to use, and many other valuable facts concerning the Raw Fur Industry, also our ** Up-to-the- RAW - «dt ey And Remit Promptly ue us the Furs, Why not you? We pay highest prices and express charges, charge no commission and send mon same dey goods are received, Mil- | “tons ofdollars are paid trappers each minute "* fur quotations, seut Beal with « relisble house, We | ABSOLUTELY FREE for the - our Gaein Canada. Writeto-day asking. a Adie JOHN HALLAM, Limite Tii'brest Sc tan, TORONTO this morning. The Princess Maquinna is ex- pected in with mail from Van- couver this afternoon. eee ie The Rrince Albert sails today for Union Bay to coal up. She will return Friday and take the trip south next Sunday. * * * Mr. G. B. Hull left last evening for Ottawa on gepartmental bus- iness. He will be gone some weeks. * . * The Vadso is in with a cargo of building material for the Westholme Lumber Co. and 300 tons of coal for Rogers & Black. 6 fe Several of the vags. who are in jail because they will not work had a little exercise Saturday in hovelling snow off the city walks. Ss * * Mr. G. A, MeNicholl, G. T. P. industrial commissioner, left last ‘vening for Ottawa and Montreal to consult with the head officers of the G. T. P. He will be gone three weeks. * . . Don’t miss the Sisterhood Box Social of the First Baptist Chureh on Monday evening at 8 p.m. Novel features of auto- graph collecting and guessing competition. Prizes will be given 26 UG he The Inlander mess in in re- ceipt of a posteard from Mr. J. D). McLeod, who is holidaying at Nelson, to the effect that they may expect a Miss McLeod to ar- rive with him on Feb. 6. The boys are preparing some re- ception. 4: ghee Mr. M. Albert has started work the corner of Third and Fourth Street for the block of stores he will erect there. Mr. Albert has a five-year lease of thé property and will build to suit tenants. He has not yet decided on one or two- storey building. excavating Avenue a Early Morning Hockey Hazelton . and Smithers have some enthusiastic hockey play- ers and supporters. Days, nights difference to Saturday night the Hazelton boys were scheduled to play in Smithers. They went up on the train with a number of supporters. The train was late and they did not arrive till 2:30 Sunday morning. The game was immediately pulled off amid great enthusiasm and Smithers won by a score of two goals to one. The visitors got through in time to take the train back, hours make On or no them. Westholme Last Saturday The eplendid feature films shown at the Westholme Thea- tre Friday and Saturday drew crowded houses at both perfor- “standing room mances, the only” sign being in use for one or two hours on Saturday. Following up their success in the past the management are of- fering another splendid all-.fea- ture program tonight and tomor- row night. As headliner there will be a two-reel cowboy feature with real live and lots of good wholesome comedy stunts such only western cowboy can perform. This pic- ture is produced by the Broncho cowboys as a company, but being one of their very latest productions it must not be confounded with the old- styie “Indian pictures,’ as it is in every way different and super- ior. The is exciting and true to life and there are so many comieal situations that the pic- ture deserves to.be classed as a story comedy rather than a_ western drama. There is much fancy riding and some wonderful falls riders in full gallop. A very funny Keystone comedy entitled “Mabel’s Love Affairs” will also be shown. With such a splendid program the standing room only sign sure to be in again tonight: by is use Vatican Denies Report Rome, Jan, 31. The Vatican is indignant at the article which appeared in Le Temps, Paris, saying the pope saw nothing wrong-in the tango itself, but ob- jected to the extreme manner of dancing it. The article added the pontiff was booming a new dance intended to take the place of the tango. Vatican officials denounced the story as baseless nonsense. They said the pope has no interest in dances of any sind, and never has discussed matters of such trivial nature with those to whom he granted audiences. The only way in which he has taken action in re- gard to the tango was by approv- ing condemnation of the dance issued by the cardinal vicar re- cently. Committed for Trial John Frost, charged’ with stealing a watch from James Cummings in