—— er PRINCE RUPERT rHE PACIFIC corT OF PROGRESS GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: The little boy across the way finds navigation on the Third ave- nue creek between the post office and McBride is improving daily. ———— THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNi-SDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1914 FIVE CENTS PRICE EE oo — —————— —_— — — _ a EAST IS SHOCKED BY SMALL EARTHQUAKE THIRTEEN MEMBERS-THE VICEROY OF INDIA TO-RESIGN WANT U. S. CONSULAR OFFICE: LOCATED IN PRINCE RUPERT HE REDISTRIBUTION BILL GIVES B.C. COMPLAIN HOSPITAL CHARGES | MEDICAL FEES ARE 100 HIGH OF CITIZENS’ LEAGUE CALLED’ FOR LAST EVEN-| : COUNTIES 3% ! _ } | BOARD OF TRADE COUNCIL WILL ASK SECRETARY OF STATE NG . aa WAS TO DISCUSS QUESTION—NOT MANY PRESENT 46 i TO RECOMMEND IT—STANDING COMMITTEES ARE AP- ANOTHER MEETING NEXT WEEK 30 $2 Cals POINTED—WANT CITY TO HELP IN PUBLICITY if the Citizens sof a resident physician with the 35 vf <4o\ There are sixteen members on|deemed necessary to expedite Mr. Gampp to belobject of getting cheaper attend- ° the council of the board of trade.|United States traffic passing ' ‘ sbvterian hall fastlance. This petition has © beer At yesterday's meeting fourteen!through this port. idjourned for lack|quite largely signed but some J of them were present and one The following stahding com- ij sht-or ten per-|think “it does not go far enough. member was out of the city.|mittees were appointed: but not enough Particular stress is laid or a Apparently the business men Finance--M. P. McCaffery, A. et ne. the eharge of medica! and no s- | } realize the board of trade has], Morris and F. G. Dawson to have been dis-)piltal service in maternity cases. | 0 got to get busy this year. Membevship—H. B, Rochester, bianagement of|These excessive charges work a | Sy 7p, NTARIO Phe meeting discussed a mul-|y p, MeCaffery and M. J. il and the aileged| severe hardship on the family of } 4 Nr. titude of routine business items] yopin. ¢ “gy £ 0 . 5 ‘res . r s charged by the|limited means. i 19 i. oe a and disposed of the correspond- Publicity—W. M. Law, T. D he at endant phy- It was decided to call another} 1F 18 { ence, Pattullo and M. J. Hobin. meeting next Tuesday evening al 3 5 46 shy The publicity committee re- Fisheries—G. W. Nicekerson, has been cireutated|a place to be selected later, pro- a rd 47 26 ported they had received no reply]W. E. Williams and F. G. cn to the eity|bably the city hall. é es from the city finance committee] Dawson. provincia! govern. The complaints will then be} Za in respect of their request for a Legislation—-W. E. Williams, the appointment | discussed. ) Lei Lt E grant, excepting the infarma-|G, b. Tite and J. H. Thompson. ‘I TERA " om tion published in the city press. Railway and navigation—A. J. te , It was decided to ask the city| Morris, J. G. MeNab and H. ,B. rr > : council to appoint a committee | Rochester. : HE f, nena to work in conjunction with the| Freight rates—-W. P. Lynch, “ ’ board’s committee in trying to|F. G, Dawson and A. Davidson. \ ret 8 1 + raise funds from the Ltransporta- Trade and commerce—G. D. i | Lion companies and from other|Tite, J. H. Thompson and A. J | j sources. Morris. zr a a a s | The most important business Mining—L. W. Patmore, A: ARGE INCREASE FOR ALL WESTERN ra. was the nenueae which will be|Davidson and W. M. Law. Caan nh a gr LY TO Of REDUCED 4] forwarded to the Canadian sec- Insurance—T. D. Pattullo, M. CHANGED—THE ISLAND LIKELY ‘4 retary of state asking him to use|P. McCaffery and M. J. Hobin, ee ene ee ' aon than it his influence to have a United Port—A. Davidson, J. G. Me- * ee. saath Edy dt land is Ore ica | States consular office created at|Nab and L. W. Patmore. 