iyaday, February 5, 1914 THE DALLY NEWS ATLIN RAILWAY COMPANY nereby given that applica made to the Parliament of ext session thereof for an I ite a company under the Atlin Railway Company, wiih t, construct and operat f railway, commencing at ithern end of Atlin Lake r near the Town of Atlin , generally southerly direc n the Taku Hiver where ntersects the International ilso from a point on said tht uthern end of Teslin Province of British Co wel to construct and and telegraph lines and e use wereot; to build , construct and operak minection with = the and to enter companies, company be the genera, THE n ¢ the company, with other ks the $ Oth day of June, JOHNSTON, or the Applicants, Ottawa, Ont, TTT District—Distrret of Coast, fiange 4 that Elbert M, Morgan, of bb. O., vecupalion prosper apply for permission tw ig described lands post planted on the i Isiand, opposite Mink d two miles and chains more or less and seventy-one i mile more ul At west ol A. L. eo (16) chains more or les» miles and forty-eight (48 r ie west of Green Top west twenty (2) chains, forty 40) chains, thence chains more or less tk Channel, thence fol I therly to point ol containing elghbty (80 Principe ELBERT M tober, 1913, i7, ivid—Jan MOKGAN i2, 1914 istrict—District lange } e that Herbert W. Lees, of berla, occupation gentieman, for permission to pur- wing described lands al a post planted on the of Coast, ie f a bay a little to the kiahi Bay, Stephens Isiand, and adjacent to the ap rehase lot of L, KR. W rih twenty chains, thence south twenty Chains follow point of com forty acres f el chains, thence east twenty 1 line to. the and containing HERBERT W s Agent, Ww i2th, ivis LEES L { Beavis 1913 Jap. 5, 1014 { District District of Coast Kange V ICk that Hume Cronyn, of ; rio, occupation manager of & 1 niends Ww apply for per hase the fellowing descri st planted at the Lot 1968, thence 80 chains, noru chains to polnt ol ntaining 640 acres more a ge at & po r of west HUME r 25th, 1013 Feb, 20, 1014 CRONYN ee ee ilel ; Directory mers P.R.L. Vintners Association | WINDSOR HOTEL First Ave, and Eighth St W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL re and Seventh 8+ and American Pian Peter Black, Prop. KNOX HOTEL | , Between Eighth and Ninth an, Rates S0c to 91.00 | Per Tay || Besner & Besner, Props. NS WHAT PANAMA CANAL TRADE MEANS TO BRITISH COLUMBIA WITH OCEAN COMMERCE FLOODING THROUGH WATERWAY NEW WORLD'S MARKETS WILL BE OPENED UP TO CANADIAN PRODUCTS With the Panama Canal open, ditions ii is confidently ex t- shipping, the distance from | pected that the new water route, British Columbia will not only|CO™Mbined with enlarged and im- be reduced to the ports of ae Prove? eae facilities, will I'nited Kingdom and of Europe, re e the position of Western but new markets in the West In- anes in the battle for . the fies and the Latin Republies of world's markets the Bast coast of South Ameri- pears of the most important will be opened up to Cana- roe it COBNEC WE win the dian products, says the Mone- * Mi route will be the trans- trry Times. Where the products gee hae srain [00m eee if the British @olumbia coast a ig On ewEH Assuming have been insufficient to supply Dame acen a anter a ia ta vessels with return cargoes, 8UP-} yp, Quand avepay a th wind 7 0 plemented by some of the mil- ie at . Te ° ber rt lions of bushels of grain from Sagan: Wreneanex iA cost from the middle west of Canada, the B. C., includ ng canal tolls, export traffie is likely to be as woud be about 30s per ton, or good, if not better, than the im- 32.15 cents per 100 pounds, This port traffic, suggested the Lon- rate, added to the cost of trans- don Times in a recent special err emai by rail from Alberta Panama Canal number. and Saskatchewan, is less than At present it is impossible to the average cost by the present utilize the Panama Canal route routes through Montreal and St. to any extent for the bringing of John. But even supposing the settlers into Canada from the cost of transportation is slightly United Kingdom or the continent ae i a si ae offset by if Europe, and British Columbia le =6very decided advantages is practically getting the popu- which the farmers of the North- lattan: thet eHie® GhrdGEh the west will have in being able to ther provinces After the Pan- ship their grain all the year ama Canal has been opened for round, and especialls during the Graffic, there’ will be a fairly) months after the close of direet course for the movement the Great Lakes and the St. Law- if population from Europe, and ible particularly from the Mediter-{,, rhe opening of the Panama ranean European ports, to Brit. Canal will also have consider- inhi: Gofiinhte: able influence upon the develop- Hard-headed, shrewd business ment of Western Canada, and nen, whose imagination is not will open up new fields of enter- easily stirred, discern in the peso rer north a the Yukon pening of the Panama Canal and Alaska. The cost of trans- ind the aproaching completion yr tation on these products has if the great transcontinental considerably retarded this devel- ‘ad two potent forces for the opment, and it is only the high progress of the land which hold weltued produery: eacn 204 gold, heir destinies in its keeping. silver and valuable minerals, fhe lumber, mining, fishing and that could pay me heavy trans- agricultura) interests