——— a AME aE. A BE mm Tice: Cor ei ak Hk a0 eal - rar. SS OT ce attics cies Ras Pde tn ny, a: Saat gt SS at 2 is BS et ea rs P eee No Siftings or Sweepings Nothing But Leaves, Yes, Fresh, Tender, Hill- Grown, Fragrant “‘SALADA”’ Tea Leaves “SALADA” Costs no more than common-place teas. HUBERT The Trade Centre of the Famous Bulkley Valley There will be ONE good-sized city in the Bulkley Valley, and that will be HUBERT Call or write for particulars ; Natural Resources Security Co. Limited Sixth Floor, Vancouver Block Vancouver, B.C. We put FORT GEORGE on the map and kept it there ‘| Three Colors Now What's the use of saying you are heart and soul for British Columbia if you don’t buy British Columbia products? Take flour for instance--why not insist upon having ROYAL STANDARD? The best you can buy, re- gardless of name or price; the medium by which hundreds of our employees have been richer by $500,000.00 within the past six years, Were doing, our part. Will you do yours? ROvAL STANDARD ninty BT OUR toa ij ohooh homo hmo mo momo ENGLISH Hann-Mane LACE MADE BY THE COTTAGERS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, This is the oldefashioned lace made on the cushion, and was first introduced into England by the Flemish Refugees, It is still made by the village women in their quaint old way. Our Laces were awarded the Gold Medal at the Festival of Empire and Imperial Exhibition, Crystal Palace, LONDON, ENGLAND, for general excellence of workmanship. UY some of this hand-made Pillow Lace, it iasts MANY times longer than machine made - variety, and imparts an air of distinction to the possessor, at the same time supporting the village lace-makers, bringing them little comforts otherwise unobtainable on an agricultural man's wage. Write for descriptive little treatise, entitied ‘The Pride of North Bucks,” containing 200 striking examples of the lace makers’ art, and is sent post free to any part of the world, Lace for every purpose can be obtained, arid within reach of the most modest purse. Collars, Fronts, Plastrons,Jabots, Yokes, Fichus, Berthes, Hand- kerchiefs, Stocks, Cami- soles, Chemise Bets, Tea Cloths, Table Centres, D'Oylies, Mats, Medal- ee” ree Quaker and eter Pan Sets, etc., . , f 2%5e., 60c. 100, (lin, deep.) STOCK—W heel Design, $1.50, $2.00, up to 06 Price 250, each. (Half shown.) each, Over designs in yard lace and inser- tion from 10c., 15e., 250.5 450, $5.00 per yard. IRISH CROCHET. Mrs, Armstrong havin, over 100 Irish peasan girls connected wit’ her industry, some beautiful ex- amples of frish hand made laces may be obtained, All work being sold direct from the By lace-makers, both ¥ the workers and customers derive greet Bdvantage. up to a DAINTY HANDEIE—100, Ne, 910,—Lace 1} in, deep, No. 122,—800, per yard. Every sale, however small, is Mrs Rupert Armstrong, Olney, Bucks., England LOCAL NEWS JTEMS New money-savers the bargain seetion at for you in Wallace's. Mr. F spector, went up the line this morning, Vv. W. Smith went up the line j this morning. He will be gone some days, | * * * Mr. W. E. Davidson of Smith, Davidson & Wright, Vancouver, is in town on a business trip. returned this » the Prince George. ‘cr Worth looking at—the win- dow showing new things in cur- tain goods at Wallace’s. * * = glas Co., new wall-paper just put in stock. [The old stock at a_ sacrifice. Wallace’s. Mr. Lawson of New Hazelton returned to his home today after a lengthy session with the new dentist, Dr. Gilroy. * . . Jack Hutchins was fined five dollars and costs in police court this morning. The charge was d. and d. oer is Miss Ada Johnson, formerly of Prince Rupert, arrived this morning and is visiting friends here, Mr. and Mrs. Loop. arrived here this morning from Tacoma. Mr. Loop taking a position with R. Cameron, in his jewelry store. Both Mr. and Mrs. well known in the city will be welcomed back. is Loop and are catches of herring and today. scow loads Several big made yesterday four big were caught yesterday. The her- ring have been schooling off the Rupert Marine & Iron Works Co. dock. were or * . * A. L. Spurrier, of Victoria, came in on today’s boat and is considering taking up his abode here. Mr. Spurrier is an expert piano tuner, well as well qualified to repair all defects in player pianos. His first remark to a representative of The Daily News was to comment on the ex- cellent climate, which from re- ports heard below he thought could not exist. as lil Statesmen Improving Toronto, Feb. 4.