aR = THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. McRAB, EDIPOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Paily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. 6. Telephone 98, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch, Contract rates on application, SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: New Daily, 50c per ‘month, Weekly, $2.00 per year, year. Weekly, or All Other 66.00 per year Countries: $2.50 per year, striclly in advance. if paid in advance, Daily, $8.00 per BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES York—National! York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Tr unk Building, Trafalgar Square. Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. DAILY Y EDITION ostgepD Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1914 As a matter of right and ernment shall be paid. What justice the provincial govern- sense of justice can such a ment has no claim in the man have? What reverence world on the $425,000 they can he have for law? How now demand. A large part of ‘ , "te can the people trust the af- this amount was_ used ‘for : 5 local improvements that en- fairs of this country to a man abled them to get big prices so entirely devoid of prin- for their lots at the auction ciple? Surely it is nul neces- sales. They took hundreds of sary to appeal to party mo- thousands of dollars out of tives in opposing him. Tt hes Prince Rupert, largely on the become entirely a matter of strength of those local im- defending our British insti- provements, and now they in- tutions. sist on getting paid again. Bee In his own laconic way It is a great pity that Prince} James J. Hill once said that acs Beassin ia ivea Sie the problem of the cost of liv- some weight with the govern- ing was rather the cost of ment. The present incumbent high living. In that state- seems to spend his entire ment there is no doubt some time in pouring unrecipro- truth, but still it does not cated praise upon his super- cover the ground. The fact is gors. Why does he not try to that there are a large number get something for Prince Ru- of causes that contribute to pert? Other municipaities that end and not the least of get concessions that we do not which is our high tariff. get. The sewer system of ve aa Greater Vancouver can _ get Another cause of striking any assistance required be- importance is our apparent cause they have men who lack of thrift and economy. fight for it. Why doesn’t We seem to have forgotten William Manson do likewise? the old adage: “Take care of the pennies and the dollars It is-bad enough for Bowser will take care of themselves.” to hold up Prince Rupert and Consequently the saving of a demand the payment of our few cents here and there is a debt in cash. It is much matter of no concern. worse, however, when he com- One of Prince Rupert's pels us to break the law in leading. grocefs has recently order to do so. The law spe- put this to the test. He de- cifies *that money voted for cided to offer the public a big one purpese shall under no reduction. in staple articles circumstances be diverted to and advertised that fact any other channel. The treas- throughout the town. The re- ury certificates about to be sult was that hardly one indi- sold belong to che hydro- vidual took advantage of the electric bylaw, yet Bowser: in- offer to make a very material sists that out of that fund the saving. On the other hand a debts to the provincial gov- striking advertisement often We, pay highest Prices For RAW — B= And Remit Promptly Thousand Fors. “whys not you? We pay highest ir. Deal with a re are the Adie JOHN HALLAM, Limited rices and express charges, charge no commission and send mon same day goods are received. BAi Hionsofdollars are paid trappers each Fitble house. We gestin our linein Canada, Writeto-day if FREE HALLAM’S TRAPPERS GUIDE French or English A book of 96 pages iy Sw - i cee a, when and where to trap, bait and traps to use, and many other valuable facts concerning the Raw Fur Jodustry, also our ** Up- minute "’ fur quotations, sent ro aaa FREE for the a7 meter TORONTO LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. First and McBride PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. Prince Rupert ———— induces people to buy at even advanced prices. = . * Before we solve the high cost we must learn some in the art of frugality. One dollar &@ week saved on your grocery bill will give you $52 can completely of living lessons al the end of the year, Sup- posing that there are three thousand families in Prince Rupert, that would be a total saving of $1,560. It is useless, however, to preach this doctrine of econ- omy to an extravagant age. The only cure for extrava- gance is want, and the high cost of living will never be solved till the pinch of want will compel both rich and poor to reverence the divine law of ee NEW ATLIN STRIKE IS RICHER THAN CHISANA Confirmation Received of Report of Pay Dirt Running $90 to the Pan Richer than Chisana_ is the verdict of the new strike at O’Donnell’s Creek, in the Atlin Country, where, according to re- ports which have just been re- ceived, four or five’ounces to the pan have been taken out, One letter tells of a pan yielding $90 being washed at Prescott and White’s Drift, this being five ounces to the pan, The sources of this tion are thoroughly ing vouched for by business man and there is no question that a strike far richer than Chisana has been made. According to advices received the whole population of that section of Atlin stampeded towards the new diggings, ap- plications having also been made by the discoverers for a post of- fice, while prospective store- keepers are making a move to be first on the ground. News of this strike was first brought out three weeks ago, being received by a Vancou- ver business man, who has sey- eral prospectors working for him in that territory. Until the first reports could be properly verified it was considered pre- mature to make any announce- ment regarding the strike, pecially as the richness of the placer ground seemed to be too good to be true, A large number of claims have been staked along O’Don- nell’s creek, company hay- ing no fewer than eleven staked. UNION COMPANY MAY BUY BIGGER BOAT Loss of Vadso Will Keep Com- pany Busy Handling the Freight—Valued at informa- reliable, be- a prominent 1s some es- one $40,000 It is causing the officials of the Union Steamship Company a great deal of worry as’ to how they will fill the gap caused. by the loss of the Vadso. For the present, two small freight ves- sels, the Capilano and the Co- quitlam, have been put in com- mission, and will run every week until some other arrangement is made. At the present time what will be done in the future has not been finally decided, but one of the officials of the company sta- ted this morning that they would undoubtedly get a new and lar- ger boat. The Vadso was valued at $40,- 000 and was insured for some- thing over half that amount. If you are in the market for a good reliable engine for busi- ness or pleasure, see Akerberg, Thomson & Co., machinists, cor. Manson Way and ist Avenue. 246-11-38 THE DAILY NBW8 0 navigation and other purposes In the interior of Congo. * . . JOGO GUUUUGG UU UOC UU UR YUU OE Newest Notes on Science Ke HIADIIIIIAIA II ISASSASSSSSISSISISSIS SC IAA IAAIIIASASASSASSAANC is High caste women in India, The Phillipines Assembly who live lives of seclusion, are|considering offering a substan- beginning to wear corsets andjtial prize for a means of destroy show a decided preference for Like a tobacco insect pest without American models, linjuring the tobacco. . . . . . . For advertising purposes there | Many requirements are filled has been invented - a miniature | by a new electric light base fitt- aeroplane, driven by electricity }ed with a suction cup bottom by as far as its feed wire will per- which it can be attached to al- mit it to go. most any smooth surface, OEE: co $e oN Rye grass is believed to be the Charles Tellier, the French- oldest grass specially raised for;man who invented the ammonia forage, having been thus culti- lrefrigeration process and was vated in England more than two | kno wn as the father of the cold centuries