a local hotel, and Micky McDonough, charged with receiving stolen goods, were both committeed for trial in police court this morning. Micky said to have seen the watch stolen. He got it from Frost and then went and sold it to Roy & McKay's second hand for three doilars. store Gift The well shown in | Read The Daily News __ Has the largest Guasanteed Circulation PERRIN’S GLOVES you get,.as this assures you perfection of Style, Fit and Finish. Best dealers the world over sell the . genuine PERRIN'S GLOVES. Whether For Yourself orasa to your Friend known Perrin trademark as cuts should be on every glove Reichmich, Mrs. A. Johnson, Miss Ethel Grey, 8, Danoft, J. G. MacMassey, H. Brundger, B. Me- Naught, F. F. Ashborn, J. G. De Rousiers, W. B. Marper, W. 8. Lambert, G. B. Hull, Miss Ethel Frith, Mr. and Mrs. Pitchford Mrs. K. Luty, Geo. Young. Offer for Debentures It is understood the city is in receipt of some offers ior its debentures. Several financial firms have also asked for options and the finance committee is having busy sessions talking it over. It is said that one of the offers was for fifty-year sixes at 87. Apparently none of the of- fers so far are tempting, but ine aldermen think it shows an im- provement in the market, “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT DESK ROOM in ground floor oMce. Apply P.O. Drawer 1663 City. gso-ul FOR SALE FOR SALE—Queen’s Cafe, Smithers; best location and largest place in town, with sleeping accommodation for one hun dred. Apply C. Morris, Smithers, 18-25 WANTED WANTED—A general servant Apply Mrs. 8. P. 2 Saunders, Phone Green 2 2 PAPERING AND PAINTING wanted by an experienced workman I can save you money, Address P.U0. Box 279. WANTED-——A general servant. Apply Mrs Py. |. Palmer, 729 Fourth Ave, East 22-24 Telephone 209. 17-34 YOUNG WOMAN with little girl would like position in private family, Box 101 Dally News. 10tf WANTED—A middle-agea rady to assist in soft drink and cigar counter, out of town. Enquire Dominion Hotel, CHILDREN’S NURSE in Prince Rupert or near vicinity; good references, Mrs. A. H. Hermann, P, O Box 894, Victoria, B, C, 24-31 WANTED—Violit aud other orchestral players to join orchestra class Prince Rupert Music House, opp. post office. 22-24 PLUMBER WANTED—Strichy first-class plumber wanted 4 tonce Apply five o’cloék. Harry Hauson, Second Avenue, near McBride, Phone 489 23-26 WANTED—-Immediately, young man in every town wishing to be independent and make good money, Apply Mac kenzie Bros., New Westninster, 25-27 MISCELLANEOUS CASH—Will give immediate cash for bal- ance due you under Agpeement of Sale Prince Rupert Property ($250--82,000), Give full particulars. A. Wilkinson, General Delivery, City. 204-tF PUBLIC STENOGRAPH ER PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—It you nave any stenographic or typewriting work to do evenings drop a card to P. O Box 796, 18-24 1836 THE BANK oF 1914 BritishNorthAmeriecs 76 YEARS In BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SuRPLUS $7,766,666. Bank Money Orders Are Safe And Convenient If you want to send any sum up to Fifty Dollars, to any Yukon excepted, or to any of the point in Canada, principal cities of the United States buy a Money Order at any Bratich of the Bank. of North ‘The cost in trifling. British America. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. wishes engagement. THE WEATHER Furnished by F. W. Dowling Observer For the 24 hours ending 5 a. m., February 2, 1944 Rarometer reduced to sea WOVOLS Go iv bee Cae oe8 30.3144 Highest .occeeeseecvess 38.0 LOWES Yee cece cas ive ce 28.0 January Summary Highest temp. (Jan. 3 0.0 Lowest temp. (Jan. 27 8.0 Mean temp. 34.9 Precipitation BROUN s a son 8 iaihiere tse OW os 6.24 BROW. 64.04 0004s oe eves 74 TOT wh chs eee CES 6.98 Customs Increase The customs returns for January have just been issued, and amount to ,421,57, compared with 86,566.27 for the month year. $37 as same last ~ KNIGHT & HICKEY Rania a ae a Prince Rupert for the month of| Fraser and Sixth Streets PHONE GREEN 269 (MPERIAL MACHINE SHO Repairing Quickly Done Shop: COW BAY PHONE RED 156 P. O, Box 1714 Tel, 448. RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Civil Engineers and Surveyors, Prince Rupert, B. Cc. Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con iction, Reports, Plans, Pominion and vinclal Land Surveying, Mine Survey Townsites and Subdivisions, Printing, Negatives and tr vr White ‘rints A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work Ave., Manson Way o> ist 215 Second Avenue Phone 43 WILLIAM T. HOUSE B.C. Land Surveyor PRINCE RUPERT P TUG AND SCOW FOR HIRE W. R. MORRISON PHONE BLACK 156 JAMES GILMORE Architect .O. Box 618 = 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street SOUTH WELLINGTON COAL The Coal that Made B.C. FAR WEST FUEL COMPANY Fifth 8t., Hart Block UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Coal VHONES: 36 Office. RESIDENCE $33 Secend Avenue PRINCE rear 110 RUPERT FURNISHED APARTMENTS in two and three room suite. $20 per month J. E. DYER. Phone Black 334 BOAT BUILDER i. JOUNSTON Seal Cove Phone Green 321 THE ATLIN RAILWAY COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for an Act lo incorporate a company under the name of the Atlin Railway Company, with pewer to lay Out, construct abd operate 4 line or lines of railway, commencing at 4a point on the southern end of Atlin Lake v7 at @ point at or near the Town of Atlin and following a generally southerly direc tion to @ point on the Taku River where said river intersects the International Boundary, and also from @ point on said line easterly to the southern end of Tesi Lake, all in the Province of British Uo fumbia, with power to construct and operate telepbone and telegraph lines and harge tolls for the use thereof; to build ind operate vessels, construct and operate wharves, etc.,, in connection with the undertaking of tie company, and to enter into agreements with other companies, and that the works of the company be declared to be works for the general advantage of Canada. Dated at Ottawa, this Oth day of June, A. D. 1943, SMITH & JOHNSTON, Solicitors for the Applicants, si10T16-w Ottawa, Ont, Skeena Land District—Distrret of Coast, HKange 4, Take notice that Elbert M, Morgan, of Prinee Rupert, B. G., occupation prospec tor, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at & post planted on the east shore of Banks Island, opposite Mink Trap Bay, and situated two (2) miles and fifty-three (53) chains more or Jess horth and one (1) mile and seventy-one (71) chains more or less west of A. L. $60, and Ssiateen (16) chains more or less north three (g B . d chains more r leap west of Green Pap or less west of Green Top erend, thence west twenty (20) ehains, ence worth forty (40) chains, thence east twenty the shore of lowing (20) chains more or leas to Principe Channel, thence fol ‘he shore southerly to point or commencement, containin igh acres more or less Pe ee ae ELBERT M, MORGAN, Dated 27th October, 1918 Pub, Nov. 17, 1918——Jan. 12, 1944. | Electric | GOP CCD Core oon, ° Monday, February “194 a ~ ell +h O64, Phone 75 | PRINCE RUPERT puro 00 POR CCC Oo POPIPO C—O DOOD ooo a ll Ee tena = - Church Services| FIRST PRESBY : Services ey » “URC Church Hall yah... Empress Thea at “ and Bunday School ari” Pm REV. F.W. KERR. MA" +e LERIA Pasta | THE | COR Services eve a.m School 4 Bible Class W. W. WI FIRST BAPTI YOUNG 4a r CHUR FiI | REV THE FIRST Me THOD SIXTH AVE >» KEV si Cor ANDHKEW & Fifth Ave. a I REV THE SALVATION AnMY Orany t Sunday = sery at 4 6. m., 8 and & p. m. sup. day Poh Week aight day, Wedne day and Sat CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETING J Heid in Hays Bidg, 245 gnd in PRINGE RPE Lots are now at thelr lowest BUY before the comple tion of the railroad WE have lots which quire very small cast payment. i Harrison, Gamble & aja ———_———— PEOOOOD ODODE DEEL E ILE TATE 36 ——-. PHONE ——& Automobile ~~ and Taxies Machi Promp Relial Rates PHONE —4%¢% Large for partie Special 35 POOPED OLE LIL IL EEC ELEE veer eee POOL POOLLOLL OEE EEL TITTT FOR RENT—A_ neat foureroome house, close in, $20 per a The furniture in this house J sale at a bargain. Apply on 262 Eighth Ave. W., or Wee FOR SALE—The four finest sy lote on Graham Are, Slee Section 2, price $2,000 each each cash, 6, 12, 18 and # months at 6 per cent M. M. STEPHENS & 60, Li REAL ESTATE imsunanet NOTARIES ' bnacoobooccccepooccccocceord terrane nnn : ” B.C. Coast Steamsii con | ks south, Sunes, © $.5, Beatrice, J.G. McNAB, General agen! LO \\ see SEE WHAT $200 CASH] WILL BUY Po Lot 33, Block 2, Sect? j hg # ane nthé Balance $200 in ©" eg terest $200 in 12 months | ent 7 G. R. Naden 0. I Becopd Avenue per © ance Real Estate and Insure?