, THE DAILY NEWS Friday, February | SUBSCRIPTION London, DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO, LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. FP. McRAE, EDITOR AND GENERAL HEAD OFFICE MANAGER Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. RATES—To Canada, per month, or $6.00 Weekly, $2.00 per year, United States and per year (85.00 if All Other Countries: Daily, 50¢ advance paid $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York-——National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Go. Trafalgar Square. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. That recent speech of Wil- payment from the city in liam Manson’s in the provin- illegal way. The information cial house was unique. It was that prompted the article was so much like himself that one obtained from one very would know it in the dark. It to authority, although was packed right full of gush. Indeed it was soft and mushy that it must have been disgusting even to such a prince of the art as Sir Rich- The News will the policy of to opponents, so being fair ard himself. that in that particular case Bae Mr. Bowser was at fault. He even went so far as to Se laud the government's land What is true, nevertheless, policy. That was surely going is the fact that to last year’s the limit. What do William council he stated that the gov- Mauson’s supporters think of ernment must get their money that? There are none except out of the first issue of certi- a few hidebound politicians in ficates or bonds that was sold. the whole north country who It was pointed out to him that uphold that policy. How can any honest man uphold a gov- ernment that sacrifices the public domain; a government that ties up the land to specu- that did not change his mand. pound of flesh. lators and thus prevents the The mayor left this morn- coming of the farmers and the ing for Victoria to interview opening up of the country? The rest of the speech was time for payment of taken up with reciting the amount owing by the city many 4ood things we have in the government and to the north. There was not a passing by the government of word about the many things an act authorizing the use of we need here and which the the money instead to complete government has: refused. The the hydro-electric undertaking McBride government has con- at‘ Woodworth lake. It tributed nothing vital to our doubtful if even so autocratic prosperity. They have taken and arbitrary a government as hundreas of thousands annu- exists at Victoria will agree to ally out of the eountry and anything of the kind. That ‘have given us nothing in re- the government would author- turn. Mr. Manson ought to be ize any expenditures upon the ashamed ‘of uttering such hydro - electric undertaking piffle, but perhaps he feels it other than the amount already his duty to say something. A few days ago The News sal first having received the made a statement that the sanction of the ratepayers atlorney-general demanded a unthinkable, yet it is under- Telephone 98. Contract Mexico: Daily, New England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, "_ Feiday, Feb. 13, 1914 close it now seems to be not quite correct. always pursue even and in this case is glad to retract the statement such a course was illegal but de- He still insisted on his the government with a view to having the government extend authorized by vote of the rate- payers without such a propo- We. pay highest Prices For Sixty | HALLAM’S TRAPPERS GUIDE Thousand French or English send A book of 96 pages, anf a otter mar trated. Game Laws Fars. why not you? date—tells you how, when and We pay highest an where te trap, bait and traps to and express charges, use, and many other no commission and send mon’ facts concerning the Raw Fur same dey goods are received. Mik Industry, also our ** Up-to-the- lions ofdollars are paid trappers each ear, Deal witha reliable house. We rgestin oct linein Canada. Write to-day And Remit Promptly minute’’ fur quotations, sent FREE for the are the aes jail Dept. {37 —___—__—. stood that that is the at Victoria, * * . of Montreal by the treasury