13, 1914 ThE RAILy NEWwe FORT priday, February —porre neon OtgOIOOT ener one 0. Box 1704 \ VOY HOTEL Jia inST CLASS CUISINE f 4 Cold Running Water in all Rooms brands of Liquors and Cigars kept pest HOTEL IN NOATHERN TISH COLUMBIA rs @ - — oar = — > oO © 0 «= MME & FISH. 7 Proprietors PO EODEOORELE IL OVOTI EPICS tel ; Directory ee 4 tian ¥ rn Yisiners Associauon WINDSOR HOTEL 1] h t Ave, and Eighth St | w. H. Wright, Prop PEEP EEE EET TT TT TT TT eee x E x x P . x ” x x x x x x x x x ” x x " x x P . x x x ” x x x x ‘hdd | 3? ; x x HOTEL CENTRAL * pirat Avenue and Seventy St 4 Europes tt Se H.R. H. THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT AT THE YORK CLUB ‘ Peter Black, Prop. ; 3 a ee rh y Iwo porters, two policemen, and Sir Henry Pellatt were on the station platform en the Gov- 5 KNOX HOTEL | ernor-General, the Duke of Connaught, arrived in Toronto on a recent visit from the capi- , First Ave., Between ae nr aT ee tal He is seen here about to enter the York Club, hungry and ready for breakfast. The new ‘ , hahaa: ha shag i et at paper reports said that His Royal Highness was not looking so well, as he did on his last z - Besner & Besner, Props. visit to Toronto x + wit eae * eye Cepia » ‘ a tie * 1, ¥. Rochester ee ene sitsainanipasiiteaiiinetaaimiagtin ansinatinlitibaadadal 0 ate surrender all their r EMPRESS HOTEL — eee ee a ee ee completely ig 1 ‘act x rpird Ave., Between Sixth and | , rights of self-government ob- x Seventh Streets |tained after centuries of stren- + European Plan, 6O to $1 Per Day h / B uous effort, and leave it to the an * “a oe Seb n e etter OX ||| Provincial Government to say 2 5 PREMIER HOTEL how they shall spend their mon- + american and European Plap — a ‘ av? * ; i Manager " : ee s x oe ee Ft : — ‘ et tif ' id All the figures in this letter * a Be rhe Editor, Daily News. out of treasury certiricates so'™'|are from mémory, and are only r , ~ é y, & é . * ROYAL MOTEL Dear Sir: .In an editorial in]and, approximately, $50,000 ad-|_ aoteimintie x & Burgess, Props fe es _| approximate, a Ave. and Sixth St your paper last night you say in|vanced out of general revenue Thanking you for your cour- + European Plan Steam Heated part by the 1913 council, pending the))... 1 pemain, + ; Te as It is bad enough for Bowser|sale of debentures or treasury Yours truly, + BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., Fees Gio A a ~ leertificates | G R. NADEN * LIMITED \}to hold up Prince Rupert and dé oe soi r OW, ONS uN. TO THE PUBLIC:— * nd Ave. and Sixth St. l}rmand the payment of our debt in Of the $371,000 fans cnt ec ita Ts bs z Phone 102 Cas i ( orse ow when sold, $115,000 is due 1e A S 0 te x isi —— aeons ‘ ; “tg H i : he % to| Provincial Government and ap- PRESBY TERI N PA T R The decision of the Governor-General-in-Council (the Cabinet of the Dominion of * ever, when 1° compels is 0} ‘ ; a ne * PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., 1k the law in order to do gso.|proximately, $50,000 due to the WILLING T0 RESIGN x Canada from which there is no appeal), dismissing the appeal of the Grand Trunk Pacific + 1 Dreak he V OP SY. ey o ° . ‘ ; i r Pras eee Sis The law specifies that money |#eneral fund, leaving $206,000 Railway and upholding and confirming the order of the Board of Railway Commissioners + phdne 7 | ed for one purpose shall, unq| for Bro ees , Pee aa Dr. Aked, Criticized for Doctrine, for the Dominion of Canada, definitely and for all time settles the controversy regarding + Ss. > Yr This is ot allowing r any cos ° ’ , F : d der no cireumstances, rea Gaye A dobar * Says He Will Quit Federation the location of the passenger station at Fort George—3000 feet east of the easterly + Ln ekieeaeiiin| OO OSB, OUI Sate et en, Th ae ; fa Tonving fone vie if Any Dissatisfied boundary of Fort George Townsite (Fraser Avenue + easury certificates abou o be 1@ mayo S 1@t ) md c 8 ¢ » ff *hange we xs d belong to the hydro-electric |toria for the purpose of obtain-| gan Francisco, Feb. 414.