rhursday, February 42, 1944 THE BAILY NEWS ~+ 3 , pono nevoITOree ss | P.O. Box 1704 ‘SAVOY HOTEL FIRST CLASS CUISINE {TITLE | SCANDALS KEPT ALIVE | Publication of Article by Gibson Bowles Stirs Up More Mud— ; wa | ies >t —) wh <> w i za = Za t and Cold Running Water in we all Rooms The Alleced Price vinest brands of Liquors and r , ee Cigars kept London, Feb. | Che seandal tHe BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN fin reference to purchase of BRITISH COLUMBIA Htitles and other honors whieh pRUDHOMME & FISHET was first broached by Sir George Proprietors Kekewich, and r: ited b¥ Te. AL epee eeeeeeeetteetetet teers Thonias of Cardtif, has received OO additional flavor the publiea- A naeaths T tion of an artic in the Can itd Review, by Thomas Gibsen ILL-FATED STEAMSHIP MUNROE Bowles, a forme M. P. on buth ' I aft ipl ‘ flirector Of the Old Dominion line, which was 1 about Socios sides of the house, and who uas Ny ' (Wea Merchant ; long been a tho the side of lost, after collision with Nantucket off eee , Stemi te The N nt ; y each party, in hich he gets A TE the coast of Virginia. The an ‘ d the Munroe a POT ha ae } PRL. Vintners Association amidships, just about the sleeping quart: ind killed many pe . ot t tt ( , aaa Members V.K. 1. Timine of the victims in their berths aM. vee CO ee oe ———— tive fund, whict 1874 totaled WINDSOR HOTEL Se dea tke sh in oe f First Ave, and Eighth St T nineties. ‘he beral funds, w. H. Wright, Prop. ALL SHE WANTS IS RANCHER DUG UP which were ve! vy in 1886, | Th . h k h f. e d Bes ‘aaahied £7:000 1907. atandea ere 18s a man who makes shoes for chil ren— ¢ L reached £7, 7, stood at : HOTEL CENTRAL £500,000 in 1901 and are now} ant ocos had Sea — St ettad Gr Pab0.000. He eieceael and sells them to stores all over Canada n and American Plan Breach of Promise Suit Started | 7, | . . —— LUO Tees Blacks ren } Thinks It Was Buried by Pros-/{hat the tariff for | rs is £50,-| B he ¢ ly 4 | : a iis) for an Ardent pector Attacked by the }000 for a baronet« with any-| ut e€ is only just earning how people buy. : a KNOX HOTEL weer ee bodes abla ee f £400,000 r jetween Eighth and Ninth . : a | or peerages. } . . . rst ave Dagens New York,. Veb.10-—Ootavio! 5.) sore, Kan. Feb. 14.-A Sox| Merdeclaeee “that correspommnel It was this way: His wife—let us call her Mrs. naw a ee Guinle, a wealthy young Brazil- fot COM Miiibets weighine fait | enced passed between a tte i Brown~—’phoned to him and asked him to buy some uae = sil ian, and a member of a New aereT n* , nes ; |}whip and a would-be peer, who underwear for little Brown. — OUNaS are f iter oO ye} “ ' y “ase exporting firm, has been arrest- irefused to pay the contribution. . 1 ¥, Rochester V. D. Casiey worth $12,000 was found buried| Thereupon the party whip ex-| Picture Brown now among the throng of mothers at EMPRESS HOTEL ed in an aetion brought by Miss a nit oe , I ij é : ’ ” Third Ave. Between 6ixth and jn 8 near here by Ralph; pressed a fear that a claim for the Children’s Underwear counter. He asks for many OO tee Per Da Monica P, Borden to recover;Chesney, a homesteader. The the peerage would not be Gone Underwear for a child of six He looks it over help- European Plan, ~ = er $500,000 for alleged breach of|nuggets were deposited in a bank] sidered Th a : 1 ’ s : t ‘ sidered. 1e@)«=6wwould-be peer, P oes Ww Ch a promise of marriage. Guinle,}and Chesney went back after|however. threatened ‘to pee ede ae Fe oe of ie te fete to pi? gn PREMIER HOTEL ne { a50.q00| more of the precious metal hej{he correspondence if his name} nderwear! ; or lac c any ng Say e American snd European Plan who. was ‘released on 950, heliaveaiis-hiadé ' ” RE | asks: ‘‘Is this good quality?’’