THE DA ILY NEWS Thursday, Feb, THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H, F. McRAR, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Bui ding, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year (85.00 if paid in advance). $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-debivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. DAILY EDITION The new Municipal! Aet, the | result of the municipal com-}| mission’s report made a year Pas been introduced into legislature by the attor- ney-general, It provides many radical changes and unto the attorney - general more of that attribute which he desires above all things— power. Hon. W. J. Bowser has domineered over all things provincial for years, but he is not satisfied. There are stillf municipal heads and authori- ties who do not bow to him. He now intends taking them into his court and compelling their obeisance. ago, the gives The most striking feature of the new bill the estab- lishment a municipal de- partment to be under the con- trol of the attorney-general. This department will. oversee all municipal management, They will pass upon all muni- cipal bylaws and they will regulate the issuance of mu- nicipal debentures. A muni- cipal inspector has absolute power in these matters. This scheme did not origin- ate in British Columbia. A similar plan exists in Eng- land. The province of Sas- katchewan has also recently adopted a plan of controlling municipal loans. The idea| was suggested in the commis- report and under or- circumstances a great be said in favor of ~ such a scheme, but in the hands of Hon. W. J. Bowser such a law means a tyrannical administration. | . . is of sion’s dinary deal can At the present time the Sty asp Thursday, Feb. 12, 1914 Newspaper Bureau, 219 Bast 23rd St., New torney-general controls abso- lutely the liquor licenses and the policing of every munici- pality. These paid for by the municipalities and rightly belong to The control, however, is in Victoria. We all know how this power is used as a political club. The effect of it is notorious. Bowser is not satisfied with that power. He now proposes functions are solely them. to control the borrowing power of municipalities, which means the very life of any city or town. By this simple method he can make every municipality bend its knee to his will and he means to do it. . . * wicked feature of bill the which gives the attorney-gen- the tablishment of public utilities within an incorporated muni- cipality. Mr. Bowser has many friends who have public franchises throughout the province. He does not intend Another the new clause 1s eral power to control es- that any town or city. shall enter into competition with them. He reserves to himself the final power to sanction or refuse any public utility scheme, Municipalities may only enter the public utility field by his permission. the Whereas new bill pur- ports to give many new pow- ers to a municipality, as a matter of fact the whole bill is a nonentity. aati > rn f approximately 10,000 feet of 45-inch first attack the wolf snapped at ind 12,000 fect of 18-inch lapwelded a domestic, causing a_ painful | steel pipe W » op Specified form of tender, etc., may be ound in the e278, ybtained at the office of City Engineer, A number. of grocery boys,| Prince Rupert, B. C ' business men and servants frum]. The Council does not bind itself to } 1 anas’ 5 } accept the lowest or any tender oulevard homes, joined in the ERNEST A WOODS, chase. ia oe Books Animals, birds, fish and all jae orge Leek x r . ad; Magazines kinds of game heads mounted; | GEORGE LEEK hides tanned and made into rugs|, j Photo Supplies and robes. All work strictly first | **0 2ud Ave, Phone lass. 728 Helmecken B.C, St., ouver, GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker Notary Pubilo. Rents and Collections AUCTIONEER 20 