you do each bake day. Do you get per- fect bread with every batch ? No question about it if you use MY flour. They test ROYAL STANDARD over at the mill by actual bread making with various wheat samples. Only grain that makes delicious bread is pur- chased. That’s why ROYAL STANDARD is so uniform. ASK YOUR GROCER @) a Vancouver Milling & Grain Co., L VANCOUVER -NEW WESTMINSTER - NANAIMO. VICTORIA a con es | a, Sa |p td. ‘| Winter coats | HUBERT The Trade Centre of the Famous Bulkley Valley There will be ONE good-sized city in the Bulkley Valley, and that will be HUBERT Call or write for particulars Natural Resources Limited Security Co. Sixth Floor, Vancouver Block Vancouver, B.C. We put FORT GEORGE on the map and kept it there ‘ customers at $20). ALL FREE. (Dept. a EE EE as MISSING! Thousands of readers are missing our offer to send FREE our large range of patterns of OUR FAMOUS SUITS or OVERCOATS TO MEASURE (Carriage and Duty Paid) at $8.60 (valued by our Together with patterns we will also send a tape measure, fashion plate, and full instructions how to measure yourself, You have only to read our book of testimonials and you will be convinced that no other firm in the world can approach us for value. Money returned if you are not satisfied. Address for Patterns: CURZON BROS., Clougher Syndicate, 150 Please mention this Advertis: ), 449 Spadina Avenue, af nee. TORONTO, ONTARIO, | by the Flemish Refugees, man’s wage. Collars, Fronts, Plastrons,J abots, Yokes, Fichus, Berthes, Hand- kerchiefs, Stocks, Cami- soles, Chemise Sets, Tea Cloths, Table Centres, D'Oylies, Mats, Medal- lions, Quaker and Peter Pan Sets, etc., from 25¢., @Oc., $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. apy $5.00 each. Over designs in yard lace and inser- tion from 10c., 15e., 25¢., 45c., up to $5.00 per yard, IRISH CROCHET. Mrs, Armstrong having over 100 Irish peasant girls connected with her industry, tome beautifulex- amples of Irish hand made laces me may be obtained, All work being sold direct from the the workers and customers derive great advantage, DAINTY HANDEIE—100, No, 910,—Lace 1j in. deep, Our Laces were awarded the Gold Medal at the Festival of Empire and Imperial Exhibition, Crystal Palace, LONDON, ENGLAND, for general excellence of workmanship, UY sone of this hand-made Pillow Lace, it lasts MANY times longer than machine made variety, and imparts an air of distinction to the possessor, at the same time supporting the village lace-makers, bringing them little comforts otherwire unobtainable on an agricultural Write for descriptive little treatise, entitled ‘Tie Pride of North Bucks,’’ containing 200 striking examples of the lace makers’ art, and is sent post free to any part of the world, Lace for every purpose can be obtained, and within reach of the most modest purse, lace-makers, both ¥ MADE BY THE COTTAGERS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, This is the old-fashioned lace made on the cushion, and was first introduced into England It is still made by the village women in their quaint old way. Every sale, however small, is a support to the industry. (1) in. deep.) STOCK— Wheel Design. Price 25c, each. (Half shown.) PaLePasee ay rmsd ieee as ut Saas, 1d hd pA ry No, 122.—80c, per yard. ’ Mrs Rupert Armstrong, Olney, Bucks., England LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Winter coats from $18 to $32, | | }your choice $10. Demers. it} * * * Rey. G. H. Raley left yesterday |for Granby Bay. |= . . . from $18 to $382, vour choice $10. Demers. it . . ‘ Gamble Vancou- Harrison and back from ‘ oh Saturday. Messrs. ‘e expeeted The Ladies’ Musical Club will jmeet at the home of Miss Irwin, | Merryfield Block, First 4:30 p.m. on Friday. it Metlakatla wharf jhas been finished and Contrac- itor Mark Hyatt had_ his driver towed over to Seal Cove by lithe MeCullough yesterday. . . i The new pile