. The answer is short F. W. Henning, Manager bail, was to have been married to|)" se ne hill. was not included in the next} ai aad lusive: ‘‘It’s Blank’s”’ i Il ne a \ “d tods ' iti According to a story told here|birthday honor list and the and quite conc uSiVe ; ts ank s —naming @ we as ROYAL MOTEL Hiss Borden today, she asserts.|4 party of prospectors from the|name appeared. advertised line. That short word says everything. \ Burgess, Props. Miss rng ¢y declares in her|(olorado gold fields were re- He also asserts that there are Brown pays his money and goes home, quite satisfied Third Ave. and Sixth St. complaint that after promising|{urning im 1805 with treasure|city brokers who tout for baron * ‘ fi kK ( oke o tout for baron- with his purchase. European one rene leroy to marry her and going so far as|when the men were attacked and|jetcies, their terms being £4,000, P SEAVER WHOLESALE Liquor co., ||‘ Haye the banns gnblished sys all but one of their number kill-| with £6,000)more lodged in the Now what bothers Brown —a manufacturer of shoes, LIMITED the date for the wedding set, the/ed by Indians The survivor|bank if the honor is given, as is this: How would it affect the purchase of a child’s 1 Ave. and Sixth St. young man had made prepara-|puried the gold. well as 10 per cent commission 4 shoes if the salesman said ‘‘ They’re Brown’s’’? Phone 102 tions to leave the country, com- a ecb iialciahechaiibiisea bteabbbahdadiiicie to the man who introduces the B ’ssh B d *tad i —_— yy Pe se ee plying in this with the cabled The thorn in the editor’s business, Nobody knows rown s shoes. rown doesn ta vertise. PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., wish of his mother, She further 1 ; ee . : LIMITED claims that the defendant had|Custion feels like a briar patch 7 The name Brown signifies nothing when used in con- Fraser ana Gixth Sta aims ‘ PMs CUS ’ efore the day's work is done ; S : Se f 5 i aser ana Sixth , i crdint Wenak Cen. han before the day’s work is done, CONSPIRACY TO FORM nection with children’s shoes. The salesman must use all his Phone 7 be told. her that he inherited tive LABOR GOVERNMENT timemntiiio”d Lmtilion dolla 2 ee wh died recently, and one mil- persuasive wiles to induce people to buy them. The point is—If the name Brown was as synonomous with Children’s t ric ©Or r’s ; . | Detail f All 9 3 : eos Lard Dis ict. District of Coast} lion from his father's partn¢ r; | Details ani. et ee ee Shoes as ‘‘Blank’s”’ is with Underwear, wouldn’t Brown sell more shoes TAKE A E that Hume Cronyn, of} &'Y!"F him an income of $300,- B with less effort P Onta occupation manager of a] O00 a year Of this amount she egins tends to apply for per was. to at annually 50.000 pic accel c ; p use the following descri a - annual ’ ’ | I i Feb. 10 rt If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with the Advertising a post planted at the Miss Borden alleges. | Reet a er f Can an Department of this newspaper. If you are doing a provincial or national business K : f Lot 1968, thence Guinle’s firm maintains of- be stated practically officially it would be well for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising agency. ae s, west $0 chains, north! ¢:.,. in Paris. London and Rio hi att aye Nt tl A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of ‘ ist 80 chains to point of}?! , : s&s ee that no matter what wi ye the Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronte, niaining 640 acres more| (je Janeiro effect on domestic politics the RUME GRONYN imperial government does not iii |STRATHCONA AIDS ict—Distriet of Coast FIRST WIFE'S SON intend to take the slightest ae- tion in connection with the de- lange ¢ portation of the labor leaders] 2 Ta hat Elbert M. Morgan, of - _— Itt teoRO th cAtoina (7 = é Bb. C,, oecupation prospec Recent! Said | 0 so a. : Oe rp Thea”. vo} i. want Lg No Claim | Jt is stated in circles which ‘ x OesC ene aus | { @ post planted’ on the ° wil : claim to know that the colonial To the ks Island, opposite Mink Benefits by | ; tusted two (8) miles and office has been assured that the} ms > chains more or less | de “Le ms were Jere] i nile and sevenly-one New York, Feb. 10.