February 11, 1944 SAV OY HOTEL FIRST CLASS CUISINE "in DAUGHTERS OF THE. EMPIRE PLAN TO ERECT PUBLIC HALL: Payment on loans THE BAILY NEWS W. Peck 15.00 r W. B. Clayton 5,00 160.00 DAUGHTERS OF ihe 320.00 ———- Interest and taxes 177.06 yor and Cold Running Water In 3) ANNUAL REPORT SHOWS THAT SOCIAL FUNCTIONS WERE | tive: 5.00 27.00 brands of Liquore and MUCH MORE POPULAR THAN’ BUSINESS MEETINGS Ady. and print's 59.69 or * cigars kept —FINANCIAL REPORT SHOWS suUCCESS tudding bee 24.55 THE BE HOTEL IN NORTHERN Miscellaneous 7.0 priTisH COLUMBIA | The annual meeting of “the ehildt given in the West- pRUDHOMME & FISHE? {Queen Mary chapter of the Ime ]haime theatrs ‘ #1,101.43 Proprietors perial Order of the Daughters of iis he fall of 1949 @ ser-{ >’: 2am 15, 191 | ~recocccccccoovoroooons | the Empire was held in the ' ji } eere er ee Knights of Pythias hall on Mon-|' bridge tourna- ‘ fa ——| day afternoon, February 9, 1914.)"' nder the aus-|patance in bank | i } The following officers were | pice Queen Mary chapter. Assets | elected for the ensuing year: The proceeds from the various | Lot and Se £6,000.00 | nt 7| clor Regent—Mrs, J. ©. McLennan.| ©"! ot mi have gone’ to]¥urhiture in Dp, 0 era at | (Bi | First vice-regent Mrs. H L. Lin “ ps | a ce cr one ee er es Le Hobertson an ot Y an ougnt | Flag aed at the ment sale, Dumb-bells, flags 19.50 —_—$= Second yvice-regent——Mrs. Me it ima enerally-iaieae malahne? 1k bank uss Memb R.L. Vintners Association Mullin. od that he purpose of the > Secretary Miss C. M. Martin. Queen Ma 4 aden erect ‘on mi WINDSOR HOTEL Owing to the difficulty of this} inace jot ; ear future a Liabilities t Ave, and Eighth St position being filled Miss Martin |), l ' rtaininanta a pe eres. 2 2 , w. 4. Wright, Prop. has consented to aet pro, tem, It is hoped tt this hall mas Ha 90. Block ¥, Séct $3.780.001 ae EY Yreasurer—Miss A. F, Du useful «ti is blic se many fvterest- on lots. at Le HOTEL CENTRAL . Vernet. ways, f entertain- from Aug., 1912, to Ja 14 75] f ue abd Seventh St Standard-brearer—Mrs. G. R. cn ad k I and American Plan ments a 1 if money-}Loan, Bank of Com 30.00 Peter Black, Prop. Naden. making, but fe inv charitable} Lean, Mr Du Vert 150.00 a The reports of the secretary me philanthroy rk Unde KNOX HOTEL and treasurer are as follows: taken. hy. the of -Deitce p tween Eighth and Ninth Secretary's Report a tupert To chapter this Surplus 928.9¢ rs . rr : hes my ere The fourth annual report of|seems a cause worth striving for Bosner & Beenor, Props. Queen Mary Chapter, Daughtersjand it is to be noped that the 86,477.( —————— he ae ae lof the Empire: publie will view it in the same All of which is respectfully submitted YF er Vv. D, Casley {| The Queen Mary chapter now|light. ALICE FP, DU VERNET ,Treas EMPRESS HOTEL ie has 58 members. | As our ward the hospital] 1 certify that 1 have examined the books | Ave; » venth Streets From January 13, 1913, to| Was sadly in need of refurnish-|ot we Daughters of the Emp and have | European Plan, 60 to §1 Per Day January 5, 1914, five business|ing, a few of members de-[ found them correct in every particular, | —_—-_- —aw—r-vrrw————— Jimeetings have been held. These|Ccided to have a sale of plum |the balance as at February 4, 1914, being | PREMIER HOTEL |business meetings have taken|Puddings and mince meat, a con-| $223.2 american and European Pla | lace either at the ‘hall of the|*iderable sum being raised, and C. C. PURDY, Auditor F. W. Henning, Manager Bs | Ie a0 residence of the regent, Mrs. J.| attractive. Knights of Pythias or at the|the ward now looks much mor } rince Rupert, B. ¢ Fet | | | | ROYAL HOTEL aa r » whe : | “as Burgess, Props C McLennan. The members | Phe chapter is als creatly 1 Ave, and Sixth St have not attended as regularly as|'ndebled to a number f our European Plan Steam Heated they might have done, the great.|citizens who, kindly gave sub- a aal est number present at any one|Scriptions toward lessenging the F cEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., | j Wier aaets « t4ta meeting being only tweive if on our ! LIMITED ees nm a : } Ave. and Sixth ‘St February 27, Paardeburg day, The executive hope that this Phone 102 |}was observed by the giving of a|debt will be fully paid up within . 7 ijtea at the residence of Mrs.|the next few months. PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING ©O., || Palmer The Rev. Mr. Kerr gave All of which is respectfully LIMITED 1} ‘ i | submitted a na Gixth Sts a mos interesting address onj| Submitted, 4b Si bs | . rn , . Phone 7 Che ltesults of the Jattle of! ( M. MARTJN, Secretary. || Paar deburg as Seen Now.” _-- yore ae eee The annual Daffodil ball given Financial Statement eee | | . w . } }on Easter Monday was generally For the year January 15. 