of Canada port charges. rhe new route are preparing for changed con- via the Panama Canal should have the effect of developing the coal resources of Vancouver Island, and also the anthracite deposits which are known to ex- ist in northern British Columbia. The opening of the canal should cause direct steam hip connections to be made between the ports of Montreal, Quebec, Sydney, C. B., and Halifax, N. S., and the ports of British Colum- hia, and enable the manufactur- of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to ship their products at consider- ers ably less Jost than can be ac- complished by the all-rail, or lake and raii, routes across the Canadian continent, it the writer's that the opening of the Panama 1s conviction Canal will provide the means of reducing the cost of transporta- tion between the eastern and Sa PARCEL POST RATES Gives Rate at Glance—Excep- tions to Regular Rates separate card for each province. On this card is given the amount parcel up to a weight of eleven pounds within the 5 in which the parce! is posted, and rovinee with- the postage will be. [It is not ne- cessary that he should know the geographical position within the twenty mile radius, as all the in- formation he requires is on the ecard, Another point that the depart- ment has had to consider the possibility of giving a parcels post service to districts that have to be served by long and expensive There are some remote districts in Canada where the freight ra- tes are so high as to more than double the new parcels and the department undertake to thing that would such places. Leaving aside extra cost, ried would office have On is certain stage routes. post could forward every- be offered to rates not the question of the amount to be car- be that the would not could the facilities to handle some service, mails have to be carried by pack horses dog teams in winter, end no would to unlimited weight of such It was necessary, therefore, to the maximum charge of 12 cents a pound on the parcels that have to be conveyed to cer- tain points where the mails have so great post not it. yet or or contractor carry undertake an parcels to found impose places. to be carried over 100 miles by stage, as the department could not undertake to carry matter at five cents a pound to. places where ordinary freight rates are much more than that amount. JEFFERY WOODHOUSE FINED FOR VAGRANCY —— IN SIMPLE FORM Postmasters Have Card Which Ottawa, Feb. 4 Che method of finding the rate on any parcel under the new parcels post sys- tem will be extremely simple. Rate cards will be furnished to} all postmasters and for distribu- tion to the publi nere being a of the postage chargeable on any} to all other provinces of the Do-| minion. , When a parce! mailed, the post master sees from the ad- dress the province to which if has to be carried, and a glance at his card shows him, without making any calculations, what | —it good position. But this principle is not con- ' fined to persons of noble birth tions. It applies, for example, to those manufacturers of reputation and prestige who make goods of high quality and who advertise them con- stantly in the newspapers of the land. By their advertising they have attained an eminence where the very best in quality and has a hundred applica- service is expected of If you are doing « local business talk over your advertising prob lems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. If you are doing a provincial or nations! business it would be well for you to have the counse! end essistence of a good advertising agency. A list of these wil! be furnished, without cost or obliga- tion, by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, Roem 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. Rank imposes obligations— or—as the French put it—“ Noblesse Oblige.” It is a very natural and right principle that those who by their position in life command the respect of others should deserve it and be worthy of maintaining their “Much is expected of those in high station.” them. They have set a stand- ard and their very business life depends on the constant maintenance of it. So that when you buy adver- tised articles you rest assured that you are getting the best value that money can buy. Well may you place your faith in advertise] goods. Well may you give them prefer- ence over articles which you can only hope may prove satisfactory. For the principle of “Noblesse Oblige”’ is your guarantee of excellence in Advertised Goods. Fedo FS Fee 4 + Petes 4 | Bede + FS + | Soetor’} t + em + + ene + + eee + ~ Jeffery Prince Rupert, much the in Vancouver in again. io have who created suct Woodhouse, who police liy lately. of very light been He Roma Graham has in trouble married is alleg~ western provinces of Canada very {@ sensation by successfully de-}| tical Vv. D. Casley | considerably. fying the immigration author EMPRESS HOTEL Nor is it the internal trade of|ties to deport her a few weeks Seventh Beret al mie Canada alone that will benefit by{aso- Last week Woodhouse was ropean Plan, 60 to $1 Per Day the new routes via Panama. The fined $25 and costs by Magis- salle extension of trade to and from|trate Shaw in police court on a onitenunknatee. the West Indies and South Am-|Yasraney charge. Woodhouse American and European Plan erica, and other countries, will}Was