THE DAILY NEWS Hi | Possessing exquisite freshness and a "’ fullness of flavor not found in other teas | SSATADA" ne CEYLON TEA—“Pure and Ciean to a Leaf” BLACK, MIXED OR i Sealed Packets Only NATURAL GREEN ! Beware of Imitations HUBERT The Trade Centre of the Famous Bulkley Valley om There will be ONE good-sized city in the Bulkley Valley, and that will be HUBERT Call or write for particulars Natural Resources Security Co. Limited Sixth Floor, Vancouver Block Vancouver, B.C. We put FORT GEORGE on the map and kept s it there If You’re Loyal, Show Your Colors Now What's the use of saying you are heart and soul for British Columbia if you don’t buy British Columbia products? Take flour for instance--why not insist upon having ROYAL STANDARD? The best you can buy, re- gardless of name or price; the medium by ’ which hundreds of our employees have been richer by $500,000.00 within the past six years. We're doing our part. Wili you do yours? FLOUR a - solutely Uniform @ — 4 Dis siamo cmomaieo ENGLISH Hano-Mane LAGE MADE BY THE COTTAGERS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, E This is the old-fashioned lace made on the cushion, and was first introduced into England by the Flemish Refugees, It is still made by the village women in their quaint old way, Our Laces were awarded the Gold Medal at the Festival of Empire and Imperial Exhibition, Crystal Palace, LONDON, ENGLAND, for general excellence of workmanship, . BYY some of this hand-made Pillow ‘Lace, it lasts MANY times longer than machine made variety, aud imparts an air of distinction to the possessor, at the same time supporting the village’ lace-makers, bringing them little comforts otherwise unobtainable on an agricultural man’s wage, Write for descriptive little treatise, entitled “The Pride of North Bucks,” containing 200 striking examples of the lace makers’ art, and is sent post free to any part of the world, Lace for every purpose can be obtained, and within reach of the most modest purse. Every sale, however smallyis Collars, Fronts, Plastrons,Jabots, Yokes, Fichus, Berthes, Hand- kerchiefs, Stocks, Cami- soles, Chemise Sets, Tea Cloths, Table Centres, D'Oylies, Mats, Medal- lions, Quaker and Peter Pan Sets, etc., from 25c., 60c., $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, up to 85.00 each. Over 800 designs in yard lace and ipser- tion from 10¢,, 15¢., 25c., 45c., up to $8.00 per yard. IRISH CROCHET, Mrs, Armstrong havin; over 100 Irish peasan girls connected with her industry, some beautifulex- amples of Irish hand made laces may be obtained, All work being scld direct from the lace-makers, both the workers and customers derive great advantage. STOCK— Wheel Design, 2c. each (Half shown.) DAINTY HANDKIE—0o, 4 ; No. 910,—Lace 1j in. deep, No, 122.—800, per yard, Mrs Rupert Armstrong, Olney, Bucks,, England LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mr. Little, manager of the Union Bank at Smithers, ing in the eity, . . . The foundation is in for a new tower to be erected in front of the Gatholie chureh on Avenue . . . The Dominion estimates in- clude $410,000 for a post and public building at New Ha- zelton. . . . The local lodge L. 0. L. ship- ped a handsome wreath to be placed on the casket of the late Rev. Hogan in Massett. Rey. Hogan was a valued member of the order. . * Remember the Presbyterian church choir coneert to be giv- en in the hall on 4th Avenue, on Wednesday evening, Feb. 4th, at 8 o'clock, in aid of organ fund. Yiekets. 50 cents each. {t The C. P. R. steamer Princess Maquinna brought for the Rupert Lumber Co, yesterday. She ar- rived at 4 o'clock, beihbg a littie late, having made a run into In- in a cargo of lumber Prince verness with a number of pas- sengers, Mr. Carpenter, who formerly had a placer claim on Lowe Creek, up the Skeena, which he sold to a local syndicate, was a passenger on the Maquinna yes- terday. Ue is bound for the Chi- sana gold field, in which he has great faith. He was up there last year. Yale Mr. yesterday George Frizzell returned from his lengthy holi- While Frizzell saw Messrs. day trip south. Los Angeles Mr. McIntyre, In Chas. Newton and Thos. Dunn, all Rupert old-tim- ers, who made many enquiries about the city, George thor- ‘oughly enjoyed his trip, but like get good citizens he is glad to back. Charlotte Will Run North steamboat few The summer schedule will be