day, February 6, 1914 THE DAILY NEWS ATLIN RAILWAY COMPANY THE made to the Parliament next Session thereof for t 1 company under nterse wwer to construct MITH & JOHNSTON, iors for the Applicants, hange 4 mission on miles t ull niaining eighty ELBENT M. MORGAN tober, 191 Jan. 12, 1914 ange \ ICE that Hume Cronyn, cupation manager at a post planted at HUME CRONYN mber 25th, 1913 Feb, 20, 1914 P.O. Box 1704 SAVOY HOTEL FIRST OLASS CUISINE § Cold Running Water in all Rooms est brends of Liquors and Cigars kept HE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHET Proprietors ilel Directory PRL. Vintners Associates WINDSOR MOTEL f First Ave, and Eighth St W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL A i and Seventh St and American Plap Peter Black, Prop. KNOX HOTEL tween Eighth and Ninth an, Rates S0c to $1.00 Per Da) Besner & Besner, Props. er V. D. Casley EMPRESS HOTEL Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets ropean Pian, 60 to §1 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL American and European Plan F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL hereby given that applica ‘atin Railway Company, with it, construct and operat f railway, commoeoncing ¢ uthern end of Atlin Lake it or near the Town of Atlin 1 generally southerly direc un the Taku River where cts the International iiso from a point on said the southern end of Teslin Province ol British Co Newest Notes on Science He IAAP AAAI AAPA AAAS SSSA SSSSSISISA SASS ISI SSIS SII AIS ASIA ASI ASAI. KEKE EE development I and ne and telegraph lines and ise thereof; to build construct and operate in connection With mpany, and t enter with other companies, rks of the company I works for the general resculne |evana / uwa, this @th day of June are equipped with} Ottawa, Ont, CL CC, District—Digtrret of Coast, that Elbert M. Morgan, of seismograph pation prospec displacement atin bd tht earthquakes, le vhi photographers 1. thence fo in regions in point o! atmosphere, District District of Coast of , intends to apply for per hase the following descr ver of Lot 1968, thence ius, West 80 chains, north east 80 chains to point of ntaining 640 acres more SOGOU UIUC UYU UC ULE aR RARER > Surprised i glass has been in- ted with spiral markings that Philadelphia, Feb, 5.—-Regret) tion imaukes appear horizon- no surpriss is expressed by vhen covered with water | ee men here interested in foreign} Aft in investigation the of-|'issoue when th learned of ficia wist of the Isthmian establishment of Confueian- norted that as the st religion of id in paying quantities eannot| China Much f the organized found in the canal zone aendieffort in this country to prevene that the te tor has no valuelsuch action centred in this city. poses There is nothing very sur. | ee ON rising in Yuan Shi Kai's ac-] lo enable an automobile to|tion,” said Re s Dobbins, | itself of a mud hole |imissionary secret of the| hi hee invented a long| Baptist Foreign Missionary So- | p to be fastened to a buried ciety. I think it purely a po-| whe ind me tationary ob- titical move Yua is in a very ject in suet vay that when the| precarious posit! and T ima-j; is turned the strap forms|#ine he is wil ‘ ) take any {rack for it step which confirn his position ‘4 . * h the masses Of Germar nvention for war | In do not inticipate any purposes 1s a mir hich may he ltrouble for our mission workers planted in a field until diseharg-|as a result, although if the gov- | ed from a distance by electricity,| ernment insists upon their per-| when it projec t few feet into|forming any of the formal acts the air a grenade which fires ‘00 | Confucian worship there will buillets in all direetions hori- trouble, for they will refuse ontally jand will walk out. It is a pecu- ‘ thing that the scholars of Automatie delivery of rural|China have not decided among lrmail is provided by a North Da-|themselves whether Confucian- kota man’s invention of a car to is a religion. [tf does not run on an aerial track, from|treat of God or gods, it has no lwhieb it takes electric power, | Sacrifices, no prayers. i 39 jautomatically stoping at each London's attempt to limit the}house on a route and ringing a] !n8 of the relation of the rulet jand subject first, and then of the jrelation of parent and child.” The Rey. William H. Roberts, formerly moderator of the Pres- | byterian general assembly, said: I do net think the move will in- 1°)bell to announce its arrival. . . . A new rear signal for automo-|{ biles, controlled by the