an important person and F. W. Henning, Manager be made possible. would have made a most impor- —_——————————————— Ge a tant witness in the Roma Gra- ROYAL MOTEL ’ E. JETTE | He Proved It ham investigation, but at that Corley & Burgess, Props , time he could not be apprehend- uropean Plan Bteam Heated The Canadien’s spare defence Why do you say that Brown is}ed Although instrumental in ce man. who is showing great|smarter than you are? defeating the immigration au-| BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR ©O., impravement every game. (He Why, you see, he had a chance | thorities, the police are power LIMITED played good hockey againstjonce to marry my wife and|less to law a more serious charge second ave ee ee St Montreal on Saturday. didn't. against him. ert aay a SS ee ——= as 1p ayers are ee eee PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING ©O., ~~ —e ro rant eiene eens tn ; vee aie ate Sts + eR RII AAI AA IPR IIII III IP ISIIS DISS IAA SISA AAS SSIAIBIISISISISSSSISSSISISSSSC + Phone 7 Ta ects Ota Cast ans Pe Osean eer t Fa rey FOO OOOO. ORE II OO SOOO IRE ALL. AR aR ARR AR ARE IP * FIRE ALARM SYSTEM {7 * . t CIRCUIT NO, 1. * Box 125th St. and 8rd Ave + Box 136th St. and 8rd Ave. Box 14--8th St. and 3rd Ave. % Box 15—-Junction of 1st, @nd and ra Aves * Box 16 -1st Ave., between 8th and x Ls Knox Hotel.) * Box 17-181 Ave. and 7th St. (Cen x il Hotel T CIRCUIT NO. 2, x Box 22 rd Ave, and 3rd St. » Box 23 rd Ave. and McBride St, »® Box 24-151 Ave, and McBride 8t, 4 Box 25--2nd Ave. and @nd St. x Box 26--2nd Ave, and 6th St + Sox 27d, T. P ; »* CIRCUIT NO, 3. + Box 31 th Ave, and Fulton St * Box 32-—Horden and Taylor Sts, Box 34 th Ave. and Fulton St, Box 369th Ave, and Comox Ave, 4 Box 878th Ave. and Dodge Pl. 7 Box 38 li Ave, and Thompson 8t, CIRCUIT NO, 4, me 41-—4th Ave. and Emmerson Box 42—-5th Ave. and McBride St. Box 435th Ave, and Green Bt. Box 44—6th Ave and Basil St, Box 45—Jth Ave. and Eberts. Box 144th Ave, and Young St, ICSC ei no ooo We ! | | | ENVELOPES Wil LETTERNEADS BUSINESS CARDS FOLDERS printed matter—a circular, SHIPPING lowue. TAGS You would not send out BLOTTERS represemt you; VISITING CARD6 BALL PROGRAMMES MENU CARDS BILLMEADS STATEMENTS ——S>SS= DAILY JOB PRINTING PRINTING Sumrive is ever and the Fall trade has begun. To get beur shate you must have some sort of By sure to have that work done properly. a shabby salesman to then don't make the mistake of } sending out @ poorly printed circular or booklet. We are QUALITY PRINTERS and can produce a piece of printed matter thai you would be proud 98. ef and which will get results. ee EY folder, booklet or cata- Try us. Phone is ee ee NEW DEPARTMENT SID IAIAAAAIAAIAAAIAAAAAAIIIAAIISAAISISISAIAISISASISSAISISASISSISIS SASSI SISAIAC formerly | been} | oa has| Regarding Glass. ift. ally adaptable as wedding gifts. To the Appropriate Wedding Gifts. The difficulty, however, Wedding Gift Buyer! You who Ilve out of town are often in a quandary, when the matter of appropriate wedding gifts comes before you. easily overcome by writing for our ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, which represents very fully our fine assortments in all tines which are especi- We are careful in packing and deliver- ing wedding gifts to out of tewn points, all goods being sent at our risk. | In our Catalogue will be found many suitable gifts in Silver and Cut Write for this Gatalogue today if you are considering a wedding You will save money by buying through our mail system. Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director) Henry Birks G& Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS VANCOUVER, B.C Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable tron Pipe Rope Pumps L. Nef estuts ——— FRED STORK’S fa reli seasful record of sending Fur Shippers promp AND PROFITABLE returns, 1e only reliable, accurate market report and price list published, = ———————— 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Pipe Fittings Valves Hose Ammunition Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” HARDWARE Rifles and Shotguns | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE SHIP YOUR FURS TO jn Ol-3) ae YOUR FUR BUSINESS DIRECT with the la house in the W dealin an'Raw g exclusively in AMERIC FURS Write for Write for it-NOW—it's FREE . B. SHUBERT, Inc. 2327 Dept. Get “More Money” for your FURS SHIP YOUR FURS TO “SHUBERT™ ble—responsible —safe—Fur House with an unblemished rep existing for “more than a quarterofacentury,”’ a long sucy st—SATISPACTORY “Che Shubert Pbipper,” WEST AUSTIN AVE, §22 CHICAGO, U.S.A, Keke Kak + “The Daily News,” 50 cents per month GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Department of Agriculture Office of Assistant Horticulturist New Court House, Prince Rupert Phone 534 Information’ or advice freely given. Write or call. A. H. TOMLINSON Assistant Horticulturist PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. 908 Third Avenue Dealers in FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Mail orders promptly attended ta UNION S.S. COMPANY OF 8.6, Lt WINTER SCHEDULE Twin Screw Steamer “Venture” FOR VANCOUVER 2 P. M. Wednesdays FOR GRANBY BAY Midnight Mondays, Nov. .17, Dec. ist, 15th and 29th and 8 a.m. Tuesdays, Nov. 25, Dec. 9th, 23rd and 30th Get Tickets at Rogers Steamship Agency Second Ave. Phone 116