Ste co Se SE 4 THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEaD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Subseribers will greatly oblige by prompuy calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. McRAE, St., Contract Wednesday, Feb. 4, 1914 cameid EDITION With “both houses of par- be expected to panjient them? liament in session a_ great It is rightly held to be an ille- many subjects for public dis- gal thing for members of the cussion are now before the legislature to traffic with the people. It is jrather a pity government's business. ‘They that questions of this kind are supposed to keep aloof could not be discussed without the bias of party interest. To all these questions there is a and conduct the public busi- ness in an impartial manner. e right and a wring side, and At the opening of the pres- they should be decided en- ent session it was found that tirely on their merits. some members of the legisla- As it is, however, tho party ture had been in the employ in power is by force of inter- of the government. As such ests compelled to uphold they were not only disquali- whatever legislation those in fied as legislators but were authority wish to advance. In liable to a fine. The highest private indeed they may con- legal authority in the province demn those actions, but in should have seen that the law public never. Were it other- was enforced. Bowser, how- wise legislators would con- ever, does not believe that sider very seriously before such laws apply to Tories, so bringing up any questions he not only ignores the breach that might be unfair to the! of the act but he takes steps common people. @ to justify it. A new “Enabling ML eee Act” is passed for this special Moreover, it is a _ difficult case in order tiat the mem- matter for even an opposition bers may take tiieir seats. In newspaper to criticize a gov- other words he legalizes the ernment in an effective way. breach of the law. Criticism there must be if} iy Ot ie popular government is to sur-| This is not the first time vive, At the same time, on ac-! that Bowser has ridden rough count of the large amount of| shod over the laws. of the country. At every time that a specific law has come in his road he has either set it aside prejudice that exists the betied itself can hardly be_ forced} into the minds of some people. | It is only when startling out-| or treated it with contempt. rages are committeed that the Indeed his actions in this re- people are compelled to think spect are getting serious. We and that is why in British Co- frequently hear a great deal about British justice, but how can there be British justice in a country where the highest authority in the land has no respect for law. The time has come for the people of this country to assert their rights and to cast from power a gov- lumbia today an active agita- tion is on foot, * * * x | One of the recent actions of the McBride government is open for the severest censure. | Governments make laws, but! when those laws are set at de-| | fiance by their very authors! ernment who will trifle ‘with how can the common. people our most sacred institutions. —_— —_—_- LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, ROORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. First and McBride Prince Rupert PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. FREE We pay highest Pric’es For RAW sing | MALLAM'S TRAPPERS GUIDE Thousand French or English . id A book of 96 ob thle haw trated. Demtiaes ae to Fors. 3 Why not you? date—tells you how, when and We pay highest prices and express charges, charge no commission and send Peg where to trap, bait and trape to use, and many other valuatie facts concerning the Rew Fur And Remit same day goods are received. M Industry, also our + U; Prom pt ] 8 lions ofdollars are peed trappers each minute fur quotations, sent ear. Deal with a reliable house. We ABSOLUTEL x FREE for the are the largestin our lincin€anada, Write to-day ssking. Mail Dept, {7 Ajtrees JOHN HALLAM, Lmitep TORONTO 11) Front St. Fast, Telephone 98, New Great ceremony planned. who selected Prince William of Wied as King of Albania to and KRKKKKEK is a seat hooks from a bath inside for use in bathing or out- side to aid a person in dressing. water port on its to serve as an outlet section tapped by tending be eliminated, safety by the kind ver taken, mark, which has about. one third the area