February 10, 1914 THE DAILY NEWS District .District of Coast hange 1 that Hume Cronyn, of ‘ cupation manager of 4 tends to apply for per chase the following desert it a f t planted at the wr Of Lot 1968, thence . west 80 chains, north chains lo point of niaining 640 acres more HUME CRONYN goth, 1913 Feb, 20, 1014 trict Distrret of Coast, fiange 4 that Elbert M, Morgan, of B. occupation prospec apply I permission to crived lands 4 post planted on_ the isiand, Opposite Mink , mil ne hain more or Kk 1 mule and sevenly-oue it west of A A hains more or less apd forty-eight (48 ie west f Green Top t twenty cuails, y 4U chains, thence : hains more or less ww Channel, thence fol utherly to point of A sus elegnty ELBERT M, MORGAN A i iv , Jan. 12, 1914 ATLIN RAILWAY COMPANY eb given that applica ie the Parliament of al ession f for an ‘ 1 company under the i way Company, with netruct and operate railway, commencing at n end of Atlin Lake the Town of Atlin ,s generally southerly direc 1 the Taku Kiver where International ils from a point on said bh ithern end of Teslin Province of British & powet to construct and e and telegraph lines and e use thereof; to build construct and operat connection with the and tw enter cls the in the company, with owner companies, ks of the company be yorks for the general nad ada awa, this 9th day of June, SMITH & JOHNSTON, rs for the Applicants, Ottawa, Ont nel AVOY HOT Phor SAVOY HOTEL FIRST CLASS CUISINE { Cold Running Water in all Rooms H brands of Liquors and Cigars kept BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHE? Proprietors Only es THE PEEELEOEPALELELEEEEEEEEELELEELLE Hotel ; Directory ial PR. L. Vintners Association Member WINDSOR HOTEL ( ‘ f First Ave, and Elghth St W. H. Weight, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL ie and Seventh 8t and American Plan Peter Biack, Prop. IMPOSING ROSEDALE RESIDENCE UF H. PULLMAN EVANS, FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE, FOL- LOWING COLLAPSE OF UNION LIFE Union Life men must face trial. Criminal charge follows evidence taken after a searching en- quiry The wreck of the Union Life Insurance Company, anthe subsequent enquiry on behalt of the British shareholders, has been followed by the arrest in Toronto of Harry Symons, z and the, issuing of warrants for the arrest of H. Pullman Evans, now in France; G Ie. Mallic flamp, who is now in a sanitarium at Guelph, and F. G. Hughes of Galt, who was taken into custody at Edmonton, Alta. The charge is conspiracy to defraud. The action of he crown, while not unexpected, created a sensation, for two of the indicted men have been | e prominent in business for a decade. Mr. Symons was, for a time, the prospective Unionist nominee for the British House of Commons in Walthamstew. The nomination was r eonfirmed because his personal views did not wholly coincide with the Unionist poli- es Bail was granted in three sureties, of $5,000 each, or $15,000 in all, KNOX HOTEL | tween Eighth and Ninth | Hates 50c to 61.00 Per lay Beener & Besner, Props. ~ } hester Vv. D. Casley EMPRESS HOTEL Ave, Between Sixth and eventh Streets t 1 Plan, 6O to §1 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL an and European Plap F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL & Burgess, Props 1 Ave. and Sixth St European Plan Steam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., LIMITED nd Ave, and Sixth St | Phone 102 i | PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., LIMITED er ana Sixth Sts Phone 7 | tra I i i a ee ee ee ee en ie nn nn * | FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ‘| * | *| CIRCUIT NO, 1. 2 | t 125th St, and 3rd Ave *| t 136th St, and 8rd Ave, 7 Box 14—8th St. and 3rd Ave 68 1S: Junction of ist, @nd and : 1 Ave Box 16—1st Ave, between 8th and t Sts. (Knox Hotel.) * Bow 17-——18t Ave, and 7th St. (Cen y i! Hotel | | CIRCUIT NO. 2. 