GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS RINCE RUPERT i THE PACIFIC if that Bickerdike Bill goes PORT OF PROGRESS through Sheriff Shirley will lose one of the emoluments of his job. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, PRICE FIVE CENTS WANTS TO ABOLISH GRANTING CANADIAN T RIEST FOUND GUILTY ANNA AUMULLER MURDER --- ALDERMEN BUSY ON CITY’S FINANCES WISTS. PLAN 0 FORCE AN APPEAL, | = rdinary Methods May Be oted in Campaign on the | pening of Parliament ( j to The Daily News Keb. 5 The Unionist ce ded to raise the Ulster ind the ne ITs reneral electior on'| ne Rule Bill, Im-| fier the opening of | the leaders met at draft a plan of the session. a spokesman, the opened uf a way as memorable} imentarys proce | rumored cite intend Lo adopt eX TAKES RUPERT BRIDE | Little of Hazelton Married SEIZED SCHOONER o Miss Olive Wrathall Last Evening Fishing Vessel Seized in 1911 Will Have to Go Back ‘we was recorded he bride f to Seattle The bride he W. W. Wreathall Va \ I ) Judge ih from |e! has | n given versing is ne the he decision of the supreme court lies in the dist pot Br sh Columbia and the Hazelton some of appeal of British Colum , bia in the case of the American sedy who has |x#soline schooner Thelma, The i we th master of the Thelma was accu- i f fish th the three- lim off the coast of Van- ; telat Island on July 24, 1944. S ma tt lgment handed down by a irt of Canada at : re etfor that the at Lhe courts of — the ; everset The fish I 1 ited uA f ' me h a 1 Cal the \\ \\V Wratl ; d mas tM F. W rhelma, ! rh ho out ie, tamale CHIEF MAY HIRE ’ wedding. TEMPORARY AID | he Prince Georee Wants an Extra Constable But They expect to Financial Stringency De- ind will reside mands Economy rh “ have the rmery occu The | ce commissioners held Beene hi meeting Wednesday jatt rh ip] tment of Kerr Leaving Sunday a Oe od Ba tele 7 W. Kerr, pastor of the | ks { m th P I il gwoV church, who hastsernment was read ed i eall to New In dealing with the ch eaches his fare ua report which was eferred Prinee Rupert or ver ba he etiring board, the Mr. Kerr and{ehairman said he had talked Sunday evening |with the chief who agreed. that on the Prince Al jundet the present financial eon vel The mem-|ditions he would endeavor t d rer, © congregation are}without an extra constable It Hen farewells this is deemed advisable to allow he chief power to engage tem "VSR porary assistance if occasion C\ererro++coocoooccoorooeoorer, \WoCossilales tt The chairmar also thought the photographie riday and Saturday jjseeacstus and fing came SS LT | Great Irish Feature | \ motion covering these sug lopet ns was passed ‘The Ghost” F Tena ae atiaaatl satel ovel two-reel Ito be 67 here were 56 cases ’ Ae picture play ” | reported The d. and d's, totaled} W Rh. Jones read @ papel an bigger cuts i play. “ nat the ide 10 hore are| titled \ | My Brother's J. H. Rogers, who represents a] ane the aes ‘ | SOMEHTING DIFFERENT now 16 prisoners and only nine| Keeper? which he empha-|number of steamship companies, | ll 4 number of homeless|sized mat individual duty tolhas received the revised rates, | , cells rumibe he rollicking Key. toe A turn up nightly for|society, making st veral biblical]/and one company went so far as ‘ ones also I l £ ne eta! lf bed reference Wealth did noll}to instruet him to meet any rate s ree mas a ‘ : : SCHNITZ THE TAILOR” } The chief's recommendation to }necessaril) crow " ee We quoted, 10 iver Phere was urgen neer These rates apply both ways, } ey eek lavaita se the pay of one of the con ved hi a caer fra } ah 1 month was carried,| for sines y in private as wellland it is expected that many for. | t e s les {i 0 i i , ; teen in publie life It was notleigners will avail themselves of | pe | | { vroclaim against the|the opportunity to visit their old { ates ugh | ‘a pp eir ole f oT H ] [ iM r | Out A evala of drinking and | homes. - , | I'To and from all points in the} gam) f we would avoid the | ae Pia | old Count Have you” any ivge of hypocrisy we must live | Prince Rupert Fire Depart yuntry . » PER A HOUSE 3\t i “ae ut? We sell to the principles of good citi-|ment will hold their first annual ‘ < ana J riends 0 iz ¢ | through tickets by best lines |Rower Steamship Agency ADMISSION — 10c and 160 oO ene. 30-36 K MANAGER | of Aberdeen Uuiversity, and MUST BE RETURNED Roman Priest