Mr. GC. W. Peck leaves tomor- }row for a trip south and east. He jexpeects to be }and will attend the grand chap- gone some weeks, jter R. A. M. in Toronto on Feb- jruary 25. Vidler of the Bank of lommerce staff has been trans- | ferred tomorrow Pe A Gh \ and leaves morning. Mr. Vidler j}has been prominent in the yacht jelub and other organizations and to Vancouver = will be much missed. bse oe Mr. T. Collart is in receipt of a letter from his partner, Mr. Reynolds, who is spending thé winter in Fort Geroge. On Jan. 25 the thermometer was 25 be- low zero, and the big hotel at Central Fort George, which is ;}steam-heated, is very popular jjust now. Mr. Reynolds For{ George is expecting a boom this spring. says Mayor Newton left yesterday jafternoon for Metlakatla to of- | ficiate in the formal ceremony the office. installing new native The had an election and last night the victors were placed in office. The mayor is expected council in natives recently back this afternoon. The eye is sometimes more eloquent than the tongue, yet few of us prefer a tongue lash- ing to an eye lash. Winter coats from $18 to $32, your choice $10. Demers. 1t FRIZZELL’S SQUASH SWEET POTATOES HEAD LETTUCE GREEN PEPPERS PARSLEY RADISHES GREEN ONIONS CABBAGE BRUSSELS SPROUTS PINE APPLES TURNIPS CARROTS BEATS CAULIFLOWER | All Kinds of Fresh Fish for Friday FRIZZELL’S Avenue, | THE DAILY NEWS |NEW PLACER STRIKE ON GERCHELL RIVER Men on Trail Reported Stealing Dogs to Start for Discovery Seattle, Feb, 4.—Reports of a placer strike of uncertain rich- ness on the Gerehell River, in | the upper Tanana valley, were }given out yesterday by Mr. \W. P. Blanchfield, an Alaskan freight- er. Mr. Blanchfield left for the north after spending several days in Seattle buying goods to | take into Fairbanks. According | to the report the discovery was }made on a stream emptying into the Tanana river on the left jlimit, about half way between Tanana Crossing and the mouth of Healy river. Coarse gold is said to have been found by prospectors who struck out for the hills from Tanana Crossing late last fall after being marooned on the way to the Chisana from Fairbanks. Mr. Blanchfield said that men aong the trail were stealing dogs in order to start for the scene of the reported discovery. Disbelieves Miraculous Con- ception Special to The Daily News. San Francisco, Feb. 5.—As a result of criticisms directed by the Presbyterian Ministeria! As- sociation of the San Francisco Bay Cities against the declara- tion made last Sunday by Rey. Charles Aked, D.D., a clergyman of international repute, the lat- ter probably will resign as pre- sident of the San Francisco Church Federation. The statement made by Rev. Dr. Aked was that he did not be- in the miraculous tion of Christ. lieve concep- New Ice Record Lake Placid, N. Y., Feb. 5.—A new world’s record for ing in fifty yard dash was made here when Robert Miller of Chi- cago covered the distance in five seconds flat. ice skat- A farewell reception and con- cert will be given’ to Rev. Mrs... F. W. Kerr in the terian Hall on Friday evening. All members and adherents are invited to be present 29-30 and Presby- Concert Seal Tuesday 8 o'clock. church 10th, at 25 cents. 29-33 Cove Feb. Admission in evening, Phone 3 P.O. Box 1704 SAVOY HOTEL FIRST CLASS CUISINE and Cold Running Water in all Rooms Only firost brands of Liquors and Cigars kept THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHER Proprietors BURN WOOD We dry Hot rere can supply you with clean wood cut to any from kindling to cordwood. Burn wood 81ze and save money. Phone 304 ‘Terrace Wood Co., G shown in pare er Read The Daily News Gift to your Friend PERRIN’S The well known Perrin trademark as you get, as this assures you perfection of Style, Fit and Finish. Best dealers the world over sell the genuine PERRIN GLOVES. *° ) Whether For Yourself orasa LOVES cuts should be on every glove $us2/) EE STEAMSHIP MEN ARE TURNED BACK On Pier to Sail North When Ca- ble Says Cases Postponed few min. Mari- Steamship Seattle Seattle, Feb. 4.