—James H deport ation vere’ only “un } / r less west of A. | : ss aa E - a {taken upon absolute proof of a e i hains more or less; Sith of Brookline, Ma » Wh | he ] | i : h | ge? che i ’ lot b » labor leaders Sout miles and forty-eight (48 | recent announced that he in- Bre y the abe ¢ a rs in i : di Gif GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH west of Green Tor a sw . rica to capture the ministers} . i W 5 | twenty (20) chains,Jtended to put in no elaim for f the union vernment and de-| Regarding Appropriate coming COLUMBIA 40) chains, thence) ....¥ f the estate of his step- v On & SU Us chains more cr less to} | , Pee clare a labor republie If that be : See pe Channel, thence fol-| father, the late Lord Strathcona, 5 ¥ D m southerly e potnt by the will The income the case, it is asserted that in- You who live out of town are often in a quandary, when the matter of epartment of Agriculture : Disining eighty (80 oes , ; ternational law as well as pra appropriate wedding gifts comes before you. The difficulty, however, is Offic . oe is , f $125.000 is placed in trust for ; I fice of Assistant Horticulturist ELBERT M. MORGAN a SOC) Se prenee sn tak tice would support every act of easily overcome by writing for our ILLUSTRATED CATALOQUE, which : i ber uot? . fit and he receives oulrigh the Botha: government represents very fully our fine assortments in all lines which are especi- |New Court House, Prince Rupert Hi: S—Jan, 12, 1914 lrea state in Pictou, N. $ 7 Pees : ally adaptable as wedding gifts. We are careful in packing and deliver- Ph eal ests , N, ae : ; one 534 rhis was disclosed when the Phe details are not likely t ing wedding gifts to out of town points, all goods being sent at our risk. THE ATLIN RAILWAY COMPANY ; 3 ; e public] jeome out until parliament has In our Catalogue will be found many suitable gifts in Silver and Cut é : : : by given that applica text’ of a will was mad rm rt ' heen in sessi ym a short time, bi Glass. Write for this Catalogue today if you are considering a wedding Information or advice freely ide to the Parliament of| DY the late p tf avorne : : ; | it is certain that when the sub gift. You will save money by buying through our mall system. given. Write or call. t session thereof for an) S; th was the son Oo sady j 4a company under the se F ject is discussed the government —— — A, H. TOMLINSON Railway Company, with| Strathcona by a former husband , } . , ; ; counter’ aie cberate ; : here will be able to make state Assistant Horticulturist railway, commencing at . i b thern end of Atlin Lake Prince Rupert Fire Depart- near the Town of Atlin) .4n¢ will hold their first annual —_ . penis whicn will como It Henry Birks G& Sons, Limited ||| ————————— date eS Ateragias (ial in. BL"ARdngw's Hell on Fri hes i Aiors ANE eae JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. | sects the International) ,_ g Feb. 20. Tickets $2 CHARMING REST GOWN ers in a very different position / from @ point on said| day evening, Feb. 20, ICKOUS Ge. ; : + i ; } VER, B.C 908 Third A ’ he southern end of Teslin|y|adie& free. Everybody welcome.|Of strell pink accordeon pleated | ae z. Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B, venue 1 Province - uf ape as as : | ninon, accompanied with a]| Daily News “Want Ads.” get J power to construc anc - " wet ° > and telegraph, lines end Subscribe for the Daily News. | coatee of shadowy lace |results. i og the use shereof; to bu ” i ; els, construct and operate - - : - — = Dealers 14 onnecticn with the a | company, and to enter msm y me ymey mee ee stk ht NP Yt a a + FEED SEEDS with other SOMIpAntes Sremmer GE rmeormermner ner trsermnoones | ) HAY TIMOTHY rks of the company e kath works ihe company | be é FER RR RI IR RID RIAA IAAI AIDA IISISDA AISI ISISISSSISSISISISISSISISIA tok + | sa pana pi ada . mt ee ee ts fp see Wa, this 9th day of June, a csemsaetipsiertnsitinns net titeannrenenyiea eked — —~ You WHEAT ALFALFA ITH & JOHNSTON, ; For rself sen 8 for the Applicants, orasa co ETc Ottawa, Ont. FRU eeptie Gift to your Friend —— FOO a aR ap a ag a a ag * CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY IRE ALARM SYSTEM 9 * i . HE - = ” —SSSSS RRIN S | m ! oaneiate ‘ere ‘uk : T i | |Mail orders promptly attended ta Box 12—5th St, and 8rd Ave. x f P 7 R rt d N th B C enna ennenraerece on Tpmn si = me 13 th St. and 8rd Ave, + DA I LY or rince upe an or em We scx 14—Sth St, and Sed Ave, { “UNION $.. COMPANY OF 8.6., Ltd * 16-—Junctio ‘ 0 ‘on of 1st, 2nd and rhe Daily News. goes into nearly every home in : | Ce Box 16—15t Ave, between 8th and N E W S Prince Rupert It is the popular newspaper of | The well known Perrin trademark as | knox Hotel, i > re | r : > Bow 17181 vd oat tee St. (Cen the city because it is clean and reliable, It has all shown in cuts should be on every glove [win Screw Steamer Hote 1s the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events { you get, as thisassures you perfection of bo, on CIRCUIT NO. 2. and topies interesting to Northern British Colum ! Style, Fit and Finish. 66 CHELOHSIN 99 rf Tee oe a ee SAFE bi It treats these subjects with moderate opti- j | (Post OMmce,) nd ‘reliabilats Best dealers the world over sell the : 23 a Ave, and McBride St SANE ss | | | genuine PERRIN’S GLOVES. » . Sis J) 24--18t Ave. and McBride St. News is the most valuable paper to @ t a SHIP YOUR FURS TO “SHUBERT” “nd Ave, and 2nd St. { rs because Ss res the | ing publie. Box 26—2nd Ave, and 6th St SPIOY ady use it is read by the buying papi | | SAILS FOR VANCOUVER Box 27G, 1, p IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in ——— | CIROUIT NO. 38. j the ty It is read by the class of people the | f INDEPENDENT vertisers want to talk to, W d d * 31--5th Ave, and Fulton st. ) webs ; ci e hes ays fen and Taylor Sts, INTELLIGENT seach Ri th end eae ' . ; : p. m. t 7 a ee He Comox Ave, -THE—————_- aT : 4 Ave, and Dodge Pl. ' ” h Ave, and Thomps St, 1S vith L t he in the W ae DAILY NEW Oo ee TE rela | ci alos and reso >IRGUIT NO, 4, ™ y”? * } Ciet diekets and reservations , Box 414th Ave, and Emmerson Get More Money fory our FURS x Box 42 sible ~sefe—Fur House with 'h Ave, and MeBridé St, AAAI AAIAAIAIAAAIADAAIAA AIA AISI AAI AA ISIS IIIS SASS SIS IIIS AISIS SIS SCSACSICSCA + | RR I i I a OO ORR OR »* * * * * s * ' t . ; ; ‘4--7(h Ave. and Fulton St ; * 3 * ce x 43 th « for ‘more than a quarter « f ry,’ Df De Bayan ) Ave. and Green St, ‘ cndiine Par Gat apers br SAT Ase s tex 48 rin are, oad Beal Bt DR rareeemertat mer vc disiiathet report suai pete toe peeked | Rogers Steamship Agency 7 eee : ‘rite for 1t—NOW—it"s Box 141—71h Ave ’ FARIS III I IOI I ir W site for : 7 ® and ¥ 8 Yo» tooo * 25.27 W AUSTIN AVE. Bor ar oung St, FOI IIR IRI III * . B. SHUBE : Inc, 3o27 CHICAGO. USA, |Second di. Phone 1%6 OI IO Oo bok : a cuasemarnedetaial empemeend | ee ee TE 8