Wil! [SS LORD ABERDEEN « LEWIS HARCOURT. MP. LORDILANSDOWNE, *& WM, O8LER.MD.ERS.. FOUR DISTINGUISHED PALL BEARS IN STRATHCONA’S FUNERAL atheona f eral on January 26th Phe include Lord Lansdow W. L. Grifliths, secretary to the High Commissioner s flice, Rey Colonial Secretary Harcourt. AGITATION IN THE COMMONS TO PROHIBIT CANADIAN TITLES AGITATION TO THAT END IN HOUSE OF COMMONS—GOVERN- MENT WILL NOT PASS BILL ABOLISHING CAPITAL PUNISHMENT—AMENDMENT TO RAILWAY ACT Special to the Daily News send an address to the Imperial Ottawa Feb 6. The com authorities. mons had a field day for the con- A prolonged discussion “was |} sideration of public bills and evoked by the motion of Mr. R. 1< cehinh hava | Bickerdike to ‘abolish capital otions [wo bills which hay zy | punishment. He reeeived sup- excited much interest were silled | art ahd. censure from both sides the second eading with rut | og the house, but the apparent the house dividing Both were}consensus of opinion opposed fathered by Mi Burnham of|the proposed innovation in the West Peterboro One sought to|method of dealing with those bolish the granting f titles to} proven guilty of taking humat unadians through the nedium | life Mr, Foste urged that { f reeommendatior f the cab vould be unwise for parliament rhe other pr ithat inito decide = momentous i ces where cand es for|chang n tl system as the the ocal house did have ( suit of one i ef debate. Phe I up deposits the s ile; fact that the practice of hanging should apply to candidates al the} murderers was old did not mak ederal elections Mr. Foster on/it wrong H Mr. Doherty also ehalf of the government refused|decilared himself against the bil to be moved by the Burnhamtand adjourned the debate, which measure to abolish titles Helis unlikely ft he resumed this fessed to being democrati session, but said that titles were « fe Joseph Armstrong, M. P., pre ed for the meritot s perf fsented the nister of railways of publie duty with sugges 1s for three im Sir Wilfrid Laurie igreed in|portant amendments to the ra neiple with the b but said|way act, stated to have bee member was ot going the}agreed ups by the railway con ht way about il Che matter} mission and will be embodied i ranting titles does not rest}a rew consolidated railways act ith the government ind) the} when brought down by Hon, Mr precedure W d be to}|Goehrane. CLERICAL MURDERER ANOTHER ATLANTIC LOCAL FISHING CO. MAY BE REORGANIZED and Market Many Kinds of Smoked Fish— : no one can estimate what a day Will Be Big Concern » high grade arti- Special to The Daily News. , ’as r “@ } Pres 2 i great deal of handling. Washington, Feb, 6.Presidemt had a very popu-| Wilson has announced that he will -use every legitimate infin. | » delicatessen trade. HOE ee ony ayrr/U. S. HAS CALLED FOR ‘id development reorganization BULLET FOR STRAY CAT HIT WOMAN'S SCALP ————EE_—— 'MONEY MARKET EASING UP SAYS ALDERMAN MORRISSEY COMPLETION OF PANAMA CANAL AND TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROADS MEANS FINANCIERS HAVE TO LOOK ELSE- WHERE FOR INVESTMENTS—MALL SELL NOTES I have been wateiitng thejor a week will now bring forth [conditions which regulate the in the money market, Condi- money market and things are en- tirely different now from what tions are improving all the were two years ago,” said time. Morrissey, chairman of the lhe debentures under negotia- finance committee, to The Daily|tion are those mentioned in yves- News this morning. “Two years|terday’s News. ago all the nations of the worid | The finance committee are at each other's throatsjalso figuring on selling through threatening war. Today they are| the Bank of Montreal the bal- crying for peace. Two years|ance of the three-year treasury ago the great Panama canal, the| notes, amounting to about $347,- Canadian Northern and the| 000. Word is expected from the Grand Trunk Pacific were all} bank any time now. If this sale under construction, calling onjis accomplished the money will money market for millions.