notes costing the city ten per cent, it would that mined to foist ized expenditure whether the voters not, and without giving people who pay ‘the opportunity to express views upon the matter. If last year’s council had undertaken anything of the kind the fran- tic protestations of the mayor and his paper, and of those who use him as a means to an end, would have reverberated through the hills adjacent to the city for many a day, As it is, both the seriousness and the humor of the situation are quite lost upon these ob- tuse individuals. It is evident that the operations of the council require careful watch- ing. UNGA URGED AS PORT FOR ALASKA RAILROAD Capt. Zimra Moore Resigns Fed- eral Post to Boost Island for an upon the city money an Terminal Point Seward, Alaska, Feb. 10.— Captain Zimro Moore, well known as captain in Alaskan waters for the last twenty years, and recently United States dep- uty marshal at Unga, Alaska, has resigned and is now enroute to Seattle. He arrived last night on the steamer Dora from _ the westward. He says he will go outside to further the claims of Unga‘as a starting point for the government railroad to be built in Alaska. Captain Moore says the fact that Unga is located on an island is no greater handicap than Por- tage Bay or Port Wells has in glaciers and poor harbors. He says Prof. Martin was either misquoted or ignorant in refer- ence to a recent interview, when he is alleged to have stated that Port Wells is the logical place for the railroad to start from and that Bear glacier is a men- ace to navigation near Seward. Capt. Moore says it is a well- known fact among all navigators that Port Wells is an extremely dangerous harbor at all times of the year, especially in winter, on account of the high winds and ice floes from the glaciers, and that there is no anchorage there. He says in his opinion Resurrec- tion bay is the best harbor in Alaska and the only place where the railroad should start, but that if Port Wells has a chance, he can show where Unga, even though an island, is more ad- vantageous., WNION S.S, COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd Twin Screw Steamer “* CHELOHSIN ” —————-~ main object of the visit of the mayor Having handed over the fin- ancing of the city to the Bank sale of seem the mayor is now deter- unauthor- like it or the their CAUSE OF FIRE AT SEA SOME COINCIDENCES Commission Exonerates Captain) Inch for Hurrying Out Lifeboats the British appointed to into the causes and cir- the Volturno dis- calls attention to the dan- fire which may exist in certain kinds of cargo. [t was suggested that the fire on the Vollturno might have been started by the superoxide of bar- ium in the cargo being exposed to friction and igniting inflam- mable goods near it. This theory gains support from the fact that finding of commission, The wreck enquire cumstances of aster, ger of arrying in the case of the Rialto and the Cygnet, which were lost by fire in 1897 and 1908, superoxide of barium formed part of the car gos. It may be, of course, thal this is a mere coincidence, but the occurrence of fire in three nstances when this materia! aboard is considered sig- nificant, The commission exonerated Captain Inch from blame for hastily ordering the lowering of the boats. It was admitted that the attempt to save the passen- ers in the lifeboats at the be- ginning of the fire was the cause if most of the loss of life, but the commission took the view that the orders given by the cap- tain were *hose which any mat in his position would have given, it being by no means certain that the vessel would not be entirely ablaze or foundering within brief time. He had good reason, the finding declared, to think any moment all persons on board might perish with the ship, and the use of the boats was the only means of escaping that peril. The main cause of disaster to the Volturno’s boats was the heavy rolling of the ship, which, with the breaking of the also kept away the’ boats from the receiving steamers. As to the use of oil in stilling the wa- the commission concluded the evidence that its prin- effect was to surface, It was