1 teeth: CBT anes ban the total in the Prince Rupert. In view of the Civic—J. H. Thompson, W. M thirteén mem. | SOUr™ Meee i ees ot opening of the railroad this is|Law and G. D. Tite. {house will be 234, f xt parliament by} All western provinces have in- —_ 2 um bill to be)ereased represent3tion, no less Se ere | ees aerate Tira. ee MISS PANKHURST HAS (CROWDS ATTACKED nig the number| Manitoba ant Saskatchewan wil BN ane RETURNED FROM EXILE JAP. PARLIAMENT each province|;have 15 and 16 respectively, Al- : es . Y: - oO de 3~ | berté 2, British Columbia 13, 4 mel % May -— Avy eee ee a : y Pot tea nateel acl é (> * Rees oh om mts Noted Suffragette Back in Lon-/|Incensed Over Attitude of Gov- os if vente ii oi ‘ined the two main | om | Ss oe TOWN - don and Successfully Evaded ernment on Graft Charges umittee Oo seven) premier exp ec . é = - o } ‘ee red wo in Fight the bill passé | prin iples to be considered by cA ee | to ee ~SHIPS. the Police Many Injured 9g afi eslthe co ee, one being the a ae 4 ‘ . : 3 af Phe figur | th oar - ste ; popula | eerste — (Special to The Daily News.) | Special to the Daily News rd Island are it question Of equally 9 v ret ete d exed question | the ridings, the other the | OLD ONTARIO GETS DRYER EVERY DAY London, Feb. 114—Emmeline| Tokio, Feb. 10—A rivtous mob d gets four or} wine of the boundary lines | oe ne ; ; ! : Pankhurst has just returned attacked the Japanese House of fhree memohof n cipalities. (he duty of] The counties of Huron Peel and Welland voted majorities in fa the Canada Temperance i apo and Socios: 0 Parliament today. They were sh North Amer-|the committee was to harmonize | Act on January 29, and thus added large slices to the temperance map of the province. The [TOM SWiizeriane ane loole the driven back by the police only Tl will be}both these principles black areas on the per map show entire areas that have eg ry, Peel, Huron and Wel. |Pelice into making a false arrest.|aftep the entrance gates had iis il re} be est rin 5. , . a land through the Scott Act; Dufferin and Glengarry thr ugh | option. The counties are | She addressed the crowd from a|been broken down, : ii: . . . designated by numbers as follows: 4, Essex: 2, Kent; Lam ; 4, Elgin; 5 Middlesex; |window of her residence and| Scores of people were injured HAYOR GOING SOUTH Found Treasure Bo | 6, Huron; 7, Bruce; 8, Grey; 9, Dufferit 10, Wellington 11, Perth; 12, W aterloo; 13, OX- |taunted the government with | in the fighting. Fifteen per- ; Se I { ford; 14, Brant; 15, Norfolk: 16, Haldimand, 17, Welland; 18, Lincoln; 19, Wentworth; 20, |eowardice. She announced her, sons were pushed into the canal ‘ : as eb 0 9 7 Tork . e Toronto: 2¢ sje: 2 ne) ne. OF Sek ves onan } ; . 10 {ACKLE BOWSER Bremerton, Wa be l ; Halton; 24, Peel; 22, York, including Toronto; 23, Simeoe; 2i, Muskoka; 25, Parry Sound; |coming was a challenge to the/during the fight near the office Walter ae he er ae ' ve 26, Algoma; 27, Nipissing: phd tame Bannon: a I ce Edward; 30, Ontario; 34, |police to rearrest her. Forth-|of the government newspaper, : the navy yard, Kicked a tin Dt Durham; 32, Peterboro; 33, Northumberland; 34, Renfrew Hastings; 36, Lennox and |with a woman emerged from the|but all were rescued ants to Arrange an Extension | it of the sand while he was Addington; 37, Frontenac; 38, Lanark; 39, Leeds; 40, Grenville: 41, Dundas; 42, Stormont; 43, |house “re surged ar j :! . of Credit for Govern- i : ts house, A crowd surged around The Diet rejected by a vote of lwalking on the beach today, and| Glengarry; 44 and 45, Prescott and Russell; 