THE DAILY NEWS Sealed lead packets only.—Never sold in bulk. "SALADA” Being all pure tea leaves, you don't have to submit to the annoyance of dust and dirt floating in your tea cup and injurions to your health. Costs no more than common-place teas. (The Finest Wheat inthe World . harvested under the ? mea i sunny skies mn ame of Alberta Fe etait and Sas- on PO dy) ati katchewan ere is selected for ROYAL STANDAR‘) FLOUR. Wheat bursting with goodness, poured ‘n a golden stream into our elevators. Washed, icourec, polished, ground, many ' times over and over, u1itouched by the human hand ; finally sifted throug’: ailk mesh until it emerges ROYAL STANDARD — sweet and soft as the breath of harvest. Your grocer sells it under a money neta ee a eee a nnn ob oe be ee eo ee BSEKKKKAAAKKAKARAAKAAAAAARAAARAAAA FR i. Here is your chance to biiy a beautiful lot on long terms. Lot 17, Block 18, Section Price $3,300 Cush $900 Balance in three payments of $800 each, on May 9, 1914, 1915 and 1916, at 7 per cent. DA VID H. HAYS JOU OOOO OE UL IO a a Og pert boy, is in the city. doctors fear he has typhoid. . . . The monthly meeting of the board rooms Friday evening. . . . Mr. H. 8. Irwin, district fores- ness trip to New Hazelton. Mr. George Leek leaves thi afternoon the Chelhosin for Nel- Miss Green arrived this mern- ing and will visit her sister, Vrs Herbert Ward. ° . . Mr. V. G@. Gamble, who kas been in Vancouver, returned to- lay. Mr. A. T. Walker of the pro- vinecial government agricultural lepartment returned to Telkwa oday, after a visit to Victoria Weather conditions are now very favorable for railroad traf fie and the trains are running on ime. . * . Mr. H. H. Little and bride re- turned on the Prince George this norning and left on ‘he train fcr heir home in Hazelton. A number of local sports at- acked a herd of sea lions across he harbor a few davs ago but! if them, * . * Mr. T. D. Pattuilo returned this morning after a three weeks’ absence in Vancouver, Victoria rd Seattle. Three drunks, «ne common assault and one «bseene lan- guage charge made up _ this morning’s police court docket Fach paid $5 and costs. e isoes your piano need tuning rv ois your player out of order? Mr. A. L. Sparrier, of Vancouver, expert in this line of work, is iu the «ity and will attend to or- ders teft at Kauffman’s Music Store. 33tf Capt. Clark, an old Prince Bu- Mr. Ralph Harrup is ill and the board of trade was held in the ae aa oe I ter, ieft this morjaing on a busi- son to attend a meeting of the Orange grand lodge. Joe Chappell, wh» has been! hunting and prospecting on] Prescott island, returned to the} city this morning. hey weré unable to capture any | FIO UU OULU UU OE | Local and Personal »* PIII IP IIIS IIIA III III ISI IIS IIIS SISSSISSSISSISS SIS AIS ISIS SASSI IA | Bob Jennings, district road superintendent; went up to Ha- zelton today. Henry Airson, governmern health inspector, went up the] line this morning, O. Boult and = family have js taken the cottage va ated by Rev. Mr. Kerr on ‘seventh avenue east. Editorials are usually discus- sions of live subjects. If you don’t read them you don’t know what the country is doing. George Waddell is not collect- ing for The News now and has} it been since the beginning of], the vear. ? * * The Ladies’ Aid of the Baptist }church will hold a Valentine tea on Friday, Feb. 13th, from 3 to 6 in the church parlor. Collec- tion. 31-33-34 Che A good many people of this city have supported William Manson in the past. Take no- tice that he does not even try t hold off the claim of Bowser for his pound of flesh. Mr. P. R. Harris of The News staff has just received notice of the death of his father, Mr. H. C. Harris, in Tacoma. He had been ailing for a number of years and was 78 years of age. ee The mayor's organ does not do any boasting this year about the short council sessions. The present sessions seem to be just as short as those of last year They are also conducted in secret. Why don't you howl? * . * The Presbyterian manse_ is “pproaching completion, The loutside is praectica ly done and Mr. Artheur Cox provinei ial | irchitect, was expected up today | with the plans for the new pro-| vineial buildings, but did net} arrive, pastering is about to he = eoinr- neneed, The Preshyterians will have a nice clean home for their new minister. ee a 4 W. J. Bowser, the attorney- general, whose duty it is to en- force the law of this province insists that Prince Rupert shal! break that law in order that he may get some cash. See editorial. Friends of this paper would confer a favor by patronizing our advertisers. Run through list once in a while and notice the people who are helping to make The News a success. Those who are never with us. are against us. THE WEATHER Furnished by Mr. F. W. Dowling 7c] Rec WCE weal are ied * * EXPERIMENTAL PLOTS FOR DEMONSTRATION Provincial Horticulturist Expects Appropriations for Work in This District NIGHT AND DAY SHIFTS GRADE CONSTRUCTION ment in my suggestions for the Railway Contractors Rushing the;and [I expect the Work to Have It Completed by First of April » to distribute| morning from a trip south. He construction} has been in attendance at the laborers up the ontand Chilliwack, He describes to havelthese eonventions as being en- the] thusiastic and showing an air of are|the future of agriculture in th and] province in Mr. Tomlinson says he antici- oreseer > contractors will bela view to making demonstrations lating crew on the specified date. the district. These plots will be Will be|worked under instructions from . it}his department, although the Speciai Hockey Train a special} Whole of British Columbia, must hockey | realize that mixed farming is go- injing,”’ said the horticulturist. of expensive | see the need of it.” team has a number importations Smithers -———-- regular|ant for you; good = Service; ex special |cellent cuisine; centrally located the told how * to tie 34-tf India DR. GILROY, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty The agricultural department has given me every encourage- department work in this district, necessary ap- propriations will be made.” This was the statement of Mr \. Tomlinson, provineial horti- 5}eulturist, who returned this farmers ‘conventions at Victoria progress which augurs well for pates putting in several five acre exeprimental plots in dif Yerent parts of the district with for the benefit of the rachers in land used will be on the farm of some settler ‘This district, as well as the ing to be the profitable farm- “The farmers are beginning to Visitors to ithe City The Royal Cafe is the restaur- ry} Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue HIGH CLASS TAILORS to Ladies and Gentiemen if you want something “different” SWEDER BROS, MERCHANT TAILORS Heigerson Block ore KNIGHT & HICKEY Contractors and Builders Jobbing & Repairing Shop: Fraser and Sixth Streets PHONE GREEN 269 IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP Repairing Quickly Done COW BAY PHONE RED 156 P. O, Box 1714. Tel, 448, “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS, Civil Engineers and B. C. Land Surveyors | RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. 2 Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con- boy past from He using fer into miles them gel Wednesday ALASKA 1S 7 FOR G. T. P. ie Want to Ship Thei, Their Supplics who says Alaskan awaiting Grand their markets Prince port getting ‘ast throu Ihe owned 1 boom counts Seward ¢ “imis . that the frost [ have was here and Prine: all back.” SOOO POPP PPS AP OS OC CLEP + ++ OOD SoS FOR A TAX! Phone 75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO C0, PPL CCC CR DOO ++I SOOO UY Ye OC OY * PI IAADSAIAD AAI AIAIAA AISA AIS AASS AAAS ASSIS ASS ASASSSSASASACS AC t A e HUBERT The Trade Centre of the Famous Bulliey Valley There will be CINE good-sized city in the Buliley Valley, and that will be HUBERT Call or write for particulars Natural Resources Security Co. Limited Sixth Fleer, Vancouver Block Varicouver, B.C. We put FORT GEORGE on the map and kept it there clergyman at Aldermere, and Ladysmith, short visit. in nursing at the Prince hospital. Mr. Charles L. Munroe has in- creased the building limits of the city considerably. a residence on“ Atlin and later located in on a came up with his Observer » is erecting| For the 24 hours ending 5 a.m., . being February 11, 1914 on the section} Barometer reduced to sea two. He cosy ROVE OTs 5 6% + dine pabte oa 29.855 little home Highest temperature.... 