a ee eee ate a ae ee a re ares ac.) abe - THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F, McRAR, EDITOR AND GENERAL THE DAILY NEWS FOR FISH INSPECTION [Appropriation of $50,000 Made for Examination of Canned Fish Under Marine [ESTIMATES PROVIDED | R Set Nabe AND Friday, bye §.S. Prince Ruper: Fridays at 9 a.m. For Vancouver, Victoria and Sea) MANAGER Department HEAD OFFICE | Ottawa, Feb. 4 ——An entirely S.S PRINCE ALBERT Or OH < , ; os x : | 1e em of $50,000, providing one AN 4 k N Daily News Buil A ye., Prine or . Telephone | new item y Ne uilding, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. 0. Telephone 98. for the inspection of canned fish Sundays at 6 p.m., TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract is included in the main estimates Victoria; eatiitheneloa Bund rates on application, just brought down and it paves For Vancouver and Victoria, co ing Sunday . se ath the way for a new department in For those contemplating a trip to any point east SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: | that regard. Under the Meat and|f}) TRURK RAILWAY SYSTEM (the Doubl Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance Weekly, | Canned Fish Inspection Act. the service second to none Speed and | $2.00 per year, All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. | inspection of canned fish was For full particulars and information regarding t1 weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance provided for, and the adminis ALBERT DAVIDSON ‘ ; tration of the law Was under the Agent for all Atlantic Steams! Subscribers will greatly oblige by prompuy calling up Phone 98 in| i icullural department It has 5 | Agent ho case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers how been decided with a view of rr ne Rupert SAE ES TNT ieee ee ise liicsies ae promoting greater efficiency to a, DAILY EDITION agi Sirw Friday, Feb. 6, 1914 | transfer the fish inspeetion from ae co) sit dct ike ) the agricultural to. the marine ST ANDREW’S SOCIETY { P.O. Bon . . ; | ‘ and fisheries department where " ROOMS: It is a rather propitious sign | the resources and outraged a nt P y : more properly belongs. a nd Averue, Opposite Empre Theatre ANCING to see the government organs| the feelings of the best people Second Avneeting end Friday in month VUNG promise an early commence. inthe couktee Shay. new \ new. photographic studio | V's Scoumen i rent a eens ’ . ’ s] ond. | : ; . e Kno . Aves eh chad tad For rates for hall rent apply secretar me nt on the Island road. | that even their former follow- has opened up on Second Ave. ts Ae At DONALD CHAS. DENNIS, LISHING AND There must surely be some} Ss ahaa 8% ; aoe Aa ; ; ‘ ; saa dent Secretary : ; ers are already murmuring in near the Westholme Theatre Pra TINTIN bird of passage in the air and the ranks What wonder if Mr. F. KE, Benson is the pro : - INTING they are determined to flag they should attempt to secure prietor. Bookkeeping Taught Phone 639 him at all costs. Perhaps in-| , ; 7 , > By Private Lessons ; i tl aie at another lease of power before | e deed another snap election is ‘ cabaan Sipe at ci » cure uvS . ES | M : ps on hand, for no other reason the breach beeame impos- What can’t be ured, buys the WENDELL R. JON artin SW anson . ; i sible, doctor’s motor ear Sir Joseph EXPERT ACCOUNTANT } could surely justify so early a! ea Lyons nd A star , i : _ and 6th St., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | ; ' start. COs ) , ery | O-aate rel Bride to make another ‘‘kill- ; Oe Cake eS ee Toronto, Ont., Feb. 5 Premier W , f ‘ ’ e s TAXIDERMIST ing.” What'a great chance | serious when one remembers ht . b. 5 emier hitney passed another quiet | ‘ your propet g. ata great chance to ‘ ' night and is slowly reg: g his streng The ‘tor ’ ct | i , . that f a rot t » t y regaining hi strength. The doctors expect fQ l ‘ ‘ Gieorge Leek get some more land and tim- fata eased ng rat Cat to have him out of the hospital soon, but it will be a lone tiie | @ ua ity Animals, birds, fish and all)‘4&0rs' i ber to sell at sacrifice prices. | aney TH ‘ An Thies: se _|before he will be able to resume his state duties Aged in Wood kindé’ of game heads mounted; GEORGE LEEK What a great chance to re-| “ o°Y: lere may be places : : 8 Y hides tanned and made into rugs). : , La : where a five per cent grade | ears ‘ “obe / yor ‘ietly first| 2209 2nd Av ¢ store his waning popularity before bottli and robes. All work strietly firs with the speculator: What an| would be necessary, but even shel dap