ts tess RE Bn ial i 5 cote Rr SE tg Be on 5 are AS 2 same Ne THE DAILY NEWS aged never | | his might counsel mentioned parents whom he Thursday. } THE DAILY NEWS | I f ven th maximum | | see again if #iver e i | e THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA _ || sentence S S Prince Ru > { ¥ THE PRINCE sigbaet canes Daily and Weekly by “By tid actions said Mag \ y per ANU T PUBLISHING CO. ‘E ity ad ‘ CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. istrate Macdonald, you have} Fridays at 9 a.m. ; ; i a l brought discredit on the whole} H, F. MeRAB, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER | force with which you were con For Vancouver, Victoria and Sea) HEAD OFFICE nected You have disgraced the! Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 juniform you wore @nd violated) S. S. PRINCE ALBERT ( IR JO ie ae : lthe oath» you took. You perjured H BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES pee I f ‘fore the 4 ifee 4 i Sundays at 6 N Cs ; ourself before e police com- m.. New York— National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New jmission and before the royal | , i Victoria; commenc . York City. jcommission investigating — this | For Valcouyet ae ee a ing Sunday th pias Seattle-—Puget Sound News Co. affair. You aided in turning |} For those contemplatin gy eu any a ten : iin: *ty lloose upon society a mos TRURI RAILWAY SY (the Doubli London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Graud Trunk Building, | " i ni 7 7S miont Cane) oF serv yd to none, Speed and Trafalgar Square. Lagat ‘ aan a oh oe al s Re hes ‘ piababiiail hebben TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50, cents jontees lately furnished him with a dead- [ff For full particulars an’ Suny ms t 3 per inch, Contract | itomatic revolver wl 0 sates bn eppiitalion, | ly automatic revolver, knowing |} ALBERT DAVIDSON s R de f i : | his desperate character and that (Agent for all Atlantic Steams! SUBSE IPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: lthe chances were that those General Agent Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, lmost likely to fall vietims to it| : eee © Rupert © , . ‘ | $2.00 per year, All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year lwere your fellow members of the]. 2 7 9 5 , ; . _— “i Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. force, I will not say you had| ’ a Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in }murder in your heart when you ST ANDREW’S SOCIETY 4 POR case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers | did this, but 1 will say that you ROOMS : mi ail ad cil el a caacae er 3: SATE gE | we re absolutely reckless of the]second Avenue, ODI Empress Cee } ANGIN( Ree = F : }consequences.” Business meeting 2nd | 2 . nvited DAILY EDITION Thursday, Feb. 5, 1944 LEMBERG UNSOLD AT A “FAIRIE” FIGURE | The magistrate intimated that| un vatce tor ball rent apply secretary ——————— — | I es r hall rent sppiy ™ a =< ' Sec — me This is an excellent photograph of this famous cs ; jhe would have imposed a longer |S. D. MACDONALD CHAS. DEN aS, NG AND There are many signs which terialize, we are sure of steady the huge sum of $270,000 has been hahaa —s tin ae ere err eee tee or TINTIN : 2/0, i pee se is owner, ] i | ; point to the renewal of nor- progress and good times. “Pairie.” The offer ae merpe : ie eek elias \ | ING s 1e offer was made by the fearless vidder for | A Wi Bookkeeping Taught Phone 639 | mal conditions in the finan- Bes Aenea ee = bloodstock, Mr. L. Mantacheff, a rich Russian sportsman. | cked Pun By Private Lessons . m ert . ie | cial world. In the United The United States seems to —~ - ‘ : | M Wine sk thins thw oni aateted have so far outdistanced the At Hampstead, England, they WENDELL R. JONES | artin Sw aNsoy States the blue ruin preaictet hNis aR THe. Sorid. ih: the 9 have a Golden Square and a Sil- EXPERT ACCOUNTANT sie by the opponents of the presi- ingenuity of its financial ver Street. A juvenile resident | g.q aye, and 6th 8t., PRINCE RUPERT, B.O. | : dent’s money regulations has schemes. In yesterday's News there says if you do anything} __ scjeaeaicainelie | not come’ to pass, and condi- 4 short ere was given of OF FEMALE HELP Scopes oa ene may find “a THE UP-TO-DATE CNG a tions in that country seem to 1e conduct of some of their : Se HAYNER BROS “ -oilr s 7 i sal SROS, be in a more optimistic mood seer tt cs aasi sip meal ea ae CUS ‘ sease to others, d f , 8 é ae Mee . the Maritime 4 Sa the| way some of the American|giving a graphic description of} oi result of the customs and Mathiew's Syrup offer a lo ana 8, nn . bs 1 hag f is a stringency was hardly de t, as roads have been robbed