ago. |store age, died recently in France Rca eae Six electric locomotives, the | A rather elaborate easol and most powerful of their type in}box for paints and brushes and the world, have been ordered for|whic hfolds until it resembles a service in and out of a New York |suit case, has been invented for railroad terminal, lartists by a California man. . . . . . . The construction of a pipe Of German design js a jointed line 220 miles long has enabled}lamp post, the upper portion of oil to replace wood for ‘fuel for}which may be lowered by a rope for trimming street lights with- out the use of a ladder. A convenient clip has been in- Five separate articles can be cooked over a single gas burner vented for holding a spoon on at once without interference by|the edge of a medicine glass or the use of a utensil that an Oh-|cooking utensil where it will be io woman has patented. within reach when wanted. —_— _— — ———— — — Two Gatinery Boats Lost Ketchikan, Adaxa, Feb. 10. The crew of the fishing schoon- Alice, owned by E. A. Sims of Port Townsend, and the schoon er’s cannery tender have arrived here and reported the of both boats. The Alice struck on a rock off Cape Decision on Kuiu Island in a snowstorm and when the tender went to its rescue both boats were thrown on the rocks, where they were pounded to pieces. loss Cut Rates. all points the any | sell | in you To and from Oid , Country. Have friends to bring out? We through tickets by best lines. Rogers Steamship Agency. |: 30- 36! Prince Rupert Fire Depart- | ment will hold their first annual | ball in St. Andrew's Hall on Fri-| day evening, Feb. 20. Tickets $2. Ladies free. Everybody welcome. CORPORATION OF THE ate OF PRINCE RUPER TENDER FOR STEEL PIPE. and Sewers DESOLVO This substance is a new discov~ ery and will quickly remove accu- mulations of grease, rage and waste. Get some and save plumb- era’ bills. For sale by HARRY HANSON THE RELIABLE PLUMBER Phone 489 138 Second Ave. Also on exhibition at Orme’s Drug Store, Third Avenue STATIONERY ; Victor Gramaphones Books Magazines Photo Supplies Developing and Printing Enlarging and Picture Framing Best Selection of View Cards. W.W. WRATHALL 606 THIRD AVENUE Phone 551 Interior Sealed tenders endorsed ‘Tender for before bottling Steel Pipe’? will be recelved by the under- | signed, not later than 12 noon of Satur GUARANTEED BY THE day, 7th of March, 1914, for the supply eae pee of approximately 10,000 feet of 45-inch and 12,000 feet of 18-inch lapwelded Wd lll blade steel pipe Specified form of tender, etc., may be Cae th obtained at the office of City Engineer, EL Wild Prince Rupert, B. C. | The Council does not bind itself to Pee Rey rT acvept the lowest or any tender eaace Land District—District of Coast— ERNEST A WOODS, Range Five. City Clerk . 2 . City Hall, Prince Rupert, B. C, TAKE NOTICE that I, Thomas McCly- — mont, of the City of Prince Rupert, in . the Province of Britis sh Columbia, broker, jintend to apply for permission to lease ely (30) acres of land bounded as folly for / Commencing at this post planted where the northerly limit of the right-of-way of OBSTRUCTED SINKS the Grend Trunk Pacific Railway Com- pany crosses the westerly bank of the Zimmergoetz River, and being about 400 feet east of Mile 87; thence in a north easterly direction along — the westerly shore of said river a distance of thirty 1(30) chains; thence easterly parallel with {the northerly limit of the Grand Trunk |Pacific right-of-way, a distance of ten /(40 chains; thence southerly parallel }with the westerly shore of the said river }to the northerly limit of the right-of- jway of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway i}Company; thence westerly along the said | northerly limit of the said right-of-way }ten (10) chains more or less to the place of commencement, DATED this seventh 1914, | THOMAS McCLYMONT. Pub. Feb. 3 to April 6, day of January, Advertise in The Daily News Wednesday eT Seer Net \c S.S. PRINCE ALBERT OR Joun Sundays at 6 p.m., ver and Victoria, commencing Sunday, Jan outa, at 9 a.m. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seatile For Vancou y 18th prox ‘or those contemple ating a trip to any point east of ( mahal TRURK Ralbk Wy AY SY STEM (the Double Tra ey service second to none, peed and luxury rs and information regarding trips t: ; ALBERT DAVIDSON ge (Agent for all Atlantic Steamship Linx For full particula General Agent Prince Rupert a APERHANGING hone ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY | ROOMS : Opp site Empress Theatre | Seco nue econd Aven end Friday tn month. | Business meeting Visiting Scotsmen are cordially invited AINTING For rates for hall rent apply secretary ee 8. D. MACDONALD, CHAS. DENNIS, OLISHING AND President Secretary ‘ 4 Z at WALL TINTING Bookkeeping Taught Phone 639 I i By Private Lessons WENDELL R. JONES EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Martin Swallll Second Aven Mol Srd Ave. and 6th 6t., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE UP-TO-DATE HAIRDRESSING PARLORS — HAYNER BROS. | UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS 211 Third 8t | Funeral Dire Work Strictly First Class Srd Ave. near 6th St Phooe tet Switches of All Kinds and Hatr Goods 8) Specialty bes a } BITS BEIT EA IG SEE a if you are | 10 Up TAXIDERMIST == gcpests” i | your operty nds of Animals, birds, fish and all | George Leek. kinds of game heads mounted; | hides tanned and made into ruge| ca a LEEK and robes, All work strictly first; **° znd Ave class. A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi- | dermist, 728 Helmcken S8t., Van-| C O A ra couver, B.C, GEORGE LEEK a en } Coast Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker ' Phone 116 Rogers & Bad | anianies Notary Public. Rents and Collections | AUCTIONEER | 220 Second Ave. Phone 174 Box FOR oo AND HEATING. SMITH & MALLET! Prince Rupert) i Largest st LAND C R | Vancouver, Cran r tings, Pipes ¢ Third Ave., Head of &e ond Sire Peter Nelson is open to take contracts for clearing land in and around Terrace; slso cordwood for fuel, etc. Terms, etc., | on ee ere | HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Prince Rupert D. CG. STUART Accountant 308 2nd Ave. Phone ® PRINCE RUPERT. 8. 0 Suite 1, Federal Block pc PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. | Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 5| | F. M. CROSBY Becond Hand Dealer Wants to buy all kinds of Mousehold Fur Box 158 piture, everything In the line of Mechanics’ Helgerson Block } Alex. M. Manson, B. A W. E. Williams. I WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ete MONEY TO LOAN a, L&E Tools, Guns ana Men's Clothing, WU call any time. Higbest prices paid. THE RELIABLE PLUMBER PACIFIC TRANSFER HARRY HANSON \General Teaming f¢ 139 2nd Ave. Phone 489/ Furniture and Hayes Mi DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE liematally and. Pi done Out-of-Town Work . 4 Hotel and Restaurant Work Storage and Forwarding Wood ae Tenders on New Work Plumbing Insured from Frost Work Done Promptly and Guaranteed at |P. ©. Box 203 Reasonable Prices P. ROBERTSON Trial Will Convince You Chartered Accountant Audits, Investigations, Ad ents, Li dations and Assignments as Smith Blook, 3rd Ave., F Rupert, 7 — a M O pose @ One INDUSTRIAL SITES With Rail and Water Transportation 2 : {| | LUMBER RT COAL ee Apply and Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIB Financial Agents Third Ave, Prince Rupert AWESTHOLME LUMBER C0., Limited Phone 1% eee ee HARRISON GAMBLE & CO. TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD a MADAM XT AM THE Scoop Didn’t Know that Housekeeping Included Babies Drawn for ‘The Daily N att Al Tl HYGIENIC AND PRACT ICAL HOUSE - |= REET iNG EDR SS F OOR PAPER - Just © CALLING ON @ FEW UYU a OUR HOUSE WIFE READERS Wie TO PROFFER THE AID OF MY VAST INTELLECT! TOUTTTTTTTT TTT NES INDEED-GO RIGHT ON WITH MOUR KITCHEN WOoRK-I CAN GIVE You MANY TIME-SAVING NOW MY PRACTICAL HOUSE KEEPING IDEAS ADVOCATE HOW CAN WE COAX “THE LAZY HUSBAND TO THE DIRTY ry DISHES -(TS EAsyY- HIRE KITCHEN-WHILE. HE'S WORKING ON THE S\NK BIZNUSS-~HAVE A CUTE Li WREN DO THE FUTURIST TWIRL. 73 THE HESITATION a) yo TANGLE. AN’ I BID ‘jem You 00d) DAN V4 { \ Wh f{ zB @ My -INTL-SANY