45.0 Lowest temperature .... 38.6 Rev. F. >, FORIRBRIS TN isa isc oy setae e at elders ona ens cago National league club, “ol appointed successor Subscribe for the Daily News.}Frank O'Day. Deposed Manager Elected (Special to the Daily News daughter, who is taking a course New York, Feb. 11.—Evers, Rupert| the deposed manager of the THIRD ANENUE PG. DRAWER 1624 Builders’ Supplies "\umbers’ supplies aw “ Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges Dils Tinware Varnishes Graniteware KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY PHONE No. Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ "SezSs"or [f You Have Not Tried ger lately, do so now. Everyone says CASCADE is brewed better and has better age now than ever before Beaver Liquor Co. LIMITED Distributors, Prince Rupert FOR RENT FOR RENT A complet furnished 7 room apartinent Phon Red 183 34-36 DESK ROOM In ground floor office Apply P.O, Drawer 1663 Clty 285-tf FOR RENT—Front Suite of four rooms, 216 Sixth Avenue Weat, near McBride All modern convenivnces 20tr FOR SALE FOR SALE—-Queen’s Cafe, Smithers; best location and largest piace in town, with sleeping accommodation for one hun dred, Apply C. Morris, Smithers. McBride pore Prince Epes B.C. 215 Second Avenue Phone 43 28-35 WANTED SEWING WANTED-——Phore Blue 325. 28-35 WANTED-—A general servant Apply Mrs. 8. P. Saunders, Phone Green 202. 27-35 YOUNG > WOMAN with little girl would like position in private family. Box 101 Daily News 19 WANTED—A middle-aged tady to assist in soft drink and cigar counter, out of town. Enquire Dominion Hotel, WANTED—A position as nurse, Experi- ence, Salary $15.v0 Will assist with light housework Phone Black 833, or apply Seventh Ave., 333 31-33 JINGLE POT COAL delivered by Lindsay Transfer 4. B, ROCHESTER Phone 115 231 2nd Ave. 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street BURN WOOD We can supply you with clean dry wood cut to any size from kindling to eordwood, Burn wood and save money. Phone 3014 Terrace Wood Co., PHONES 36 Office, $33 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT Je E. DYER, _Phone Blac k 334 BOAT BUILDER H, JOHNSTON Seal Cove Phone Green 321 struction, Reports, Plans, Dominion and ’rovincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey ing, Townsitet and Subdivisions, Electric Blue Printing, Negatives and White Prints al IVARSON & C0. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work Phone 525 1st Ave., Manson Way WILLEAM T. HOUSE B.C. Land Surveyor PRINCE RUPERT P.O, Bux 618 25 ‘ FOOD SOOO EEELELL EEE ELIT TUG ‘AND SCOW FOR HIRE W. R. MORRISON «+ PHONE BLACK 166 JAMES GILMORE Architect SOUTH WELLINGTON COAL Fou Coal that Made B.C. FAS WEST FUEL COMPANY vifus St, rear Hart Block UNION TRANSFER CQ GENERA’ TRANSFER AND STORAGE Soutn Wellington Coal } RESIDENCE 110 bh URNISHED APARTMENTS in two and three room suite, $20 per month ——— B.C. Coast Steams!) seit FAMOUS LINE Princess galow 6 G. R. Naden (0., Lid Real Estate ane veal the fish | Chica quicker, PRINCE RUPERT Lots are now lowest BUY before the comple tion of the railroad WE have lots which re- quire very smal! cash payment. Harrison, Gamble & bo POPOL ELELELELEEELETE, 35 —— PHONE Automobile and Taxies Large Special 3 FOR RENT-—A house, close in, The furniture in this sale at a bergain. 252 Eighth Ave. W., FOR SALE—The four lote on Graham Bection 2, price $2,000 each each cash, 2 months at 6 per cent M. M. STEPHENS & Gl REAL ESTATE verre poreerntt PRINCESS. J.G, McNAB, er — To Re nt Comfortable \ $20.00