of Wisconsin with more than 5,400,000 fruit trees. on the frame, of a new jeleetrie land jhave THE DAIkY NBWS from, Sogrmae. ps 4 xeermne have him enter Durazo and show. His rival for Essad Pasha, it is said, liam, of great show. It is planned by with 15,000 troops is virtually has agreed to support Prince Wil- in which event the enthronement will RRINCE, WILLIAM QFWIED, _.. GRAFTING A KING ON THE PEOPLE OF ALBANIA the European powers other ports with great pomp the throne is Essad Pasha, who in eharge or the country. be an occasion There is a man in New York who makes a good living by buy- ing tists inum and gold they, contain. from den- of plat- worn out for the rugs particles English statistics place the number of automobiles in use in the world 000, half are in the United States. at more than 2,226,- of which more than one- A series of electric buttons, the correct combination of which to produce results is known only to new automobile starter. the authorized, features a That he has invented a malle- able aluminum alloy with steel’s strength but with only one third the weight of brass is the claim of an English chemist. . * * heuseheld convenience to be suspended by tub, either A new is building a deep Atlantic coast for a vast a railroad ex- across the republic. . * - that 90 per industrial accidents can 60 per cent. by devices and 30 per cent. proper training of work- Uruguay t is estitnated cent. of the ers. A the first of credited Den- recent census, * * * engine, mounted drives the brushes machine for polishing floors designed for places where power is not available. A gasoline which sand surface, Germany slippery Rope filled horseshoes, pick uv-sinall stones and present a rough been invented in for helping horses on streets. * * . According to a government re port 7 cent. of the back- 75 per ward children in the public schools of the United States are The Best Way i is to Have Him Dyed and Be Done With It SS EEE Newest Notes on Science RAIA im that condition through defec- tive vision. According to an Italian scien- tist who has classified 4000 cases of self destruction, more suicides occur between the ages of 15 and 25 than any iod in life. other per- . . . In the been more than 10,000 boiler ex. last 40 years there have plosi:ns in the United States in which about 11,000 persons have been killed and more than 15.000 injured ° in Colombia, on of the = Andes be connected hy Two cities opposite sides Meuntains, will a steel ropeway more than thirty niles long which will both passengers and seven iransp ort freight. More than 240,000,000 barrels petroleum were produced Uurtea States in 1243, a cain ef alent 8,000,000 tarcels over 112, which was the vecord un- til last year. et in The Austrian Ministry of War has offered a $10,000 prize for a non-rubber automobile tire with the elasticity of rubber and greater durability, or, if of less durability, lower cost . ° . of electric street ear has each wheel mounted in- dependently to prevent the loss of power due to wheels carried on the ends of ordinary axles grinding on the rails at curves. Sold Million Bonds A new type One million dollars worth of bonds of New Westminster city have been sold on the market, the underwriters Messrs. Cosgrove, Harrington & Co. The bonds constitute the issues unsold in 1912 and last year. They were sold at 85 net and bear interest at 5 per cent. London being Some women would make any sacrifice to preserve their looks; Yhey would rather be guilty of a double life than a double chin. Editor eae Retires Ottawa, Feb. ~The retire- ment of the Hon, W. 8. Fielding from the editorship of the Mon- treal Telegraph, owing to his adherence to Liberal principles, and because of his refusal to work under any dictation from 'Sir Hugh Graham, will probably jhe | re-entry His pres- into polities. lene e in the house of commons is Liberals, and also by |desired bs lthe best financial and commer- ‘cial elements of the country. especially in view of trade and tariff issues now before parlia- meit, and if Mr. Fielding will consent, a seat will be opened for him in Nova Scotia by the retirement of Mr. Law, the Lib- eral member for Yarmouth. There is no doubt that Mr. Field- ing could carry the = constitu- ency, but there is some fear that the governmeht would take ad- lelay th eby-election for months, thas keeping both Law and tielding out of the house. ao eoaeteteemney siya We are informed that on Sat- urday evening the delegates to the Conservative Convention at- tended the performance of “The Glad Eye” at the Royal Victoria theatre. They had already en- joyed “The Glad Hand” of Sir Richard McBride, and ‘“fhe Glad Eye" would follow as a matter of course.