class. A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi- excellent o ortunit , to x at that it would be a_ great (] IL WAR | GUARANTEED BY THE dermist, 728 Helmeken St., Van- ’ a ai % va ele . te convenience and would assist f GOVERNMENT of CANADA ‘ouver "B.C A L s . ‘@ ASV av . ( Fe la ; i leh ee ene ee very materially the opening | LLL GEE A EA la ls the support of starving in- f tl ; } spootoke and road bosnes: up of the country. \Z Demand: the Bran “ LEEK New Wellington Coal Best o Cae ‘ ro ; 2 MRC a Te WLU, Vib hb GEORGE ‘ Coast A local business man com- ei ees a eal ' The McBride rover , . rer : Koa . . Real Estate, insurance and Loan Groker Dan : i a I ah government plained to The Neys yester-]DEAN OF DURHAM ON MENACE OF CIVIL WAR IN IRELAND— al (Seteis, Gourene end ieee 2 Phone 116 Rogers & know that their death knell day that among all the slip- NATIONAL HUMILIATION AND IMPERIAL RUIN | 9 has been sounded. This warn- | pery sidewalks in town the Hinton les } AUCTIONEER Phone 174 ’ Bri. has mae ie more worst was that in front of the The Dean of Durham, Dr.|when every kind of Aaviashial Have Learned to 220 Second Ave Prince Rupert FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING eir own ranks. “hey know government buildings. Surely] i : BS. & 3 ‘nsle nso "ead g re. »stio » Co that they have been false such a state of affairs has ne Hy olung” Re> ;question within: the commitity Play the Piano SMITH & MALLETT stewards of the people. They only to be mentioned in order cently in Durham Cathedral, di-]was becoming acute and the ma- LAND CLEARING Wane uri know that they have wasted] to be corrected. rected his discourse to the pos-|terials of civil strife were lying in One Hour Peter Nelson is open to take contracts oad ua” Nese Second Gn nea sibility of civil war in Ireland.|/at all sides. for clearing land in and around Terrace; Prince Rupert es He said that if he deserted the Let them think of the risk of also cordwood for fuel, etc, Terms, etc., precedents of his past and dir-|foreign attack such a display Without Lessons e Knowledge Of Jon application ected his preaching to the poli-|of national division would hiniiic es re a oe the ra ae ee : ° D. O, STUART tical situation he took a course|Let them cease to think of party Ree Tevet HARRISON ur KUGERS Accountan repugnant to his desires andjinterest and think of the coun- Wonderful New Systom That Even e¢ tJuit We. K Phom ®. ; spoke in the single interest of|iry, to which civil war in Ulster Child Can Use. Architect | ORR Baes Ave X oi : natienal neare ; - |must bring Numitiaticn and Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT. 6. 0 SHINQLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, SOCHS ; Ihey were drifting into civil|might bring irreparable ruin. PRINCE RUPERT, B, C. : poy é}war in Ireland, and unless some] mightthru Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 | alex. M. Manson, B. A PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO specific action was faken quick. $c : Se GA : Sadat aye ae at a ly they would be confronted with} WILLIAMS & MANSON . A ‘ i First and MoBride Prince Rupert the crowning calamity, so ter- ‘SMALLPOX IS RAGING F. M. CROSBY Barristers, Solicitors, E& PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smith rible and far reaching in its con- | IN EASTERN § T 3 , : ; ers, B. C. Second Hand Dealer MONEY TO LOAN sequence that it might well im- TA E Waots to buy all kinds of Household Fur f : ply the destruction of the Bri- arena niture, everything in the line of Mechanics 20% 14 Mee eee , tish Empire. This appalling pro- Health Department Closes Public cue ata alicmeny meting eae er or Loreena meee 4 spect raised the whole Trish| Buildings at Niagara 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 245 oft ina iA 5 | Falls ice 606 3r« K I question, Out of the category of| yarty olities ¢ 1 thes ist face Pi a iS AIEN HARDWARE COMPANY |)!" sition oy a THE RELIABLE PLUMBER PACIFIC TRANS if as patriotic citizens, What- ; Berard Laer HARRY HANSON 4 THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE Neo. 3 “ver their view of the ultimate | @4ward Clark, of Buffalo, repre-|He—“You surprise me! You told me yesterday General Tean 7 ‘ 5 4 Bye see on couldn’ ” 139 2nd Ave. Phone 489 ,... : solution of Irish government] ®@Mting the state department of] a. 29% souant Pisy e notet” hear DAY AND NIGHT BERVICE Furniture and | i A : : Ko -} x , : ‘ - couldn t; jearne 2 play in one c ) euiloaes Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass ‘night be they