7 Box 22--3rd Ave, and 3rd St. » t Omice,) + 7 * 23--Srd Ave, and McBride St ; ‘ * ist Ave, and McBride 5t , * «ond Ave, and 2nd St. : , * 26--2nd Ave, and 6th St 30x 27—G > rie »* CIRCUIT NO. 8. Box 31 th Ave, and Fulton St, : ’ “0 a2 Norden and Taylor Sts, ca pe. 7h Ave, and Fulton St, oe poe vth Ave, and Comox Ave. Sth Ave, and Dodge PI, SOx 38 th Ave, and Thompson St, CIRCUIT NO, 4, B , 414th Ave. and Emmerson se - bth Ave, and McBride St Bacal Sth Ave, and Green St. Res ae 6th Ave and Basil St. Bor cane Ave. and Eberts. 7th Ave. and Young 8t ; ” ODIO III II OO I a CITY WILL NOT PAY TWO CHILDREN WERE BURNED TO DEATH BUILDING FELL IN FIVE MEN INJURED, DAMAGES TO AUTO | oe — olicitor Says City Not Liable for|Employed on Bates & Rogers’ There is a man who makes shoes for children— and sells them to stores all over Canada But he is only just learning how people buy. It was this way: His wife—let us call her Mrs. Brown~—’phoned to him and asked him to buy some underwear for little Brown. Picture Brown now among the throng of mothers at the ‘‘ Children’s Underwear’’ counter. He asks for Underwear for a child of six. He looks it over help- lessly. What on earth does he know about Children’s Underwear? For lack of anything better to say he asks: *“‘Is this good quality?’’ The answer is short and quite conclusive: ‘‘It’s Blank’s’’—naming a well- advertised line. That short word says everything. Brown pays his money and goes home, quite satisfied with his purchase. Now what bothers Brown—a manufacturer of shoes, is this: How would it affect the purchase of a child’s shoes if the salesman said “‘ They’re Brown’s’”’P Nobody knows Brown’s shoes. Brown doesn’t advertise. The name Brown signifies nothing when used in con- nection with children’s shoes. The salesman must use all his persuasive wiles to induce people to buy them. The point is—If the name Brown was es synonomous with Children’s Shoes as ‘‘Blank’s” is with Underwear, wouldn’t Brown sell more shoes with less effort P r If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. If you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well for you to have the courlsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, by Secretary of Canadian Press Association, Roorn 503, Lumsden Building, Toronta, i TA NEWSPAPER and Northern B. THE DAILY C for Prince Rupert | { l lhe Daily News goes into nearly every home in N EW S Prinee Rupert It is the popular newspaper of | the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- ! SAFE bia It treats these subjects with moderate opti- ; { } SANE mism and reliability, he Daily News is the most valuable paper to SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying public. IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the city It is read by the class of people the j INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to, INTELLIGENT eh cite dipieas -THE—— DAILY NEW tan 6 Ons Oa et ee ne ON FOIE RIOR RRR RR ATRIA AAA IIA FOR RRR IRA A IIA IAA IIA IAAI IAA IAIN FAIA IIAAAAIAIAIAAIAAIAA AAAI ASIA SIAISISISAISISSISISSIISASSSISISSISSSSCSAISICAC DI I OE RF a | Beni. sien + remem mes At tt Pd Ps Ps Fs Fee i ii Carpenters’ Tools { uh Ss Farmhouse Burned to Ground Work of Culprit in Placing i Cement Work at the Big While Youngsters Were p Planks on Street | Tunnel Camp in Bed _ — | —-— On January first an auto be | Omineca Herald. Tacoma, Feb..7.—Despite th: longing to the Prince Rupert} fore no ) fednes- : iy ae i 4 Aut . comy sae ran into creng! Tua} Defore: nogdvon Water lnerose efforts of Joe Fuche dur- G , day last a somewhat serious ac-} > ‘ | planks on Fifth avenue near the ling a fire’ which destroyed his| 7 ; ‘ident oce » t > ge Tur | Ae entint. de ine alent: Thel® lent occurred at the Big Tun |place, two children were burned| To the planks belonged. to the-city and nel camp of Bates & Rogers. A tu death in their bed. luche and | ‘ ‘ ’ Theln a \ es daaeine | ° e the vas ao ey on pap The}number of men were tearing})j. wife had returned from in| We i ( 1 t B er! A l ed his car and claims} doy one of e ol juildings | nN U la , ; On f the old bul lbarn on their place to the house e damages ' t e roof suddenly collapsed | ‘ rh acti ticks cota alte eh | whe 1 the 1 uddenly I Mh igh had only recently beer - : Weddi Gift GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH ind eight or nine of them wer¢ Regarding Appropriate Wedding Giits. , eported to the council completed and furnished. As COLUMBIA planks had beer {|} pinned under the debris \ en thev arrived at the house it was = = a ee iff ‘ ron rhé sage Was at once sel Lue i e off the road and ; a ‘tal th : nt men were be.