| be applied’ on the hydro-electgic These are now practically com-|scheme. ‘The amount will com- pleted and that demand is re- | plete the “million and a_ée half lieved. That alone would makejtreasury notes which will be due big difference in the demand | next year. It means ‘the loan * money. will only be for a year. “Just now,’ continued Ald In the meantime the commit- Morrissey,’ “we are negotiating|tee anticipate that they will be the sale of some of the | able to sell the fifty-year deben- smaller issues for immediate|tures during the coming season We are hesitating because | in time to take up these treasury notes. «PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON ON PANAMA CANAL TOLLS |IS STRONGLY OPPOSED TO PRESENT REGULATIONS AND WILL ENDEAVOR TO HAVE THE REPEALED—FAVORS EQUAL TREATMENT OF ALL NATIONS erican cCoastwise vessels from tolls. The president made it j}clear that he was unalterably opposed to the exemption and }emphasized that he,would endea- at his disposal to have re-|yor to have the provision repeal- |pealed the provision in the Pan-|ed during the present session of Canal Act exempting Amc | OBRETORS. — | HAGUE CONFERENCE Something entirely new and | different in the way of an Iris hi) feature will be shown at Westholme Theatregtonight and | tomorrow night under the title of] ~ “The Ghost,” in two reels. Al- Washington, Feb. 5.—The though in reality more of a com-| United States, it has become the | Action Said to Have Been Taken | at the Request of Queen Withelmina than a drama, this picture|known at the White House, has full of excitement and sur-|issued a call for holding a third prises. Paddy can not let John}peace conference at The Hague trouble. How he gets out of it}next year. The government took trouble. How he get sout of it|}this action, it is understood, at forms the story and furnishes|the request of Queen Wilhelmina many a god hearty laugh. |of Holland. Jesides this there is an un-} ———$ $< — —____— usually good Key stone comedy,| The Civilian Rifle Association | "Se enite the Tailor.” Talk about] will meet tonight at 8 o’clock in 1S FOUND GUILTY STEAMSHIP RATE WAR Society Woman ‘and Dressmaker | fone the picture is brim full of|the Court House, Third Avenue, Pay the Death |Steerage Tickets Cut 25 to 33 per Cent—From America to Ity for Killing Anna Penatly 8 Russia for $27 Aumuiler Special to The Daily News There is ancther big rate wa jon among the Atlantic steamship | New York Feb. 6.—-Hans | companies It affects only the imidt bas been found guilty ‘steerage passengers so far, but] der im the first degree IN| the contest among the rival lines nl Aumutier land it may effect second and}, first-class tickets any time, Would Keep His Brother |} According to the new rates issued the fares have been re- | Phe usual weekly meeting Of}dueed 25 to 83 per cent rhe the Progressive Debating Socie-| $33 tickets are now $23 and the was he last night, when Mr./s85 tickets are 827 Some show hip Lack of education was);ball in St. Andrew's Hall on Fri is the cause of many of|day evening, Feb, 20. Tiekets 82 : | : ; r eriminal offences, |! adies free, Everybods welcome, Hit by a Wandering ied through a window d running over. It is prob-|for the election of officers and the best Keystone film seen|to arrange for the season’s scalp of Mrs iol with the death of{|js paging vigorousls just now | | flesh wound in | Potter's neck, complications ‘LOST RING FOUND IN BAKED POTATO Rancher Discavers Wife's Jew- elry Which Was Dropped in Field Two Years Ago Plunging a fork into a fe dropped in the veloped the ring SUID III III ICI ISCO OOOO tet teteted in Prince Rupert and that’s go-;shooting. All members request some, A new Weekly Ga-|ed to attend. New members can » will also be shown, jenroll tonight. j it AA pe FAR a a OR EMPRESS THEATRE .TO-NIGHT=... We have another most excellent program to offer our patrons tonight. PATHE’S WEEKLY REVIEW OF WORLD EVENTS— This number will be of particular interest as it con- tains some splendid views of the Panama Canal. PART 2—THE UNDERSTUDY \ story of stage life from the Selig Studios. PART 3—THE INFORMER-—A fine military pieture from the Biograph Studios. PART 4—FROM FOREST TO MILL An educational from the Selig Studios. LAND SHARKS VERSUS SEA DOGS \ splendid comedy from the Selig Studios, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Remember that both issues of Pathe’s Weekly will be shown in the Empress Theatre in future, one on Wednes- days and Thursdays, the other on Fridays and Satur- days. We are sure our patrons will be very much pleas. ed to have an opportunity from now on to see both of these great productions each week, aE aa a OO ROR ORR OE OR OR OR OR A Op OR Og