and]female work in a salmon ean- ilthy carelessness of the In- Cod Liver Oil promptly stops ee faa GEORGE LEEK in those provinces there is a the rest of the innocent stock-] nery i ' ' , . dians who formerly did all the ieubing and soot thinikes hides tanned and made into rugs i § 8 K- | nery. She wen oO work in a ish dat ; 7 are to its tonic properties, effect { ‘obe , ric “gt [220 2nd A art as of the peo- holders knew nothing of the}Steveston cannery to investigate _— meee & Marais s. Pre- ap rbot cet Ce [ee Oe a ae ate ie eater ple on the lane transactions till their stock]|conditions. ein Senos BLO Ue ae oF The wonderful popularity ler nist ‘728 He ken si ve : 4 : In the west the recent sale Pei Mnmble. in the: stock hd secekescabid tha dilemaibe the natives’ habits rather than of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar eer ene elmeken St., Yan- O A L of large de »benture holding 8 by markets. Then they woke up how, when she arrived ther - he at ye Be BUOY of the VEST ONY ate te 3G ak a eae ae a | bid , ‘ ° ’ § t e, § lo re pp . a Sa tds Pos € S prea alue as a il off everest cities has a hope ful too late and found that they|found that she was expected to eae The change from na- permanent lung and hen effect. Calgary and New| were swindled. “pack her blankets’ and bee Weis -pfeicacsieapiaedlie air tae llags aour aie GEORGE LEEK ao . a Westminster are the latest oes i: hia wad : : ef ’ . i. Sali white labor is coming about Sold everywhere, 25c¢ large | Const cities to dispose f their Are ‘anadit ; Tite ithe a aon 16) eradually a sanitar v4 bottles | Real Estate, Ine > dt Brok ) nde : e ae m .! tl : MW Are the Canadian roads sleeping accommodations con-|¢ y . nd 3 unit ary condi- | “Notary Public. june ree Geitesdisns’” Phone 116 hogers & s, and there is every like- | above such practices? This|sisted of some dirty matt SCS Sareceer sees Eene- irene i ‘ince . ; ; ; eu SAR ee aa Ce ovina nattresses The ) ( , Pr : s ane ee oe Rupert; is a question that thoughtfuljassembled in a bunkhouse which 38 ” Saal i Sore. For cast be ving AUCTIONEER will be the next. } . , : ce a now contemplating sé ary 7m Saeairetahede are cnular amen dock Phone 174 if DREN ie 7a | minds ought to ponder over.jwas totally deyoid of door fast-]spectors ; er ee er ag rene ieee ate pains which ; ay 220 Second Ave. Prince Rupert FOR PLUMBING AND HEATIM Gapitel in tt es oe What an excellent opportun-Jeners, and which salubrious ap- ‘eh ap ‘ 4 candies and if the colds, s6¢ a bow of 18 powders SMITE lapital i ne old land, too, ity for the G.\N. R. to rob thelar department is alive to its respon $i J] & MALLET cal 5 crs : 4o MIN. ER artment was occupied by nine or] .jp, . a , ‘6 é Bo Eba\ + : be loosening up. people of British Columbia.|/ten women of various ages and a ss s and the necessities of ONES BN LAND CLEARING La west ‘ Several large flotations have The McBride goverenment has |conditions. m case these conditions are Peter Nelson is open to take contracts tings, Pipes recently been made and the guaranteed their bonds. If Mie widhe cathawah the dele easily remedied. for clearing land in and around Terrace; Third Ave, Head + fo rat® of the Bank of England KRalotiwN.ties oAnnot, imaked wate. designated’: ar «bains ee In the number two and num- also cordwood for fuel, ete. Terms, ete ai has been lowered. for the first dividends then the people ofjlong as there Bits any fish A Be ree: Sere warsce ee ae Sit gi a couple of years. the province must comejcan,” explaining that one day : oe ae SANG) aeeee ene x : ae 0. ©. STUART ith these happy _ condi- through. What is to prevent}when fish were scarce, the help ore gellar duality aerate ‘HARRISON W ROGERS Accountent ee in the air, there is every| that company from traffick-|was laid off, but when they were Ba ee there are white..worme , oe ane ue the people of| ing with itself? Why should|plenteous, sixteen or sighteen| itary cabir comfortable and san- Architect S08 Bnd. Ave. re ee upert to feel optimis- they not do as the American}hours was the general extent of| ot ca Sigil they desire them, Suite 1, Federa! Block Sessa QuPEnt, 6.6 na Aun Peed By shORy Ap\:he roads have done? It is con-|a day's work. The reason for the] ja] Fine Wee agen, woes PRINCE RUPERT, B, C. ee ang a large number sidered much less harmful tolchange made by the cannery own ae the address as above Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635] alex. M. Manson, B. A i ees ors oe oe neces rob a government than a per-jers from Chinese to white wo tt : Pecnni ie rae Seach yi Oia SAR ai Es ARS coped a ing this way, and even if the son What is the MeBride}m pporen. Conditions: Tr’ ener: yeatp F ese . é 8 ¥ D en, she said, was, according