could not but per- health today ordered the closing by the wonderful ‘Easy Method Music.’” Out-of-Town Work Carefully and | ou eens HARDWA can Sian Mirrors ceive that an outbreak of civil of churches, theatres, dance Hoge BOG Restaurant Work | Storage and Forwarding W A ool oves, Ranges : alls ; other anna ; ‘ re Ne et ia eee Oils RE Tinware ? war would induce such a disas- halls and other places of publi Impossible, you say? Let us prove it at |. Plumbing losured from Frost | oll Varnishes Graniteware ter (hat on a as { ; . assemblage; the exelusion from |our expense. We will teach you to play | Work Done Promptly and Guaranteed at) P. 0. Box 203 ‘ i ) present triumph fo1 the piano or organ and will not ask one Reasonable Prices TG ‘ their own opinions could be the schools, factories and hotels cent until you oan play. th ; One Trial Will Convince You P ROBERTSON rf ¢ ’ ‘ > ap - musica genius ron q e MONARCH MALLEABLE The ‘' Stay Satisfactory worth the price. ot all unvaccinated persons, and | tnyente da wonderful systom whereby any- Rudeianed A ntant ” : _¢ ele sols ( sime or ca ear oO DP 6 Pian or ¢ sor> us —s Range. Until the outbreak of hostili- the ¢ om] let : lation of ‘ nall- ir tea hones With this ne e thathod ttn ms nee al ties nobody believed that the ci pox cases and suspects. There | don't have to know one note from another, Audits, Investigations, i — ‘ Y 3 - e ye mu actice o mt 0 os ; vil war wf 50 vears ago w td are now 130 cases in the city. Sling aiaie tnecsiia’ eet with ail the INDUSTRIAL a Rupert b : 4 738 , as tl ri) ope £4.08 both hands and playing it weil, | Smith Block, rd Ave., F , vy , ° a B 7 come in America, and with 1a Te PAN TNOW tablet ae eitek ne SITES e. echt highest Prices For ; iwarning they would be fatuous Baltimore, Md., Feb, 4,—Tw- | Seltenetion, away saan ntenne emir ce 7 7 | ‘A : , ae nty-three cases - small pox| method on’ a free trial merely by askin | indeed to belittl the signs of|}‘ F ee RY | , Ai ay ul Por | Simply write saying. Sond ee Bt B E R approaching — strife. Both par- ;were report d by the Baltimore Form Music Method as announced in With Rail and Water | ties stood to lose by an outbreak county health authorities today. | ™ Prince Rupert Daily News Tre ite ‘ a siny | HALLAM’S TRAPPERS GUIDE Mf civil war FREE TRI. ree Ss iy Ve ° | Thousend French or English ; , . Modern Pre-Raphelism | At — A L trappers send A book of 96 pages, fully illus If civil war broke out it would! P 8 |The complete system together with i Apply fr us their Raw trated. Game Laws revised to Inot be confined to Ulster or The ble ; : | pieces of music will then be sent to you APDIS — Sane. Why tot rect dee sabe tate ae ae | , nfined to er or lim- ie blessed damoze1 looked up | Free, all charges prepaid and absolutel HARRISON GAMBLE & CO — 2 We pay highest prices where to trap, bait and traps to ited to the specific sues with And gave awful 10t one cent to pay, ou keep it sever P And Rem i] a and expreas charges, charge use, and many other valuable | ; . ve an awrul Jump. lays to thoroughly prove it is all that is Fi ial A and > no commission and send monsy | facts concerning the Raw Fur jrespect to which it began. TIre-| Her eyes were cold, her voice was ‘laimed for tt, then if you are satisfied nancial Agents | of D same oods cived, . so our * Up-to-the ‘ | en A d one i -” . 8 1¢€ Promptly lions of delle ap jon oottien pudver y alee Lin ipte-te; jland was so closely connected hoarse | 6.60 tall 4 : Paid qt Senge | ‘not delighted Third Ave. Prince Rupert Complete ‘ ses mn Deol vith's setible ar we ARSOLATTEL Y FREE for the |with this country that the div- Her heart began to thump. pepe ne oer nothing and eur te | * BUILDERS’ pPLIB Mail Dept. {27 jiding line would push itself She had three lillies in h or he ander no obligations to us, } Address JOHN HALLAM, LIMITED iii Free? Ss Fan, TORONTO throughout the Empire, and this And her partner bid cA a Son Rane ae eens a8 hte yy a : WESTHOLME LUMBER UY. Limi Se hats Reva he C : ‘| dress Easy Method ‘Music © “si 4 6 ” » idisaster would fall at a time Judge. Bldg. Toronto, Canada, 7" 1, W som TRY A NEWS WANT AD pene! a = a — ~~ = — —— ——__— —————— = ee oo ee eines es = a = ; —F Dachs Gets the King Pinned on the First Ball Drawn for The Daily DENOTING A PLAYFUL Anp WIT TENISH MooD, MiMi BO Mine BALL: ONDER FUL STRENGTH OF DACHS' NEcic CYA - SOME NEcic) oa \ twoceeyy “YAW SHCOOP- ICH KANNST Ye ee “TROW DAT BOWLING BALLS) SHOOST LIKE EVERY TING \ AH ' NEIN? Sx NINE eet EITHER OR EIGHT \\ KREUTZ DONNERU ‘ WETTER. AY