out in a new days and some changes are an- ticipated. The steamer Spokane, which formerly always spent the summer in the special tour busi- ness, will drop that and go on the regular northerly run with the City of Seattle. It is under- the C. P. R. have made a deal with the Raymon Whitcome Tourist Agency to run personally conducted -tours to the north. The C. P. R. will use the Princess Charlotte for -hat trade. stood Baby’s Own Soap have made it a universal favorite. Its use is beneficial to any skin. 44-13 Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal. Skeena Land DIS, Dinirigs of Coast ange V. TAKE NOTICE that Hume Cronyn, of London, Ontario, occupation manager of a Trust Company, intends to apply for per- mission te purchase the following descri- bed lands Commencing at a poet planted at the north e st corner o Lot 1968, thence south 80 chains, west 80 chains, north 80 chains, east 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more Op less, HUME CRONYN, Dated November 25th, 1913. Pub. Dec, 15—Feb, 20, 1914. is visit- Fifth |, office ’ TORY CALLS FOR | PROSPECTOR’S RETURN °:* |Claims Present Law Does Not Give Prospector a Chance on Abandoned Claims Feb. 3. back the prospector,” says Mr.‘ Lorne Victoria, “Bring Campbell, M. P. P. for Rossland. If the prospectors who were s0 numerous a few years ago are not to be encouraged to return, the only other thing to do is to insist that the Dominion govern- ment shall hasten its geological survey of this province and the making of a complete geological survey necessarily a long job as well as expensive. Mr. Campbell agrees that there is much justice in the complaint made at the Conservative annual is convention with regard to the method of handling mineral claims which have been aban- doned after being crown granted. “Any person who wishes to take up such ae claim,” Mr. Campbell, “should allowed to do so by paying the back taxes, together with the regular fee of #10. As things are now, a pros- pector may find ore on such a claim, but if he tries to get of the claim he _ finds himself confronted by the law which says that it must be ad- vertised for sale by tender and be given to the highest bidder. It simply means that the prospec- tor without money has no chance at all.. The richer his find the surer to it. The in- evitable result is that when con- siderable areas have been tied up in this way the prospector is driven out of the country and mineral development is seriously hampered. With no prospectors and no adequate geological sur- vey, how are we ever going to find the mineral wealth that un- doubtedly hidden in many parts of British Columbia?” says be pos- session 1e is lose lies PRINCE RUPERT CLUB HAD ANNUAL MEETING The Prince Rupert Club held their annual meeting in the club house last eveinne. About members attended. The officers gave reports of the past year’s business. The new board of directors is composed of: H. F. MeLeod, A. T. Broderick, J. H. MeMullin, 8. P. MecMordie, F,. G, Dawson, F. H. Mobley, G. D. Tite, H. P. Wil- son, A. J. A. Kirkpatrick. At a meeting of the directors after the election officers for the year were elected. H. P, Wilson is president; A. JT. Broderick, vice-president, and Harry Mec- Leod, 75 Carss, secrelary, Parcels Post Boon Ottawa, Feb, 3,—It is believed by the officials of the post office department that the new parcels post rates will prove a_ great boon to the people. Persons will be able to send 414 pound pack- ages to places less than 20 miles distant for a rate cheaper than express. Othen rates are much lower. than express. Advice has always been a drug on the market. The enormous supply has killed the demand. Gift *The well shown in PERRIN’S ‘GLOVES you get, as this assures you perfection of Style, Fit and Finish. Best dealers the world over sell the genuine PERRIN'S GLOUES. > Whether For Yourself orasa to your Friend known Perrin trademcrt ag cuts should be on every glove 6-11-12 J) LAH SHORT RAILWAY ~ LINE IN THE CARIBOO Proposal to Connect Up C. P. R., Canadian Northern and P. G@. Eastern Victoria, Feb. 2.