Second Ave. LAND CLEARING Peter Nelson is open to take coutrac lso cordwood for fuel, etc. Terma, etc Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B, C. *hone 300 _F. M. CROSBY | A. MITTLER, Expert Taxi-|—— SH COAL Prince Rupert Terrace; P. O, Box 1635 | . oon | Martin Swanson | Second Aver McBride ee | —~ HAYNER BROS, UNDERTAKERS an MMALMERS Directors Funeral 8rd Ave. near 6th St Best on Rogers & Bl} | New Wellington Coal. Coast ‘Phone 116 Phone 174 Box 37 FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING | SMITH & MALLETT] Largest st rh | Vancouver, Crane ; tings, Pipes cut Third Ave., Head of Second Sire ts Prince Rupert ‘| ne | 0. C. STUART RUPERT, 8. © —— } | | | }A i } | | | | lex, M. Manson, B. A W. E. Wil 4, LLP WILLIAMS & IANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Et MONEY TO LOAN ams. F GUARANTEED BY THE Second Hand Dealer GOVERNMENT of CANADA ‘ra Wants to buy all kinds of Household Fur Box 1 a Wht peri hil sabi san . olture, everything tn the line of Mechanics’ Melgerson Block pert, es Lisi LLL fools, Guns ana Men's Clothing. Will call Ree — 3 ? y any time. Highest prices paid. : Demand the Brand 4 | 889 Srd Ave. Ww. Phone Red 243 Office 606 Srd Ay ef dP blll Lila MMi ior anes! THE RELIABLE PLUMBER | PACIFIC TRANSFER 00 Skeena Land District——District of Coast-— | ‘i "J WyAiae F1Vee HARRY HANSON General Teaming re TAKE NOTICE that J, Thomas McCly-!439 2nd Ave. Phone aso) Furniture and | Lovist mont of the City of Prince Rupert, in M as ' bi ne the Province of British Columbia, broker, hi Poerrnl qaen Geet | Care fully and | 4 te intend to apply for permission to lease ut-o own for’ rd Wood an thirty (30) acres of land bounded as Hotel aod Restaurant Work | Storage poe rerwere'oy an follows Tenders on New Work - « Commencing at this post planted where Plumbing Insured from Frost P. 0. Box 203 Phone the northerly limit of the right-of-way of | Work Done Promptly and Guaranteed at 1 the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com Reasonable Prices P ROBERTSON pany crosses the westerly bank of the One Trial Will Convince You e Zimmergoetz River, and being about 400 feet east of Mile 87; thence in a north- Chartered Accountant eastcrly direction atong the westerly ed shore of said river a distance of thirty 2 Audite, investigations, Ad ents LMM (30) chains; thence easterly parallel with the northerly limit of the Grand Trunk Pacific right-of-way, a distance of ten (10 chains; thence southerly parallel with the westerly shore of the sald river to the northerly limit of the right-of way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company; thence westerly along tbe said northerly limit of the said right-of-way ten (10) chains more or less to the place of commencement, DATED this seventh day of January, 1914. THOMAS McCLYMONT. Pub, Feb. 3 to April 6, ~ Advertise in INDUSTRIAL SITES With Rail and Water Transportation Apply HARRISON GAMBLE & CO. Financial Agents Ave, Third Prince Rupert dations and Assignments e Rupert, &6 LUMBER | COAL Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES Smith Block, 3rd Ave., F The Daily News TRY WESTHOLME LUMBER 0. Limited the country plow. 2 A “NEWS” WANT AD Phone 16 aa ae —— a re — a Se —_—— ————— ———= ° 9 e ° Scoop Didn’t Know that Housekeeping Included Babies ; Drawn for The Daily Ni SCOOP-YOUR ARTICLES ON PRACTICAL )I= 7 MADAM OU You seEE- IVE. WHY I HAD No ) THE USUAL WAY 4 HOUSEKEEPING ARE MAKING 4 JUST ADOPTED A \DEE IT WAS SO > \S PRACTICAL: > CALL AND DEMONSTRATE SOALMIS THEORIES _ ah es & GREAT HIT-HERES A LADY THAT WRITES AN’ ASi’S IF THE PRACTICAL HK. EDITOR WiLL) (Sen EXPERT IN ASKING AM HK. MY SELF TO CALL AND INSTRUCT Likes BABY AND T WANT “OU Vo SHOW ME HOW TO GIVE (T LATE - I'M AFRAID TLL HAVE Yo GET RIGHT BACK TO mT] &)iqm ~ TL MADAM- IT Yo tHe LAUNDRY ONCE A WEEK WITH =? 9 ACT SEND SYND -BALTO-MD