aaeeiececseeeti nn ee ae . ' E R U P E R T GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: PR | N ‘ it is sald the mayor protested so THE PACIFIC atthe chy'e expense thet We. wes PORT oF PROGRES corey to take him to the boat in rT ee oe? ae o* r No. 36 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1914 PRIGE FIVE CENTS —_— LAURIER WANTS TO RECRUIT POLICE IN CAN VOUSSEAU FOUND GUILTY ACCEPTING BRIBE-TAKE SAMPLE PRINCE RUPERT SMOKED FISH ——————————— 7: — | lf | — LOCA : | Mrs. Frizzel appeared | last night as The Daily } VI wore was without doubt the + {2 most original on the floor. §| ante ASQUERADE BALL GIVEN LAST NIGHT BY F. O. E. WELL | / The material had all been $|QUESTION OF RECRUITING BROUGHT UP BY SIR WILFRID . ATTENDED—SPLENDID PRIZES WERE AWARDED passed through The Daily LAURIER—WANTS CANADIANS TO HAVE FIRST CHANCE FOR BEST COSTUMES News press and was a fac- -——BORDEN SUPPORTS BRITISH RECRUITING ssipnsiliilttiashpenni i | | simile of a recent issue. ——_——_-——___——. nal Order of Eagles first prize for the gentlemen's | \¢ The dress was of white Special to The Daily News by Frank Oliver, was disposed to rd for them.|comie dress i$ satin, made up in the Queen Ottawa, Feb. 413.—Practically|eriticize the action of the eon- : oe The eat a It would be impossil/le to give | Anne style. If the prize had the whole sitting of the house | troller of the mounted police for bie enh <, | full list of the costumes pres-| |g been for the most original 3) was spent in consideration of the|"@ving gone to Great Britain ics ! en by that body in St.)ant put the following besides | idea in dress she would have és i eal jrecruits. He maintained the best ill was a credit to the|}those already mentioned wer: had a good claim for first re bb sy afternoon. | possible men for the force were and one of the most/among the” best: Miss Della honors. As it was she Those Royal Northwest Mounted|Ganadians when caught young. ' t en in the|Graves, Miss Rubenard, Mrs 1 made a very striking ap- police which come under the per-| Premier Borden said that while nee ¥ Vage, Miss Rorvic, Mrs. MeMil- pearance. sonal control of the premier|il was true recruiting in Canada ilan, Miss Wally, Mrs. Handasyde, } were also under review. Sir Wil-|was not as successful as_ it ° close on to a hun- frid Laurier, who administered | might have been, he declared ‘the that famous body for fifteen|recruiting for the force in Enag- RUPERT MAN GETS GOOD eae still takes a keen interest|!and was quite justified, hy re- Mrs. Hayner, and several very resent and the hee lor _ eats re pretty Indian princesses a share "lAlais Among the gentlemen perhaps ime to e a : » departme The discus-|sults. Some g ere aha the most striking were: J. B in the department. The discus-|sults. Some good men were © Beattie, Capt. Rorvic, G. J. Friz- BOUNTY ON HAIR SEALS sion was largely between the two|tained, including a number with Self won the prize),,) Jas. Stuart and Walter ——- leaders. Sir Wilfrid, supported | fine educational attainments. | Three Thousand Dollars Is Set Aside for Bounties—Only essed lady, and her Talbot th expensive and The judges of the costumes a ee ee “aay eras — Pe ao a 2 Me sitio” BASEBALL FRATERNITY JOIN perhaps would) jc, Martin O'Reilly, Len Bell, §. Siete Considerable interest has been foe) DBCLARING FEDERAL OUTLAWS favorably, notably x7 Newton, O. H. Nelson and H. Frizzell and Mrs } McRae AS: 42-4 ; the revelers un men by the bounty placed on hair Raatz won the prize jacked and spent the rest of the seals, which prey on both salmon dressed gentleman.'eyvening in chasing the fleeting |} and herring in the waters of this|NATIONAL AND AMERICAN LEAGUES SUPPORTED BY THE head he was dressed | hours with slippery feet jcoast. gSo far 180 seals have PLAYERS IN DECLARATION OF WAR ON THE FEDERALS of a prince and The committee in charge were been killed. —LATTER SURPRISED AT TURN OF EVENTS B Self made a very B. Self, G. Leek, J. J. Keefe, W. Peter Robinson of Prince Ru- oe on sihg appearance, Mrs. V. D.;H. Wright, A. K. Nelson, H. C. pert is high man so far, having Special to The Daily News {stipulates a penalty on the player , { pickaninny was! Landes H ] Ross and A | killed and proved up on 44 seals New York, Feb. 13.