—The con- struction of a short line railway from Asheroft on the C! P. R. to Clinton and thence southwest to meet the P. G. E., near the ¢on- |finence of Kelly Greek with the | Fraser, is a late proposal laid be- lfore the provincial government. The line, it is*said, would follow | the Bonaparte north from = Ash- croft, running close to the Clin- ton road, and it is declared that la good grade can be found from Clinton over to the P. G, E. The | construction of such a railway lline would link up the CG, P. R., R. and P. G, E., give rail- transportation to Clinton and district and provide access ito the north from Asheroft. Eix-Premier Semlin stated du- lring a visit to the capital last ,week that the ranchers north of Ashcroft had been informed that such a railway had been project- ed, bul were not informed as to what interests were behind it, although they were inclinéd to think that the Ganadian North- ern had something to do with the scheme. It had also been rumor- ed in the district, he said, that there was an alternative route for such a line from Lytton up the Fraser to Lillooet, although the grade there is said to be dif- ficult. A line between those two points would accomplish the same purpose. Premier McBride said that had heard of such a project. It was inferred from his remarks, however, that the forthcoming legislation would to such an much make under- railway no reference taking. the Presbyterian to be giv- Avenue, on evening, Feb. 4th, at of organ fund. each, it “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. temember ehurch concert ith choir en in the hall on Wednesday 8 o'clock, Tickets. in aid 50 cents FOR RENT DESK KOOM in ground floor oMce. Apply P.O, Drawer 1663 City. 285-tr FOR SALE POR SALE—Queen’s Cafe, Smithers; best location and largest place in town, with sleeping accommodation for one hun- dred. Apply C. Morris, Smithers. 18-25 WANTED WANTED-—A general servant, Apply Mrs. S. P. Saunders, Phone Green 20 o7-% 27-35 WANTED—A general servant. Apply Mrs. 8, P. Saunders, Phone Green 202. 22-26 PAPERING AND PAINTING wanjed by an experienced workman. I can save you money. Address P.O. Box 279, 22-24 YOUNG. WOMAN wants work of any de- scription except washing Address P. ©. Box 279, 27-29 WANTED—A general servant, Apply Mrs. P. I. Palmer, 720 Fourth Ave, East. Telephone 209, 97-32 YOUNG WOMAN with little girl would like position in private family, Box 101 Dally News. 19tf WANTED—A middle-aged tady to assist in soft drink and cigar counter, out of town. Enquire Dominiou Hotel. CHILDREN'S NUKSE wishes engagement in Prince Rupert or near vicinity; good references, Mrs, A. H, Hermann, P, O. Box 894, Victoria, B. C, 24-31 WANTED—Violin and other orchestral players to join orchestra class. Prince Rupert Music House, opp. post office. 22-24 PLUMBER WANTED—Strictly first-class plumber wanted a tonce. Apply five o'clock, Harry Hauson, Second Avenue, near McBride, Phone 489. 23-26 WANTED—-Immediately, young man in every town wishing to be independent and make good money. Apply Mac- : a ta, ee LOGGER BATTLES FOR $100 EVERY MINUTE Three Hundred Dollars, Three Thugs and Three Minutes’ Fight Seattle, Jan. 34.—Louis An- derson, a logger, made $100 a minute last night by fighting, and Anderson never posed as a pugilist at that. walking along Anderson was Dearborn Street near Sixth Ave, south last night, when he was attacked by three thugs. Ander- son had $330 on his person and preserve it, He bat- his assailants, and in the short space of three min- utes returned victorious. Each blow from the pudgy fists of the lumberjack droppedgdne = of his assailants, while the $330 re- intact inside Anderson's decided to tled with mained jeans. Tuesday. ¥, I : “Druary 9 9 ¥ 3, 1944 ~ itheeeeeeean eT Tere 3 POO oes, FOR A TAX} Phone 75, PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 04 Porrcce POPP OOo aman -Church Services . FIRST PRE Services « Chureh Ha Empress | Sunday at REV. F. W. Ki MLA “AN CHI ROq AY in the m. and ” Dm om Pastoy } — THE FIR COR. Y¢ Services a.m. and Sehuol Bible Cla REV. W CHURCH HA Fil \VE Presbyterian to be giv- Avenue, on Kemember ehureh choir concert en in the hall on 4th Wednesday evening, Feb, 4th, at 8 o'clock, in aid of organ fund Tickets. 