46, Carleton; Phunder Bay. In the lower |to protect her A lively scuffle , . . - . » e 5 A £ ‘eS r y ment Bill |when he pried of a small pad- | maps the dry townships (as contrasted with black above) ar white,; In some of. the sifatowed’ The women was arin to 164 a resolution of want i }lock that held the lid he discoy~ counties not vet dry there are several townships under loca! option, rested and with seven others was |"! confidence in the government f tl t ree ect vai aes one taken to the station, when the|introduced by’ the opposition as eluing oO Ae CHY | heap of $20 gold pieces. 1G mee en me i ae a K | (ro et police discovered thev had been|a protest against the attitude of held at 8 o’clock|/boy’s father found that the RD RES BANDIT IS CAPTURED Q irioked by a woman attired tolthe cabinet in connection with appoint a Lemp- | money exceeded $2,000 te-00, HA INGE 10 IGN TOGETHER W711. GANO GREAT EARTH UAKE Sacrdasit Miss Banvhuraies jthée graft charges. While the Mayor Newton|Posited it in a bank and inserted AS VICEROY OF INDIA a SHOCKS NEW ENGLAND ; [session of the House way in pro Pichinein for |2e advertisement in a paper fol ete as El Paso, Tex., Feb. 14. de Pear | ‘lhe Methodists are preparing|gress large crowds packed the A : ' Fi iia OO owner, Believed Kitchener Will Succeed satel to the Times from a staft Quake Lasted for About Half ajto do full honor to the anniver- | neighboring streets. inlerviewing e — | Him—Other Important Gov- correspondegt at Qumbre carries Minute—Severely Felt Also in (sary of lheir church this year. A| Several mass meetings were eroment to get an Progress on New Premier ernment Changes | he report that Maximo Catillo, Lower Eastern Canada |e and ert is to be given on/|held during the day. The peo- credit on the | st aes scaiaeaiistiat | the bandit held responsible for ; Monday evening, March = 2nd,|ple after resolving to impeach government, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Randall of | Special to the Daily News the tunel disaster, Wee captured Special to the Daily News which will be of the highest|the cabinet’ marched towards the amount for the “Ri 3 a i a | London, Feb. 44.—It. is quite | with the remnant of his band. Now Yor. Fab. 44 Se rh ordet It is also expected that/nouse of parliament, attacking silo Golem ee ay likely that Hardinge will resign} ty ae quake ating as 15 to 30 see. | key. 8, D. Chown, D.D., Metho-|several government officials on be first paid to} eorge this morning. Mr. aes it an early date, The conviction! The most particular people in er : RAH hana lelinnhleattar dist superintendent for all Can-|the way. When they reached the ernment under {all is arehitect on the New vrowing that Kitchener will/the city eat at the Royal Cafe. tf 10:30 npyEry! felt imaliaiis al | ta, will be here to preach on the} entrance to the diet they came in reement, Premier hotel, He is pleased to succeed his as viceroy ol India. } - _ uan Now. Voreuntatna Mave tink anniversary Sunday, March ist. |contact with the police. In the wil realizes that{find that the permanent eh It is believed that John Burns,} Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners nid vandal ean thc Sanat 34-35]/course of the struggle the gate ment takes theirs, Which has been delayed by : a president of the local govern-| Phone 4. ciel Fontarn Gankdn At A}. | was broken and several were ins isulficient money | weather conditions, was ee on ment board, will succeed Sydney | oo meee |hany the shock was severe| Daily News “Want Ads.” get}jured. Many have been arrested t the hydro-elec- | Yesterday. This will @ = oe Buxton as president of the board jenough to shake pictures on the |Pesults. in connection with the riots. lherefore they Sea, = k wtb aaa oie, of trad Mr. Maptannan moh a . . lwalls. At Binghampton a labor..