—‘‘Sir James Whitney had a somewhat rest- less night,. but his general con- dition is yood. There is no change in the condition of Sir George «Ross.”’ The above bulletin was issued at the general hospital today. James slept but little through the night and rolled and tossed in a restless manner. The premier has been enjoying rest- ful nights and his restless con- dition last night came as a sur- prise. His physicians, however, state that he is doing nicely. The condition of Sir George Ross is much the same. He rests Guetly, partakes of a little nour- ‘ishment, and while he not gaining perceptibly, he has jshown no sign of losing ground. Sir is Found Graft Pie Book Albany, N. Y., Feb. 4.—-The book,” which former Con- gressman Theron Akin declared Highway Commissioner John M. Carlisle kept, has been found, It has been placed in the hands of James W. Osborne, who is in- vestigating of graft state departments. Mr. Osborne, the names of seirbivymen, “pie charges congressmen, Coun- ty political leaders and employes. . Fletcher, post office in- | Mr. Jardine, of the Kelly, Dou- | morning | Mr. Stan, Lucas returned this | morning after two weeks in the| south. *. * * Renovate. Over two tons of THE DAILY NEWS Every Woman Knows That instead of sallow skin and face blemishes she ought to possess the clear complexion and the beauty of nature and good | health, Any woman afflicted or suffering at times from headache, bacliache, nervous- ness, languor and depression of spirits—ought to try BEECHAMS PILLS the safest, surest, most con- venient and most economical remedy known. Beecham’s Pills remove impurities, insure better digestion, refreshing sleep, and have an excellent general tonic effect upon the whole bodilysystem. They have a wonderful power to improve the general health, while by urifying the blood, Beecham’s ills clear the skin and improve The Complexion Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents, No woman should fail to read the valuable directions with every box. Prince George Late The Prince George arrived this morning nearly two hours late. She was held up yesterday morning in a heavy,snow etorm, She brought a big passenger list: Messrs, Merridale, Davidson, Corder, Cllen, Forkemer, Arm- strong, Pilling, Starks, Wizer, Hickey, Cameron, Kendall, Miss Holmes, Mr. Surplus and wife, Mr. Givinn, Mr. Yates, Mr. Cour- san, Mrs. Simpson, Mr. Lyndon and wife, Messrs. Melo, McClel- lan, Maedonald, MeLéan, F,. R. Deveau and wife, Mr. Burke, Mrs. Newick, J. S. Dade, P. Hargett, S. A. Cramey, Mrs. Wing, Mr. Stoneham, Albert Davidson, Mr. Darling, Mr. Hepperly, Mr. Por- teau, Mr. Spurran, Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Westaway, Mr. Vangasleigh and wife, W. D. Vance and wife, Mrs. Gratton, Angus Stewart, Mrs. A. E. Thatcher, Mr. Allan, Mr. Loop and wife, Mrs. Harring- ton and child, Mr. Woodward, Mr. Brewster, Mr. Reed, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Joslen and wife, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Palmer, J. Haddin, Mr. Lucas, Mr. Lavorde, Mr. Greenwood, F. Dean, Mr. Gordon, Mrs. Fletcher, P. L. Brown, Mr. Higgins, Mrs. Rae, Miss Johnston, Mr. Jardine, Mr. Lawler, Mr. Tearney, Mr. Sider- ville, Lloyd Campbell, Mr, Lind- say, Mr. Scanlon, Miss Bond, Mr. Toursen. The window of Westenhaver Bros. has put on a very fetching appearance in view of the ap- proach of S8t Valentine's Day. The lot you ought to buy is in- scribed on heart shaped cards set up so as to be very altrac- tive. Phone 37 P.O, Box 1704 SAVOY HOTEL FIRST CLASS CUISINE Hot and Cold Running Water in ali Rooms Only finest brands of Liquors and Cigars kept THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHER Propristors o verre We can supply you with clean dry wood cut to any” size from kindling to cordwood. Burn wood and save money, in} According to| the book