—Organized| who violates a contract. Five i won the first prize| Akerberg The musie was good since the bounty came into effect|basebafl has declared war on the|years is the suspension from or- ladies’ comié¢ cos-/the floor was excellent, the crowd ;on January 1 Peter complains | Federal league led by the nationa'| ganized baseball and the player Mr. P. J. McCormick made|was jolly, and everybody had a |that he shot many more than he|commission and supported by the|who breaks the reserve clause is Dutchman and won thelgood time ‘ | was able to secure the tails of, as|Baseball Players’ fraternity. The|placed on the suspended list for - . bene ene - +! |they sank too soon for him.|officials controlling have orgin-|three years. The appearance of Be | However, even at that he hunted|ized and decided to employ the|the Baseball Players’ fraternity EMBERS GUILTY MEXICAN REBELS BIDDINGER, DETECTIVE, WHO WAS WITNESS IN QUEBEC | ;;, especially favorable water at|most effective weapon against|in joint action with the National BRIBERY SCANDAL the northern end of Stephensjthe so-called outlaw organiza-|and American leagues comes as ACCEPTING BRIBES CUT OFF OIL SUPPLY} ,,, |) island,, Dixon’s entrance, where|tion. A provision in the National|a surprise to the Federal league, Biddinger is the new chief of detectives in New York City and - second deputy police commissioner. As such he heads the |the hair seal come to prey on the}agreement aimed against econ-|but National and American vestigation Committee Reports Wrecked Passenger Train and largest force of detectives inthe world except tha tof Scot- ane snd eee Often, ac-}tract jumpers reserves a clause | league players claim they are not leordinge t« » acc = ] ; Against Member of Quebec Killed Many of the land Yard. It was as assistant general manager of the |‘ aaa t a oe he rend-|¢o- violators. The provision! surprised. Legislature Passengers Burns Detective agency that Mr. Biddinger directed the Que- oi ae nspector Cunning- S Nha tatty News bec graft investigation, and in conesquence he was a wit- |@m, he waited until the tide went Feb. 43 : "Both the Special to The Daily News ness at the inquiry which ended yesterday’ in finding mem- ie from the shoal to recover TRAGIC LOVE BROUGHT 'T00 MUCH HALIBUT and assembly Mexico City Feb {3 The bers of the legislature guilty of accepting bribes. His most : carcasses and so secured the mittee today have cut off the oil supply notable work was in connection with the McNamara case, il and the bounty. A DOUBLE MURDER | FOR COAST STEAMERS r Alfred Innis of Kitkatla is sec- raports on the | ‘ ver the railroad { and he secured the evidence that led to the arrest of their | pol n | I mt ond high man with 23 seal tails ; sn | d Berard, Berge-| San | s, Potosi, emphasizing lawyer, Clarence 8, Darrow He trapped seven members of 4ll secured. in one day, Janu ~'|Sole Survivor of Affair Now in|Trawier Kelly ts Being Sent wat , { \ hv destrovin pas the West Virgini egislature and five Atlantic city aldermen |“%" *' one day, January i seau were found|the work by destroying a pa ; , : 7 aoe y 19, but he also lost a number he Prison, Charged as an South Today With Cargo of i ist Ae Phe enge 1 wiping out a n most of whom were sent to prison Biddinger was born in hot th ee Accessory : nd tary escort and ‘killing many of Cincinnati in 1875. jshot that sank too soon for him Fresh Halibut iin no Reroremey a al rt mipe ma jto recover them. N N. J., Feb. 44 t house and there|the passengers _—— — Out ¢ > 83.000 R es Newark. N. J., Feb. .—Chas, : it of the $3,000 appropriated | The steamer Kelly of the Ca- $2,370-to be earned. love tragedy in which Miss Hazel c pili ah Sah SAILOR PETROSKEY IGT P. LOSES APPEAL for a bounty on seals, there is}|Manning, sole survivor of the | nadian Fish & Cold Storage com- eports will be taken orc DEFEATED BY CLABBY FORT GEORGE STATION Pod: care is taken in the head|]Herdman, mother of his a: eee pe ngst ce pp Sot i sday, f le . . . 1 at Westminster “%o safe-|months’-old son. killed herself the south. The company has Z uard » departme ers ; ; ; -onfessed |} Board of Trade Tonight Vicious Battle in Which Skill and Railway Commission Finding ts |~ ard the department. Officers poison after she had confe ssed | been unable to get the regular i monthly meeting |Piake Smoked Salmon Put Up by Science Gives Way to the Upheld by Dominion oe ie oe other to shooting and killing Man-|hoats to handle all their ship- if trade will be held} Shrubsall Interested » Rougher Methods Cabinet rridavela oo ae? ‘ 4 A ning’s wife, was held today as animments and are compelled to send 4 g at 8 o'clock in the| Thavgriers vee tine hens ip Mp-teenec set and accessory to the killing of Mrs.