—A the Alaska before steamer of the sailed utes posa, Company, from for Alaska ports, steamship men to the at summoned appear in district court Humboldt, or transportation, trial Feb. 5, cable that the postponed and would not be Iinited States in the Alaska for by SO- Juneau called set on notified cases had that their required for a time at rhere was quite an steamship talent on cases, were been presence least, of all the cablegrams array the aboard pier to £0 the readiness when in Mariposa were received, SLIT SKIRT ORDER POSTPONES DANCE Women of Budapest Refuse to Wear Old-style Gowns Budapest, Feb. 5. In conse- quence of the order issued by Field Marshal Kakete, comman- der of the garrison here, that women would not be allowed to appear in slit skirts at any func- tions of the officers’ corps all women who had been invited to the military ball at the Casino refused to attend. The ball had to be postponed. New raincoats and capes for boys and girls—Wallace'’s. Van Anda. Will Rebuild being considered for the rebuild will be one of the first buildings to be replaced Much assistance Powell nearby places been received from and other has River market for for Akerberg, the engine If you are in a good reliable ness or pleasure, see Thomson & Co, machinists, Manson Way ist Avenue. 246-411-38 and DR. GILROY, DENTIST and Bridge Work a spec ialty. Crown Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue SANITARY INSPECTOR Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 4:00 p February 6th, 1914, for position of Sant lary Inspector for City of Prince Rupert No application considered unless aC companied by three credentials ness, etc., for the position ERNEST A, WOODS, 27-28 Clerk, Municipal Council Range Five. HIGH CLASS TAILORS to. Ladies and Gentiemen if you want something “different” and supurb see us SWEDER BROS, MERCHANT TAILORS 38 Helgerson Block SIXTH STREET Phone - ~ “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT DESK ROOM in ground floor office. Apply P.O, Drawer 1663 City. 285-1 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Queen’s Cafe, Smithers; best location and largest place in town, with sleeping accommodation for one hun dred. Apply C. Morris, Smithers WANTED SEWING WANTED—Phone Blue 325 8-3 WANTED-—A general servant Appl) Mrs. 8, P. Saunders, Phone Green 202 PAPERING AND PAINTING wanted by an experienced workman, I can save you money. Address P.O, Box 279. 22-24 YOUNG WOMAN wants work of any de- scription except washing Address P U. Box 279 27-29 YOUNG WOMAN with little girl would like position in private family, Box 101 Daily News. 101 WANTED—A jmiddle-agea tady to assist in soft drink and cigar counter, out of town. Enquire Dominion Hotel CHILDREN'S NURSE wishes engagement in Prince Rupert or near vicinity; good references Mrs. A, H. Hermann, P. O. Box 894, Victoria, B. C, 24-31 WANTED—Violin and other orchestra! players to join orchestra class Prince Rupert Music House, opp. post office. 22-24 PLUMBER WANTED—Strictly plumber wanted a tonce o'clock Harry Hauson, near McBride. Phone WANTED first-class Apply five Second Avenue, 489 23-26 Immediately, young man in every town wishing to be independent and make good money. Apply Mac- kenzie Bros,, New Westminster. 925-37 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—It you have any Sstenographic or typewriting work to do evenings drop a card to P. O, Box 796. 18-24 1836 THE BANK oF 1914 BritishNorthAmerica 78 YEARS In Business CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,766,666. Bank Money Orders Are Safe And Convenient If you want to send any sum up to Fifty Dollars, to any Canada, Yukon excepted, or to any of the point in principal cities of the United States buy a Money Order at any Branch of the Bank of British North The cost in trifling. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. America, KNIGHT & HICKEY MHI e Becca and Sixth PHONE GREEN Shop: Fraser Streets 269 as to fit-| a = | \onetetedeeeennne ee —S Fb b4 oH Van Anda, Feb, 4.—Local resi- FOR A TAXI dents whose business interests | escaped destruction Im the fire} Ph i which destroyed much of the | one 75 business portion Tuesday be ave united in a common effort) oP Aaiieve the distress of those PRINCE RUPERT AUTO og who were made destitute by the Peeneercrsereeccrrees, } conflagration Already plans Qe | oma Pees } | ing of the store in which the fire| atarted, and the post office, the telegraph office, drug store and | pool room, to which the fire spread, The miners unlon hall, sacrificed with dynamite to pre vent further fire loss, probably busi- | | | | m, Friday next, | | Skeena Land District—District of Coast—| TAKE NOTICE that I, Thomas McCly mont, of the City of Prince Rupert, in the Provinee of British lumbia, broker ntend to apply for permission to lease thirty acres Of land bounded 4s follbew Commen y at this post planted where the worthe limit of the right-of-way of} the Grend ink Pactl Railway Com pany « $8 the westerly bank f the Zimmergoetz Hiver and being about 400 feet east of Mile 87; thence in a north ask 5 du tion n aid ive 0 hains; thence he h mit Par right-of-way i” hains thence with the wester! ) to the ! therly limit way of the Grand l Vv inpany; thence wes . northerly limit of f-way tei (10) chains more vine f commencement DATED this seventh day of January 1vi4 THOMAS McCLYMONT Pub, Feb. 3 to April 6 Thursday, jo) ary My ee Church Servic FIRST P! 7 Serv * VEUROW Chureh H Empres Sunday REV. F. W. kK . THE FIR ; COR, Y *U ROR Services a.m. @ ible ¢ war eca KEY THe FL SIXTH A ‘ OH Week aay) W day and CHRISTIAN Held tn Hays PRINCE AUPE Lots are now at ther lowest BUY before the tion of the rail: comple: oad WE have fots which quire very small cast payment Harrison, Gamble bi : IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP Repairing Quickly Done COW BAY PHONE RED 156 “RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Prince Rupert, B. C. Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con struction, Heports, Plans, Dominion and Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric Blue Negatives and White *rints A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers ist Ave., Manson Way Printing, Phone 525 215 Second Avenue Phone 43 WILLIAM T. HOUSE B.C. Land Surveyor PRINCE RUPERT P.O, Box 518 PEOPEPEPLELOL LLL ELTA TTEE 35 PHONE ——& Automobile and Taxies Large Mach Pr 4 Re Speosal Rates | parties) 35 PHONE -— 5} POPEOOLELELAE LEE EOE TE povecem POOPEPEPOEEEEL EEE EEE LTTE FOR RENT—A_ neat oon house, close in, $20 per -~ The furniture in e A. sale at a barga’r Apply Ow 262 Eighth Ave. W this FOR GALE—The four finest hy lots on Graham AY Biot Section 2, price $2 each, | each cash, 6, 1% 18 and months at 6 per M. M. STEPHENS & 60, Ll REAL ESTATE INSURANA NOTARIES i POOP EOOL ELIE OLE LTTE eoereeet TUG AND SCOW FOR HIRE W. R. MORRISON PHONE BLACK 156 ~ JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street SOUTH WELLINGTON COAL The Coal that Made B.O. FAR WEST FUEL COMPANY Fifth St, rear Hart Block UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Coal PHONES; 36 Office, RESIDENCE 333 Second Avenue PRINCE 110 RUPERT FURNISHED APARTMENTS in two and three room suite. $20 per month - DYER Phone Black BOAT BUILDER NH. JOHNSTON Phone Green 321 Jo E 334 Seal Cove G. R. Naden Co. ls Ce B.C, Goast Steanstip Se FAMOUS he PRINCESS LINE Princess Maquinna, e°r am, GBaturday " J.G. McNAB, General Agent — _ we ~ GEE WHAT 1 oH $200 CAd WILL BUY a Lot 33, Block 2, Se0llo" ao months * Balance $200 in 6 "ONY $200 in 12 month site 7 per cen Second Avenue yrance Real Estate and 18