too seas, ters, from ipal mooth fect the and thus did not af- actual size of the wave, would not materially lessen the rolling of the though to some extent it issist the boat work. vessel, might Many a good speaker gets dry. prohibition CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TENDER FOR STEEL PIPE Sealed tenders endorsed ‘Tender for Steel Pipe’’ will be received by the under- igned, not later than 12 noon of Satur lay, 7th of March, 1914, for the supply £ approximately 10,000 feet of 45-inch ind §12,000 feet of 18-inch lapwelded teel pipe. Specified form of tender, ybtained at the office Prince Rupert, B. C, The Council does not bind accept the lowest or any tender. ERNEST A o0Ds, City Clerk etc., of City may be Engineer, itself to City Hall, Prince Rupert, B. C. For OBSTRUCTED SINKS and Sewers create a} | Smithers Experimental Plot | Smithers, Feb. 10.—in accord- lance with the promise made last| the provincial govern- summer, lime nt has purchased land on Tyee | George Driver, who owns an ex- tensive property known as the Fairview farm, has sold the gov- ernment a small tract of his property. Five acres of this has yeen plowed and made ready for planting in the spring. The gov- will experiment with wheat, oats and will pay the growth of vegetables, Mr. H. F. Walker, district agriculturist for the gov ernment vario grades of nd other grains, attention to us some ernment, of the will be placed in charge experimental station. Cut Rates | {To and from the Old Country. Have you any friends to bring out? We sell through tickets by best lines. Rogers Steamship Agency. all points in 30-36 If you are in the market for a good reliable engine for busi- ness or pleasure, Akerberg, Thomson & Co., machinists, cor. Manson Way and ist Avenue. 246-11-38 STATIONERY Victor Gramaphones Books Magazines Photo Supplies Developing and Printing Enlarging and Picture Framing Best Selection of View Cards. W.W. WRATHALL 606 THIRD AVENUE | Phone 551 | see Interior of he Whisky Agedin Wood °‘ 8 Years before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA MMU, GMM hdl hd (rom the Brand} LL LM da: | Skeena Land District—District of Coast— | Range Five. TAKE NOTICE that I, Thomas McCly- mont, of the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, broker, intend to apply for permission to lease thirty (30) acres of land bounded as follows Commencing at this post planted where the northerly limit of the right-of-way of the Grand ‘Trunk Pacific Railway Com- pany crosses the westerly bank of the Zimmefgoetz River, and belng about 400 feet east of Mile 87; thence in a north- ‘lake for the purpose of estab- lishing an experimental farm! and meteorological station. Mr, Mia §.S. Prince George rm Fridays at 9 a.m. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seatile SS. PRINCE ALBERT OR Joun Sundays at 6 p.m., For Vancouver and Victoria, commencing Sunday, Jan, For those contemplating a trip to any point east of C} TRURK RaILWAY SYSTEM (the Double ‘4 service second to hone Speed and lu For full particulars and information regarding trips t . ALBERT DAVIDSON (Agent for all Atlantic Steamship Linx nt p General Age ¢ Rupert SE EL LT STS AS ERA 0, 8 ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY ee 354 PAA hone 4 P.O. Bor 6p ROOMS: Secon enue, Oppé Empress Theatre PERHA Beans Avenues, Oe we fate if te ih A tRH NGING Visiting Scolsmen are cordially invited AINTING For rates for hall rent apply secretary S. D. MACDONALD, CHAS. DI iio) ' OLISHING AND President secretary i a See ie WALL TINTING Phone 639 H "é Bookkeeping Taught By Private Lessons WENDELL RA. JONES EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Martin Swanson |} Second Avert Srd Ave. and 6th St., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | . THE UP-TO-DATE HAIRDRESSING PARLORS 211 Third St. Work Strictly First Class Switches of All Kinds and Hatr Goods a) HAYNER BROS, UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS Funeral Directors rd Ave. near 6th St Phone No # Specialty — é aoe If you are looki Or an up lto-date renting agency, 9) TAXIDERMIST Saae Sropetty in hendil Animals, birds, fish