contains } state senators, os-| Phone 3014 ‘Terrace Wood Co., Gift to your Friend PERRIN’S GLOVES The well known Perrin trademark as shown in cuts should be on every glove you get, as this assures you perfection of Style, Fit and Finish. Best dealers the world over sell the genuine PERRIN'S GLOVES. ® \) Whether For Yourself orasa td) RICH COPPER LANDS SOLD FOR $500 000 Claims in Kamishak District Purchased by British Coftumbia and Arizona Capitalists J. D. Meenach of Seattle, a pioneer in the development of Alaska copper properties, former owner of the Ell@mar mines and the first operator to ship the ore in commercial quantities out of the north, has closed a deal for claims in the rich Kamishak Bay the purchase of fifteen valuable district as the represeitative of British Columbia and = Arizona capitalists. More than $500,00( is involved in the transaction Kamishak Bay the Inlet. country, which is served by of the Admiral In connection with the of the claims and the development of the properties, which be the richest the Inlet country, Mr. Meenach is planning the construction of a is Cook in vessels line. opening are said to in entire Cook railway sixteen miles long from the mines to tidewater. Big shipments of railway equipment and supplies will be sent from Seattle to the north, beginning early in April It is planned to build bunkers with a capacity of 5,090 tons of ore at either end of the railway to fa- cilitate the handling of the ship- ments. Mr. Meenach received rich re- turns from the Ellamar mines which he sold to their present M. Jordan. owner, F, raincoats boys and girls New and capes for Wallace's. HIGH CLASS TAILORS to Ladies and Gentlemen if you want something “different” and supurb see us SWEDER BROS. MERCHANT TAILORS Phone 38 Helgerson Block SIXTH STREET : “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS, FOR RENT DESK ROOM In ground floor ofMfce. Apply P.O, Drawer 1663 City. 286-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE—Queen'’s Cafe, Smithers; best location and largest place in town, with sleeping accommodation for one bun eo Wednesday, | pany Aitamer poets feet east of easter 41a ve i 4 t and = Trunk I of ten i parall wi ri t . wa I ce ig U said ni ‘ ght-of-way ten ‘ » the place f commencement DATED this seventh day of January 1914 THOMAS McCLYMONT Pub. Feb. 3 to April 6 KNIGHT & HICKEY — oan irene and Sixth GREEN Fraser Streets PHONE Shop: 269 | PRE 4 1944 nn ities | hie See THE WEATHER F Sree CCT _ W. Dowling OR A TAX Furnished by F. W. Observer ing 5 I h For the 24 hours ending > a.m, one 75 February 4, 194 4. a PRINCE RUPER: Rarometer red iced to sea "7 -RT AUTO 00 0, oorrorooce ‘ level 30.407 Cee rerrecenen, 41.0 tered Highest il 34.0 Lowest ..cceceresceise’ a6 — aan Precepitation eoevee wwe Chur h Q ‘ - tae -tneees CN Services. Rupert Looks Good FIRST PRI 8 ) ance and} Services « HURCH Mr. and Mt WwW. D. V ( fe en an . : this morning 0 Empress | bahy returned th . waral Sunday the Prince George after several REV. F. W. KER! weeks spent in the east. Mrs. Paston Vance was visiting her old home THE FIRST | : ; : - nt COR. YOUN 4 in Edmonton and Mr. Vance wen on a business ,trip to Toronto] Montreal and other points On} in t his return Mr. Vance says Rupert} looks ood Lo him and more} 7 aa: ‘| THE FIRS’ ; prosperous than any of the other | SIxtH avs a cities. } Services « : | acm and ay | Hchooi at 2 Mr Albert Davidson, passeen HEV MA. DI ent of the G. I P., arrived “ Seen er ST. ANDREW home with: Mrs. Davidson this Gor. $ifth Ave. o mornaing. They have been spend Morning pra | i several weeks in Montreal ing prayé¢r, Sunday ow P school, 7 Miss Davidson, a sister, accom Commun ‘ . f t ‘ panied her brother here for & Te teed a visit. a. m REV. G. A. |! NSPECTOR | PPL eny ee } THE SALVATI ADE enue | Grany 7 Applications be received by the Sunday undersigned up to 4:90 p, m, Friday neat, a. m., 3 4 February 6th, 1914, for position of Sani day ‘s+! tary Inspector for City of Prince Rupert Week aight re No application considered unless ac ony Gus companied by three credentials as to fit-} day and sa ness, etc., for the position } ERNEST A. WOODS, | 27-28 