—Dr. This decision also upholds the Railway Commission in refusing Prince George station * AKE TICE that Hume Cronyn, of} bylaw, yel Bowser insists that|jng the consent of the govern- Charles F. Aked, president by ‘ applied for by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. x . aio, occupetion manager of & it of that fund the debts to the} ment to allow the debt to stand] ~ , nati, fay ; if r 7. ane thie tollowwit ea seri. incia wvernment shall be ‘ . for the timé being, so that} U2animous election of the church % For the information of those interested we are stating these facts, and we also point - ; at & post planted at the| paid.” the money may be spent for hy-| federation of San Francisco, said ; out that the station site applied for by the Natural Resources Security Company Limited * x pe li ¢ : j ‘ ’ : * Der OF Lot hess, thence In the Evening Empire of|dro-electrie purposes. By what!that if dissatisfaction of even 1 x which has been confirmed and ordered by the court from which theree is no appeal), is + ut staining 640 acres more;Same date it is stated that the|authority do the mayor and city| per cent of the membership ap- ; only 3500 feet distant from the location applied for by the Grand Trunk Pacific for a + sinin 640 acres 0 il . Se 8 > g { » : ‘ i E HUME CRONYN ayor and city solicitor are go- i tad + eee oe Bas |peared because of his inecum- z Prince George station (which was refused by the Railway Commission and the refusal ¥ Peg I soul on I ay morning and ober or yayiIng wver e ae s : 4 ‘ . SO eats ai es eee oy oe will 2 < ht for date electric? The cit- | D&e™°) he would resign. x confirmed by the Cabinet of the Dominion of Canada). + re, 20, tna tue governme 1 re 1 de ) ; - met Ba , ced took this sition ; , ————-——= | asked to allow the debt to stand|izens of Prince Rupert have al- } Dr. Aked ook v i ; This statement of fact is therefore published merely for the information of the pub- - : ¥—Pisirict of Coss over for a time so as to allowjready voted for hydro-electric | after a letter hag. been recelvec x lic and to make clear the point that the so-called subdivision of Prince George, which is - Take not it Elbert M. Morgan, of|the city that much more money] purposes $550,000, of which am- j at a meeting of the federation, x located on the former Indian Reservation at Fort George, together with Fort George = Poe ie ean ene s » coniplete the full hydro-elec-|ount approximately $344,000/signed by four Presbyterian | x Townsite and additions, are all within a two-mile circle. Therefore it must be apparent to + aT a Sane g Foo gta by ’ | re y . .¢ ry ” 2 “easig ; ‘ otis. # » g described lands ri¢ system has already been spent, leaving) ministers, calling for his resig- % any person that the whole of the area comprising the above townsites and subdivisions * Banks 1 oP eoeney wink For the benefit of the publie,}a balance—as stated above of | nation because of his declaration x will be included in the future city of Fort George. ¥ inp Hay, and situated two (2) miles and] jj pay t be out of place to} $206,000 for hydro-electric pur- jot unbelief in the doctrine of the x , 1) mile. and seventy-one}state the facts in connection with| poses, and any amounts in ex-)virgin birth. Everybody, including the most pessimistic, unanimously agrees that there must be a = : less west of A. I he hyd electric and govern-|cess of that spent by the council The four ministers, it develop- ; big city at the junction of the Nechaco and Fraser Rivers. ¥ a en (16) chains more or less y sys Sik ae ets : be bse ; Pa ans ot rene tO pees lor areRogenee ls Dargoet ~~ nee agns ere ae on ed Without attempting to make comparisons regarding the yarious