PRINCE RUPERT THE PACIFIC pORT OF PROGRESS THE DAILY NEWS GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: Erecting a civic lighting plant with ten percent money and going without sewers is tike buying a scarf pin to hide a dirty shirt. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 106,, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS CANAD N NORTHERN RLY. WANTS MORE i —— — mem ‘ ERTIFICATES SOLD TO BANK AT 96 pondence Presented to the Council at Last Night's Meeting orr City between of Mon of mndence bank the ad the erning sale rtificates was the pre city council last take the ecertifi- to £81,000 one-fourth 1 quarter to the treasury agreed nting ata Jess per p duty and commission. ates, together two years June 4, cent with are all They tifie ago, 1915 vincial government #125,080 out of the balance be hydro-electric the will the FONARD PORTER ELECTED INSPECTOR y Council Took a Ballot on Seven Applications Recommended I ilth committe pre- t to the ect'y ine cf they had by the appli- who ng with a st which them th officer ar wealth f ed I mittee to inspector qualifications the from asked ike a choice the made thought ght to have mn from to the cou among ANGLICAN CHURCHiSETTLED SOUTH AFRI — Fer Hon.H.HASQur’ CLADE. SF GOVLLAMME divisions this of the is expected that Leaders great it session ry oe. it }, Zi | pSAPIWA| 1 Reena fi , it ben | me brid ae d WY (ST i LEADER

ry > : di bt . north, at a point west|States company only has a 24 being’ forcibly fed. Miss Brad ier whitewashing letter. and board of works recommend- Ihe case of Lyons vs. Woods of Yakutat bay. lhour bonding privilege, which| . ed to the city council that the}|and Schufer has been settled out The company intends sending}means that the fish would have laundry water rates be fixed onjof court and Lyons gets his the boats out now that fishing is|to be shipped immediately CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY the following schedule: 3,000|Sbare of the money paid by the improving and the weather mod-|whether the market was right or cubic feet per month, 25c per 100}Hudson Mining company for the a It is estimated by ajnot leubic feet: 3,000 to 5,000, at 20e|}#roup of mineral claims on Hud- le When the railroad is com | per {00 cubie feet: 5,000 to 10,-}s0n Bay mountain, Woods, practical man that less than o 1er i ailroa third of such a catch wall pay|pleted American companies will ? pO0d, at 15¢ per 100 cubie feet;|Schufer and Lyons registered a the expenses and the balance is| prefer to ship from the nevwrest - over 10,000, at 12¢ per 100 eubic| partnership agreement and stak- spofil.. With twenty op. thirly|port, but if they have to ship ‘1-/ STATED ON GOOD AUTHORITY THAT THEY WANT ANOTHER | fect. od the GxOUD Of ciating 18: Guat such boats operating out lside of 24 hours after landing TWENTY-FIVE MILLION—POSSIBLE THAT GOVERN- rhe engineer stated that t tion. Lyons failed to renew his Prince Rupert, which will prob. |they probably would find It to MENT WIIL TAKE OVER ROAD now has meters on the laundries| mining license and according to ably be a reality during the pres-|profitable to make Seattle their erasers id one of them had used over)the Mineral Act he forfeited his ab mf eall ng res t « § . j > ent vear, the returns to the city|shipping point This question, Special to The Daily News j the sad Was pressing for a cash|8,000 cubic feet in one month for| rights in the claims. In the first will be lari Those boats earry}along with the privilege of free subsic of $25.000.000 or a loan|Which they paid $10. The e'ty}action brought by Lyons’ the arge, cst oats ct i sare Te ( s renorte , ? | rew f about twenty men and|bait, will be taken up at '-ttawa Ottawa, Feb. 9 It is reported $35.000.000. The government |could not pump it at that figure. |court over-ruled the Mineral Act ( ‘ws O abo Wi : ‘ at ' 3 . : . . they all make good wages, When|this session, on good authority that that ap-|jpas not agreed to the demand. Ald. Kerr asked the city engi-!and restrained KR. G. Steele, act- plicatio nof the CG, N. R. for fur It is not unlikely that a solu-|neer if the water was not too|ing for the purchasing company, ; eo ~|ther financial aid is in the hands | tion of the diffieulty will be the |thiek to go through a meter. from paying over the balante of TROUBLE IN CHURCH DUKE GOT FIRST PARCEL lef the government At leust|passing of the railway into the | SE EERE the asamp to Woods and Schu- 1e AMICABLY SETTLED South African Charges Threat- ened to Rend the Church of England Special to the Daily News London, Feb. The contro- versy over the communion vice at Kikuyu, which threatened to rend the Ghureh of England in twain, seems to be settled peaceably honor to the Archbishop of Canterbury, who announced that the Bishop of Zanzibar had agreed to forego ser now with the charges of heresy against the bishops of Mombasa and Ueanda, The whole question will now he referred to a con sultative board of bishops and likely very little more - will be head of the subject, Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners i Phone 4 Scottish Cup Ties fer. purchase .price was UNDER NEW RATES “°"’ of the ministers said that)lhands of the government, | ST nan tue | | _ s : ‘ syons gets his ite ‘ a crepe ny ng er | Glasgow, Feb. 9.—-The follow-|share, This winds e trouble : il ing are the results of the Scot-|the cOmpany has had in secur- a one. mance NEW ULSTER PROPOSALS | BY PREMATURE BLAST |i ish Cup ties, second round, play-|ing title to the property. general TO SETTLE DIFFICULTY | a. |= on Saturday afternoon: a ee | An acident occurred at the) Qejtic 0, Clyde 0. Government Auditors (Special to The Daily News | Suggests Unionists Accept the | Gry Goes today when a man by | Queen's Park 1, Arthurlie 0, Messrs. Swartz and Logan, Ottawa, Feb. 9.—Shortiy he-} Bill With Addition of ithe name of Erickson got injured | St. Mirren 2, Dundee 1, who have been auditing | the Pore Hon. Mr. Pelletier | Three Clauses iby a premature blast He re-| Nithsdale Wanderers 0, Par books of Foley, W eleh and Stew- fore midnight : vag {tick Thistle 4. art for the Dominion govern- placed in the new parcels wicket) : wee ; eived — some a. 5 on ei Broxburn 5, Dumfries 4. ment, completed their work last al the Ottawa post olfice a paok.| (Special to The Daily News ng he pea ae oi nal 2 ‘S| Alloa Athletic 0, Rangers 5. week and left Thursday morning ve addressed to the Vinke of London, Feb. 9.—Mr. Horace {ere ua of nore ne RPP) S~| Leith 1, Motherwell 4 for Prince Rupert and thenee to BRR Ae | i ? ’ oO 4S i ‘) phan pital, where his injuries are not} Re h Rovers 2, Hearts 0 their ho Ss the eas Connaught at Governinent house | Plunkett utling 1 novel f SORIA dat at taith vers 2, Heart 1eir homes in the east. Both and thus inaugurated the newj/for setling the Ulster problem. | Forres Mechanics 0 Peebles|gentlemen were very much im- parcels post syste for Canada,|He suggests that the Unionists | rhe new parcels post service | HOvers ‘. ae pressed with the outlook for de- The package contained it hand. |accept the bill subject to the ad-| oo. inte effect today nh acie Kast Stirling 1, Forfar 1 velopment in this town and dis. some leather bag, suitably in-|dition of three clauses, the first). post offiee ewere not em- Third Lanark 2, Dumbarton 0,|triet. » They were enathusiastie cepibed, which can be used t jealling for a plebiscite after Sin csniane WHEE wlut of pares Aberdeen 4, Albion Rovers 1, |about the natural beauty of the contain mail deliveries between|certain number of years whether | ontributions. | \irdrieonians 5, Dundee Hibs|place and about the good time the post office and Rideau hall.jJany section wishes te remain} 10 they had here, IMr. Pelletier stated that from]|subjeet to the Irish parliament, | = Morton a Hibernians i renee the reports received he believed | In the second both sections of) scent The third is that the Ul Kilmarnock 3, Hamilton 4, The Cradle the working of the system would Irishmen are asked to give sue- }ster volunteers be given an op —_—— At Prince Rupert general hos- begin without a jar or mishap of}gestions for amendments te be! pertunity to become a territorial | The heel of progress always|pital, to Mr. and Mrs. D. ¢. any kind incorporated in the bill hy con. ! force, jwears the spur of the moment, |Stuart, a daughter, j