}one of their own boats out. The , Jecaha Sm A enna —_— Special to The Daily News Special to The-Daily News Sd a ace oe Manning , | Kelly will carry about sixty tons. promised as a lively This morning. two Eng ig Los Angeles, Feb. 13.—Jimmy Ottawa, Feb. 12.—The location} ),, : seal Bese | oe Mrs. Manning was shot by | Both the Carruthers and Fos- ng felt by the busi- ge orate ee Bae eas in|‘ ibby the Indiana middle-|of a! station at Fort George has/| — ii peal caresses ose: Miss Herdman Friday, The girl | ter are now out on the northern the possibilities fs. eee eae ‘ per weight, defeated Sailor Petros-|been the subject of a very long SECTION FORE died in a hospital the following | fishing banks. to be derived by the | ihe s sample of Bill Shrubsall’s|*¢Y 1" @ ee + ss vexnoy ike eet Wy ge Na- MAN a yaa | The company's erg ope dvertising campaign ; >t irena last night Clabby went! tions esources Security com- rom fis cell Manning made/are continuing to make big hauls nembers ete To hopper age aap ae aad ° will produce an industry here when he came out of|missing the appeal of the Grand A man named Tibble, who lives : Friday and Saturda a ey hone ¢. but the decision went|Trunk Pacific. in a neighboring cabin, was MPRESS HEA TRE y rancher along the coast. Any of him purely on the points rhe governor general in coun. |aWwakened at five o'clock and dis- . ici eae the varieties of salmon which are hy his clever opponent. cil, being the court of last resort|covered this shack in a blaze. He TO-NIGHT. BRITISH GAZETTE eauens ~ 8 ay ] ph dpesye " in matters of this kind, and hay..|rushed over and was able to see a mee : IAZETTE SIONS te Coney CAN Be AOR Duncan Ross Out ing dismissed the appeal, the or-|/S0me one was inside. Finally he PART 1—A WOMAN OF IMPULSE—A well acted drama from the Pathe PHE CALL OF and packed. It only takes Spon Mi Duncan Ross was in the | der of the board of railway conm- made a dash into the flames and Paris Studios. h WILD A Fine 3 Piva eulie:# smaoes eee a city last vening, having come] ™issioners made last May, ae bie pel out, but he was PART 2—BEAU BRUMMEL—Beau Brummel, made famous by the late Domino" Feature. Mr gh rnheall anticipates that|down from the interior He is en Reps, ; paths as. Seana ‘ rs ; TP ble was badly Richard Mansfield, is here produced by the Vitograph Company with K ; ; Hain evil be no monopoly in this] ro { Victoria for a brief The station site fixed wes Me- at Pa ae: rest N49. : Mr. James Young in the title role. it is a most attractive picture. omedy entit- snfoked fish business and if|business trip. Mr. Ross ss ays his|Ple street but the G, T. P, want- ie dead man is about twenty- PART 3—PATHE’S WEEKLY REVIEW OF INTEHESTING EVENTS a FATTY ON TH) ie aoe, We teeet 4a statibeteradiog contract will be ready|ed it at George street, five years Of S80. He has worked THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. : “ICE FORCE ere aes, heir t se {for the rails some time in March, . —omerenene anny in several different places for the PART 4—THE LOVE YHEFT—A fine story from the detective, Essanay at the Bere eor ag : Tesla’ bp and the contract of Mr. D, Stew-| | Mr. V. B, Schott, of Porcher eae “ leo bas two Studios. ag: , ‘ne the fishing|art beyond his will be ready |Island, is in town for a few days. | »rothers Worse On the line PART 5—THREE BLAQK RAGS—A rattling good comedy from the Vito- easy money during th ' hout the same time This end|He reports that Mr. and Mrs, and \n inquest will be held by Dr. | graph Studios. oT H (] [ i E season, wil be a ready for Pails about] Master Reitehel are in the best| Prayne: of Kitselas. PART G—-ALON® THE COLUMBR—A ceenle from Pathe etucion $49 ; finet of April Che weather|of health and are thoroughly en- ee * THE GREAT PRAYER OF THE ARABS—An Oriental from th ( — Vieltore to the Olty se ; fay ‘ble although it was|joying the wonderfully mild win- rhe. Ns Musical Club wil 4 NOTE—The program being a very long ene, there will gee IPR re cat » past week.|ter on the west coast, be held at rs, Baker's, corner} . : PE RA HOUSE The Royal Cafe is the restaur- quite severe until (ha-bae week ‘i sth AvenuecMnn tbe Gave Cir ; coment shows given, The first will start at 7:46, the second at ® ADMISSION — 106 and 160 ant for you; good Som pg hE pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.| Some men are too busy to en-|jele, on Tuesday next (not Mon- it cellent euisine; centrally loc ated joy prosperity, day), at 8.30 p.m, 36.3383 ition initio tot enitirik OO COMMODORE DD: $4-tf | Phone *