parts which must be z est of Gree op ie tae t Waaahimaed 238 vote ) ithe Ss Prancise Ps rig ; , , twenty (20) chains In 191 treasury ce ficates|be illegal unle voted upon by pee San Francisco Canale ve ree f included in the future city we merely point out the following facts: z i chains, thence 1} by the Prov ilithe people, or authorized by the|church for their action and did $ = Ona’ Amana tl s 10.000) Provincial Governme ot get it. They, therefore, pro- * pe Channel, thence fol : ind { )) Provincial Government }not get it. ° or ‘ I ion is * therly to point of hu ‘ena Shank of M Two courses are open to the|ceeded to act for themselves, and x (1) The location of the passenger station has been settled and that locatio x ‘ Terre ants ‘ * a balance of $471,-|Gouneil if they want to complete|it appeared they would probably i exactly where we have always claimed it should and would be. * ERT M. MORGAN id tink . ate , ’ood- | make sir ) ‘ * ber, 1043 me PpIG,, "Seee ATOR RUrY oomsinaouod: of water. to Wood. make Eiaiy. points 3 (2) Fort George Townsite is registered in the Land Registry Office. * Jan. 12, 1914 cates were jssued tiworth Lake and instal first unit ‘Protestantism is not so + * nent money bylaws as follows of hydro-electric plant, necessi-|strong in San Francisco that I) % (3) The British Columbia Government refused the Grand Trunk Pacific permission to x THE ATLIN: RAIRWRY Somer ony Peleph s {0,009 tating approximately, $400,000. |should be willing to weaken it/% register their Indian Reservation subdivision under the name of Prince George. + hereby given that applic@-|iieetric light .. 5090! One is to prepare a by-law and/even for a time,” Dr, Aked said.| + : x att tenon Eases? Tar. oal Government debi... <: 115,000} sut it to the people for en. |‘If the church federation does|% (4) The Postmaster-General of the Dominion of Canada has refused the Grand ¥ rate @ company under be ° { Improvement 600.000 |dorsement. The other is to get|not wish unanimously for my % Trunk Pacific a postoffice under the name of Prince George. y p Railway Company, with ot pre “oe tae ee ti ak Hak to] x x , t, construct and operate) tiyvdra lect ‘ . 550 10 ithe Provincial Legislature to} services, I have no wish € ¥ railway, core enciys at) oye ' wuthorize the Council to spend | serve ” r (5) Fort George has an established postoffice under that name. x thern end of Atlin Lake ‘ U - ’ | ¢ * Prati Mt OF DOSS SAG. sone oF foe $1,371.000|money which has not been ap-| Sera ; (6) The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway sold approximately $3,000,000 worth of prop- * . i generally southerly direc ‘ . sin is ve aj ae } n the Taku River where Of these amounts, the tele. |proved by the ratepayers. I pre “| Prince Rupert Fire Depart- | ¥ erty, located on their Fort George Indian Reservation subdivision by public auction and * = s mtersects the International] trim: Ligh d section|sume the latter is the real ob-|ment will hold their first annual | * Lg MESO TS ada le ail aa I { the Mavor and|ball in St, Andrew's Hall on Fri-|* officially announced to the purchasers of tnat property that they would locate a permanent ¥ ' vince of Brit nto. ne improvemente...have been |Jeos of ae Viale aay Seo a Dice 2 $2 * assenger and freight divisional point on the Indian Reservation and would also have * t vince of British Go: | : in fall, end She hyd City Solicitor to Vietoria. |day evening, Feb. 20. Tickets $2./ J Pp t that int * ind telegraph lines and at to the extent of $294 ono] Are the citizens prepared to | Ladies free. Everybody welcome. t shops, roundhouses, etc., at that point. + . ssels, construct "aia ‘operate ae $$ 3 (7) The Pacific Great Eastern Railway have filed with the British Columbia Gov- + q no company, and to nver — e ernment and Dominion Railway Commission plans showing the junction of their