|® se a Sa ; the government] P@Pialy. 16 Kk whe Tto the local government board, ee = o ; ranch cs g 7 terers will now get busy. and the eae el " ee d by a trench caving ABBA BBOUGUUUUUUBAAAUGGUEE BUBBA AAU EEA ria in Oo . : \ final completion will be hurried Dr. McNeill Back 3 M fiven English ca- roe i er eee Se Coa yes mexiog’ | Mf SS | o has ‘en | 196 ; cls to reorganize Road Open to Mile 337 Dr. N. MeNeill, who has been EXTRA : ATTRACTION LOVE AND WAR IN dl Pp R J: | H f: A ] R iB iis and dockyards ee, absent for the past four months : alee appliances The Dominion government In- returned on the Prinoe SOOREP Eclipse Photoplay |Good Program othe Emprese TO-NIGHT construction, speetor was up the line last week} this morning The doctor put in} Shakespeare's Masterpiece Tonight goes see L) \ and on Monday inspected the new Want Ads," get track from Rose Lake to Mile 337. He reported favorably on seeeaae ney eee the construction and recom- serererorocoooooooos |iyvonidis if be opened for mixed F. O. E. train service, Confirmation 1s expected any day now and_ the service will be immediately put on, | Hasquerade Beall F Two or three people in a mil- our Beautiful Prizes lion are bothering themseves as Thurea to the object of life and the pro- ay Evening, Feb. 12 blem of evil and the question ‘ it 9 p.m, whether identity survives after oi » d death. The rest are fully occu- ~ 00 Ladies Free pied wondering how the rent will London, England, SIX Weeks [lh hospitals, and ten days in the Royal Infirmary hospital in Edinburgh He was accompan- ied by Mrs MeNeill, who visiled in England, Scotland and France returned to New York some Phey weeks. ago Che doctor intended pulting in some time i the hos- pitals there, but the eall of Prince Rupert was too strong when he reached the shores of America He came back a little earlier than he anticipated. Mrs. McNeill and her sister, Miss Ray, be paid at the end of the month. eres So? me POPOL ORORIPIDORPOC OOS are spending a couple of weeks in Vancouver prior to coming to Rupert “Shylock,” or “The Mer- chant of Venice’ in two parts PATHE’S ANIMATED GAZETTE and what is doing round the world Edison Photoplay, “HER FACE” , Comedy Drama Cine Photoplay “The NEW ARRIVAL” MAJESTIC THEATRE Third Avenue rhe management of the Em- press theatre are to be congratu- lated on being able to secure the great Lubin military production Love and War in Mexico rhe picture is in two parts and is a masterpriece in the line of mili- tary reproduction, The scenes are laid in old Mexico and exist- ing conditions in this unfortun- ate country are faithfully repro- duced, These pictures will be on exhibition tonight and tomorrow night Daily News “Want Ads.” get results. PART 1—-PATHE’S WEEKLY REVIEW—Containing a great many pic- tures of general interest, among others Rodman Law successfully goes over Rainbow Falls, eighty feet high, in an ordinary rowboat; President Poincaire of the French Republic concludes his visit to England; a bolt of lightning ignites fifty-five thousand barrels of oll; at Paris the Journal’s field day hrings into competition the cream of the European athletic world. PART 2--LOVE AND WAR IN MEXICO—-Part 1. ‘ 2—A tremendous military The scenes of this great pic- Conditions as they at present exist in Mex- PART 3-—LOVE AND WAR iN MEXICO-—Part production from the Lubin Studios. ture are laid in Mexico. | leo are vividly portrayed. 4 * > PART 4—THE WAROROBE LADY—A delightful comedy drama from the Essanay Studios. SOIT WIT : | ; ;