driver, is four-sided prisin to be mount- below a number plate, dis- playing words indicating that the car carrying it is about to turn » the left om right or to stop, or that there is danger ahead. PRRE EES philadelphia Mission Secretary | rather a system of ethics, treat- {Be Christian churches. ‘GIRL SAVES TRAIN NO LONGER FEAR OCEAN VOYAGES, Ocean vovages | Fischer reports ihe experiments { & Burgess, Props rd Ave, and Sixth St. ropean Plan Steam Heated AVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CQ., LIMITED nd Ave, and Sixth St Phone 102 RINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., LIMITED Fraser ana Sixth Sts Phone 7 OOOO ALAR AR AR AR AR aR RAF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIRCUIT NO. 1. PEOPLE IN PANIC OVER BIG METEOR Physician Announces Blazing RocK Causes a Terrific Discovery of Cure for Sea Sickness Explosion as it Strikes the Earth miles east of the city at al; 30 tonight. The toeteor exploded with ter- rific detonation and shook the city with such force as to cause the | city. great excitement, many persons the 18-year-old daughter of believing a terrific expicsion|Frederick M Shafer, living a had occurred somewhere in the from the dam, saved a Chi- cago, Burtingston & Quincy west- Houses were shaken, while|bound train from piunging thru windows and dishes rattled. Telephone messages from the Two Counties for Prohibition Dam in Horse Creek, Colo., Breaks and Sweeps Everything Greeley, Colo., Feb, 5.—Dam- re estimated at almost $200,000 —— }was done by the breaking of the Albuquerque, N.M., Feb. 4 A} dam a terror to|blazing meteor of large size sped | yoir, sending a flood of water lthrough the sky earthward, strik}over the flats, inundating a strip : na ment {ing in the mountains about fif- mounceme i land ten miles long by three miles wide. The flood washed out fifty Quiney railroad main track. The quick action of Dora Sha- weakened bridge into Box El- train was held CONFUCIANISM STATE | MOVE BY YUAN SHI KAI Regrets Action but Is Not the mission work of any of RUSHING TO DOOM in Its Path of the Horse Creek reser- Oblige Rank imposes obligations— or—as the French put it—“ Noblesse Oblige.” It is a very natural and right principle that those who by their position in life command the respect of others should deserve it and be worthy of maintaining their position. “Much is expected of those in high station.” But this principle is not con- | them. They have set a stand- fined to persons of noble birth ard and their very business —it has a hundred applica- life depends on the constant tions. It applies, for example, maintenance of it. to those manufacturers of So thas wiike Gua biuy eden reputation and prestige who tised articles you rest assured make goods of high quality that you are getting the best and who advertise them cor- value hit :setieie sul se, stantly in the newspapers of the land. Well may you place your faith in advertised goods. Well By their advertising they have may you give them prefer- attained an eminence where ence over articles which you the very best in quality and can only hope may prove good service is expected of satisfactory. For the principle of “Noblesse Oblige”’ is your guarantee of excellence in Advertised Goods. If you are doisg a local business talk over your advertising prob- lems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. If_you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well for you to have the counsel and essistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obliga tion, by the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. of the Chieago, Burlington §43 Creek, where the flood was Wedding Gift Buyer! Regarding Appropriate Wedding Gifts. To the U.S. Fish Combine ing wedding gifts to out of town points, all goods being sent at our risk. in our Catalogue will be found many suitable gifts in Sliver and Cut Write for this Catalogue today if you are considering a wedding You will save money by buying through our mall system. vicinity of where the meteor its worst. She telephoned to COLUMBIA struck the earth report that the|Hudson urging that the train be —__—-—- -——— = — — force of the explosior was so] flagged i t A Mieatskad Qaman cht You whe live out of town are often in a quandary, when the matter o ense as to strike tert » re-| t aa le m”Aamon, nien appropriate wedding gifts comes before you. The difficulty, however, is Office of Assistant sidents of the neighborhood. So]}erator at the Hudson telephane easily overcome