Vancouver- x , ee ee? San wane ee ed ee ee ed — pb! O agreements with other companies, Be tere tree ers ¥ Fort George line with the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the Indian Reservation at Fort x works for the general] $ Se RII II ICI IIR TOI III I II IAS IIIS III IIIISII IIIS IISSIISI IAA e ; Georges. + . & nada . tlawa, this Oth day of June, ben oitideenhaniin a tian hitttiali meetin or ee! + SMITH & JOHNSTON, * tors for the Applicants, e * cod Ottawa, Ont. { * : oe uture 0 is Assured : 3 * r TUTE ee x ] $ e x FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ¥ x b+ * * { + c i The above statements can not be re- tention of the railway and townsite oe * CIROUIT NO. 4 x 7 THe ne ay en € futed, Therefore, so far as the future pany to pump out the sewage from that + 8 = * { : ° * ; See serned there can be no low and overflow section, > — 2 th St. and Srd Ave * 7 for Prince Rupert and Northern B. S * of the ony is concerne¢ . e cé ‘ It is apparent to any sensible person ¥ cco Me . aoe srd Ave, x x D ; doubt. There is no necessity whatever that in pumping out the sewage it will x Box 15—Jun ry ~ oe, and % i * for any controversy and has never been | be necessary to pump out the Fraser and - i i Aves wm * * The Daily News goes into nearly every home in any necessity for factional fights in the 1 | Nechaco Rivers. Nevertheless this low y c a. ee ee mo * / x t N E Prince Rupert, It is the popular newspaper of Fort George situation. The future city land will be valuable for industrial + Bor 17—181 Ave psp St. (cen. 2 7 the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all must grow to the west. The central and } purposes, * . ia i : 1s ihe news of the city, and keeps in touch with events eastern portion of the Indian Reserva- | We are merely making this statement * x { » to Northern British Colun tion, which has been subdivided by the | for the purpose of enlightening the pub- 7 ae oney NO. 2. * and topics interesting to Northern g aC 1- é t Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and called lic as to the actual facts and owing to * 4 sre Ave ° : : : c P . é . } x ron ane Ave, and &8rd_ St, * SAFE bia. It treats these subjeets with moderate opti- t Prince George, is partially covered with the cheap, underground attacks that 7 Box 23--3rd Ave, and McBride St. x» ] - SANE mism and reliability. * water during two months of every sea have been made at the instigation of the + Res 24-151 Ave. and McBride St. * * I'he Daily News is the most valuable paper to son and it has been publicly stated by | small calibre individuals at the head of 7 rs ri ane aw on 9nd Bt, * * SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying public. the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway's the Grand Trunk Pacifie Railway. + « . ve Sth : 2 > | . . Ror 87-0, yo, * eo IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in official representative that it is the in- G. J. HAMMOND, President. ¥ : 7 » Gily It is read by the class of people the x CIROUIT NO. 3. * the : : B INDEPENDENT idvertisers want to talk to, * ae 81—5th Ave, and Fulton st ’ e ¥ ans a Borden and Taylor Sts. 7 INTELLIGENT : 2 . + miter ‘th Ave, and Fulton St. * x Hi 35~9th Ave. and Comox Ave. t * : anreenenen UE i erineiteettieieiiiaeieenenee-semnenaiitias e + =a - Sth Ave, and Dodge Pl. + 7 9 x ‘0 Ave, and Thompson St. * + LIMITED re ae a : Bs e am ¥ CIROUIT NO. 4. : - : + Box 44 : i - ith Ave. and Emmerson + Sixth Floor, Vancouver Block VANCOUVER, B. GC. z Box 425th Ave, and McBride St : : z Bes 43—5th Ave, and Green at. (We put FORT GEORGE on the map and kept it there) 3 ove 446th Ave and Basil St. ems yma ees ae srs ~ ae 45—7th Ave, and Eberte rs es et Pe! °* 144-—71h Ave, and Young St, + FAIR IIR ARR IIIA AIDA IA IIA FOI III III + ane Bp ae TOO doiniciok eit tI FOI IOI é a eanemnsinnernnd