to] or g ee Se : WILLIAMS & MANSON ree a great many people government doing to prevent|a statement from the owners Svan big run on the Fragen the Aged in Wood F. M. CROSBY > Barristers, Solicitors, & ave predicted does* not ma- such a state of affairs? that the Chinese labor was sup Be a sae ei Wore’ oust 3 Years Gopond Mend: Beater MONEY To LOAN é ~jcontinue night and day in order / o , Pies —_—_—_—_— _—— - _ plied on the padrone system, On@/to handle the big catches ‘oe pak before bottling ire See BR Of ene Box head man finding all necessary} whieh com Ptr a l acueneeac: os: dan Tools, Guns sha Men's Clo.bing. Wl call Helgerson Block i labor. ¢ an x ; iS ef , : come 8s 2 y an only E any tme iighest prices paid AP ar . me , t 4 ) pa for|jast a few days. Conditions at| GOVERNMENT of CANADA 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 2 @ over oO landle 1iSs eM-| Fraser riv 1 canner i - Mifice 60 rase ive i aries last year lll aida llhib ia Mla addi, EL ployees under that system as iN} ean ; 6 W ’ cannot be acce od as ae if p R the case of white women. This,] q}| eave Sevres as typical of Demand the Brand THE RELIABLE PLUMBER _ PACIFIC TRANSFER @ said the speaker, showed that 3 ee Witt Leia HARRY HANSON General the white woman was used by RE ERT nee - 198 and Ave. Phone 489) peorniture and SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS the employers to fight the LASHES POLICE TRAITOR . gale teens Wee Carefully and | ae strength of the Chinese labor . Hotel: sod Restaurant Work Stora da : ee) Tende 0} aw Wor ge and Forward Nooe PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO and also that the employers con- WITH BITTER WORDS } rozen * Ipes Plumbing losured Yoon Cea Fi le sidered the white woman as low- ca Work Done Promptly and Guaranieed at; ?. O. Box 203 rst and McBride Prince Rupert er than a Chinaman. Sir Hugh Macdonald Gave Con-| ————— one Trial Wal-Convince You P. ROBERTSON PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. Continuing her speech, the stable Maximum Penalty ‘ delegate remarked that during , on Perr op Old expeneive Chartered Accountant her three weeks’ employment Ee ; : “4 methods of thawing pipes. It a mente U es » 103 ipeg Feb, 4, ean. | deine : Audits, Investigations, men there she frequently saw white sider youl offence exactly on a OOESe mney than the Piet are INDUSTRIAL oo oe Se a Mk pay highest Pri a . men bringing in drink to the|par with that. of a sentry who were Smith Block, 8rd Ave., o Rupes d A ices For women in the bunk house, and;deserts his post in the face of L have just received a new de- SITES while some of the women were of|the enemy,” said Sir Hugh John vice for thawing pipes by elec mature age, several were young,| Macdonald, police magistrate, in tricity, You don't haye to open With Rail and Ws } L U M B EM , and such experiences as these|sentenc ng to the maximum pen- up your pipes Just turn the eo ail ant ater re ee peg eo + were calculated to demoralize|alty of seven years in the peni current on and in three minutes Pransportation ousan rel ° . t - f uapperssend A bask €-06 caneit fly tow these young girls. The whole|tentiary, Robert J. Reid, who as the frost is gone yee é COA A Ly i aie reel, Coe ee revieed te town got drunk on Saturday and | city police constable and a | THAW BY ELECTRICITY icici Apply 4 ° © pay highest prices where to trap, bait and traps to stayed ful! till Monday guard of Jae e , | ISON GAMBLE & CO and express charges, char use, and man ad re: Jack Krafchenk ai i aber sam gammimon and tend west ce concning th Ray Ler The description of the condi-|sed of murder and bank robbery, Financial Agents —e acd tat entice ih I'l else!“ ies so oer a ee eee ery Te ert shrek ee winohne ne ‘Harr H Third Ave. Prince Rupert Complete Line o ie ' echable ouse = ; { £ ; en tiligislosuicne Este Wasinas | stag ne Mente eg eth ie eattdtnes |enid not & woba, attention and|# SALTY anson BUILDERS’ SUPPL Addree JOHN HALLAM, unio Mail Dept! ne TORONTO - eh ¢ ‘ Soe the buildings said not a word during the pro- The Reliable Plumber . n which the help live and the|ceedings, showing no emotion on|Secend Ave. near McBride Street ee WESTHOLME LUMBER C0 Lt grounds surrounding them are|his countenance except w TRY " ve ‘ ’ ans Anh | ance except when his PHONE 489 A NEWS WANT AD Phon Wet-Wetter-Donnerwetter--And then Some Drawn for The Da '% WHITE DAWGS ARE A NUISANCE ~-TO0 BAD Nou DIDN'T HAVE SENSE ENOUGH TO TAKE AFTER YouR. Maw- SHE WUZ 4 BRUIN -ETTE HHOUN’- I'M HT NOW GET THIS EARIFUL, STUPID DUTCH CHEESE TOWEL AN’ RIGAT THERE, WHEN T GET BACK- GONNA GET A “OURE 6 BE RENTE ABENT- AH NAH! E\NEN SCHMAéUS HOLE DEINEN HUND IHNEN ERMORTE-WAS fi ©) iqui-int.-sinp- 2aUTo~ MP —_ a