| bursting into flames. You who live out ef town are ‘often in a quandary, when the matter of Department of Agriculture msible parties must)" pili , that nin I ' The wom frantic efforts appropriate wedding gifts comes before you. The difficulty, however, is Office ; H ; 1 é have d them on to the {jing sent down on push ° em hanccdhh ware. dafeated easily overcome by writing for our ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, which fice of Assistant Horticulturist ‘ the there The } Arrangements were made at ; represents very fully our fine assortments In all lines which are especi- New C ; i I * i 18] . 5 this end for their reception and with the rush of the flames ally adaptable as wedding gifts. We are careful in packing and deliver~ New Court House, Prince Rupert a pe. nen P i iteatatoh dbes at the depot Fuche was badly burned in his ing wedding gifts to out of town points, all goods being sent at our risk. Phone 584 if the parties are found OE yj 9 #365 ae ; , * cs efforts to reach the” children’s in our Catalogue will be found many suitable gifts in Silver and Cut ° , ould and would also be liable to}to meet them, as well as Doctors bedroom He succeeded in res Glass. Write for this Catalogue today if you are considering a wedding Information or adviee freely Sine |Wrineh and Stone ‘fin th third Babee aaniG gift. You will save money by buying through our mail system. given Write or call ; c g e ( Fi . en s , (he city council decided to} When the push car arrived tarde oi i cet a ss s = send this explanation to the auto| only two patients were on The} Pea - row. “ I Ei ae ang which A. H. TOMLINSON } : t 1e le il ak the . rn - ompany. superintendent on the work,|” aeerr . ie ic sk I ], yi S S l . t d Assistant Horticulturist . ‘ WosIioOn oO 6 o stove = : who accompanied mp inured’ £9 wage to have been the cause enry ir 5 ons, imi e If you are in the market for) town, reported that the accident Paha tire ae -ood reliable engine for busi-| was not as bad as was expe ted. | BAe EWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS good reliabl ngine for bu iy ess or pleasure, see Akerberg,| Those brought down had a bro- ing Di ; VANCOUVER, B.C iThomson & Co., machinists, cor.| ken leg each and also. broken|Dr. Stone went up on the passen Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director! 908 Third Avenue Manson Way and ist Avenue. | ribs Left at camp were three|ger that evening and attended t S ) 246-411-38] Others who required attention, them SS -~ —- -——- Somes ae ——= = Dealers in Qemere rmermermerair seme yma oe eae te Pe eee ee eet FEED SEEDS { + Fe RCI RII RI RR IATA I IDI IIIA DIDI I ISIS ISS ISISIIISSISIISSISSIISISSI SA + (| HAY TIMOTHY { a ps saeumaprersocunimenenanieinnirsimannnemmmmdeerss\t ERED STORK*S HARD Wau gee CLOVER / WHEAT ALFALFA i | oe = = a SS CORN ETc 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Mail orders promptly attended to Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint ee Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” ‘wo SS, COMPANY OF 8.6,, Ltd FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Twin Serew Steamer ‘* CHELOHSIN ” ETO mall omen PK SAILS FOR VANCOUVER 4)\~ +, [Do YOUR FUR BUSINESS DIRECT with the largest house in the W S dealing exclusively in AMERICAN AW FURS _ oo ” o Get"More Money” for your FUR SHIP YOUR FURS TO “SHUBERT™ sble—responsible—safe—Fur House with an unblemished rep sting for ‘more than a quarter of acentury,” a long suc ending Fur Shippers prompt ~SA rISFACTORY LE returns, Write for "Cbe @bubert Mbipper,” ceurate market report and price list published, Write for it-NOW—it's FREE . B. SHUBERT, Inc. 25-27 WEST AUSTIN AVE. | Dept. 522 CHICAGO, US5.A3 Wednesdays | | 2p.m. Get tiekets and reservations “The Daily News,” 50 cents per month) second av. —' Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 116