1913,} t.—; District of Coast) admitted to have been a great|to February 4, 19414 that Hume Cronyn, of | Success It is the aim of the Receipts Expend pation manager of a _ ka is 1] » | Dances six # 691.00 & 406.22 nds to apply for per-|°apter to make this ball the/Pan ‘ the folluwing descri- eyent of the season and each} Children’s concert 133.00 104.50 4 post planted at the| year make it a little better than f Lot 1968, thence the one held on the previous Donations est 8@ chains, porth Mel chains to point of | Kaster Monday. In addition to}/- ¢ icLennan taining 640 acres more this five dances have been given.|+: W- Stewart HUME CRQNYN. | In May an exhibition of club-|T. D. Pattullo 25th, 1013 | cv y ¢ sie . y|W. M. Manson Feb, 20, 1046. swinging and physical drill by | Bridge tournamer 172.75 nts Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil A tonic as well as a cough cure, Large bottle 35c. Sold owhesa, Or TAR @ MATHIEUS SYRUP COD LIVER O'L Better Than Wealth | is perfect health; but to enjoy good health it is necessary first to get rid of the minor ailments caused by defect- ive or irregular action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels,—ailments which spoil life, dull pleasure, and make all sufferers feel tired or good for nothing. LECHAM's PILLS (The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World) have proved themselves to be the best corrective or pre- ventive of these troubles. They insure better feelings and those who rely upon them soon find themselves so brisk and strong they are better able to work and enjoy life. For that reason alone, Beecham’s Pills are Worth a Guinea a Box The directions with every box are very v ble—especially to women. Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England Sold everywhere in Canada and U.S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. To the Wedding Gift Buyer! Regarding Appropriate Wedding Gifts. You who live out of town are often in a quandary, when the matter of appropriate wedding gifts comes before you. The difficulty, however, is easily overcome by writing for our ILLUSTRATED CATALOQUE, which represents very fully our fine assortments in all lines which are especi- ally adaptable as wedding gifts. We are careful in packing and deliver- ing wedding gifts to out of town points, all goods being sent at our risk. In our Catalogue will be found many suitable gifts in Silver and Cut Glass. Write for this Catalogue today if you are considering a wedding gift. You will save money by buying through our mail system. : Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C ,JD0 YOUR 7 Boswese DIRECT with jealing exclusively in AMERICAN W FURS SHIP YOUR FURS TO “SHUBERT” «jutation existing for ‘‘more thana quarter of acentury,” a long su: #@ [cessful record of sending Fur eer prompt—SATISFACTOR AND PROF ITABL E returns. rite for “Che Shubert Mbipper,”’ Write for it-NOW— it’s FREE Get “More Money” for your FURS a reliable—responsible—safe—Fur House with an unblemished rep he only reliable, accurate market report and price list published. B. SHUBERT, Inc. Bese S25 CHICAGO USA, es of ¥ 3 _|PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. 908 Third Avenue Dealers in FEED SEEDS HAY TIMOTHY OATS CLOVER WHEAT ALFALFA CORN ETC i CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Mail orders promptly attended ta GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Department of Agriculture Office of Assistant Hortieulturist New Court House, Prince Rupert Phone 584 Information or advice freely given. Write or call. 5 A. KH. TOMLINSON Assistant Horticulturist UNION 3.5. COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd Twin Screw Steamer ‘* CHELOHSIN ”’ SAILS FOR VANCOUVER Wednesdays Get tiekets and reservations Rogers Steamship Agency Second Ave. Phone 116 DISCOUNT SALE | You will find in our large stock a i Holding sales is not an every day oc- currence with us. This is our first one and we are offering high class goods at astonishingly low prices Br ae 1 Oe RODE RCD EE ES CAMERON'S GREAT noc SET Teg 25; t 50 off all Goods great variety of useful and handsome wey you at such very tempting figures J 4 -e a articles which are bound to interest 2 R. W. CAMERON Corner Sixth Street and Second Ave. Open Evenings Until 10 p.m. my vs 4 Ce Ae Oe SA. 3 2 Steed tee