by writing for our ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, which ae eae far as could be learned tonight|exchange, picked up the call and represents very fully our fine assortments in all lines which are especi- ) damage resulted. inotified Keensburg, where — the ally adaptable as wedding gifts. We are careful in packing and deliver- Phone 534 Information or GOVERNMENT OF SRI!ITISH Department of Agriculture Horticulturist New Court House, Prince Rupert given. Write or call. : A. H. TOMLINSON ENVELOPES x 12 th St. and 3rd Ave. * 13--6th St. and 3rd Ave. pox 148th St, and 8rd Ave. * 15-—Junction of ist, 2nd and Ave x 16-—1st Ave,, between 8th and Sts, (Knox Hotel.) « 17-—~18t Ave, and Tih St. (Cea 11 Hotel.) CIROUIT NO. 2. 9» 22--3rd Ave, and 3rd St, Post Ofices) 23--3rd Ave, and MeBride St 26--2nd Ave, and 2nd St, 26-—2nd Ave, and 6th St. x 27-0, T, P, CIROUIT NO. 3. x 31 th Ave, and Fulton St. Pox 32--Horden and Taylor Sts. 34--71b Ave, and Fulton St 359th Ave. and Gomox Ave, 37 th Ave, and Dodge PI, 18 (th Ave, and Thompson 8t, CIRGUIT NO. 4. Pox 41--4th Ave. and Emmerson . . gon 42--Sth Ave, and McBride St. 435th Ave, and Green St. 446th Ave and Basil St, pox 45-——7th Ave. and Eberte. 141-—-7th Ave. and Young St. OIC I IO Ot ott LETTERHEADS BUSINESS CARDS ee VISITING CARDS 24--18t Ave, and McBride St, PROGRAMMES MENU CARDS BILLHEADS STATEMENTS ~~ SOOO OE A REO OO R EE E E mt poms et tt ms mt FF POOR RRR A AA AAA II Foo I FOI IIIA AIA A AAAI La piece PRINTING 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery The Canada Temperance Act — ; 2 si has been carried in the counties Federal joveatigaasen of what Assistant Horticulturist of Welland and Huron, Ontario.|1s termed “a combination in th Bi 5 S Li it d This cancels all bat shop and fishing industry in restraint of enry 1r Ss ons, imi e — club licences in two of the most trade’ is contemplated in a reso , ‘opulous. counties in Ontario.|lution submitted to the Seattle JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. nder this act lique may be | Commercial by ‘ ; VANCOUVER, B.C shipped. into the county from{Carl A, Ewald of the board of di- Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director. 908 Third Avenue vulside | be ne ear be refer etal ' vi i ca ib a Leah fisheries committee S 7 ——_—__—— ——_— = = Dealers in Seen prartaranr ee reer eran Re eRetERarmermarer mr nM EEN Z FEED SEEDS } HAY TIMOTHY SR III RR RIA III IIIA SII IIIIAS ISIS ISISISISISSISISSIISISSS SSSI IOI | a. ‘|| FRED STORK’S HARDWARE iio: OLOvER 6 vas jnoaaepasenacaptenstirth afta a ICA CAT TTA LT Ct 1 WHEAT ALFALFA — CORN ETC CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Summer is over and the Fall trade has begun. To get your share you must have some sort of printed matter—a circular, folder, booklet or cata- logue. Be sure to have that work done properly. You would not send out a shabby salesman to represent you; then don't make the mistake of sending out a poorly printed circular or booklet. We are QUALITY PRINTERS and can produce a of printed matter that you would be proud of and which will get results. —THE—_______—- DAILY NEW JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT md ee ee ek tet Ps ett eh et FE hh { _—— Try us. Phone 98. * A PIII IA IAD AAA IAAI IAA IAIIAAIAIAASIAISISISISISISISISSISISISSAISSISSICSSACSICANSICSASAC { ene eae + tee ee re ee ees met mee “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” FRED STORK’S HARDWARE —!| “Venture” Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Mail orders promptly attended to Rope Valves Ammunition cia ae a Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron NION Ss. COMPANY OF B.C, Ltd {DO YOUR FUR BUSINESS DIRECT with the largest house in the W ir dealing exclusively in AMERICAN RAW FURS Aid ” Y Get"More Money” for your FURS SHIP YOUR FURS TO “SHUBERT” la rellable—responstble—safe—Fur House with an unt es|utation existing for ‘more than a quarter ofacentur Dg # kessful record of sending Fur Shi »pers prompt—SA Tisr ro Y IAND PROFITABLE returns, Write for “Tbe Mbubert Mbipyer, the only reliable, accurate market report and price list published, Write for it-NOW—it's wees usta ‘aan 25-27 WES B. SHUBERT, Ine. Dep. 522 CHICAGO.US.A. A 8 a.m, Tuesdays, WINTER SCHEDULE Twin Screw Steamer FOR VANCOUVER 2 P. M. Wednesdays FOR GRANBY BAY Midnight Mondays, Nov. 17, Dec. ist, 15th and 29th and 9th, 23rd and 30th Get Tickets at 1 eal ate | Rogers Steamship Agency “The Daily News,” 50 cents per month)secons ave,