Clerk, Municipal Council | CHRISTIAN SCIENCI gi Heid in Hays £ Skeena Land District—Olistrict of Coast—) ~ Range Five. | I W TAKE NOTICE that I, Thomas McCly he mont, of the City Prince Rupert, tn f the Province of ( unbia, broker and intend t apply ermission ¢ leas t thirty 10 acre f land bounded as a Vo oe a Commencing at th post planted where | aoe. the mortherly Limit « the right-of-way of = the Grend Trunk Paci Rallway Com- | i vy ¢ f f the | | Lots are now at their lowest BUY before the | ple fi } tion of the railroad com WE have lots which quire very small cash payment. Harrison, Gamble & Repairing Quickly Done dred, Apply C. Morris, Smithers WANTED | SEWING WANTED—Phone Blue 325 { 98-32! WANTED-—A general servant Apply Mrs. S. P. Saunders, Phone Green 202 27-35 PAPERING AND PAINTING wanted by an experienced workman. J can save you money. Address P.O. Box 279. 22-24 YOUNG WOMAN wants work of any de scription except washing, Address P, O, Box 279 27-29 YOUNG WOMAN with little girl would like position in private family, Box 401 Dally News. 19 WANTED—A middle-agea tady to assist in soft drink and cigar counter, out of town. Enquire Dominion Hotel CHILDREN’S NURSE wishes engagement in Prince Rupert or hear Vicinity; good references Mrs. A. H, Hermann, P, O, Box 894, Victoria, B. C, 24-31 WANTED—YVlolin and other orchestral players to join orchestra class. Prince Kupert Music House, opp. post office. 22-24 first-class Apply five Second Avenue, Phone 489. 23-26 PLUMBER WANTED—Strictly plumber wanted a tonce, o'clock Harry Hauson, near McBride, WANTED—-Immediately, young man in every town wishing to be independent and make good money Apply Mac- kenzie Bros., New Westminster 25-27 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER * PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—It you have any stenographic or typewriting work to do evenings drop a card to P. O Box 796. 18-24 1836 THE BANK OF 1914 BritishNorthAmerica Te Yeans In Business CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,766,666. Bank Money Orders Are Safe And Convenient If you want to send any sum up to Fifty Dollars, to any Yukon excepted, or to any of the point in Canada, principal cities of the United States buy a Money Order at any Branch of the Bank of North ‘The cost in trifling. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH British America, P. MARGETTS, Manager. RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Prince Rupert, B. C. Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con struction, Reports, Plans, Dominion and Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey Townsites Printing, Electric White ing, Blue Prints and Subdivisions, Negatives and A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoors Boat Work Phone 525 ist Ave., Manson Way IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP’ POPPE LEL ELLE LEO L ELLE OI ILE 35 —— PHONE -——% Automobile and Taxies Large Mach P i } Re ' Special Rates fo parties j 35 PHONE — 4 ‘ POPOL OL ELLE ALLL ALLEL ELEY cece een nett, ' FOR RENT—A reat four-r house, close in, $ The furniture in tt real sale at a bargalr Apply ony 252 Eighth Ave. W a¢ FOR 6ALE—The { finest me lots on Graham Ay B suit Bection 2, price $2, mer a each cash, 6, 12 16 om months at @ per ce INSURANCE ——— 215 Second Avenue Phone 43 s p I WILLIAM T, HOUSE |} MM. STEPHENS @ Or B.C. Land Surveyor NOTARIES rie Se FOR HIRE W. R. MORRISON PHONE BLACK 156 JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street SOUTH WELLINGTON COAL The Coal that Made B.C. FAR WEST FUEL COMPANY Fifth $t., rear Hart Block UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Coal 36 Office, RESIDENCE 110 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT PHONES 388 FURNISHED APARTMENTS in two and three room suite, $20 per month J. BE. DYER Phone Black 384 BOAT BUILDER H JOHNSTON Seal Cove Phone Green 321 ee B.C, Coast Steamship seit FAMOUS PRINCESS LINE t § Princess Maquinna, anponer a.m, Saturday J.G. McNAB, Gener! Agen! er SEE WHA! eV WILL t Section 5 Lot 33, Block 2, Balance $200 in | onths $200 in 12 moni! ore 7 per cf ‘o,, li G. R. Naden 0. Second Ayvebl' rane Real Estate and !