and all/ George Leek. kinds of game ‘heads mounted ; | GEORGE LEEK hides tanned and made into rugs All work strictly first | 2° 2nd Ave. and robes. class, A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi-|———— — dermist, 728 Helmcken St., Van- €; oO A L couver, B.C, |New Wellington Coal. est on GEORGE LEEK aoe Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker Phone 116 Rogers & Bad Notary Public. Rents and Collections ia a AUCTIONEER Phone 174 Ui FOR PLUmaina bs asted HEATING SMITH & MALLETT LAND CLEARING =| ish" Crap val snd tings, fF Third Avex iy of Se Prince Rupert 220 Second Ave. Prince Rupert | Peter Nelson is open to take coniracts ond Sts for clearing land tn and around Terrace; also cordwood for fuel, etc. Terms, etc., on pcre steed. ttle OD. C. STUART HARRISON W. ROGERS a,c we soem Architect PRINCE RUPERT, 8. 0 1, Federal Block ee Ca -— RUPERT, B. C, | Alex P. O. Box 1635) _F. M. CROSBY | Second Hand Dealer Suite PRINCE Phone 300 M. Manson, B, A W. E. Wil ALLS WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN ams, £ Wants to buy all kinds of Household Fur Bor 158 niture, everything in the life of Mechanics’ Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. ( Tools, Guns ana Men's Clothing Wul call —_ any time Highest prices paid 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 248 Office 606 Srd Ay KARRY HANSON General Teaming ife, Piane, 139 2nd Ave. Phone aso Furniture and Baggage Moving DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Carefully and Promptly done Out-of-Town Work Hotel and Réstaurant Work Tenders on New Work Plumbing Insured from Frost Work Done Promptly and Guaranteed at Reasonable Prices Trial Wall Convinee You Wood and — prone Storage end Forwarding P. O. Box 203 P. ROBERTSON Chartered focounees One aatcem JOHN HALLAM, iiMiTeD Iii FrontSc.tan, TORONTO DESOLVO ere, Sena AOUk, kek” ovate | Audits, investigations, Adjustments LE , : SAILS FOR VANCOUVER (30) cpsinas,tienoe sastaris perayet wit! § INDUSTRIAL BE, one soa Pacific right-of way, a distance of ten Smith jock, Sr «aed ledhaabet ele: ~~ Tile eunenananig aan steers 1B): iatuel eee 0 ee SITES : — e nesda S ery and will quickly remove accu- to the northerly limit of the right-of- mulations of grease, rags and way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Ratlway ——_— ’ Company; thence westerly along the said r , ’ L 2 me waste, Get some and save plumb- northerly tmnt of the said right-of-way With Rail and Water Pp. . ers’ bills. Fan {3 0y. ebeins mon or less to the place Transportation eee For salo by vaTED this seventh day of January, i e* O A L ~ ca ved. 3 2HOMAS, MeCLYMONT. Apply s ; ‘ub. Feb. § or ; mene 08s SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS Get tickets and reservations HARRY HANSON soca Rn anOOhe 6 Ae. i va eae en Financial Agents om PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. roe sot ian eomet Advertise inf mint ser rine tuport |] Complete Lined D e eoond Ave. ’ pP First and McBride Prince Rupert Rogers Steamship Agency Also on exhibition at Orme’s Drug . A BUILDERS’ SU : PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers, B. C. Store, Third Avenue e @ws ™—= |] \WESTHOLME LUMBER C0., Limited Second Ave. Phone 116 TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD ad Phone 184 one ae _ ————— _——___—___—— —____—__—___—— — emneeee een cca latest wd 9 ° The Boss Isn’t Taking Any Chances At Home Drawn for The Daily New 7] “as eee BOsS- FOR MY cae 0 -pereer - * PRACTICAL HINTS (2) 4) oN PUBLISH THAT? WELL To House KEEPERS ‘TO DAY -I'VE DRAWN His DiAg@RAM - HAV-UH-LULL-LooKc ENTER. THE ROOM RAPIDIN-LET BROOM REST LIGHTLY ON Floor AND KEEP MOVING ~BEING CAREFUL NoT TO STWR UP DUST GO AROUND ALL FURNITURE WITHOUT GOING UNDER. - MOVE THE FURNITORE- S50 TAAT DUST UNDER. \T- MATCHES SHADOW - SEE DIAGRAM]. DIRT AND SHADOW COMBINED - NDER_ SOY, CoO Ee 1 ee WHAT EVGRE DIRT YOUR BROOM ACCIDENTALLY \CCUMULATES OF RUG -THEN CUMB INTOSOURL CORNER ST UME = AMD HOULD say NoT—MY WIFE WOULD THINKC I WAS TIPPING OFF HER HAND! REST OF DAN TOA TANGO TEA - MATINEE "Co YOU Gooo!| DAN ) ee 414 = ILO SALTO “OAR nd