—-Victoria Times. Coughing scatters germs —Stop it Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- flamed mucuous membranes and is moreover apt to carry disease to others, Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly stops coughing, and soon, thanks to its tonic properties, effects a ean cure, he wonderful popularity of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oilis specially due to its great value as a permanent lung and bron- chial healer. Sold everywhere, 35c¢ large bottles. J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. pcnioteapientsa P.Q. hase the fever and pains which often accompany ods, 26¢ 0 bos af 14 powders 41-13 Ne GN GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA Don't follow the old expensive methods of thawing pipes. It costs more than the pipes are worth. I have just received a new de- vice for thawing pipes by elec- tricity. You don't have to open up your pipes. Just turn the current on and in three minutes the frost is gone. THAW BY ELECTRICITY The Reliable Plumber Second Ave. PHONE 489 “THERE DAWGUN YAH - DANG YOURE CLEAN FOR ONCE (iN Your. Lik LIFE !- GOSH HES SO NICE AN’ WHITE HE followed shortly by his active vantage of Law's resignation to Harry Hanson near McBride Street RAND Bn S- Xai \C For those conte TRURK RilILWAY SYSTEM service sec ‘ond to none, For full particulars and information regardin, ALBERT DAVIDSON (Ageng for all Atlantic Steam General Agent lind at 9 am For Vancouver, Victoria an. §,S. PRINCE ALBERT OR joyy Sundays at 6 p.m., For Vancouver and Victoria, commencing Sund nee a trip to any point « (the Speed and ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY | ROOMS : ! Sec ‘nue, Opposite Empress Theatre | secs caeptne Dod Friday in month. | Visiting Scotsmen are cordially invited. For rates for hall rent apply secretary S. D. MACDONALD, CHAS. DENNIS, President Secretary Bookkeeping Taught By Private Lessons WENDELL R. JONES EXPERT ACCOUNTANT . —— | Phone 639 Srd Ave. and Bth 8t., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE UP-TO-DATE HAIRDRESSING PARLORS 211 Third St. Work Strictly First Class Switches of All Specialty TAXIDERMIST Animals, birds, kinds of game heade os tees hides tanned and made into rugs) and robes. All work strictly first | class, A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi. |~ dermist, 728.Helmcken St., Van-| couver, B.C. GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Rents and Collections AUCTIONEER 220 Second Ave. Peter Nelson is open to take contracts for clearing land in and around Terrace; also cordwood for fuel, etc, Terms, ete., on ee j Prince Rupert HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B, C. Phone 300 F. M. CROSBY | Second Hand Dealer Wants to buy all kinds of Household Fur- niture, everything in the line of Mechanics’ Tools, Guns ana Men’s Clothing, Will call any time Highest prices paid. 8398 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 245 THE RELIABLE PLUMBER | HARRY HANSON 1389 2nd Ave. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Out-of-Town Work Hotel and Restaurant Work Tenders on New Work Plumbing Insured from Frost Done Promptly and Guaranteed Reasonable Prices One Trial Wali Convince You Work at Martin Swan HAYNER BROS, Kinds and Hatr Goods a/g fish and. all) George Leek __ GEORGE LEE COAL |New Wellington Coal. FOR PLUMBING AND HEATIO SM ITH & MALLETS 0. C, STUART PRINCE RUPERT, 8. 0 P, O. Box 1635) Alex. M. Manson, B. A WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, && MONEY TO LOAN Helgerson Block ‘anc TRANSFER Phene 660) [Furniture utah end Forwarding P. 0. Box 203 r ROBERTSON” Chartered Accountant INDUSTRIAL SITES With Rail and Water Transportation Apply ; HARRISON GAMBLE & CO. ; Financial Agents Third Ave. Prince Rupert TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD | Audits, investigations, Ad . dations and Assignmen mith Block, 3rd Ave Lumet COAL a Line ay BUILDERS’ _WESTHOLME LUMBER (0. Limi Drawn for Tbe Daily — PICTURE. | OF & NUDE Dawa— DESCENDING BASEMENT STAIRWAY - SAY-I SCRUBBED THAT PUP 30 CLEAN > HE. MAKES SEPTEMBER) MORN LOOK Lice. f AN AFRICAN CII Nis MAKES “Y