50 cents each, it the One good turn leads us to ex- pect another. SANITARY INSPECTOR Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 4:00 p. m, Friday next, February 6th, 1914, for position of Sant- tary Inspector for City of Prince Rupert No application considered unless ac companied by three credentials as to fit ete,, for the postition ERNEST A. WOODS, Clerk, Municipal Council. ness, ; 27-28 Skeena Land District-—-District of Coast— Range Five. TAKE N@TICE that I, Thomas McCly mont, of the .City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, broker, intend to apply for permission to leas« thirty at acres of land bounded as Ihows Commencing at this poSt planted where th: northerly limit of the right-of-way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com pany crosses the westerly bank of the Zimmergoetz River, and being about 400 feet east of Mile 87; thence in a north easterly direction along the westerly shore ¢ Said river @ distance of thirty 40) chains; thence easterly parallel with] the northerly limit of the Grand Trunk! Pacifi right-of-way, a distance of ten iv ( hatng thence southerly ° parallel with the wWterly shore of the said river to the northerly limit of the right-of-| way of the Grand Trunk Pacific HKatiway Company; thence westerly along the said} northerly limit of the said right-of-way ten (10) chains more or less to the place of commencement DATED this seventh day of January, ivid THOMAS McCLYMONT Pub. Feb. 3 to April 6, od KNIGHT & HICKEY Contractors and Builders Jobbing & Repairing Shop: Fraser and Sixth Streets PHONE GREEN 269 IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP Repairing Quickly Done COW BAY PHONE RED 156 O, Box 1714. Tel. 448. RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Civil Engineers and Surveyors, Prince Rupert, B. C. Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con- struction, Reports, Plans, Dominion and Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric Blue Printing, Negatives and White Prints. A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work Phone 525 1st Ave., Manson Way —— Se 215 Second Avenue Phone 43 WILLIAM T. HOUSE B.C. Land Surveyor PRINCE RUPERT P.O, Box 6148 TUG AND SCOW 1836 THE BANK oF 1914 BritishNorthAmerica 76 YEARS | Business. CAPITAL ANG SuAPiUS $7,766,666. Bank Money Orders Are Safe And Convenient If you want to send any sum up to Fifty Dollars, to any Yukon excepted, or to any of the point in Canada, principal cities of the United States buy a Money Order at any Branch of the Bank of British The cost in trifling. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. North America, kenzie Bros., New Westininster, 25-27 FOR HIRE Tiere . ov rasmners4 W. R. MORRISON PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER PHONE BLACK 156 —ae PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—It you have any stenographic or typewriting work JAMES GILMO to do evenings drop 4 card to P. O. Box 796. 18-24 Architect 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street SOUTH WELLINGTON COAL The Coal that Made B.C. FAR WEST FUEL COMPANY Fifth 8t., rear Hart Block UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Goal PHONES ; 36 Office, RESIDENCE 110 838 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT By FURNISHED APARTMENTS in two and three room suite, $20 per month DYER, Phone Black 334 BOAT BUILDER H, Seal Cove J, E, JOHNSTON —y ‘ST CHURCH RAVE PLACE THE FIRST N SIXTH AVE. AN Service | + am. and School at REV. MR. Di ST, ANDKEW s Cor. Fifth Ave. and Morning pra ing prayer, school, 2 Commut first of month, «a if and = thira 4 t 4. m., H G. A. Ri RECTOR H REV THE SALVATK ARMY Ural rt Sanday a. m., 3 46 a { 1 Sup day Fut ! » & Week alght es ti day, Wednesda Thurs day and Sa i CHRISTIAN SCIEN Held in Hays Bidg, 245 Qn4 p.m | Wed! } Nead j ——$ PRINGE RUPE Lots are now lowest at thelr BUY before the comple tion of the railroad WE have lots which quire very small cast payment. Harrison, Gamble él Third A PORE OEEF 35 —— PHONE -——5& Automcbile 3 and Taxies Large Machin i Prompt 8 Relial Special Rates for partie 35 PHONE — 9%] ee POOOPPLOLI OPI IL ILI LETTTT FOR RENT—A neat four-roomt| house, close in, $20 per mony The furniture in this hovet oe sale at a bargain. Apply Ow 252 Eighth Ave. W., or this oft FOR GALE—-The four fines “a fots on erenem Aves Oe Section 2, price $2,00' My , each cash, 6, 12, 18 and u months at 6 per cent M.M. STEPHENS & 60, Li REAL ESTATE INSURANE WOTARIES Enodtenbosdpoooooccocccoconrtia B.C. Coast Steanstip Set) S.S. Beatrice, south, * J.G. McNAB, General Agent A Se SEE WHA! $200 CASE WILL BUY _ § Lot 33, Block 2, Section” months Balance $200 in 6 ™ont* interet! $200 in 12 months 7 per cen! GR. Naden Co,, li Recend Avenue prance Phone Green 321 Real Estate and 11